How do you copy paste in linux

How to Copy Paste in Linux Terminal?

When you start using the Linux terminal whenever you want to copy or paste command or some text, we press universal Ctrl + c for copy, Ctrl + v But you are not able to do the same.

The same thing happens to me when I have started using a Linux based system.

I was wonder how I could copy the command from the web and post on terminals.

Initially, I was depended upon all the blogs for all information. Whenever I read the command, and I put the same command in terminal to work.

So, Today I thought many other users having the same queries how they can do copy paste in terminals.

Let’s Begin Usually I show two method two approach the problems.

Method 1: How to do copy and paste in linux?

Method to Copy

In the terminal, you have first to select the text which you want to copy then press right above the selected the text.

Then you just need to click on the copy button, this copied the text into your clipboard.

Method to Paste

Now you want to paste text or command in terminal

You just need to press right key and you will the option for the paste.

This is the pretty simple way to do.

If you want to copy content from the terminal you will select the text using cursor then press the right key you will see the option of copy then click on that option.

Now to paste text or command you have to press just right and menu option will show the paste options .

Voila! your copied paste is now in your terminal

Method 2: Which shortcut key use for copy and paste?

In my case I use pop’os Ubuntu-based distribution on Linux You can use Ctrl + Shift + C to copy the text and Ctrl + Shift+ V for paste.

Many other distribution has the same shortcuts.

If the above shortcut key didn’t work, then you can try another Ctrl + Insert to copy the text and Ctrl + Shift + V for paste.

If you want to copy content from the terminal you will select the text using cursor then press Ctrl + Shift + C

Now your code is copied you need to paste to text wherever you require for e.g. you want to paste in the web-browser, so to do this you have to press Ctrl + Shift V

I think you got the points how you can do copy paste in Linux terminal.

What happens in the terminal when you press Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v?

A system like windows or other software use Ctrl + c to copy content and Ctrl + V to paste content but this shortcut will not work in the terminal.

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So then what happen when we press Ctrl + c

Ctrl + c is used to interrupt the running process.

to interrupt process

Whenever you want to stop the process you just need to press Ctrl + c .


We have shared the two methods through which you can do copy and paste the text or command in Linux.

Shortcut key are Ctrl + Shift + C to copy and Ctrl + Shift + V to paste the text.

Let’s try in your terminal too.

Drop us your response on how useful this content was. If readers are interested to know the basics of the Linux system then I’ll start the absolute beginner series where we try to capture all the information.

A man with a tech effusive who has explored some of the amazing technology stuff and is exploring more. While moving towards, I had a chance to work on Android development, Linux, AWS, and DevOps with several open-source tools.


How to Copy Paste in Linux Terminal [For Absolute Beginners]

Here are various ways to copy paste text and commands in Linux terminal along with explanation on why Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V doesn’t work in the terminal.

I have been using Linux for a decade now and this is why sometimes I take things for granted. Copy-pasting in the Linux terminal is one such thing. I thought everyone already knew this until one of the It’s FOSS readers asked me this question. I gave the following suggestion to the Ubuntu user:

Use Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+Shift+C for copying and Shift+Insert or Ctrl+Shift+V for pasting text in the terminal in Ubuntu. Right-click and select the copy/paste option from the context menu is also an option.

I thought of elaborating on this topic especially when there is no single universal way of copying and pasting in the Linux terminal.

How to copy and paste text and commands in the Linux terminal

Method 1: Using keyboard shortcuts for copy-pasting in the terminal

On Ubuntu and many other Linux distributions, you can use Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+shift+C for copying text and Shift+Insert or Ctrl+shift+V for pasting text in the terminal. The copy-pasting also works for external sources. If you copy a command example from It’s FOSS website (using the generic Ctrl+C keys), you can paste this command into the terminal using the Ctrl+Shift+V into the terminal. Similarly, you can use Ctrl+shift+C to copy text from the terminal and then use it to paste in a text editor or web browser using the regular Ctrl+V shortcut. Basically, when you are interacting with the Linux terminal, you use the Ctrl+Shift+C/V for copy-pasting.

Method 2: Using right-click context menu for copy-pasting in the terminal

Another way of copying and pasting in the terminal is by using the right-click context menu. Select the text in the terminal, right click and select Copy. Similarly, to paste the selected text, right-click and select Paste.

Method 3: Use the mouse to copy and paste into the Linux terminal

Another way to copy-paste in a Linux terminal is by using only the mouse. You can select the text you want to copy and then press the middle mouse button (scrolling wheel) to paste the copied text. Please keep in mind that these methods may not work in all the Linux distributions for a specific reason that I explain in the next section.

Why Linux terminals do not use the ‘universal’ Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for

No Linux terminal will give you Ctrl+C for copying the text. This is because by default Ctrl+C keybinding is used for sending an interrupt signal to the command running in the foreground. This usually stops the running command. This behaviour has been existing long before Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V started being used for copy-pasting text. Since the Ctrl+C keys are ‘reserved’ for stopping a command, they cannot be used for copying.

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Used Ctrl+S and hanged the terminal?

The keyboard shortcut CTRL + S in the Linux terminal is used to send a «stop» signal to the terminal, which results in a frozen terminal. Just use Ctrl+Q and you can use the terminal again.

There are no universal key shortcuts for copy-paste in the Linux terminal. Here’s why!

