How to install tor on linux mint

How to Install Tor on Linux Mint and Ubuntu

install tor on linux mint 20 and ubuntu

Tor browser is a magnificent tool to protect your anonymity online.

Tor is built on Firefox; it blocks trackers and several fingerprinting scripts that track you across the web to map your activities

Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can’t follow you. Any cookies automatically clear when you’re done browsing. So will your browsing history.

It changes your IP address as well and Tor Browser prevents someone watching your connection from knowing what websites you visit. All anyone monitoring your browsing habits can see is that you’re using Tor.

Tor Browser aims to make all users look the same, making it difficult for you to be fingerprinted based on your browser and device information.

It encrypts your data through three layers of high-security encryption before reaching the web and the same is vice versa.

Your data passes through different computers known as relays. These relays are run by thousands of people who wish to support the tor project.

They can not see your data even though it passes through their computer because it is strongly encrypted.

With Tor Browser, you are free to access sites your home network may have blocked.

Tor is very easy to install and is a cross-platform software that supports all popular operating systems like Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, and a lot more.

To set up Tor in Linux Mint 21 or Ubuntu follows the steps mentioned below. It won’t take over 5 minutes for you to make tor up and running.

tor browser

Go to and click on “Download Tor Browser” button. This will take you to the Tor download page from where you can download Tor according to your needs.

Here, you can see every possible version of the Tor browser. As we are on Linux you must choose the “Download for Linux” option.

tor browser

Now you will be prompted to download the zip file and containing Tor browser, save it to your system. Once downloaded, unzip the downloaded archive file.

install tor browser

Now you will see Tor browser files as shown in the picture below

Clicking on the “Tor browser Setup” will immediately lead you to Tor configuration setup as shown in the picture below.

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tor browser

From here you can either configure Tor according to your need or directly start the Tor browser with no further delay by just clicking “Connect

Tor will start connecting with relays after you clicked “Connect”. In just a few seconds Tor browser window will open depending on your internet connection.

tor start screen

From here you can browse the internet without censorship and restriction. Your default search engine will be DuckDuckGo.

Our installation is now complete, and now you can use Tor.

In some rare cases, this method of installing Tor does not work and for that, you need to install Tor via terminal.

So here are the commands that you can put in the terminal to easily install Tor.

First add this ppa to your system and run the following commands in terminal.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher 

This will install the Tor browser in your Linux Mint 21 or Ubuntu system

Once installed you can launch Tor either through the main menu or by running the following command in the terminal.

$ torbrowser-launcher

This terminal method of installation will only work for Linux Mint or Ubuntu users but the method mentioned at the very start can be used in any Linux version.

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Как установить Tor Browser на Linux Mint 20 недорогой хостинг сайтов недорогой хостинг сайтов

В этом руководстве мы покажем вам, как установить Tor Browser на Linux Mint 20. Для тех из вас, кто не знал, Tor Browser — это открытая сеть и бесплатный веб-браузер, который помогает пользователям защищаться от анализа трафика, своего рода сетевое наблюдение, которое угрожает личной жизни и свободе, конфиденциальным деловым отношениям, деятельности и государственной безопасности.

В этой статье предполагается, что у вас есть хотя бы базовые знания Linux, вы знаете, как использовать оболочку, и, что наиболее важно, вы размещаете свой сайт на собственном VPS. Установка довольно проста и предполагает, что вы работаете с учетной записью root, в противном случае вам может потребоваться добавить ‘ sudo ‘ к командам для получения привилегий root. Я покажу вам пошаговую установку анонимного веб-серфинга Tor Browser на Linux Mint 20 (Ульяна).

Как установить Tor Browser на Linux Mint 20

Шаг 1. Перед запуском приведенного ниже руководства важно убедиться, что ваша система обновлена, выполнив следующие apt команды в терминале:

sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common

Шаг 2. Установка Tor Browser на Linux Mint 20.

Теперь мы запускаем следующую команду, чтобы установить установщик Tor Browser с официальной страницы:


Затем извлеките файл Tar из загружаемого браузера Tor:

tar -xvf tor-browser-linux64-10.5.2_en-US.tar.xz

Шаг 3. Создайте ярлык на рабочем столе для Tor Browser.

Создайте ярлык на рабочем столе для своего браузера, используя следующую команду:

nano ~/Desktop/Tor-browser.desktop

Добавьте следующую строку:

[Desktop Entry] Name=Tor Browser Exec=/opt/tor/Browser/./start-tor-browser Icon=/opt/tor/Browser/browser/chrome/icons/default/default128.png Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true

После этого сделайте ярлык исполняемым. Вы увидите ярлык на рабочем столе, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Свойства». Затем на вкладке «Разрешения» установите флажок « Разрешить выполнение файла как программы » и затем закройте его.

Шаг 4. Доступ к Tor Browser в Linux Mint.

После успешной установки просто дважды щелкните ярлык браузера Tor на рабочем столе, когда захотите его использовать.

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Поздравляю! Вы успешно установили Tor Browser . Благодарим за использование этого руководства для установки последней версии анонимного веб-серфинга Tor Browser в системе Linux Mint. Для получения дополнительной помощи или полезной информации мы рекомендуем вам посетить официальный сайт Tor Browser .


