How to reset kali linux password

How To Reset Kali Linux Password in 2023 (The Easiest Way)

Reset your Kali Linux password with these easy steps.

How To Reset Kali Linux Password in 2023 (The Easiest Way)

As you already know Kali is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution that was previously known as BackTrack. It aims for advanced penetration testing and security auditing. If you have forgotten your root password and want to reset Kali Linux password this is the best tutorial. You can also decide to go back to default settings and see what the default “root” credentials are.

This is a multi-platform solution that is accessible and freely available to professionals and hobbyists. It was released back in 2013 as a complete rebuild of BackTrack Linux, adhering to completely Debian development standards.

It carries many tools which are targeted towards different information security tasks like:

  • Security research.
  • Penetration testing.
  • Computer forensics.
  • Reverse engineering.

About Kali Linux and what it offers

About Kali Linux Features

After having a review of each tool included in BackTrack, many tools were eliminated that either did not work or which duplicated other tools which provided the same or similar functions. Details can be seen Kali tools website.

Free to download (and use)

It comes in free and will always be.

It comes with open source development as their commitment and development tree is there for all to see. Source code is available for all who want to tweak or rebuild packages to suit their certain needs.

Compliant with FHS

It adheres to Filesystem Hierarchy Standard which allows users to locate binaries, support files, libraries and much more quite easily.

Support for ARMEL & ARMHF

As ARM-based single-board systems such as BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi are becoming prevalent and inexpensive, it was known that it would need to ne as robust as it could be managed, with fully working installation for both these systems. It is available on a wide range of ARM devices as carries ARM repositories integrated with mainline distribution so that tools for ARM are updated in conjunction with the rest of the distribution.

Customize Everything

All adventurous users can customize it to their liking all the way down to the kernel. You can also change the look by installing beautiful themes.

Supports various Languages

Penetration tools are though written in English we made sure that they included multi-lingual support. This allowed more users to operate in their native language and find tools that they need for the job.

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Signed packages/repositories

Each package in this is signed by every individual developer who built and committed it, and repositories signed the packages as well.

Its team is made of a small group of individuals who are trusted to commit packages and interact with repositories, all of which is done by using different security protocols.

Supports all wireless protocols

A regular sticking point with Linux distributions is supported for wireless interfaces. It has been built to support as many wireless devices as it can thus allowing it to run on a wide variety of hardware properly and making it compatible with many USB and wireless devices.

Custom Kernel

Its Kernal carries the latest injection patches as in penetration testers the development team often requires wireless devices.

Reset Kali Linux Password (Ultimate Guide)

It is used for pen testing as mentioned above; pen testing is a method where people check their very own structures and their own architectures with the purpose to find vulnerabilities. It is seemed to be a good option for security thefts.

It requires a minimum of 20 GB of storage for installation and working. It is a heavyweight operating system that requires 1GB of RAM. It uses different tools which need graphical hardware acceleration using the latest GPUs.

Resetting Root Password

Root Password

If you have forgotten your password and it states “incorrect try again” then you need to simply restart it.

For your information, the default credentials on a new install are as follows:

Default Username: kali Default password: kali 

Boot to GRUB Menu

After reboot when you get to the menu, be sure to press up or down arrow keys to cancel the timeout in order to prevent the system from going into default mode.

Changing the GRUB Menu

  • In here highlight “advanced option for kali Linux/GNU.
  • Hit the “E” key,
  • Look for a line that starts with “Linux”.
  • In here, replace “o” in “ro_single” with “w” to make it “rw_single” in the Linux line.
  • At the end of the line, press “space” from the keyboard and type:

Changing the Password

Kali Change Password Commands

To change the existing passcode type the following command:

  1. Type in a new password next to the “new password” option and press “enter”.
  2. Retype a new one, after this, you shall see a message which says “password updated successfully”.
  3. That is all, it has now been reset.
  4. After this choose Kali/Linux option and press “enter”.
  5. Give your username which is the root username and a new password.
  6. Press the “sign-in” button, you shall see that system is now properly functioning for the root user.

Factory Reset Kali Linux (Default Settings)

Reset Kali Linux to default settings

Once the system has been reset, all set in the system shall be the same as before when you installed it the very first time, after resetting OS, only setting shall be reset and no files or any tiles or the software shall be deleted.

For you need to log into the root user and then enter some commands so that OS can be reset.

Use the following commands before resetting:

sudo apt-get update - This will update it. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - This will upgrade it. auo apt-get install dconf-editor –y 

Factory Reset command

To reset you need to type in some comments which shall be shown in the section of the command. After putting this, wait so that the settings are reset.

Remember: When you run this command in the terminal, you need to be logged in to the admin user. If not logged in, it shall ask for the password of the admin user.

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After the outing in this comment, your OS shall be the same as before but any kind of tool will not be deleted. Once the reset is done, you can decorate it even better and customize it accordingly.


I hope this helped you to reset the Kali Linux password so that you can get back access to your distro. The tutorial above should work also on a virtualized Kali Linux installation on Windows 10 along with helping you to reset it to default factory settings.


