How to install code blocks on linux

How to Install Code Blocks for C++ on Linux?

Now, we just have to install the Code blocks using the following command and confirm the installation by pressing “Y” : Output: installing codeblocks Step 3: To open the code blocks navigate to the activities launcher (search) and type code blocks , you will see code blocks icons, click on the icon to install the code block. Installing through the software center Step 2: Search for Code blocks and click on the code blocks.

How to Install Code Blocks for C++ on Linux?

Code::Blocks is a free IDE( an integrated development environment), for C/C++ and FORTRAN languages. It is a cross-platform IDE and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, In this article, we are going to discuss various methods using which we can install Code Blocks on Linux.:

Installation Code Blocks for C++ on Linux:

Method 1: Using apt install commands:

Follow the below steps to install code blocks for C++ on Linux using the apt install terminal command:

Step 1: Before starting the actual installation , we must have the GCC compiler installed on our system. To install GCC run the following command in your terminal.

Installation Code Blocks for C++ on Linux using apt install command

As we have already installed the GCC compiler it is displaying, g++ is already installed with the newer version.

Step 2: Now, we just have to install the Code blocks using the following command and confirm the installation by pressing “Y” :

sudo apt install codeblocks

Step 3: To open the code blocks navigate to the activities launcher (search) and type code blocks , you will see code blocks icons, click on the icon to install the code block.

Method 2: Using Software Center:

Follow the below steps to install Code Blocks for C++ on Linux:

Step 1: Open up the software manager that you have using the activity launcher.

software manager

Step 2: Search for Code blocks and click on the code blocks.

 Search for Code blocks

Step 3: Select the first one the code::blocks and click on the install button, wait for the installation to be finished, then open the code blocks

click on the install button

Project — Organization of files in Code Blocks, This, unfortunately in code::blocks, means you will have to include all your project physical folders to the search paths. You can organize your files inside code::blocks in any way you want, virtually too, but if your physical structure is logical, your project should be intuitive to browse! code::blocks does not allow to …

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C++ Programming Tutorial — How to Install Code::Blocks

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Install Code::Blocks IDE in Linux Mint (Ubuntu)

Install Code::Blocks IDE in Linux Mint (Ubuntu) : Code :: Blocks is an open-source, cross-platform, full-featured C, C++, and Fortran IDE designed to be very ex

How to Install Code Blocks on Linux Mint 20

The Code Blocks is a free, open-source cross-platform IDE that supports multiple compilers including GCC, Clang, and Visual C++ which has its own compilers,

In the code::blocks compiler for linux, how can one add compilation flags like ‘-lrt’ or ‘-lboost_thread’?

Debugging in gdb is not convenient for me so I enjoy the nice debugging interface that code::blocks offers. Now that I have moved my project into an area where those flags are required (the ones in the title, of course), I find that I can’t compile on code::blocks anymore :/.

Hi everyone I figured out how to add the -lrt. Since -lrt is passed to the linker and not the compiler you can go to Settings->Compiler and Debugger->linker options then press add and after doing a «locate lrt» I found this cute library «/usr/lib/» I added the library in the linker options and now those errors disappeared. Time to try boost!

EDIT: Boost was solved in a similar manner. The library represented by lboost_thread is A locate found it at: «/usr/lib/» Adding it in the linker options solved the problem 😀

How to Install Code Blocks on Linux Mint 20, The Code Blocks is a free, open-source cross-platform IDE that supports multiple compilers including GCC, Clang, and Visual C++ which has its own compilers,

Setting Code::Blocks resolution in Linux/Ubuntu

I’ve got a small issue with menus of Codeblocks appearing too large. I suspect that is because when it starts it probably uses the system default of some sort to get it’s initial resolution. However I set my x session resolution using an xrandr command like this start x -> run xrandr -> call codeblocks. This happens in other apps too like chromium, but on chromium I use a command line —force- device-scale-factor flag and it starts up fine, I couldn’t find any similar flags for codeblocks, so is there a way to do it?

The ideal solution would be to set global system resolution so I wouldn’t have to call xrandr at all, but I’ve made a few posts about it and nobody seems to know how to do that.

Nobody answered but I found this solution elsewhere.

Code::Blocks uses GTK+ as it’s base, so we have to modify the GTK+ themes that are available, they carry with them the font sizes and styles.

  1. Download a gtk theme changer made for lxde window manager (but could be used on any window manager, I was using it on Window Maker at the time) called lxappearance

sudo apt install lxappearance

  1. On the first [Widgets] page, right next to default font click the font number, that will let you select the font size.
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The menus will update with the new font on restart. It’s a little bit backwards of an approach, but it works.

Which suits linux ? GNU make vs cmake vs codeblocks, CMake generates platform specific make files. So on Linux, it wil generate files for gnu make, on windows it can generate Visual Studio solutions. There are some other good options to consider like scons and waf, they are both Python based, cross platform, and are much more pleasant to work with than …

How to setup GTK+ to develop with Code::Blocks on Ubuntu Linux

I am trying to develop a GTK+ application on Ubuntu 11.4, using Code::Blocks. has instructions on building GTK+ from source, that looked complicated. But the Ubuntu package manager listed libgtk3-dev as a package that I installed.

