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Hot Internet in Israel: A Complete Review Guide

Hot Israel — officially known as Hot Telecommunication Systems Ltd. — is one of the country’s biggest telecom providers. Hot internet in Israel includes a variety of Hot fiber deals (plus Hot fiber 4k and Hot Fiberbox).

The company also offers customers Hot mobile with Hot mobile internet and Hot cable tv. This blog post will focus on the Hot internet service and whether Hot Israel prices offer real value for money. Hot fiber internet is aggressively marketed by the company as the best in Israel and deserves special scrutiny.

Hot Internet Israel Customer Service

Many Anglos in Israel have raised concerns about Hot internet Israel’s customer service standards. Hot internet in Israel has a notorious reputation — even among world-weary Israelis — for its appalling customer service. Israeli companies generally set a low bar for customer service, but Hot seems to have embraced business practices that even its rivals instinctively shy away from.

Complaints against Hot Israel internet include deliberately dysfunctional call centers, aggressive sales techniques, and other highly dubious — and possibly illegal — approaches to customer retention. We’ll explore whether Hot internet Israel’s customer service is as bad as people claim and what can be done about it.

Is Hot Fiber Available in my Area?

Hot fiber Internet depends on the national fiber internet infrastructure. If you live in an urban area or close to a major center of population, the chances are that Hot fiber Internet is already available in your area. Hot fiber may not be available for some time if you live in the Arava, an Arab-Israeli or Haredi area.

Hot claims already provide coverage to 95-98% of Israel and are committed to a NIS 170 million investment in the IBC fiber internet project in 2021. Hot has a straightforward contractual obligation to provide service to the entire country but has lobbied the Ministry of Communications for certain exemptions.

The government views ultra-high-speed fiber internet as a strategic investment that will significantly boost the Israeli economy over the next decade. The Ministry of Communications is pushing hard to get the whole country connected. It’s estimated that 70% of Israelis will have access to fiber internet by the end of 2022.

The rollout of a national fiber optic cable network is progressing surprisingly well. It’s a classic example of how Israel can deliver major results when the political will exists to achieve them. Israel is currently leading the world in the rapid development of its fiber optic infrastructure. Hot internet service is part of the process, and Hot fiber is a realistic option for millions of Israelis.

Is Hot Internet (Fiber) in Israel any good?

Affordable, ultra-high-speed internet is becoming a basic necessity for anybody who wants to function in the modern economy. Hot fiber internet is one of the country’s best-known services and is often the default choice for people who are already signed up for Hot mobile and Hot cable tv. Hot fiber internet is generally a good option that provides major MBs and is pretty much glitch-free. Hot Israel prices are another matter.

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Current Hot WiFiBER Deals

Hot internet in Israel currently offers three WiFiBER (Hot internet wifi) deals via its website. These are attractively priced, but — as always — caveat emptor! The advertised Hot Israel prices are only valid for the first three months. Hot will not only raise the prices of each monthly fiber plan but will make it difficult to cancel the contract.

Hot fiber is great for anybody who wants all the benefits of ultra-high-speed broadband with no discernable peak hour disruption. If you’re running a home office, logging into Zoom meetings, streaming movies, learning online, or taking on all comers with the latest online gaming, Hot fiber will keep you — and all your household — connected.

Hot internet Israel speed test

Like many internet companies, the Hot internet service offers customers a speed test. The Hot internet Israel speed test is a marketing tool designed to build trust. It’s a simple online tool that purports to accurately measure your internet connectivity and display download and upload speeds. There’s no reason not to use the Hot internet Israel speed test, but we’d recommend also using a few free online speed test tools and comparing results.

There have been issues in the past with Israeli internet service providers delivering less bandwidth than the client is paying for. Where this is deliberate malpractice, they are calculating that any high-speed broadband allocation will be adequate for the average client’s needs and that they won’t notice a shortfall. The Hot internet Israel speed test is a grudging acknowledgment that there are still major trust issues.

Summary: Hot internet service in Israel

Hot fiber, Hot Fiber 4k, Hot Fiberbox, and Hot wifi Israel are all good, solid high-speed internet services that cover almost all of Israel. They deliver impressive bandwidth and use top-level technology to deliver super-fast download and good upload speed. The 4K TV is reliable, and the WiFi 6 technology is a big improvement from its predecessors.

Overall, we like Hot internet service Israel’s technical and performance aspects. They compare favorably with other Israeli internet services and foreign peer service providers. If you use Hot internet, you’ll usually have an excellent online experience and can take full advantage of all the benefits of fiber optic internet technology.

The problem with Hot Israel internet is that the fast, reliable internet service comes with several major headaches. If you’re a Hot customer, you will suffer. If you are an Anglo in Israel, that suffering will be compounded. If you don’t speak fluent colloquial Hebrew and read Hebrew at a high level, dealing with Hot internet Israel customer service can be a nightmare!

Problems with Hot Customer Support

How bad is Hot customer service?

Put simply, Hot customer service is terrible — even by Israeli standards. It’s so bad that some observers have likened Hot’s customer service practices to racketeering. Complaints alleged that Hot deliberately kept customers waiting in its call centers to discourage them from canceling contracts or changing their plans.

