How to wifi repeater

How to Set Up a Wifi Repeater

Did you know that the average wifi speed in the US has increased by 22 percent in the past decade? However, if you check your main router, you will see that it runs on only around 18.7 megabits per second.

While this speed range is better than 90% of countries worldwide, it is still quite outdated if you wish to run a smart home. For example, imagine you have a home security system and essential appliances, smartphones, and baby monitors, all connected to a single wifi signal.

In this case, the speed is unlikely to be enough to sustain all these devices at once. The solution to this is simple; you can set up wifi repeaters to work alongside your wireless routers. This will not only enhance the wi-fi signals but will increase their range as well.

If you’re new to the concept, read through this detailed guide about wifi repeaters with a step-by-step setup guide to get you going right away.

How Does a Wifi Repeater Extend Your Existing Wifi Network?

If you’ve never heard of using a wifi repeater or wifi extender to increase your signal strength, here’s a brief introduction to the technology to get you in the loop. Mainly, a wifi repeater works to amplify the signal of your wireless router. This means the signal eventually gets stronger and reaches beyond its original coverage area.

Just as the name suggests, a repeater catches the signal from your wifi router and rebroadcasts it. Although there are arguments about the adverse effects of wifi repeaters on the signal speed and the original network operating system, the product is widely used today in tech-savvy households.

Wifi Repeater or Booster? – Which Is Better To Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal?

If you have already planned to purchase a wifi repeater for yourself, you’ll come across multiple products like boosters, extenders, and repeaters. These terms are often used interchangeably, but there’s a significant difference between each device’s operating system.

That’s why you should know whether you need a repeater or booster to enhance your wifi speed or signal effectively.

A wifi repeater extends the coverage of your wifi signals by rebroadcasting them into a new coverage bubble. What sets repeaters apart is that it does not connect directly to your original wifi network.

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On the other hand, a wifi extender connects directly to your wifi network through a wired connection. However, instead of enhancing the same signal by rebroadcasting, the device creates a second wi-fi network using your original signal to extend its reach across your home.

Now, the term wifi booster is used for both repeaters and extenders. That’s why you should consult your network provider to purchase a suitable device according to your router brand and network connection.

Why do you Need to Attach a Wifi Repeater to Your Wifi Router?

If you’re still indecisive about purchasing a wifi repeater, this is probably the question that’s bugging you. Do you need a wifi extender or repeater to enhance your wifi signal? And what if it ends up spoiling your original network operating system?

Let me explain it to you. First, whether you need a wifi repeater depends on multiple aspects. These include the location of your wi-fi router at your home or office or your personal needs.

For example, if you have nowhere to attach your router except at the far end of your hallway, you will need an extender to help the signals reach the other end of your home. Besides that, if your home or office has multiple floors, an extender might come in handy to ensure you get good signals across all levels.

However, a wifi repeater comes with its problems and disadvantages. The most evident problem is the significant decrease in speed. A typical wifi repeater can decrease your signal speed by 50 percent. This means you will be able to access the signal at any corner of your property, but it won’t be as fast as you like it.

That’s why, before you invest in one, make sure your router is placed at a central location in your home and elevated away from obstructions.

Keeping your wifi router away from appliances like

  • Microwave ovens
  • Fluorescent lights
  • USB 3 devices
  • Cordless landline phones
  • Active power cables

It can help enhance your wifi signal naturally without having to use a repeater. But, if choosing the right place for your wifi router is not an option for you, you should invest in a high-quality wifi repeater.

Step-By-Step Guide to Set Up a Wifi Repeater

Now that you are aware of the pros and cons of setting up a wifi repeater, you know whether to get one for yourself or not. The idea is simple; if you cannot possibly place your wifi router away from any interference or obstruction, you will need a wifi repeater to enhance the signal where you need to.

Sometimes, even if you have updated your router and placed it at a central location at home, you’ll find that your YouTube videos don’t load in your bathroom. In this case, you would probably switch to your mobile data, which will add up to your monthly internet costs.

If you’re in this situation, it means that a wifi repeater is an ideal option for you. However, once you have purchased a suitable gadget for yourself, it is time to set it up properly to enjoy wifi signals at every corner of your home.

