How to install unity on linux

How to install Unity3D on Linux?

Recently my friend has switched to Linux System, and she needs to Install Unity for her Personal use, and she doesn’t want to switch back to Windows only for Unity.

So, I helped her to Install Unity3D on Linux. At that time, I thought why not write an article on Installing Unity and solving our reader problems.

In this guide, we will walk through the installation process to install Unity3D on your Linux System.

Minimum Requirement

To install Unity on Linux system read the minimum requirement are as follow, and even you can refer to Official Site

  • Official support in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and CentOS 7.
  • X64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support To check SSE2 Download CPU-Z.
  • OpenGL 3.2+ or Vulkan-capable, Nvidia, and AMD GPUs.
  • For the gnome-desktop environment, x11 required, Nvidia and AMD official proprietary graphic driver.

Download Unity Setup Wizard

We cannot directly install unity from the Linux repository for that we need to visit the official site.

Unity comes up with two Options LTS and Beta Version. It’s my advice not to get with Unity Beta as a beginner.

Click on Choose your Unity + download for the first time user. If you are already using Unity, then simply click on Download Unity Hub.

Download Unity

As you click on Choose your Unity + download button, the next page will get open where Plans and pricing are written.

You can download unity for free if you are eligible for certain criteria.

To use Unity for free, then switch to the Individual. Unity provides an offer for Students and makes sure to grab the offer by click on Sign up.

Unity provides free for Individuals until you earn $100K from your game in the last 12 months, and you should not be a member of PRO team.

To download click on Get started and wait for further instructions.

Click on Get started

If you are first time user simply click on Start here, and for returning user click on Go here.

Click on respective button

When you click on Start here button to download Unity, it will ask you to agree on service terms.

Click on an Agree and download to start.

Click on agree and download

Install UnityHub on Linux

From the above, step We have downloaded Unity Hub from Official site, and now it’s time to Install on Our Linux System.

Go to the directory where you have downloaded UnityHub.AppImage In my case We have downloaded it into the Downloads directory.

Open your terminal and pass the below command to change directory:

$ cd Downloads

By default, we cannot execute UnityHub.AppImage until we provide executable permission.

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To provide executable permission type

$ sudo chmod a+x UnityHub.AppImage

Now we have changed the file permission. To run UnityHub.AppImage type

$ ./UnityHub.AppImage

When you run the UnityHub.AppImage for the first you will see No License.

To install the Unity Editor, you need to register or Sign-In in UnityHub. To login click on and Sign If you don’t have the create new.

No License

After login still shows No License what to do now? Simply click on Activate New License.

Click on Activate New License

If you want to use Unity for Personal use, follow the below screen, then click on Done Button.

New License Activation

We able to fetch License from the Unity Server.


How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu without hack

How to install unity game engine on any linux based ubuntu without unnecessary hack and headache with whine. Here is the ultimate guide.

You have certainly heard of Unity3d software which is widely used to create video games and 3d apps.

For a long time it was believed that this software was only intended for owners of Windows PCs and Macs. The ideal alternative for linux game creators was Unreal engine.

Today, it is now possible to install Unity3d on linux without going through wine or any hacking technique. In this tutorial we will install the game engine on ubuntu.

How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

How to install unity game engine for ubuntu

Unity3d software has been long awaited by the linux community. In this post I am including the easiest way to install it on ubuntu.

No more hacking, complex or dubious installation of simulation tools to make it work. Now we can create cross-platform games on linux. To start, you need to install Unityhub.

How to install Unity Hub on ubuntu

The installation of this tool under linux can be done simply in the terminal. Follow these instructions to the letter to succeed

1 – We will add the unityhub repository on ubuntu. Type the following commands

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unityhub.list'
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

This last command saves the public encrypted key.

2- Now that the repository is installed, we can now install the tool in question. Write these instructions:

sudo apt update sudo apt-get install unityhub

If you were able to install UnityHub by this method, you can skip the next section to continue with the installation of Unity 3d. If that ever fails you can always try to install it the old way.

How to install Unity Hub the old fashioned way

This section of the post was written before Unity Hub was officially ported to ubuntu. I don’t know if this method still works.

The easiest way to install the game engine is through Unity hub. Here are the instructions on how to do it.

1- Download unity-hub on On the page you will have to click on the link Unity Hub

2 — The download file should be called UnityHub.AppImage . Copy it to the Desktop or any folder you want. We will often use it to start an unity project on ubuntu. The next instruction will be to make the file executable by changing its permission. Open your terminal and type:

chmod + x UnityHub.AppImage

The name UnityHub.AppImage can be replaced by the path to the file with that name.

