How we can break wifi password

How to Break Wpa2 Psk Wifi Password

WPA2 is the most secure wireless security protocol in the market that we use to secure our Wi-Fi networks. However, the WPA2 security protocol is not impenetrable, and in some cases, it is possible to break WPA2 PSK WiFi password.

In this blog post, we will provide you with methods that you can use to break WPA2 PSK WiFi password. We will be providing detailed steps for each method and explaining them in depth. We will also give you some additional tips that can help you break a WPA2 PSK WiFi password.

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The Challenge of Breaking WPA2 PSK WiFi Passwords:

Breaking WPA2 PSK WiFi passwords is not an easy task. You should not attempt to break into someone else’s WiFi network without their permission. Doing so is illegal, and you could face serious consequences. The WiFi network owners choose the WPA2 PSK security protocol to keep their network secure. However, there may be reasons why someone may need to break into the WiFi network password. For example, when you have forgotten your own WiFi network password.

Things You Should Prepare for:

Before attempting to break into a WPA2 PSK WiFi password, you must have access to some essential elements. These elements are necessary to get the job done. Here are the things you should prepare for when breaking a WPA2 PSK WiFi password. 1. A computer or laptop with wireless capabilities and internet access.
2. A wireless adapter that allows packet injection. It is essential to have one, primarily for Linux systems.
3. A software that enables packet injection and WPA2 cracking, such as Aircrack-ng or Reaver.
4. Kali Linux, Backtrack or any other similar Linux distribution.
5. A WPA2 handshake capture file. This is a file that saves a copy of the 4-way handshake between a client and an access point.

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Method 1: Using Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng is an open-source software suite that helps to crack WPA2 PSK and other wireless security protocols. It features packet injection, WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK cracking, and has one of the fastest hash-cracking engines. Steps to follow:
1. Firstly, you need to make sure that your wireless card is in monitor mode and can capture the packets. To do that, run the following command: $sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 This command will create a new monitor interface, which is mon0. 2. Capture the WPA2 Handshake
For capturing the WPA2 handshake, you need to use airodump-ng command below: $sudo airodump-ng mon0 3. Next, you need to deauthenticate a user from the router. You can use aireplay-ng to do this. Run the command below: $sudo aireplay-ng -0 10 -a BSSID -c CLIENT MAC mon0 Replace the BSSID with the MAC address of the router and CLIENT MAC with the MAC address of a connected client if you know it. If you don’t know the MAC address of the client, the tool will send out deauthentication packets to all connected clients to disconnect them. 4. After deauthenticating the client, you should see a message that says «WPA handshake» in airodump-ng window, and you need to write down the BSSID, CLIENT MAC, and the Channel. 5. Use aircrack-ng to crack the password. Run the following command: $sudo aircrack-ng -w /path/to/your/wordlist.txt -b BSSID /path/to/your/capture/file.cap Replace BSSID with the MAC address of the router and /path/to/your/wordlist.txt with the path to your password list file, and /path/to/your/capture/file.cap with the path to where you have saved the handshake capture file. Pros: Aircrack-ng is an excellent tool for cracking WPA2 PSK WiFi passwords, and it’s relatively easy to use. Cons: The process is time-consuming, and you need to have a high-quality WiFi adapter that supports packet injection.

Method 2: Using Reaver

Reaver is a popular WPA2 PSK WiFi password cracking tool. It uses brute force attacks on the WiFi network’s WPS feature to guess the correct PIN code that grants access to the WiFi’s password. Steps to follow:
1. First, you need to check if your target WiFi network has WPS enabled. You can use the following command to achieve this: $sudo wash -i mon0 -C 2. Once you know the target WiFi network has WPS enabled, run the following command: $sudo reaver -i mon0 -b BSSID -vvv -S -N -c Channel -L -w -f Replace BSSID with the MAC address of the router and Channel with the channel used by the target network. 3. Wait for the attack to complete. If the correct PIN code is found, the WiFi network’s password will be displayed on the screen. Pros: Reaver is fast and straightforward to use. Cons: The target WiFi network must have WPS enabled, or the tool would not work. It can take a long time to guess the correct PIN code, and if the correct PIN code is not found, the attack may fail.