How to Reset root Password on Kali Linux | Kali Linux 2022.3

reset root Password on Kali Linux

  • June 3, 2022
  • admin
  • Kali Linux / Linux Tips and Tricks

In this article, we will learn how to reset root Password on Kali Linux step by step. When we install the latest Kali Linux machine we set up a stander user and we have to set the root password after that. So how to update or reset the stander user’s password as we as root user password.

Linux Commands

If you want to change the user’s password you have to check the login user.

Check Login User in Linux

pwd Command

Using pwd command you can check your working directory.

whoami Command

Using whoami command you can see the login user name, who is login into your machine.

Check Login User in Linux

Standard User’s Password

Now we have to reset the login user’s password using the following command.

[[email protected] ~ ]$ passwd Changing password for kalilinux. Current password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully

Standard Users Password

Other Standard User’s Password

Using this command you can use the same command to change the password. Using the following command you can change the password.

[[email protected] ~ ]$ passwd kalilinux Changing password for kalilinux. Current password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully

Other Standard Users Password

Reset root Password on Kali Linux

In the latest version of Kali Linux by default, the root user is disabled. We have to set the root password after installing the Kali Linux.

Switch to root Account in Terminal

After installing the Kali Linux we have to set the root password. So we have to switch from standard user to root user in the terminal. Do this is the command to switch the user.

[[email protected] ~ ]$ sudo -i [sudo] password for kalilinux: ┏━(Message from Kali developers) ┃ ┃ We have kept /usr/bin/python pointing to Python 2 for backwards ┃ compatibility. Learn how to change this and avoid this message: ┃ ⇒ ┃ ┗━(Run: “touch ~/.hushlogin” to hide this message) ┌──(root💀tutorial)-[~] └─#

Switch to root Account in Terminal

Now here you can see, I am login as a root in the terminal.

Check Login User in terminal

pwd Command

Using pwd command you can check your working directory.

whoami Command

┌──(root💀tutorial)-[~] └─# whoami root

Using whoami command you can see the login user name, who is login into your machine.

Check Login User in terminal

Reset root Password on Kali Linux

Now we have to reset root password on Kali Linux using the following command.

┌──(root💀tutorial)-[~] └─# passwd New password: Retype new password: passwd: password updated successfully

Note To change or reset the user’s password, the command is always the same. And if you are login as root you are able to change any user’s password from the terminal.

Reset Kali Linux root Password

So this is the way to change or reset root password on Kali Linux. If you want to change the password you have to know your old password. If you do not know your old password in that case you have to follow the other way.


  • This article was written only for educational purposes.
  • The author can not be held any responsibility for damage caused by the use of these resources.
  • You will not use this information to gain unauthorized access or any other legal activity.
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If you are using any illegal activities using these techniques can’t hold any responsibility for your action.


If you have any questions about this article, any feedback, suggestions, or if you want to share your thoughts, please feel free to comment below.
If you want to speak with us directly you can Contact Us.

About The Author


Kali Linux Tutorial blog that publishes articles, Tips, Tricks and Tutorials about Kali Linux operations, new techniques and Linux security.

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AV June 18, 2021 at 5:08 pm Tried, but won’t change. What’s wrong?

admin Article Author June 18, 2021 at 7:12 pm If you are using Xfce DE, this tutorial working. Please follow the tutorial.

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How to reset Kali Linux User password

How to reset Kali Linux User password

In this article, we are going to learn how to reset Kali Linux user passwords on Kali Linux. We all know we can change the password from the terminal if we know the current password. But if we forget then we have to follow the following steps to reset the password.

In this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to boot Into the GRUB menu on Kali Linux
  • Edit the GRUB menu
  • Change your root permissions in the GRUB
  • How to reset Kali root password
  • Reboot your system from the GRUB

Boot into the GRUB menu

Reboot your Kali Linux system into the GRUB boot menu. When you are on the GRUB menu you have to simply press the E key in order to edit the default boot menu entry.

Kali Linux Password Reset Boot

Edit the GRUB menu

Once you entered the GRUB menu edit mode you will be presented with the following window. Scroll down until you hit the line starting with the keyword linux.

Kali Linux Password Rest Line

After you have located the line starting with linux, you have to use arrows to look for keyword ro and replace it with keyword rw . And Next, on the same boot entry find the keyword splash and replace it with init=/bin/zsh .

Kali Linux Password Reset Permission

Now you have to press the Ctrl+x or F10 to boot.

Reset Kali Linux User password

At this point, we are ready to reset the user password. Type passwd command and enter your new password. Enter the user password again to verify. Press ENTER and confirm that the password reset was successful.

Kali Linux user Password Reset

Reboot your system

At this stage, you are done. Simply reboot your system or continue booting using the following Linux command:

Kali Linux Restart from GRUB

Login with New Password

Now after rebooting your Kali, You can login with new password. You can login with root and also with standard user account.

Kali Linux 2022.2 Login with New Password


Kali Linux is the most popular Linux distribution for security researcher. If you Reset Kali Linux User password you can rest with some steps. It is easy to install and also easy to use. Kali Linux is also available with different desktop environments. You can use it as you want. Enjoy.

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Linuxips is a Linux blog that publishes articles and tutorials about server operations, installations, new techniques and Linux security.


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