How to check checksum linux

How to Verify Checksum on Linux [Beginner Guide]

The most popular Linux command to create a checksum from a file is the md5sum command. The md5sum uses the MD5 message-digest algorithm to produce a 128-bit hash value from the contents of a file. Here is an example. Let’s take the string “putorius” and generate a checksum from it.

How check SHA256 checksum Linux?

  1. Description. The sha256sum command displays or checks SHA256 (256-bit) checksums. With no FILE, or when FILE is — (a dash), it reads the digest from standard input.
  2. Syntax. sha256sum [OPTION]. [ FILE].
  3. Options. -b, —binary. .
  4. Examples. sha256sum example.iso. .
  5. Related commands. md5sum — Checks the MD5 message digest.

How do you verify the checksum of a downloaded file?

  1. Open the Checksum Calculator if not already opened after the install.
  2. Click the Browse next to the file box and browse to the file you want to check. .
  3. Select the type of Checksum you are calculating. .
  4. Click the Calculate button.
  5. After clicking Calculate, a result is shown in the Result box.

How do I find the checksum of a jar in Linux?

The command syntax of the cksum command is very straightforward. Either specify one or more files to be checked: cksum [FILE]. If you run cksum with no file names and no options, it creates a checksum for data read from standard input.

How do you run checksum?

Type the path of the file you want to calculate the checksum for. Or, to make things easier, drag and drop the file from a File Explorer window onto the PowerShell window to automatically fill in its path. Press Enter to run the command, and you’ll see the SHA-256 hash for the file.

What is checksum with example?

A checksum is a value used to verify the integrity of a file or a data transfer. In other words, it is a sum that checks the validity of data. Checksums are typically used to compare two sets of data to make sure they are the same. For example, a basic checksum may simply be the number of bytes in a file. .

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Where is checksum used?

A checksum is a small-sized block of data derived from another block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. By themselves, checksums are often used to verify data integrity but are not relied upon to verify data authenticity.

How do I check my ISO checksum?

To verify the integrity of your ISO image, generate its SHA256 sum and compare it to the one found in the sha256sum. txt file. The last command should show you the SHA256 sum of your ISO file. Compare it to the one found in the sha256sum.

How do I get md5sum in Linux?

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Type the following command: md5sum [type file name with extension here] [path of the file] — NOTE: You can also drag the file to the terminal window instead of typing the full path.
  3. Hit the Enter key.
  4. You’ll see the MD5 sum of the file.
  5. Match it against the original value.

How do I encrypt a file in Linux?

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change to the ~/Documents directory with the command cd ~/Documents.
  3. Encrypt the file with the command gpg -c important. docx.
  4. Enter a unique password for the file and hit Enter.
  5. Verify the newly typed password by typing it again and hitting Enter.

How do you create a checksum in Linux?

  1. Log in to your account using SSH.
  2. At the command prompt, type one of the following commands, replacing filename with the name of the file for which you want to generate a checksum: To generate an MD5 checksum, type: md5sum filename > md5sums.txt.

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What is Checksum? How to Check if a File was Modified Using the cksum Command in Linux

Zaira Hira

Zaira Hira

When you are working with files on the command line, you might need to check their modification time and content integrity.

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Linux has a powerful command line which allows you to explore multiple aspects of files and filesystems.

In case you need to check if file was modified, you can follow these two approaches:

How to Check if a File Was Modified by Checking Modification Time

When a file is edited, its timestamp changes to match the modification time.

We can view the last modified time of a file using long listing( ls -l ).

In the output below, we can see that the file was modified on Jul 19 13:22 .

zaira@Zaira:~$ ls -lrt | grep -rw-r--r-- 1 zaira zaira 263 Jul 19 13:22

How to Check if a File Was Modified by Checking File Size

If we know the previous size of the file, we can compare it with the current file size to see if was changed.

We can view the file size using long listing( ls -l ). The 5th column shows the size of the file in bytes.

zaira@Zaira:~$ ls -lrt | grep -rw-r--r-- 1 zaira zaira 263 Jul 19 13:22

The methods mentioned above usually get the task done, but there is an advanced method to check file integrity using a hash. The method is called ‘checksum’ and the corresponding command for that in Linux is cksum .

What is Checksum in Linux?

Sometimes the data gets corrupted during transmission or storage. To ensure that the data remains consistent, we can use checksum.

Checksum is the result of an algorithm called a cryptographic hash function. It’s applied to blocks of the data in the file.

In networking, you can use checksum to compare the hash value at sender and receiver ends. If the hash value is same, it implies that your copy of the file is genuine and error free.

Some commonly used cryptographic hash functions include MD5 and SHA-1.

Next we will see how we can calculate the hash in Linux.

How to Find the Checksum in Linux using cksum

cksum is a command found in *nix-like operating systems that generates a checksum value for a file or stream of data.

According to the man page of cksum , the command prints CRC (cyclic redundancy check) checksum and byte counts of each FILE.

To learn more about the CRC algorithm, refer to this page.

Syntax of cksum

The cksum command takes the filename as an argument and generates its hash value. The basic syntax is as follows:

How to Use cksum

Let’s suppose we have a file named . We can calculate its checksum like this:

zaira@Zaira:~$ cksum 1991291549 262

In the output, we get three columns:

  • The first column is the hash value.
  • The second value is the amount of data in bytes for the given file.
  • The third column is the file name.
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Even a slight modification changes the hash value. Let’s see how that looks with an example.

Let’s modify our original file by adding an extra line at the end:

zaira@Zaira:~$ echo >> "this file is now changed" >>

Let’s calculate the checksum again and see if the hash value has changed:

zaira@Zaira:~$ cksum 331872555 263

The first column is the hash value and it has changed since we appended the text.

Now we know that the file has changed as the checksum hash values are no longer the same.

We can use the same method to compare files with the same name, size, and modification time across different machines to ensure that both files are the same.


There are cases when you need to compare the files across systems, specially when they are transferred from one location to the other. We can use a combination of the three methods to verify if our file is intact:

  • Viewing the file modification time.
  • Verifying the file size.
  • Generating and comparing the hash value using cksum .

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thank you for reading till the end.

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Checksum — File Integrity Check on Linux Command Line

A checksum is a string of characters and numbers generated by running a cryptographic hash function against a file. You can use this output, or checksum, to verify that a file is genuine, error free and has not been changed from it’s original source.

A checksum is a small-sized datum derived from a block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage.


screenshot of Kali Linux download screen showing file checksum

Once you have the file downloaded, you check check the integrity of the file by running sha256sum and comparing the results with the hash on the website.

$ sha256sum kali-linux-2019.2-amd64.iso 67574ee0039eaf4043a237e7c4b0eb432ca07ebf9c7b2dd0667e83bc3900b2cf kali-linux-2019.2-amd64.iso

If the strings match, you file has downloaded successfully and has not been altered since the folks at Kali created the checksum.


Checking the integrity of a file is an important step in ensuring a secure system. Specifically when downloading files from the internet. In this article we discussed how to generate a checksum and how to use it for a file integrity check. Now that you know how to use them, you should read up on hashing algorithms.


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