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Method 3: Using Hashcat

Hashcat is a powerful password cracking tool that supports the cracking of various passwords, including WPA2 PSK WiFi. It is highly optimized for high-performance CPUs and GPUs, which makes it one of the fastest password cracking tools. Steps to follow:
1. First, capture the WPA2 handshake. 2. After capturing the WPA2 handshake, use aircrack-ng to convert the capture file into a format that Hashcat can recognize using the following command: $sudo airckack-ng -J /path/to/output /path/to/capfile.cap 3. Once you have converted the capture file, use Hashcat to crack the password using the following command: $sudo hashcat -m 2500 -a 3 /path/to/output/handshake.hccapx /path/to/password/wordlist Replace /path/to/output with the path to the output directory, and /path/to/capfile.cap as well as /path/to/password/wordlist to the path of input files. Pros: Hashcat is fast, powerful, and easily customizable. Cons: You need knowledge of commands, hashes, attack parameters, and the ability to use graphics card(s) to speed up the process.

Method 4: Social Engineering

Social engineering can be a potent tool to break into a WiFi network without using any hacking tools. Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into giving up information that they wouldn’t ordinarily provide. Steps to follow:
1. Physically locate a device or a router that is connected to the WiFi network.
2. Make sure you have an alibi that allows you to be there without seeming suspicious.
3. Convince the owner of the device or router that you need to connect to the WiFi network for a good reason.
4. If possible, gain physical access to the router and reset it.
5. Connect the router to a laptop or computer and connect to its configuration page.
6. Reconfigure the WiFi network in such a way that you can connect directly to it when you ask for the WiFi password without the owner’s knowledge. Pros: This method does not require any high-end tools or tech skills. Cons: It is time-consuming and risky, as you may be caught and face legal consequences.

Why Can’t I Break WPA2 PSK WiFi Passwords?

1. Weak WiFi network passwords: Weak passwords can be easily susceptible to hacking. Always use strong passwords that mix upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Fix: Change your WiFi password to a string that is strong enough to withstand brute force attacks. 2. WPA2 Enterprise Protocol: WPA2 Enterprise uses username and password credentials as well as server authentication to provide better security than WPA2 PSK. Fix: If you want to maximize your WiFi network’s security, use WPA2 Enterprise Protocol instead of WPA2 PSK. 3. Lack of correct tools: Breaking a WPA2 PSK WiFi password requires the proper tools such as packet injection software, a wireless adapter with packet injection capability, and a password list. Fix: Install the required software and tools before attempting to break the WPA2 PSK WiFi password.

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Additional Tips:

1. Increase your wireless adapter’s power: Increase your wireless adapter’s transmission power to capture more packets. This can enhance the chances of cracking the WiFi password. 2. Use stronger passwords and keys: Longer and more complex passwords can make the cracking process more difficult. 3. Use a fake access point: Fake access points can be created to trick clients into connecting to them rather than the legitimate access point, and the password can be obtained that way.

5 FAQs about Breaking WPA2 PSK WiFi Passwords:

Q1: Is it illegal to break into a WPA2 PSK WiFi password?

A: Yes, it is illegal to break into someone else’s WiFi network without permission. You could face serious legal consequences if caught.

Q2: Can WPA2 PSK WiFi passwords be hacked remotely?

A: No, WPA2 PSK WiFi passwords cannot be hacked remotely. You need physical access to the targeted router or device to implement any hacking hack methods.

Q3: Is it possible to break into a WPA2 PSK WiFi password without any tools?

Q4: Can I use WPS PIN to break into a WPA2 PSK WiFi password?

Q5: Can I use any wireless adapter to crack WPA2 PSK WiFi passwords?

In Conclusion:

Breaking a WPA2 PSK WiFi password is not an easy task, and should only be attempted for legitimate reasons. The WPA2 security protocol is designed to keep WiFi networks secure, and attempting to break it without permission is illegal. We recommend using this information only for system security review and personal use. We hope that this blog post has provided you with a detailed explanation of how to break WPA2 PSK WiFi password, the tools you need, and the steps you should take to complete the process.


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