Host wcf in linux

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Hosting the WCF service on linux

Is there Any way of hosting WCF service on Linux. I read about wine but i didn’t see any example of hosting WCF service with it.

P.S : I have tried mono and mod_mono but to no avail.

You can host it in a stand-alone console application like so:

using System; using System.ServiceModel; using Service; namespace Host < class MainClass < public static void Main (string[] args) < Console.WriteLine ("WCF Host!"); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); var address = new Uri ("http://localhost:8080"); var host = new ServiceHost (typeof(GreeterWcfService)); host.AddServiceEndpoint ( typeof(IGreeterWcfService), binding, address); host.Open (); Console.WriteLine ("Type [CR] to stop. "); Console.ReadLine (); host.Close (); >> > 

Where GreeterWcfService is the WCF service class itself and IGreeterWcfService is the service contract.

Full working example solution in GitHub — with separate projects for the service, the hosting and a client. Check it out.

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Make existing WCF service to run on Linux using .net core

.Net Core 1.0 does not support writing WCF servers, only clients that connect to them. The README of the WCF repository says:

WCF service applications should still be created with the full .NET Framework version.

Microsoft is considering adding support for WCF servers in the future, but nothing is certain right now. From a post on the WCF repository from 16 July 2016:

We have reviewed all the great responses above in regards to WCF Server support in .NET Core.

The WCF feature team is actively working on roadmap plans for WCF functionality in future .NET Core releases. For next steps, we need your feedback in terms of top scenarios, feature usage and target profiles.

I guess it is not exactly what you are looking for but you might find it useful.
dotnetcorersi is a TCP based solution for remote service invocation in dotnet core framework.

 // Initialize new instance of RemoteServiceContainer var container = new RemoteServiceContainer(); // Register MyCustomService as IMyCustomService container.RegisterService(typeof(IMyCustomService), new MyCustomService()); // Open connection container.Open(serverIp, port); 

Initialize service proxy in client side

 // Create instance of ServiceChannel var servicesChannel = new ServiceChannel(serverIp, port); // Generate remote service proxy var proxy = servicesChannel.GetRemoteService(); 
 // Do some work in the server context proxy.DoSomething(); 


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Hosting WCF service on linux

Is there Any way of hosting WCF service on Linux. I read about wine but i didn’t see any example of hosting WCF service with it.

P.S : I have tried mono and mod_mono but to no avail.


People also ask

NET cross-platform world where WCF code can now run on Linux servers as well as on Windows.

WCF services can be hosted in any managed application. This is the most flexible option because it requires the least infrastructure to deploy. You embed the code for the service inside the managed application code and then create and open an instance of the ServiceHost to make the service available.

Press Ctrl + F5 to run the service. Open WCF Test Client. To open WCF Test Client, open Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio and execute WcfTestClient.exe. Select Add Service from the File menu.

NET Framework technologies, your WCF applications will continue to work for a long time. In fact, WCF will likely work for the next two decades thanks to . NET Framework being considered part of the windows operating system.

2 Answers

You can host it in a stand-alone console application like so:

using System; using System.ServiceModel; using Service; namespace Host < class MainClass < public static void Main (string[] args) < Console.WriteLine ("WCF Host!"); var binding = new BasicHttpBinding (); var address = new Uri ("http://localhost:8080"); var host = new ServiceHost (typeof(GreeterWcfService)); host.AddServiceEndpoint ( typeof(IGreeterWcfService), binding, address); host.Open (); Console.WriteLine ("Type [Enter] to stop. "); Console.ReadLine (); host.Close (); >> > 

Where GreeterWcfService is the WCF service class itself and IGreeterWcfService is the service contract.

Full working example solution in GitHub — with separate projects for the service, the hosting and a client. Check it out.


Host wcf in linux

Gray Pipe

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


Hello, I know this question is already asked in other posts but the answers I found are almost a 5 years back. I just need the latest news and updated information about it.

WCF service can run the same way on Linux platforms without making changes to existing programs or if some changes are to be made in application to make it operated on Linux what are those changes? please give me some elaborate information. Thanks, thenndral

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Hi thenndral, >> Is WCF fully supported on Linux? I wonder that if you want to know whether a Linux client can call a WCF Service or a WCF Service can be hosted in Linux.
If you want to know whether a Linux client can call a WCF Service, then as far as I known we call WCF services from Linux via almost any programming language or platform by exposing your WCF service via XML/HTTP (via basicHttpBinding), SOAP/HTTP (wsHttpBinding) or REST.
For more information, please try to refer to: .
If you want to know if a WCF Service can be hosted in Linux, then in my mind it is possible, but it may have some limitations. For more information, please try to refer to: .
Best Regards,
Amy Peng
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  • Edited by Amy Peng Microsoft employee Friday, April 17, 2015 1:23 AM
  • Proposed as answer by LoveMyWork123 Friday, April 17, 2015 1:23 AM
  • Marked as answer by thenndral Friday, April 17, 2015 1:28 AM

All replies

Hi thenndral, >> Is WCF fully supported on Linux? I wonder that if you want to know whether a Linux client can call a WCF Service or a WCF Service can be hosted in Linux.
If you want to know whether a Linux client can call a WCF Service, then as far as I known we call WCF services from Linux via almost any programming language or platform by exposing your WCF service via XML/HTTP (via basicHttpBinding), SOAP/HTTP (wsHttpBinding) or REST.
For more information, please try to refer to: .
If you want to know if a WCF Service can be hosted in Linux, then in my mind it is possible, but it may have some limitations. For more information, please try to refer to: .
Best Regards,
Amy Peng
We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
Click HERE to participate the survey.

  • Edited by Amy Peng Microsoft employee Friday, April 17, 2015 1:23 AM
  • Proposed as answer by LoveMyWork123 Friday, April 17, 2015 1:23 AM
  • Marked as answer by thenndral Friday, April 17, 2015 1:28 AM

WCF does not run on the Linux platform unless possibly it’s a WCF Web service with something to do with the Mono project.

Hi Vithal Wadje, Thanks for your reply. Could you give me some example link(like tutorial) or any other guidance to learn. Thanks in advance, thenndral

Hi thenndral, For this problem, WCF is supported on linux,but not fully supported. Because there are a lot of bug. Best regards, tracy dong

Hi tracy dong, Thanks for your reply. I’m will google to find some tutorials. Best Regards, thenndral

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