How to run programs linux terminal

how do you run a program in the terminal

I have to open a program called Vbox, and some other specific programs related to that.There is also a program called libquantum. however these programs have to be run from a terminal. what is the specific command and syntax to run these programs? I do not have much experience with an ubuntu terminal.

Googling for libquantum it seems like it’s a C library for quantum physics simulation. so you don’t run it. It’s not a program, it’s a set of functions that will help you code your own simulations (that will be compiled and then ran). I may be wrong, though.

2 Answers 2

Ubuntu, and other Linux systems, have a terminal that generally uses this syntax:


For instance, copy, or cp . If you were to do this command:

cp -r folder1 Documents/folder2 
  • cp — the ‘copy’ command
  • -r — the recursive option, used on folders
  • folder1 Documents/folder2 — the arguments, which are the source folder, and the destination folder.

You can also autocomplete commands, using the Tab key. If you were to type:

it should autocomplete the command. In this case the command is VBoxManage . There are tutorials on it here and here. Here is one example:

VBoxManage startvm "Windows XP" 

which would start the Windows XP virtual machine, if it existed.

To install libquantam, you should be able to use:

sudo apt-get install libquantum 

if that does not work, try: sudo apt-get install libquantum-dev sudo apt-get install libquantum*


How to Start Any Program in Terminal

Terminal is a command line interface that allows users to enter commands and execute them. To start any program in Terminal, you need to understand the basics of how it works and the commands that you can use. Windows, Mac and Linux users can access Terminal via their respective operating systems. To start a program, enter the command found in the program’s documentation or search engine. Troubleshooting can be done with the help of the appropriate documentation. To stop a program, use the command «kill» in Windows, Mac and Linux.


Terminal is a powerful tool that allows users to access the command line interface of their computer. It can be used to run a variety of programs, and this guide will show you how to get the most out of Terminal and start any program you need.

Understanding Terminal

Terminal is a command line interface that allows users to enter commands and execute them. It is the most basic way to interact with your computer, as it allows you to run programs and access system settings. To use Terminal, you will need to understand the basics of how it works and the commands that you can use.

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Setting Up Terminal

For advance user, most probably you already customize the setup of your favorite Terminal. This involves configuring the environment, setting up the directory structure, and adding any custom commands that you may need. Hooray for you!

For beginners out there that don’t want the hassle of installing a new Terminal, simply use your default Terminal:


Windows users can access Terminal by navigating to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.


Mac users can access Terminal by navigating to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.


Linux users can access Terminal by navigating to Applications > System Tools > Terminal.

Starting a Program

If you don’t want to mess around with the system environment variables for all your installed programs, the this is the way to go.

Once you have your favourite Terminal from plethora of choices set up correctly, you can start any program you need. To do this, you will need to enter the command to start the program. This command can be found in the program’s documentation, or you can use a search engine such as Google to look it up.


If you encounter any errors when trying to start a program, it may be due to a number of different issues. If this happens, you can use the Terminal to troubleshoot the problem and find out what went wrong. The following might be a good starting point of your troubleshooting guide:



Linux OpenSUSE

Find the Program Executable Filename

The first step is to find the program or software you want to start in Terminal. You can do this by searching for the program in your computer’s search bar or by navigating to the program’s installation folder. Alternatively for Windows user, you can hover over the program shortcut, right-click, and select “Open file location”.

Extensions for Executable Filenames

Windows: .exe
Mac: .app
Linux: .sh or .bin

Start the Program

Once you’ve found the program, you can start it in Terminal by entering the command e.g. for Mac «open [program name]» into the Terminal window. This will open the program in the same way it would open if you clicked on it in your computer’s file browser. Here’s the list of the command for Windows PC, Mac and Linux:


To start a program in Terminal on Windows, use the command:

To start a program in detached mode in Terminal on Windows, use the command:

This will start the program in the background without opening a new window. Alternatively, you can also use the command:


To start a program in Terminal on Mac, use the command:

To start a program in detached mode in Terminal on Mac, use the command:

This will start the program in the background without opening a new window.


To start a program in Terminal on Linux, use the command:

To start a program in detached mode in Terminal on Linux, use the command:

This will start the program in the background without opening a new window.

Stop the Program

Terminal can also be used to stop programs. To stop a single program, in Windows use the command:

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To stop all programs from the Terminal, use the following commands:


Starting a program or software in Terminal is a useful tool for accessing and manipulating your computer’s operating system. It’s a powerful tool, and you can use it to start any program or software on your computer. With a few simple steps, you can start and stop any program or software from Terminal. Hopefully, you have gained knowledge from this guide on how to use Terminal to its fullest potential.

