How to disable nouveau driver linux

How do I disable the «Nouveau Kernel Driver»?

I’m trying to install proprietary nvidia graphics driver I downloaded from nvidia website. It will not install because it says that the «Nouveau kernel driver» needs to be disabled first. I opened synaptic and uninstalled everything that had nvidia, nouveau, or jockey in its name. It still won’t work. What exactly do I need to do to disable the «Nouveau kernel driver»?

Oli, I’m downloading from NVIDIA because nvidia-96 will not install, see here:…

9 Answers 9

All links above are correct, however you must run sudo update-initramfs -u so the initramfs can be purged of nouveau

Cool this worked for me. I installed the blacklist file but it did not work. But strangely this step is not required on Ubuntu proper.

Just a quick question: Why are you downloading the drivers from Nvidia directly? The packages available through jockey (the Additional Drivers application) should be fine for most people and if you don’t fit into «most people», using the X-SWAT PPA should give you the latest version of the nvidia driver.

Anyway, what you want is simple. Firstly you have to get out of X before you can install. You can do that by switching to a virtual terminal (tty) by pressing ctrl + alt + F1 logging on and then running sudo stop lightdm . Now run the installer. If it’s still moaning about nouveau continue:

Run sudoedit /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf and fill it with this:

# This file was installed by nvidia-current-updates # Do not edit this file manually blacklist nouveau blacklist lbm-nouveau blacklist nvidia-173 blacklist nvidia-96 blacklist nvidia-current blacklist nvidia-173-updates blacklist nvidia-96-updates alias nvidia nvidia_current_updates alias nouveau off alias lbm-nouveau off 

The driver will create that file when it’s installed, but you just want to speed things along. You’ll need to reboot and kill X again now.

Then run the installer and all should be fine.

I tried this out and it didn’t do anything. I’m still getting the incompatibility error from the Nvidia install script.

To anyone reading this I would strongly suggest that you use X-SWAT PPA as that should work and the blacklist solution might or might not (it didn’t in my case).

I just installed the NVIDIA 64 bit drivers (310) for my GeForce 210 and the installer did the disabling step for me. Rebooted and it installed fine. 🙂

driviers in 16.04 doesn’t appear to create this file, I had to create it manually. nomodeset is required in boot option

Add string nomodeset to your /etc/default/grub file at line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=line , or your nvidia driver won’t work.

After the modifications, run:

Strange, indeed the message is gone from dmesg now, but why? And additionally, this the nomodeset option seems to cause the splash screen to blank-out and redraw incorrectly, not that this is a blocking issue, but it’s really ugly.

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Pass a kernel argument ( nouveau.blacklist=1 ) at boot to blacklist the driver by editing your /etc/default/grub file:

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answered Feb 1, 2016 at 13:19
    @cl-netbox I agree, this is fun. Also, I already tried to revoke some of them and there were maybe one or two that needed to be edited although I could always find some grammar somewhere to fix. I really should be a little less trigger happy with those as I often revoke them. Additionally, I later realized that passing nouveau.modeset=0 was through editing the menu at boot instead of editing the file like I do so it shouldn't cause any future display issues like extra monitors.
    – mchid
    Feb 1, 2016 at 14:25
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I was stuck with this issue for a long time. After installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu 16.04, I installed cuda 8.0 using the deb(local):

sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local-ga2_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cuda

Nvidia driver is working well on my computer now. Prior to that, I was trying to install Nvidia driver using the *.run file without any luck. Give it a shot it will save your valuable time.

I really think this should be the accepted answer. Don't spend your afternoon smashing your face against your monitor like I did. This completely sidesteps the problem.

I am just a little penguin and have found disabling/blacklisting nouveau breaks many features within ubuntu especially window management items(i.e. missing menus etc which is fine if you know keyboard shortcuts for navigation/operation.) NVidia themselves in the readme highlight the possible need to create another file if modeprobe.d/blacklist allready contains anythingelse. It is possible to change from mesa to vesa drivers by disabling nouveau in ubuntu. Using mesa or vesa will give different listings in jockey(additional drivers) as will using jockey-common(handy for adding older drivers to jockey list) There has been much hard work going on in this department by many and have found personally that the recommended driver has been hugely improved in recent months as well as the NVidia 310 driver being available either in ubuntu software centre or additional drivers after activating proposed updates in Software Sources (and then updating). What i have found after installation is that there is never a proprietary driver installed which means little things like launcher icon size can not be adjusted (system settings>appearance) which is indicative of a 2d session and not 3d session (newer flavours). So bearing in mind the ubuntu philosophy and the fact different people use their machines for different things; it might be worth asking,"Is it a bug? and/or What happens when nouveau is disabled?