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3- start unity-hub to install your game development tools. It can be started in two ways under linux.

  • The first way is to double click on the file UnityHub.AppImage. I will not recommend it personally because if the start can take time. It is impossible to know if your click is taken into account or not in this case. Suddenly we want to repeat the action and we end up with several windows that open at different intervals.
  • The second way and which is also my favorite is to launch Unity Hub via the terminal. For novices just type the path to the file ./UnityHub.AppImage in your terminal then click Enter . In this way it is possible to see the startup errors (if there are any) in the terminal. If all goes well the window should be displayed with the information log on the terminal. You can very quickly stop the process with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + c.

4- If all goes well after a few minutes of waiting (at most 2 min in our case at the first start). For this tutorial, I worked with the beta version of Unity Hub for linux. The window that appeared to me is this one:

How to install unity3d on ubuntu

All you have to do is log in and follow the instructions.

Unity game engine installation for ubuntu

Now that you’ve installed your Unity Hub brilliantly, it’s time to install the Unity 3d game engine. To achieve this, you must log into your Unity 3d account. If you have not yet registered, registration can be done in two ways:

  • By application UnityHub where you can click on the link create accounts . (to connect it is the button Sign in of course ).
  • Directly through the website. You will need to come back to your Unity Hub to connect.

Once registration is complete, we can proceed to the next step. For this I will use my Unity Hub already installed as an example.

Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu

1 — When you click on the button installs located on the left of your window you will have a page which should look like the one in the image above. The only difference from mine is that it’s going to be empty. Unless a ghost has already installed unity3d in your absence.

2 — Then click on the big button ADD blue located at the far right — top of your window.

Unity3d - How to install it on ubuntu

3 — We’re almost there. You will need to be on the page shown in the image above where you can choose between the different versions of Unity 3d software. Leave the default settings then press the buttons NEXT.

4 — From this step follow the instructions to install unity3d. The download may take a long time, so plan for a good internet connection and other offline activity while you wait for the download and installation process.

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We have come to the end of the mini tutorial showing How to install Unity3d on ubuntu without using Hack.


I hope everything went well with you, I installed the application while writing the mini tutorial. The first time (a few months ago) was like a fairly experimental version. I haven’t yet created a 100% Unity ubuntu game to confirm that it’s possible, so we’re only moving forward. You may be interested in Gimp — How to install the latest version on ubuntu et Web scraping — practice and techniques to start — Tutorial (2021)


Installing Unity in Manjaro Linux

Jeremy Morgan


Let’s learn together on YouTube!

I’m going to build games in Unity. I love using Linux as my development environment, so I was happy to learn that you can create games with Unity in Linux. Since I know many of you out there are in the same boat as me. I will document this process so you can build Unity games in Manjaro Linux.

Do you want something like this on your Manjaro Machine?

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Installing the Unity Hub

So, let’s install the Unity Hub from the AUR.

cd ~/src git clone cd unityhub makepkg -is 

This will start the process of installing the Unity Hub:

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Once it’s done, you’ll see the hub in your startup menu (whatever distro of Linux you’re running)

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

When you start it up, it will ask you to sign in:

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Sign in with your Unity Credentials (you can get an account for free).

Configuring the Editor

Once you load up the Unity Hub and click on “Installs,” you’ll notice you don’t yet have an editor.

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

This is no big deal. Click on “Install Editor.”

You will see a list of available editors. I generally choose the LTS version.

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Here you’ll be asked for a list of platforms you want to build for:

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Select the platform you want to build your applications for. I like to develop for Linux and WebGL, so I’ll choose those.

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

When you’ve made your selections, click Install.

Once it’s complete, you should see a screen that looks like this:

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Creating a Kart Game

The Kart game is one of my favorite demo games with Unity. Let’s create it.

In Unity Hub, click on New Project

Then Learning

Then Karting Microgame

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Then click Download Template.

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

Now you can create a new Karting Game. Name it appropriately, and select Create Project.

After a few minutes, you’ll have your Karting Game loaded and ready!

“How to Install Unity in Linux”

“How to Install Unity in Linux”


In this tutorial, we learned how to install Unity (Unity Hub and Unity Editor) in Manjaro Linux. So far, building things and running the games has been incredibly smooth. I enjoy it. Since I like developing in Linux as my desktop environment, it’s been great for me.

If you like Unity and want to learn how to build games with it, be sure to follow me on Twitch where I make games LIVE every week!

Published: Feb 2, 2023 by Jeremy Morgan. Contact me before republishing this content.


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