In the past, they were accused of refusing to log customer requests to terminate Hot services. The most basic Hot internet Israel contact procedures could take hours. If you wanted to cancel a Hot internet plan, their customer service tried to deflect you from the call center by placing you on hold until your patience was exhausted!

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There were also reports of continued billing after customers did succeed in canceling their hot mobile, Hot cable TV, and internet plans. Hot also has a reputation for highly aggressive sales tactics. Potential customers who make contact with Hot, but don’t sign up, have been bombarded with repeat calls from sales reps. Some people complained that they had to switch their phones on silent or switch them off for several hours.

You know there’s a real problem when Israelis get annoyed enough about bad customer service to take action. At one point, outraged Hot customers even launched a (now defunct) website called hotsucks.com. Hot was forced to reduce its call center waiting times from hours to minutes and to offer callbacks to clients.

Hot still arguably has the single worst customer support and customer service culture of any major company in Israel. The predatory and exploitative attitude towards customers appears to be ingrained at every level.

Does Hot Offer Customer Support in English?

Hot internet Israel barely offers English language customer support. Sales aside, Hot’s entire customer service model evolved around dissuading and discouraging communication with customers. With that aversive mentality, it’s not surprising that they placed minimal priority on building an effective English-speaking customer care team.

If you do need to contact the Hot customer support call center for any reason — like your Hot internet not working — you’ll be taking pot luck finding a fluent English speaker in the customer service team. If they do have a dedicated English speaker on duty, you may have a long wait to get connected. You’ll likely find yourself speaking to a pre-IDF teenager or post-IDF twenty-something with high school-level English.

If you need to report Hot internet not working and explore technical checks and solutions, you’ll need a real gift for communication — and a lot of patience. Suppose there is a glitch with Hot internet wifi. In that case, your day will rapidly go downhill, especially if you don’t know Hebrew technical jargon and your Hot rep struggles to explain troubleshooting checks and reset processes in English.

Even if you successfully navigate the language barrier (Israeli friends and colleagues can be a big help here), you’ll still be dealing with Israeli customer service. The ‘attitude spectrum’ can include impatience, laziness, surly indifference, rudeness, abrasiveness, and basic incompetence. There is also a predilection for bouncing clients between teams and departments rather than taking the initiative and dealing with their issues.

You can try some tactics if you have a problem with Hot internet not working or want to cancel or change a Hot mobile or Hot Cable TV plan.

  1. Ask for the name of the customer service rep and their job title
  2. Ask them to confirm the date and time of the call
  3. Advise them that you are recording the call
  4. If you’re not satisfied with your service level, ask to speak to a manager.

If you have to contact Hot about a serious matter or have already struggled to get decent customer service, it may be worth doing your homework. Some basic research on Linkedin may yield the names of key personnel in the Hot company hierarchy. A threat to contact the head of customer service or another VP directly can work wonders!

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Does Hot have an English Website?

The main Hot website has a languages tab with a drop-down menu. In addition to Hebrew, it offers English, French, Russian and Arabic options. You will be redirected to an About Hot page in English if you click on the English language option. The page is poorly written, outdated, and not well maintained.

If you have to use the Hot site, you will need a working knowledge of Hebrew or constant recourse to Google Translate. A browser translation app can take care of some of the page texts on the Hot website, but much of the important text about Hot internet plans like Hot fiber 4k and Hot Fiberbox, as well as Hot Israel prices, is displayed on images and won’t translate on the page.

Sign up for Hot Internet Israel with TCS

Get the best of both worlds with English language account management!

If you want Hot internet (plus the additional option of HOT Cable TV with free installation) but can’t face the thought of dealing with Hot customer service, you can get Hot services via TCS. We’ll connect you to your choice of Hot fiber plan and handle all your account management. You’ll get a simple and transparent itemized monthly bill in English and can change plans, get upgrades — or just cancel your Hot plan at any time.

When you sign up for a Hot fiber internet deal with TCS, you will be a TCS customer and will only ever deal with TCS customer service. You’ll never hear from Hot and never have to contact Hot customer service or any other Israeli customer service. This is a great way to get top-quality fiber internet with zero stress and no headaches!

Why sign up for Hot Fiber via TCS?

TCS is a family business owned and managed by Anglos in Israel. TCS is big enough to negotiate good deals with the major Israeli telecommunications providers but has kept its small business customer relations ethic. The TCS office works in English daily, and all the customer service team are native English speakers who made Aliyah to Israel.

TCS regards customer service as a profession — not a part-time job for students or teens marking time before IDF draft day. If you call TCS during office hours, you can expect to be connected to a native English-speaking rep within a few minutes. Our people are thoroughly trained and understand the company’s systems and procedures. Technical support is equally professional and effective.

If you have a query about billing, are moving to a new home, or simply find your Hot internet not working, the issue will probably be resolved with a single call. At the very least, you’ll have spoken to a TCS rep and reported the problem in less than 5 minutes. They’ll get on with finding a solution.

If you’re already a Hot Israel Internet customer, you can transfer over to TCS and leave Hot customer service behind. Just contact TCS, and they’ll handle all the administration. You’ll also have the option to consolidate your other telecom requirements in a single TCS account, including your mobile plan, home phone, and a TV package. Check out our special telecom Bundles and tailored deals. There’s no hard sell or pressure to sign up!


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