How can connect wifi mobile to mobile

How to Combine WiFi and Mobile Data on Your Smartphone

Can You Combine WiFi and Mobile Internet Data Simultaneously?

With all the live streaming, online gaming and other bandwidth intensive applications going on, the Internet has to be up for that. Have you ever encountered slow Internet on your iPhone, iPad or Android mobile device? Or one that kept disconnecting? Even when it says you’re connected to Wi-Fi, chances are you stumble upon a bad hotspot and the Internet is actually not working.

How to fix this? Simple – combine WiFi and mobile data simultaneously. Not alternatively, switching between them, but using them at the same time. See the videos below how you can do this very easily with the Speedify bonding VPN app right on your iPhone, iPad or Android mobile device.

Combine WiFi and Mobile Data at the Same Time on Your iOS or Android Smartphone

  • a smartphone running iOS or Android with a mobile data connection
  • an available WiFi network to connect to
  • the Speedify bonding VPN app

Step 1: Let’s verify that you have an active mobile data connection, and that you have your data turned on.

On your iPhone – tap “Settings,” then “Cellular,” and flip the switch on.

On your Android smartphone – swipe down on your notification bar and check that the mobile data toggle is switched on. Or go into “Settings,” tap “Connections,” and “Data Usage” and make sure that mobile data is switched on.

Step 2: Connect to a Wi-Fi network.

iPhone: Tap “Settings,” then “Wi-Fi,” and flip the switch on.

Android: Tap “Settings,” then “Connections”, then “Wi-Fi” and flip the switch on.

You can then select a network from the list that appears. Be aware that you usually have to enter a password for private networks.

Step 3: Time to start combining Wi-Fi and mobile data together on your iPhone!

  • Download Speedify from the App Store or Play Store.
  • When you launch the app, Speedify automatically detects your 2 active connections – Wi-Fi and mobile data. You’ll see them contained inside the Connection Bubbles near the top of the Dashboard.
  • Select the server you want to connect – usually the “fastest” option works best
  • You can now return to your usual activities without having to worry that the Internet will be slow or disconnect.
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how to connect WiFi Direct Mobile phone to WiFi phone?

I was exploring regarding Wi-Fi Direct and came accross with conclusion that WiFi -certified devices can connect one-to-one or one-to-many and not all connected products need to be Wi-Fi Direct-certified. One Wi-Fi Direct enabled device can connect to legacy Wi-Fi certified devices.So by this we can conclude like if one device is having WiFi direct and other device is having Wifi one can easily connect to it. I have following queries please help me to resolve. 1.This Wifi Direct is there in Android ICS onwards.So i am trying to connect WiFi Direct of my Samsung Note 2 having Jelly Bean with another Samsung Mobile Galaxy Y duos having Ginger Bread that only has WiFi but i am unable to detect? Can anyone help me in finding reason for this? 2.Another thing i studied is Wifi Direct device will become as access point means it will create an Ad-hoc network ? So why another Wifi devices are not detecting it?

1 Answer 1

To find a wifi direct device in access point list of a normal wifi u need to create a wifi direct group. For this you need to first connect two wifi direct devices out of which one will act as a group owner and other as client. Once a group is created group owner act as a normal access point for legacy devices(Wifi devices). Thus you need to create a Wifi Direct group first

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Can Android devices connect to both WiFi and mobile data networks at the same time?

Can Android devices connect to both WiFi LAN (not necessarily connected to the Internet) and mobile data networks at the same time? Or when it connects to one, does it have to disconnect from the other? The device is Kyocera Hydro Icon with Android 4.4.2 if it’s relevant.

4 Answers 4

Multipath TCP is a relatively new technology that allows a device to use multiple network connections for the same logical TCP connection. This is used for mobile phones to use WiFi and mobile data connections at the same time to reduce the time for retrieving data.

I’m not sure which Android phones currently support multipath TCP.

Without multipath TCP, a TCP connection must be either on WiFi or on the mobile data connection, but not both. It is up to the OS to decide how allocate these connections. I think the standard Android decision is to use WiFi if available (and perhaps with sufficient signal strength) to minimize cost under metered data plans.

Long before mobile devices, people were writing desktop applications connecting to several network interfaces simultaneously. It was necessary to handle that on the application, not system, level. iOS supports that perfectly, as long as Linux, Windows, OS X. The developers in Android team broke Linux they used to build Android and introduced a flip-flop switch in the Kernel to switch between Wi-Fi and 3G. Very sad. Some developers were trying to remove that but it was very complicated. So, Android sucks.

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This answer is valid, but in my opinion it does not match the question. The question was not if it is possible to use Wifi and cellular at the same time using the same TCP connection (e.g. use both connections for increasing network bandwidth or as fallback if one connection breaks). Thus Multipath TCP is not really relevant.