Отключение модуля nouveau


Бывает появляется необходимость отключить модуль nouveau , например если необходимо использовать универсальный модуль vesafb или перед установкой проприетарного видео-драйвера NVIDIA.

"nouveau ([nuvo]) — проект по созданию свободных драйверов видеокарт компании nVIDIA с поддержкой ускорения вывода трёхмерной графики. Изначально основан на распространяемом по свободной лицензии, но нечитаемом драйвере «nv» 2D-графики от nVIDIA."

Если установщик nvidia-installer обнаружит активный драйвер Nouveau, он предложит создать файл настроек modprobe для отключения Nouveau. После чего потребуется перезагрузить компьютер и снова запустить nvidia-installer . Но мы пойдём инным путём и создадим такой файл настроек modprobe вручную.

Можно отредактировать уже имеющийся файл /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf но тогда при обновление системы файл может быть обновлён и изменения будут потеряны.

Поэтому вместо редактирования уже имеющегося файла создадим новый файл, например /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf и впишем в него две строки.

Вне зависимости от того, создаете ли вы новый файл или редактируете имеющийся, в него должны быть добавлены следующие строки:

blacklist nouveau options nouveau modeset=0 

Первая строка запрещает модулю Nouveau уровня ядра автоматически загружаться при загрузке операционной системы. Она не предотвратит загрузку модуля по требованию, как и загрузку модуля сервером Х-интерфейса. Вторая строка запретит драйверу Nouveau осуществлять операции смены видеорежима через ядро.

Просто копируйте команды ниже, вставьте их в терминале (для тех кто вдруг ещё не знает, это тот который открывается после одновременного нажатия CTRL+ALT+T) и нажмите ENTER, а когда попросит ввести пароль сделайте это.

sudo echo “blacklist nouveau” &;gt; /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf sudo echo “options nouveau modeset=0” &;gt;&;gt; /etc/modprobe.d/disable-nouveau.conf reboot 

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Артур Гарегинян

Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at


How to completely disable Nouveau, as other tutorials aren't helping? [duplicate]

I'm attempting to install the drivers for my Nvidia GPU by following the steps listed here, but after launching the installer it informs me that I must disable the Nouveau kernel driver before installation can continue (There is also an error message displayed before this stating that the 'distribution-provided pre-install script failed', but from what I've read in other posts it shouldn't be a problem to just continue and ignore it?). Anyway, I've followed the steps listed here in an attempt to disable the Nouveau driver with no such luck. I've run sudoedit /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf and populated the file with the given data and saved it, I've edited a line within the /etc/default/grub file so that it now reads GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nouveau.blacklist=1 nomodset quiet splash" , and I've attempted to install the driver from within tty1 by first disabling gdm3 using sudo service gdm3 stop and then using the command sudo sh . Even after doing all this the same error informing me that Nouveau needs to be disabled appears. I should mention at this point that I used this method of installing the driver once before a few days ago and it worked. For the life of me I can't remember how I got it to work or why it won't work this time around. Also this is essentially a completely fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS, the only alterations I've made so far are the installation of Chromium, Discord, a couple of extensions and I've made a few UI changes in the Tweak tool. So, can anyone offer any more advice on how to disable Nouveau? I feel that if I can get this disabled entirely then I'll be able to install the driver without further issue, but until I can figure this out I can't currently continue using my system because the default Nouveau driver causes the UI to freeze without reason or warning sporadically. In fact it crashed while I was typing this out, lucky for me Chromium saved what I'd written. Thanks in advance for any help and advice!

You have a much easier and safer way of installing the same driver version by adding the graphical drivers PPA. No need to disable nouveau either

I've posted this as a separate question as this is directly related to disabling Nouveau, whereas my other post is asking how else to install the drivers.

It is a bad idea to install driver this way. It is a typical XY problem The drivers should be installed from repos or a PPA. If you have problems with that, you won't solve them by blacklisting nouveau. It will make things worse.

@Pilot6 - I've attempted several times to install the drivers via the PPA, but each time I'm faced with the issue of not being able to see the login page, let alone login in the first place. The tty's all forcefully back me out every few seconds, meaning it takes twice as long to type anything at all, and the only way to fix this is to purge all nvidia drivers and reboot, leaving me back at square one? Plus as I stated in my post I used the method explained once before and it worked perfectly. The drivers were listed as manually installed, but other than that it was exactly what I wanted?


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