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While most manufacturers advertise their devices as being accessible to set up, that’s hardly the truth. Unless you’re getting professional help, you will need to read the manual instructions properly to get everything right.

Remember, specific instructions vary from brand to brand, but this guide will give you a brief overview of setting up a typical wifi repeater. So, without further ado, let’s start with the main steps.

Step 1 – Select The Location

Like your wifi router, you will have to select a specific location to set up your wifi repeater. For instance, if you find it challenging to use your wifi in your bedroom, bathroom, or outside in your backyard, select a location close to these places.

This way, the enhanced signals from your repeater will help you access your wifi connection easily.

Apart from that, make sure the area you choose is free from obstructions. For example, avoid placing your wifi repeater against thick concrete walls. These prevent signals from reaching the other side, reducing your signal’s efficiency.

Step 2 – Plug It In

Next, select a power outlet in your target area and plug your wifi repeater in. Remember, the outlet you plug it in should be within the range of your wifi coverage. Otherwise, the repeater will face problems while capturing your wifi signals and increase the bandwidth range.

Step 3 – Connect Your Repeater

Once you have your wifi repeater connected to a working power source, it is time to connect it to your devices. The easiest way is to connect it directly to your PC using an ethernet cable.

If your wifi repeater is wireless, you can connect your devices to the repeater through its wireless network. Usually, this wireless network is denoted by the product’s brand name or manufacturer’s name, for example, tp-link.

Step 4 – Conduct the Required Configurations

After you have connected your wifi repeater to your PC, laptop, or any other preferred device, you will need to conduct some configurations before you can start using the repeater’s signals.

Remember, some brands provide specific configuration instructions at this stage, so check the instructions manual before starting.

If you’re using a PC, open the control panel options and select network status. Here, you will see an option labeled ‘tasks.’

By clicking on it, the computer will redirect you towards the network connections management section. Once you navigate the page, click on ‘local area network’ and select ‘properties.’

Now, you will see a blank field where you’ll have to enter an IP address. Typically, the default IP address is

Step 5 – Complete the Set Up Through Your Default Browser

Once you have added the IP address and the subnet mask, and the default gateway, open any web browser of your choice.

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After launching the browser, type in the address bar and press enter. Now, you will be asked for a user name and password to launch the setup wizard. You’ll find these credentials through your network provider or printed at the back of your wifi router.

Step 6 – Finalize the Settings Through The Set-Up Wizard

After logging into the Set Up Wizard, navigate the wireless repeater mode and turn on the repeater onekey setting. Next, select the ‘wireless network selection’ button and click on the ‘refresh list’ option.

At this point, you will see a list of wireless networks you connected your laptop to. First, select the network of your main router and connect it to the repeater. Then, click ‘next.’

If your network is secured, the system will ask you for your password. After entering the password, click on ‘apply,’ then ‘OK.’ You have successfully set up your wifi repeater.

Step 7 – Start Using Your Wifi Repeater

When the setup process is complete, you will receive the extended signals from your wifi router on all connected devices through your wifi repeater device. If you don’t receive the amplified signals, there might be a problem with your configuration, or you must’ve made a mistake while setting your repeater up.

Re-check the instruction manual provided by your manufacturer and repeat the setup process to make sure you followed all the steps correctly. If it still doesn’t work, consult a professional or contact your manufacturer for detailed insights.


Setting up a wifi repeater can be pretty tricky, but it is worth it when you get flawless wifi signals in every corner of your house. So now, whether you want to enjoy a cup of tea in your backyard or watch videos in the shower, you can do so easily without any interruptions.

But, a significant drawback is that the internet speed will be lower than the actual speed of your wifi router. Nevertheless, you won’t notice the difference if you have less than five devices connected to your wifi network.

Hedayat S

Hedayat is the new Editor-in-Chief of Rottenwifi and has been writing about computer networking since 2012. Hedayat’s strong background in computer science helped him cement his position in the ever-expanding tech blogging world. As a network engineer, systems administrator, and systems analyst during his decade-long career in Information Technology, he has a passion for the internet & technology in his DNA. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. All names, logos, brands, and images are trademarks or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates.


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