Ibm installation manager linux installation

Ibm installation manager linux installation

IBM Installation Manager — Install IBM Installation Manager on Linux using the installc or userinstc command

Installation methods

There are 3 methods that can be used to install Installation Manager:

  • install Installation Manager using the installc or userinstc command (this article)
  • install Installation Manager using the imcl install command
  • install Installation Manager using the imcl input command

This article describes the process on how to install Installation Manager using the installc or userinstc command.

Download Installation Manager from IBM Fix Central. Let’s say that is downloaded. Make a directory for Installation Manager.

Use the unzip command to unzip the package. The -d /opt/IM option is used to unzip the package to the /opt/IM directory.


Do NOT remove the files and directories below /opt/IM (or whatever directory you extracted the zip file to) as these files and directories would be needed for a clean uninstall of Installation Manager.

unzip -d /opt/IM

Install as root (installc)

Use the installc command to install Installation Manager using the root user account. In this example, Installation Manager is installed at /opt/IBM/InstallationManager.

/opt/IM/installc -acceptLicense -showProgress

Install as non-root user (userinstc)

Use the userinstc command to install Installation Manager as non-root user. In this example, Installation Manager is installed by john.doe at /opt/IBM/InstallationManager.

/opt/IM/userinstc -acceptLicense -showProgress

Specify installation directory

By default, Installation Manager will be installed in the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager directory. The -installationDirectory option can be used to define some other directory. In this example, Installation Manager will be installed in the /opt/InstallationManager directory.


The -installationDirectory must immediately follow the installc or userinstc command. If the -installationDirectory does not immediately follow the installc or userinstc command, the -installationDirectory option will be ignored, and Installation Manager will be installed to the default location of /opt/IBM/InstallationManager.

If using the installc command, there is no need to ensure the target directory exists and has certain permissions. You can simply just issue the installc command with the -installationDirectory option, and the target directory will be created if it does not already exist.

/opt/IM/installc -installationDirectory /opt/InstallationManager -acceptLicense -showProgress

If using the userinstc command, you will need to ensure the directory exists and that has the write permission for members of the other group (e.g. drwxrwxrwx). The mkdir and chmod commands can be used to create the directory and update the permissions.

mkdir /opt/InstallationManager chmod o+w /opt/InstallationManager

Now, you can issue the userinstc command with the -installationDirectory option.

/opt/IM/userinstc -installationDirectory /opt/InstallationManager -acceptLicense -showProgress

The following command can be used to verify that Installation Manager was installed.

/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl listInstalledPackages . . .

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How to install IBM Installation Manager 1.8 on Linux


Invicti Web Application Security Scanner – the only solution that delivers automatic verification of vulnerabilities with Proof-Based Scanning™.

IBM Installation Manager (IBM IM) is required to install IBM WAS 8.x ND.

In this article, I have listed the steps to install IBM IM 1.8 on Linux OS. There are three parts overall – Download, Install & Verify.

Download IBM IM 1.8


Once downloaded, you should have

Install IBM IM 1.8

[root@localhost IBM]# ls -ltr total 162160 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 166050912 Mar 28 05:06 [root@localhost IBM]#
[root@localhost IBM]# unzip [root@localhost IBM]#
[root@localhost IBM]# ./install



  • By default, it will install under /opt/IBM however if you wish you can change the installation path by clicking on Browse



It will take few minutes and at the end you will have installation confirmation window as below

Verify IBM IM 1.8 Installation

Click on Restart Installation Manager and you will have IBM Installation Manager 1.8 opened.


That’s all for today. Hope it helps you in installing IBM IM 1.8 on Linux.