How to Install Tor Browser on LinuxMint 20

Tor browser is an open network and free web browser that helps users to defend against traffic analysis, a type of network surveillance that threatens personal privacy and freedom, confidential business relationships, activities, and state security. Tor browser provides secure user communications over a distributed network. It also prevents the user from watching your internet IP connection and physical location.

We will describe in this article how you can install Tor Browser on LinuxMint 20 distribution.


Use sudo or root privileges to install the Tor browser on LinuxMint 20.

Installation of Tor browser on LinuxMint 20

Perform the following different steps on your LinuxMint distribution to install the tor browser:

Step 1: Add PPA tor browser launcher repository

The updated version of the tor browser you cannot install from the default Ubuntu / LinuxMint repository. The updated tor browser version can be installed using the tor-browser launcher script. This script automatically downloads and installs the most updated Tor browser version with the application icon. So, add the project maintainer Tor browser launcher repository on your system by running the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa

Step 2: Update apt system packages repository

Update the repository’s packages by using the below-given command:

Step 3: Install the Tor browser launcher package

In this step, install the Tor browser launcher package from its repository by running the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher

Once the installation of the tor browser is completed, launch the tor browser configurations on your system.

Step 4: Launch Tor browser

To launch the Tor browser, click on the applications menu in LinuxMint 20. Type ‘tor’ in the application search box and the following results displays on the application list:

Click on the ‘tor browser launcher setting’ and the following pop-up displays on the desktop. Click on the ‘Install Tor browser’ option.

After that tor browser will download on your system.

Now, the following window shows in your browser. Click on the ‘connect’ option to use the Tor browser on LinuxMint 20 distribution. This default Tor browser configuration is sufficient for a new user.

Uninstall or Remove tor browser launcher from LinuxMint 20

To uninstall and remove the Tor browser launcher package from LinuxMint 20 system, type the below-mentioned command on the terminal window:

$ sudo apt remove torbrowser-launcher


We have shown in this article how to install and configure the latest Tor browser version on LinuxMint 20 system. Therefore, now using the tor browser, you can browse privately and securely and visit all websites blocked by your ISP providers.

Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications including CCNA RS, SCP, and ACE. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various websites.


Install Tor Browser on Linux Mint 20 — Step by Step Process ?

Install Tor Browser on Linux Mint 20 - Step by Step Process ?

Tor browser is an open network and free web browser that helps users to defend against traffic analysis, a type of network surveillance that threatens personal privacy and freedom, confidential business relationships, activities, and state security. Tor browser provides secure user communications over a distributed network. It also prevents the user from watching your internet IP connection and physical location.

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Here at LinuxAPT , as part of our Server Management Services , we regularly help our Customers to perform related Open Source Software Installation queries on Linux Mint system.

In this context, we shall look into how you can install Tor Browser on Linux Mint 20 distribution.

How to Install Tor browser on LinuxMint 20 ?

Before proceeding with this Installation procedure, ensure that you are using sudo or root privileges to install the Tor browser on Linux Mint.

Now, follow the steps outlined below.

1. Add PPA tor browser launcher repository

The updated version of the tor browser you cannot install from the default Ubuntu / LinuxMint repository. The updated tor browser version can be installed using the tor-browser launcher script. This script automatically downloads and installs the most updated Tor browser version with the application icon. So, add the project maintainer Tor browser launcher repository on your system by running the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa
2. Update apt system packages repository

Update the repository’s packages by using the below-given command:

3. Install the Tor browser launcher package

Here, install the Tor browser launcher package from its repository by running the below-mentioned command:

$ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher

Once the installation of the tor browser is completed, launch the tor browser configurations on your system.

4. Launch Tor browser

To launch the Tor browser, click on the applications menu in LinuxMint 20. Type ‘ tor ‘ in the application search box. Then, on the application list, click on the ‘ tor browser launcher setting ‘. Click on the ‘ Install Tor browser ‘ option.

Now, you will be able to click on the ‘ connect ‘ option to use the Tor browser on Linux Mint 20 distribution. This default Tor browser configuration is sufficient for a new user.

How to Uninstall tor browser launcher from Linux Mint 20 ?

To uninstall and remove the Tor browser launcher package from LinuxMint 20 system, type the below-mentioned command on the terminal window:

$ sudo apt remove torbrowser-launcher

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This article covers how to install and configure the latest Tor browser version on LinuxMint 20 system. In fact, now using the tor browser, you can browse privately and securely and visit all websites blocked by your ISP providers.

How to install Tor on Ubuntu 21.04 ?

1. We access the terminal in Ubuntu 21.04 and install Tor with the following command:

2. Install the browser itself with the following command:

$ sudo apt install torbrowser-launcher 

How to Remove Tor browser from Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint ?

If you are not happy with the Tor browser (installed via APT), you can remove it using the command below:

$ sudo apt purge torbrowser-launcher

If you installed it using Flatpak via software center, you can easily uninstall it from there. If you installed it from terminal, type in the following command:

$ flatpak uninstall com.github.micahflee.torbrowser-launcher


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