Code::Blocks I installed using the Ubuntu Software Center.

Using the Code::Blocks project wizard to create a GTK+ project, when I build, the project fails to compile «cannot find gtk/gtk.h».

Clearly the GTK include (and lib) folders are not added to the Code::Blocks search folders . I have located the relevant paths and files.

Do I have to explicitly & manually add all the search paths to Code::Blocks’ search paths? Or am I missing some installation step.

Assuming that you have located and installed the correct package. As of 2011, the current package was libgtk-3-dev then the pkg-config tool can be used to extract the linker and compiler flags — and with proper escaping in the Code:Blocks settings can inject the correct settings automatically.

Open Code::Blocks Settings > Compiler and Linker Settings. and add the following under global compile r Settings > Compiler Settings > Other Options

and add this to Global Compiler Settings > Linker Settings > Other Options

With the ` this has the effect of running the pkg-config tool calling —cflags gtk+-3.0 (or —libs) which, assuming libgtk3-dev is installed, injects the necessary search folders and lib directives onto the gcc command line.

As an alternative, lists Anjuta as a C/C++ IDE that can create GTK+ projects. As an alternative to Code::Blocks its far more polished as an Ubuntu IDE.

Scratch that. Anjuta looses its sheen quickly.

How to setup GTK+ to develop with Code::Blocks on, Code::Blocks I installed using the Ubuntu Software Center. Using the Code::Blocks project wizard to create a GTK+ project, when I build, the project fails to compile «cannot find gtk/gtk.h». Clearly the GTK include (and lib) folders are not added to the Code::Blocks search folders. I have located the relevant paths and files


How to Install Code Blocks on Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 20.04

This tutorial will be showing you how to install Code Blocks on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04. Code Blocks is a free, open-source integrated development environment (IDE) for C, C++ and Fortran. It can run on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Code Blocks Features

  • Supports multiple compilers including GCC, Clang, Visual C++, MinGW, and many more
  • Custom build system and optional Make support.
  • Syntax highlighting and code folding
  • C++ code completion, class browser, a hex editor
  • A debugger with full breakpoint support
  • A plug-in system to support other programming languages.
  • And more
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How to Install Code Blocks IDE on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04

Code Blocks is in the default Ubuntu package repository, so you can open up a terminal window and run the following command to install it.

sudo apt install codeblocks

Once installed, you can start Code Blocks IDE from Unity Dash or your preferred app launcher.

install code blocks ubuntu 16.04

Choosing a C Compiler

Upon the first launch of Code Blocks, you will be prompted with a Compiler auto-detection window:

c compiler

Two popular open-source C compilers available for Linux are:

  • GNU C Compiler – the defacto-standard open-source C compiler
  • Clang – Clang is much faster and uses far less memory than GCC and it provides extremely clear and concise diagnostics (error and warning messages).

To install the Clang compiler:

If you want to compile native Windows binaries on Linux, then you can install the mingw-w64 package.

sudo apt install mingw-w64

After choosing your default C compiler, you can start using Code Blocks to write programs.

ubuntu codeblocks setup

You can also choose your default compiler by going to Settings > Compiler > Global Compiler Settings.

codeblocks ubuntu

That’s it! I hope this tutorial helped you install Code Blocks on Ubuntu 22.04/20.04.

You may also want to learn how to identify bugs in your code.

20 Responses to “How to Install Code Blocks on Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 20.04”

After you add the PPA to apt-get and do an update. you need to call ‘sudo apt-get install codeblocks-common’ not ‘sudo apt install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib’ .

If you do ‘sudo apt install codeblocks codeblocks-contrib’, the codeblocks-common package will be automatically selected.

why is the build and run ‘icons’ are hidden in toolbar? i am having the same problem even when installing from the ubuntu software store.

I’m very new in Ubuntu. I have 16/04 version and I tried to do what you showed here.
I got error. do you know how to help me? thank you

Oh damn, i tried to close the terminal image recursively and laughed out loud when i found my stupidity

installed code block in ubuntu 18.04 but while i am reunning c code one error is coming in runtime
”sh:1: /home/mrmanas/program/demo: permission denied”
“process returned 126(0x7E) ececution time: 0.003s”
“press enter to continue”

Thanks for this! I downloaded the Codeblocks 17.12 deb files but had no idea how to install them all until I found your tutorial. CB 16 was getting so buggy and CB 17 seems to run much better.

this gives me the following error
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
codeblocks : Depends: libcodeblocks0 (= 17.12-1) but it is not installable
Depends: libwxbase3.0-0v5 (>= 3.0.2+dfsg) but it is not installable
Depends: libwxgtk3.0-0v5 (>= 3.0.2+dfsg) but it is not installable
Depends: codeblocks-common (= 17.12-1) but it is not installable
Depends: xterm but it is not installable
Recommends: gcc but it is not going to be installed or
g++ but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


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