Change Keyboard Shortcuts in GNOME Terminal Preferences

The keybindings for copy-pasting are dependent on the terminal emulator (commonly known as terminal) you are using. If you didn’t know that already, a terminal is just an application, and you can install other terminals like Guake or Terminator. Different terminal applications may have their own keybindings for copying and pasting like Alt+C/V or Ctrl+Alt+C/V. Most Linux terminals use the Ctrl+Shift+C/V keys but if it doesn’t work for you, you may try other key combinations or configure the keys from the preferences of the terminal emulator.


I know this is elementary for the Sherlock Holmes of the Linux world but it could still be useful to the Watsons. If you are absolutely new to the terminal, this is going to help you a great deal. New or not, you may always use shortcuts in the Linux terminal to make your life easier. If you really care about increasing productivity through the Linux terminal, these handy Linux command tips and tricks will be a good starting point. 💬 Do you still have questions? The comment section is all yours.


How to copy-paste on Ubuntu terminal

In user-interface design and human-computer interaction, copy-paste are operations that provide an interprocess communication mechanism for moving data via the user interface of a system. The copy command duplicates the data and saves it to temporary storage (the clipboard). Then this data from the clipboard is pasted into the desired location. The copied data is accessible to any program that supports the functionality and allows itself to transfer data easily.

You may need to write long commands or sentences obtained in a file or on the internet while working on the Ubuntu terminal. You can save your precious time by utilizing copy-pasting techniques rather than entering them word by word. Using the standard keyboard commands Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v, you may have copied and pasted text multiple times in your Ubuntu Graphical User Applications such as LibreOffice, Gedit, OpenOffice. However, you may be surprised to learn that many common keyboard shortcuts do not work in Ubuntu Terminal.

This article will show you how to copy-paste in the Ubuntu terminal using two different methods. The examples below are executed on Ubuntu 20.04; other Linux distributions can also use the same copy-paste approach. Now, let’s get started!

How to copy-paste on Ubuntu terminal using right-click context menu

You need to utilize the mouse to highlight the text; why not use it to copy and paste? You can use the mouse right-click for copy-paste as you do in other Ubuntu applications. For this, select the text you want to copy, then right-click on it, and from the context menu, click on the “Copy” option. You can paste this copied command to the terminal window, any script, or any other document.

Example 1: In the below-given example, we will copy-paste the command executed in the Ubuntu terminal to a document named “testscript”:

Firstly, we have selected the command. After that, utilizing the right-click context menu, we will click on the “Copy” option:

Now, we will paste the copied command in our “testscript” document. Click on the document position, where you want to place the copied command, and then from the right-click context menu, click on the “Paste” option:

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Example 2: In Ubuntu, you can also use your mouse’s context menu right-click to copy-paste from a terminal to the other terminal window. For this, select the command and click on the “Copy” option:

Move into the other terminal and paste the selected command in the following way:

How to copy-paste on Ubuntu terminal using keyboard shortcuts

Most computer users are accustomed to using “CTRL+c” and “CTRL+v” for copy-pasting text. These shortcuts also work on Ubuntu Desktop, but not in the terminal. To copy or paste commands from or to the Ubuntu terminal, you must add the “Shift” key in these keyboard shortcuts.

  • To copy text or command from Ubuntu terminal, press “CTRL+Shift+c
  • To paste text or command in Ubuntu terminal, press “CTRL+Shift+v
  • To copy text or command from outside of the Ubuntu terminal, press “CTRL+c
  • To paste text or command in any document or script, press: “CTRL+v

Example 1: In the below-given example, we will try to copy commands from the document “testscript” to our Ubuntu terminal:

First of all, we will select all of the required commands for copying and then press “CTRL+c”:

After that, we will move towards our terminal window and paste the commands in it by pressing “CTRL+SHIFT+v”:

This operation will paste and execute the copied commands in the terminal simultaneously:

If you paste a command into the Ubuntu terminal with a trailing newline, the command will be executed right away. I have discovered that selecting a command by clicking at the end and dragging it to the beginning is the easiest way to avoid this. We will be able to paste commands in the Ubuntu terminal through this selection method without executing it instantly.

Next, we will select the command from the document by using the method mentioned above. After that, press “CTRL+c” to copy it:

Move into your Ubuntu terminal and press “CTRL+Shift+v” to paste the copied command:

The below-given shows that we have successfully pasted the command from our document to the terminal without executing it instantly:

Example 2: How to copy-paste from Ubuntu terminal to a document using keyboard shortcuts
To copy and paste any command from your terminal window; select it by pointing the cursor at the end of it. After that, utilize the mouse right-click button and drag it towards the start of the command. Once you have selected the command, press “CTRL+Shift+c” to copy it:

Next, open up your document where you want to paste the command and press “CTRL+v”. Now the “testscript” document will look like this:


There are always options to copy-paste in the Ubuntu terminal whenever you find yourself reusing any text. In Ubuntu, copy-paste enables you to copy and paste text or commands without retyping them repeatedly. This process also saves your time, which you can invest in other things. In this article, you have learned how to copy-paste in the Ubuntu terminal using two different methods. According to our experience, using keyboard shortcuts for copy-paste is easier than utilizing the mouse right-click menu.

About the author

Sharqa Hameed

I am a Linux enthusiast, I love to read Every Linux blog on the internet. I hold masters degree in computer science and am passionate about learning and teaching.


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