How to update telegram desktop on linux

How to Update Telegram on Linux

Telegram is a cross-platform system that is known for its utmost privacy and security feature. Telegram can also be used on Linux which is an open-source operating system. Have you already installed telegram on Linux but are still confused on how you should update it? Usually, when we want to update any app, we update it from the google play store or from somewhere within the app itself. Here, we have listed a step-to-step guide

How to install telegram on ubuntu 20.04

Steps to update telegram on Linux

Step 1- Search telegram on your browser and open the official website: Pick your preferred browser. Search telegram on the search bar or any search engine of your choice. The first site that you will see will be of telegram’s official website. Tap on telegram desktop to directly find the link to install the latest version of the app.

Update Telegram on Linux Step 1

Step 2- Tap on «get telegram for Linux»: When the official site loads, you will see telegram desktop on your screen. The default button that appears is the one that lets you download telegram for Windows x64.

  • Scroll down a bit and you will see 2 links below this button.
  • Click on the second one that says “Show all platforms.”
  • After that, you will see four options of different platforms displayed on the screen.
  • Click on “Get Telegram for Linux x64.”
  • When you click on that, a setup file will be downloaded.
  • This will be the latest version of the app.

Update Telegram on Linux Step 2

Step 3- Open the downloaded file & extract it: You will see the file getting downloaded at the bottom of your browser screen. It will take some time to download.

  • Wait for it to download the file completely.
  • Tap on downloads to see the location of the file.
  • Select the file and right-click on it.
  • A list of options will appear. Towards the bottom, you will see an option of “Extract Here.”
  • Click on it. Then, you will see a pop-up that will read and then extract your file.

Update Telegram on Linux Step 3

Step 4- Tap on telegram & the older version will be replaced by a newer one: After the file has been extracted, right-click on the telegram file. There will be an option to «open it.» The older version of the app will be replaced by the current version in this manner.

Update Telegram on Linux Step 4

Thus, simply by following the above-mentioned steps, you can update telegram on Linux.


  1. You don’t need to go to any external sites or try to find the update within the app. All you have to do is wait for the downloads and extractions to load. You also only have to visit the official site for this.
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How to update the Telegram Linux desktop app


Are you excited about the latest Telegram Desktop features, but your Linux client is out of date? Do you need to know how to update Telegram to the latest and greatest on your Linux PC but can’t figure it out? We can help! Follow along as we go over how to update Telegram on Linux!

 update Telegram app linux

Ubuntu update instructions

To update the Telegram desktop application on Ubuntu, you will need to make use of the apt update command. Open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the desktop, or search for “Terminal” in the app menu and open it that way.

Once the terminal window is open, use the apt update command to refresh Ubuntu’s software sources (and check for updates). This command should run quickly, and it’ll tell you when updates are available.

When the apt update command is complete, run the apt upgrade command. It’ll install all of your updates, including the Telegram desktop updates. Please note that you should close Telegram before updating.

After installing the updates, re-launch Telegram, and your Ubuntu PC will have the latest features. If Telegram was unable to update, consider re-installing it instead with the command below.

sudo apt install telegram-desktop --reinstall

Debian update instructions

Debian Linux does have Telegram Desktop available in its software sources, but the bad news is that it’s woefully out of date. If you want a newer release, uninstall the Debian Linux version of Telegram. Then, follow the Flatpak instructions instead.

Arch Linux update instructions

If you’re using Arch Linux, you probably already have the latest installation of Telegram installed. However, if you are new to Arch and do not know how to update, here’s what to do.

First, open up a terminal window on the Arch Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard or searching for “Terminal” in the app menu. Once it is open, use the pacman -Syyu command.

The pacman -Syyu command will check for updates, refresh package sources, and upgrade your system all at once. Arch Linux updates often, so you may get a lot of packages alongside Telegram updates.

If you do not see Telegram updates, you may need to re-install the app. To do that on Arch Linux, do the following command.

sudo pacman -S telegram-desktop

Fedora update instructions

Fedora Linux always gets updates right away, so Telegram should always be up to date. However, if you require new Telegram Desktop features and haven’t updated Fedora in a long while, you’ll have to update.

To update on Fedora, start by launching a terminal window on the Linux desktop. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard or by searching for “Terminal” in the app menu.

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Once the terminal window is open, use the dnf update command to refresh Fedora’s software sources and install the latest patches and updates. Keep in mind; this may take a bit of time as Dnf can be slow.

Don’t see any Telegram updates in Fedora? You may not have Telegram installed. To fix it, you can re-install it with:

sudo dnf install telegram-desktop

OpenSUSE update instructions

OpenSUSE enjoys relatively new updates to the Telegram Desktop application. As a result, you’ll likely have the latest Telegram features already set up. That said, if you haven’t updated your system in a while and need to update it, here’s how to do it.

