How to remove vmware linux

How to uninstall VMware Player?

With the first command, you can see what products you have. With the second, you can choose which product to uninstall. For instance, to uninstall VMware Player, please enter this in a terminal window:

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-player 

I think this is the most complete answer, especially to make sure the reader can uninstall everything they intend to.

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation 

Used to uninstall complete vmware-workstation package including vmware-player.

I had to change the command line Lorenzo Lerate provided to make it work for me for version 12.5.6:

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-player 

I think Lorenzo meant that his readers should substitute PRODUCT-NAME with the actual product name, e. g. vmware-player .

The official documentation states you have to run this:

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation 

Uninstalling VMware in linux machine

Use command with root permission to uninstall

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-player 

if you removed some files before using above command the command will not work properly

For this issue: Reinstall VMware workstation again

sudo ./VMware-Player-Full-16.2.4-20089737.x86_64.bundle 

and use this command again 🙂

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-player 


How to Uninstall VMware Workstation 14/15 on Linux Mint 19.1/18

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Last Updated: June 18, 2022 | VMware Workstation | Tolga Bagci

In this article, we will examine the steps to remove the VMware Workstation virtualization program installed on Linux Mint 18/19.

How to Uninstall VMware Workstation 14/15 on Linux Mint 19.1/18

How to Uninstall VMware Software from Linux Mint 19.1/18

VMware Workstation 14 Pro is a popular virtualization program and allows you to set up multiple operating systems by creating VMs.

VMware Software 14/15 Pro works on Windows operating systems as well as on Linux platforms. In our previous article, we installed VMware 14/15 Pro on Linux Mint 19 and Linux Mint 18.

In this article, we will remove VMware 14/15 Pro virtualization software that we installed on Linux Mint. You can also use Package Manager to delete VMware program or any software over Linux.

If you are familiar with Linux Terminal commands, we will review the steps of removing the VMware Workstation from Mint using Terminal.

How to Remove VMware from Linux Mint

You must also delete the virtual machine settings made to remove the VM software completely from the system. If you do not want to delete the virtual machine configurations you have made, you should pay attention to this setting in the uninstallation window.

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To completely delete VMware from your computer, follow the steps below in sequence.

Open the Start menu and type the name of the program in the search box to make sure it is installed on your system.

Linux Mint Start Menu

To remove the program, open the Terminal and execute the following command.

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

To delete all configurations you have made on the virtualization program, you must select No in the following image. If you will then setup this program again on your system, select Yes in this step to save the configurations.

Select No to delete the configurations and click Next.

Confirm deletion of all files related to VMware

Wait while uninstalling the program from Mint.

Uninstalling VMware on Linux Mint

The virtualization program has successfully removed from the system. Click the Close button to close the warning window.

Uninstalling Workstation

Type “vmware” in the search box on mint and make sure that the virtual machine program has removed!


How to Delete VMware Workstation on Linux Mint 19/18 ⇒ Video

You can watch the video below to delete the VM software and also subscribe to our YouTube channel to support us…

VMware Uninstallation Video

Final Word

In this article, we have examined how to delete the virtualization program from the Linux system. In addition, for more information about the removal process, you can refer to the source published on the developer’s website. Thanks for following us!

Tolga Bagci


Hello, I’m Tolga! I am a computer specialist who has been specializing in computer technologies for about 20 years. I provide solutions to problems encountered in many areas such as hardware, system, network, virtualization, server systems, and operating systems, and create relevant content on my website by explaining how to solve these problems. My goal is to be a reliable source of expert, quality, and trustworthy solutions for your computer problems. By following innovations and using the latest technologies, I aim to be successful in my job and provide you with the best service. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or curiosity about technology. Have a nice day, stay up to date 🙂


How to Uninstall VMware Workstation 14/15 Pro on Debian 9.9

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Last Updated: June 18, 2022 | VMware Workstation | Tolga Bagci

In this article, we will examine the steps to delete VMware Workstation 14/15 Pro on Linux / Debian 9.9 operating system.

How to Uninstall VMware Workstation 14/15 Pro on Debian 9.9

How to Uninstall VMware Workstation/Player 14/15 on Debian 9

The VMware Workstation virtualization program on a Windows operating system is removed through the Windows Setup Wizard.

However, the bundle installer is used to uninstall VMware from a Linux system. If you uninstall VMware and do not save the configuration files, the Shared VMs library will also be deleted.

Later, when you install it again, your virtual machines will not appear. In the previous article, we installed the VMware 14/15 Pro version on the Debian operating system.

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In this article, we will remove VMware Workstation from Linux, and we will delete its entire configuration.

How to Remove VMware Workstation from Debian

To completely delete VMware from Linux, follow the steps below.

Run Terminal on the desktop and allow Root access with the su command. Then, follow the command below to remove the virtual pc program.