I’m not sure about your phone, but the Samsung Galaxy S5 can do that. It offers a «Download Booster» ability which connects to a WiFi and mobile data network simultaneously while downloading a file.

@Tim When selected both, the Android system will first try to connect to a WiFi-Network. If that didn’t work, it will connect to mobile data automatically. Or did you mean the Download Booster function?

On Android 6.0 Marshmallow or later, there is a developer option.

For previous versions, something like this should work. The methods numbers are Android version specific and these should work for Android 4.4 KitKat:

#!/system/bin/sh radioM=20 mobileDataM=27 wlanIface=wlan0 ## turn on radio service call phone $radioM i32 1 ## turn on mobile data service call phone $mobiledataM ## set mobile data as preferred network service call connectivity $preferredNetworkM i32 0 ## wait for mobile data to connect while [ -z "$(ip a | grep ccmni | grep inet)" ]; do sleep 1; done ## reup wifi ifconfig $wlanIface up ## enable network bypassing android service echo enable_network 0 | wpa_cli -p /data/misc/wifi/sockets/ -i $wlanIface 


How to connect PC internet to mobile phone or tablet

A screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated

Sometimes we unable to have a direct Internet connection on the mobile phone or tablet due to different reasons. In the last link, we described another way to provide the Internet to mobile. But if we have a laptop, netbook or PC we can use its Internet connection on our mobile devices.

We can connect mobile devices via:

  • It’s a preferable way because we don’t lose the ability of the mobile phone to be mobile.
  • If the computer doesn’t have a Wi-Fi adapter, we should obtain it. The price for it isn’t a big deal. The cheaper and smaller form-factor is USB. But there are PCMCI (for laptops) and PCI (for PC’s) adapters. So, we may choose what type is more preferable and convenient for us.
  • It’s used when we don’t have or can’t use the Wi-Fi adapter on the computer.
  • USB cable is required, and it should be included with our mobile device.
  • We might have to install software on mobile devices.
  • And here we limit our mobility by the length of a cable.
  • Finally, it’s supported on specific configurations.
  • It’s used when we have the same situation with the Wi-Fi adapter in the previous bullet point.
  • It requires having a Bluetooth adapter on the computer.
  • We save mobility but in a very shorter distance rather than Wi-Fi.
  • This way works with a limited number of configurations.
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Below are technical descriptions of how to use PC’s Internet on

Android phone and tablet#

Use the Internet via Wi-Fi#

  • We should share the Internet on our laptop, netbook or PC through creating a Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • And after that, we need just to connect our android phone or tablet to the created Wi-Fi network.

Use the Internet via USB#

  • Some earlier versions of Android have a special option “USB internet” in “Wireless & networks” section. Enable it and just follow the instructions.
  • If the device doesn’t have such option we may use special software like Reverse Tethering or Easy Tether. Notice that they are freemium and have some limitations. E.g. Reverse Tethering has a time limit and Easy Tether doesn’t work with secured (HTTPS) sites.
  • We need to install it on the mobile device and the computer. Follow each application instructions to properly set up the connection. When the application asks for type choose USB if applicable. Special software for computers emulates our android mobile as a separate network adapter. Through this application, we should enable connection to USB and after that share the Internet connection with new installed tether mobile adapter.

Use the Internet via Bluetooth#

There is no built-in way to do this. Android can be acting as Bluetooth modem to share its connection. But we can use the Easy Tether application from the previous point. It works with Bluetooth too.

iPhone, iPad#

Notice that also we can use the iPhone as a modem to share its connection to the computer.

Use the Internet via Wi-Fi#

  • We should share the Internet on our laptop, netbook or PC through creating a Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • And after that, we need just to connect our iPhone or iPad to established Wi-Fi.

Use the Internet via USB#

There is a standard feature that enables this only in Apple devices. In “System Preferences” choose “Sharing”.


Choose a particular connection (e.g. Wi-Fi) as sharing connection and select “iPhone USB” in the “using” section.


Use the Internet via Bluetooth#

This works only with Mac computers. The steps are similar to connecting via USB.

Open the “Sharing” panel in “System Preferences” and choose a particular connection (e.g. Wi-Fi) as a sharing connection and select “Bluetooth PAN” in the “using” section.


  • After that just pair via Bluetooth our Mac and the phone.
  • Notice that the reverse option is also available.

    Windows Phone#

    Use the Internet via Wi-Fi#

    We should share the Internet on our laptop, netbook or PC through creating a Wi-Fi hotspot. After that we able to join Windows Phone to new Wi-Fi.

    Use the Internet via USB#

    Unfortunately, we haven’t found a clear solution to do this. On Windows Phone 7 this option was available but in later versions, the vendor has removed it. But we might be interested in back operation when we are using a phone as USB modem.

    Use the Internet via Bluetooth#

    Unluckily, we haven’t found any way to do this. But there is Bluetooth tethering to PC.


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