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Executing a Program in Ubuntu Terminal: A Guide

To make this possible, it is essential that the program is included in your PATH — a collection of folders that the shell explores for executables that are not specified as complete paths. However, if you are a Mac user, the «open -a» command is not applicable, while Windows users may find that program binaries lack «.exe» or «.bat» extensions.

Ubuntu: run app from terminal

To start a program that is on the PATH, open the terminal and type its name. For instance, you can type «gimp» or «/usr/bin/gimp». It is important to note that the name of the program binary is case sensitive, and you must know it beforehand. If you are a Mac user, there is no «open -a» available. For Windows users, program binaries typically do not have «.exe» or «.bat» extensions.

Kindly provide more clarity in your future inquiries, thank you.

Ask Ubuntu, 1). open up a terminal and compile the program. 2). run it (for example in Ubuntu) ./program_name comman_name -anything — anything. example: ./a.out locale -a. this example prints all locales supported by my compiler which is gcc. more info:

How do you run a scheme program in the terminal of Ubuntu?

The problem lies not in the file extension, but rather in the fact that MIT Scheme generates an error message when called with the hashtag » scheme hello-world.scm «, as it is meant to be invoked differently.

scheme --load hello-world.scm 

Please take note that the left-quote character ‘ is being used instead of the actual quote character ‘ . Please look carefully to spot the distinction.

Begin the scheme interpreter in the directory where your file is located. Once you access the mit-scheme interpreter, you can utilize the built-in scheme procedure consistently.

The file can be loaded into Scheme with this. I trust it was useful 🙂

For those who prefer using Visual Studio Code as their editor, the «Code Runner extension» is highly recommended. Ensure that it has been downloaded from the VS Code marketplace. To utilize it, simply enter Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) and copy and paste the following instructions.

Your file can be launched by either clicking on the Run Code icon or by using the shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+N .

It is essential to include #lang racket at the beginning of your file. NB:

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Script to run a command in a terminal and then open a, Although gnome-terminal indicates that the -e option is deprecated, it still works in 3.40.3. # Option “-e” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version of gnome-terminal. # Use “— ” to terminate the options and put the command line to execute after it.

How to Execute a program from anywhere in terminal

Assume that the code required to launch the software is ./path/to/file and the name of the software is xyz .

To establish a command alias, begin by generating a file called .bash_aliases in your home directory. Then, include the command alias line within this file.

Save the file and restart terminal.

In the future, you can initiate the program with the single command of typing » xyz «.

In case you are required to execute your program using its full path, like /home/john/someprogram-1.0/someprogram , there is a way to simplify it. You can add the program to your PATH, which is essentially a collection of directories that the shell looks for when searching for executables that have not been specified with full paths. Once added, you can execute the program by simply typing someprogram .

There exist three methods for achieving this goal.

  1. To set up the program, follow its installation instructions. These instructions will likely put the program in a directory already in the path, such as /usr/bin . Keep in mind that using this installation method requires sudo or having administrator privileges.
  2. To add the program’s directory to your path, you can manually attempt it by executing export PATH=$PATH:/home/john/someprogram-1.0 followed by trying to run someprogram which should work. To make this modification permanent, add the export command to your .profile file, which already exists in your home directory.
  3. Move the program to your personal folder designated as bin . Generate a new directory named bin in your main directory and transfer the someprogram document into it. However, this method may not be successful if the software necessitates entry to additional data files.

How do you run a scheme program in the terminal of, The problem is I am missing the simplest questions: What is the file extension for a scheme file? How do I run that file through scheme? I have tried .ss and .scm but every time I try scheme hello-world.scm it says:;Warning: Invalid keyword: «hello-world.scm» ;Warning: Unhandled command line options: («hello …

How to open terminal from terminal and run a program(script)?

A personalized profile can be established in GNOME Terminal to prevent the window from closing, and then this profile can be utilized to initiate the terminal window.

Create a fresh profile in Preferences and name it as noclose . In the «Command» tab, select the setting to keep the window open even after the command execution. Next, apply —window-with-profile=noclose in the gnome-terminal command prior to — .

Instead, add an additional std::cin to your program and assign it to a variable that is not utilized.

Open already running program via terminal, If you have runned firefox using firefox & you can use jobs to see its number. To bring it to foreground write %n firefox which n stands for its number. Example: sabrina@ubuntu:~$ jobs [1]+ Stopped firefox sabrina@ubuntu:~$ fg %1. Also you can «kill» the program: sabrina@ubuntu:~$ kill %1. Share.


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