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

After you open the GUI screen, if you want to delete the virtual machine configurations, select No and click the Next button.

All configuration information is about to be removed

Wait while it is removing VM software 14/15 Pro on Debian 9.9…

Uninstalling the Software

The virtual machine program has been successfully removed from the system and click the Close button to close the window.

Uninstallation was successful

Open the Start menu and type the name of the program in the search box and check that the Workstation program removed from the system as in the following window.

Debian Start Menu

How to Delete VMware Software ⇒ Video

You can watch the video below to delete/remove the virtualization program from your Linux computer step by step, and you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to support us.

VMware Deletion Video

Final Word

In this article, we have removed the Workstation virtualization program from the Linux operating system. You can also review the removal guide published by the manufacturer. Thanks for following us!

Tolga Bagci


Hello, I’m Tolga! I am a computer specialist who has been specializing in computer technologies for about 20 years. I provide solutions to problems encountered in many areas such as hardware, system, network, virtualization, server systems, and operating systems, and create relevant content on my website by explaining how to solve these problems. My goal is to be a reliable source of expert, quality, and trustworthy solutions for your computer problems. By following innovations and using the latest technologies, I aim to be successful in my job and provide you with the best service. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any questions or curiosity about technology. Have a nice day, stay up to date 🙂


How to Uninstall VMware WorkStation in Linux?

VMware is a well-known hypervisor that supports multiple operating systems on a single desktop. It platforms virtualization software and products, of which VMware Workstation is one. VMware Workstation is a lightweight and feature-enriched virtualization tool to run multiple operating systems on a single computing device.

This guide enlists all the possible ways to uninstall the VMware workstation in Linux with the following outlines:

Method 1: Uninstall VMware Workstation Using Uninstaller Script

The first method is to use the “VMware-tools” uninstaller script to uninstall it in Linux:

Type the below-mentioned command with the superuser privileges, i.e., “sudo” in the terminal. Press the “Enter” key, and the uninstallation process will be started:

$ sudo vmware-installer -u vmware-workstation

The output shows that “VMware workstation” has been completely removed/uninstalled from the system

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Method 2: Uninstall VMware Workstation in Linux Manually

If the above method fails then uninstall the “VMware workstation” manually by following some essential steps.

Step 1: Stop VMware Services and Processes

First, shut down and close all the “Vmware” running services and processes in the “/etc/init.d/”directory.

This directory contains the initialization and termination scripts of “Vmware workstation”:

All the “Vmware workstation” services have been stopped.

For more verification, use the following combination of “lsmod(List Modules)” and the “grep” command:

It is verified that the services are successfully stopped.

Step 2: Move the VM libraries

The “VMware workstation” libraries are in the “misc” directory. So first move into it using the “cd(change directory)” and the “kernel version” of the current system in the following way:

$ cd /lib/modules/5.15.0-52-generic/misc

The directory has been changed:

Execute the “mv(move)” command to move all the VM libraries from “misc” to temporary “/tmp” directory:

Step 3: Remove the VMware Logon Scripts

The next step is to remove the startup scripts of “Vmware” one by using the below typed “rm(remove)” command.

The “rc2.d” scripts are used for starting and stopping the process:

$ sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/init.d/rc2.d/*vmware* #For RedHat and Other Distributions $ sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/*vmware* #For Ubuntu/Debian,

Remove the next script, “rc3.d”, that contains all the executable scripts starting at the boot time of the Linux system:

$ sudo rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc3.d/*vmware* #For RedHat and Other Distributions $ sudo rm /etc/rc3.d/*vmware* #For Ubuntu/Debian

Lastly, remove the “rc6.d” which helps to kill the active processes and unmount the filesystem:

$ sudo rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc6.d/*vmware* #For RedHat and Other Distributions $ sudo rm /etc/rc6.d/*vmware* #For Ubuntu/Debian

All the startup scripts regarding “VMware workstation” have been removed.

Step 4: Remove the VMware Files and Directories (Recommended)

It is recommended to remove the “VMware workstation” files and the directories located in the “/etc” directory:

Next, remove all the “VMware” USB arbitration services in the following way:

$ sudo rm /usr/bin/vmware-usbarbitrator

Remove all the “vmnet” kernel modules remaining files and directories:

Delete the “VMware” libraries recursively with the “-r” flag of the “rm” command:

In last, remove the “VMware” tools remaining directories:

$ sudo rm -r /usr/share/doc/vmware*

After doing so, the VMWare Workstation has been removed from the system completely.


In Linux, use the “VMware installer” to automatically uninstall the VMware workstation. Apart from that, the user can also remove it manually by removing all of its libraries, modules, and additional files/directories. This guide has briefly described all possible methods to uninstall VMware workstations in Linux.


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