First, open up a terminal window on the OpenSUSE desktop. You can open it by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard or by searching for “Terminal” in the app menu. Once the terminal window is open, use the zypper update command to install all of the updates available for the system.

Upon installing the updates, Telegram should have the latest features. If, for some reason, you don’t have the Telegram Desktop on your OpenSUSE Linux system, you can use the zypper install command below to re-install it.

sudo zypper install telegram-desktop

Flatpak update instructions

The Telegram Desktop app comes in the Flathub app store, which makes it available for easy installation with nearly any Linux user who has access to Flatpak. If you haven’t updated your Flatpak in a while, and are missing out on the latest Telegram features, here’s what to do.

First, open up a terminal window on the Linux desktop by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or by searching for “Terminal” in the app menu. Then, use the flatpak update command to refresh Flatpak and install the latest updates.


How to update telegram desktop in Ubuntu 20.04?

Today December 2nd I received this message from Telegram service notifications about my outdated Desktop app version:

Please update your app to the latest version. The version you are using is out of date and will stop working soon.

. In Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS the latest released version of Telegram Desktop app is 2.1.7, I ask to you for upgrade soon the repo for LTS with the last version of Telegram, please! Here is a related question for ARM.

Have you tried uninstalling your version and simply downloading the latest version from the Telegram website (click Show all platforms ). They offer a Snap, a Flatpak, and a simple tar.xz . For extracting the tar.xz , see this other question. That is probobly the easiest way. Alternately, you could file a bug report against the package, and the maintainer might update it

AskUbuntu is a Question and Answer site, «staffed» by volunteers. We don’t have anything to do with what software is in repositories. Canonical, a for-profit company, handles that. Read man ubuntu-bug and report your problem/ request to Canonical.

@user535733 telegram-desktop | 2.1.7+ds-2~ubuntu20.04.1 | focal-updates/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, riscv64 I suspect,… so possibly (I had a like issue awhile back & switched from deb to snap but didn’t explore. )

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3 Answers 3

If the source you have isn’t updated, you could file an issue and perhaps the maintainer will update it. Of course, make sure your system is up to date first ( sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ).

Before trying any of these, remove whatever you already have. If you edit your question to include how you installed it, we can try to help you undo that.

There are a multitude of ways to get the updated version. I’ve ordered these best-to-worse (in my opinion)

  1. The official download link — Warning: direct download. It produces a tar.xz . See this other question for the ways to extract it. Tl;dr: tar xf archive.tar.xz (credit to @ramslök for that)
  2. The snap package — Snap is a quick and easy way to install packages, and installing Telegram via Snap is very simple
  3. Flatpak — Flatpak is good as well, but I find that Snap is better supported by default in Ubuntu, so I’d suggest Snap over Flatpak
  4. Un-official PPA’s — There are some unofficial PPA’s like this one, but unless you have a really good reason to not use the three official methods, I don’t suggest this. Regardless, here is how you would add that one
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/telegram $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install telegram 


Как обновить телеграм в linux mint-20 без snapd?

Вообще включить снова поддержку snap в Линукс Минт 20 проще простого , тем не менее присоединяюсь к ранее комментировавшим, лучше поставить версию с офф сайта. Лично я против блокировки, потому что иногда бывает что без snap-пакета не обойтись, с другой стороны можно понять и разработчиков Линукс Минт отключивших данную возможность, по причине того, что должен быть выбор, пользователь сам должен решать какую версию ставить, а Каноникал судя по всему хочет сделать чтоб snap-пакеты были основными в системе, что не совсем хорошо



Что же вы такие ленивые!
Впадлу что ли опуститься по теме на несколько постов вниз?!

Вот же только обсуждалось и отмечено, как решение мой ответ!
Как установить tar.xz?

Там два моих ответа.
Один общий, как Решение отмечен, второй одной командой в Терминале (2 варианта: стабильная и бетка):

Вот тебе самый свежайший, самых последних версий вариант установки Telegram в Терминале (просто копируешь код, вставляешь в Терминале и на Enter):
(Всё сделается само! И папки создадутся, и права, и символьная ссылка. После отработки кода, не кипешуешь, а ждёшь терпеливо, пока запустится Установщик! Выбираешь Рус. язык, Телега перезагрузит установщик. Вводишь тел., данные. После запуска создашь в панели запуска иконку, если надо и усё)

cd /tmp; wget; sudo tar -xpf tsetup.2.2.0.tar.xz -C /opt; sudo ln -s /opt/Telegram/Telegram /usr/local/bin/telegram-desktop; sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/Telegram; telegram-desktop; cd
cd /tmp; wget; sudo tar -xpf tsetup.2.1.22.beta.tar.xz -C /opt; sudo ln -s /opt/Telegram/Telegram /usr/local/bin/telegram-desktop; sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/Telegram; telegram-desktop; cd


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