ITM Agent Insights: Installing IBM Installation Manager on Linux

The following post will help you install the IBM Installation Manager (IIM) on a Linux server. IIM is widely used to install components of the Jazz for Service Management (JazzSM) package. This post will only cover a plain vanilla install of the IIM product which can later be used to install any JazzSM services. The write up assumes you have the root privileges on the server and are able to create an admin user for the install. In this example I have installed IIM version

  1. First create a admin account via. command line on the server.
  2. For example IIM will be used for JazzSM which will be used for IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) OS Agent reports or any other reports package. You can name it smadmin
  3. Here is the what you will need to do in the command line interface before installing IIM
    1. First make sure you are the root user. To do so execute su — root
    2. groupadd smadmin
    3. useradd –c “Jazz User” –g smadmin itmuser
    4. passwd itmuser
    5. ** now this is where you create a password for the account in this example itmpasswd is used
    6. Next create directory for the install
    7. mkdir –p /opt/IBM/itm
    8. cd /opt
    9. chown –R itmuser:smadmin IBM
    10. Now log in as the itmuser. To do so type su – itmuser
    11. cd /opt/IBM/itm
    12. mkdir IM
    13. cd IM
    14. mkdir –p InstallManager/eclipse
    15. mkdir IBMIMData
    16. mkdir IBMIMShared
    17. cd ..
    18. mkdir core NcKL
    19. mkdir IIMinstall
    1. cd IIMinstall
    2. mv /home/ibmadmin/DownloadDirector/ .
    3. if it says permission denied make sure you make yourself the root user again then go back and do move it again
    1. chmod 777 /opt/IBM/itm/IM/InstallationManager
    2. chmod –R g+rwx /opt/IBM/itm/IM/InstallationManager/eclipse/configuration
    3. chgrp -R itmadmin /opt/IBM/itm/IM/InstallationManager/eclipse/configuration

    These steps will enable you to complete the IIM installation on a Linux server. This can be later used to install the JazzSM services or any other product set you desire to install using IIM.

    Additional ITM Agent Insights series of IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent blogs are indexed under ITM Agent Insights: Introduction.

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    How to install IBM Installation Manager in Linux

    How to install IBM Installation Manager in Linux

    In this article, you will learn how to install IBM installation manager in Linux using command line. IBM Installation Manager is a programme that helps you put the IBM Integration Designer packages on your workstation. It also helps you update, change, and remove this package and any others that you install. A package can be a product, a group of components, or just one component that the Installation Manager is meant to install.


    • Need to have IBM id to install IBM WAS
    • Super user or any normal user with SUDO privileges

    Steps to install IBM IM

    Step1 . To install the IBM Installation manager, you need to download it first. Download IBM installation manager from official site using wget command.

    Installation packages of IBM IM

    Here, from lift menu, select installation manager, IM, then version of your IM and select the desired packages and click on «Submit».

    Download page of IBM IM

    download IM using wget

    Step2. Unzip the archive, in our case its name is-

    # unzip

    Step 3. After executing cd / tools, execute the below command.

     # ./imcl install -repositories /root/ibm/repository.config -acceptLicense -showProgress

    Now, this has created a new directory as /opt/IBM/InstallationManager. You can list the available directories using ls command as below.

    Installation manager directory after successfully install installation Manager

    That is how you can install IBM Installation manager. And now you can install packages like IBM Websphere Application Server in Linux.


    Ibm installation manager linux installation

    Installation methods

    There are 3 methods that can be used to install Installation Manager:

    This article describes the process on how to install Installation Manager using the imcl install command.

    Download Installation Manager from IBM Fix Central. Let’s say that is downloaded. Make a directory for Installation Manager.

    Use the unzip command to unzip the package. The -d /opt/IM option is used to unzip the package to the /opt/IM directory.


    Do NOT remove the files and directories below /opt/IM (or whatever directory you extracted the zip file to) as these files and directories would be needed for a clean uninstall of Installation Manager.

    unzip -d /opt/IM

    Use the imcl (Installation Manager command line) command to install Installation Manager.

    /opt/IM/tools/imcl install -repositories /opt/IM -acceptLicense -showProgress

    The following should be displayed.

    Installed to the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse directory.

    Install as non-root user

    If you will be using Installation Manager as a non-root user, include the -accessRights nonAdmin option.

    /opt/IM/tools/imcl install -repositories /opt/IM -acceptLicense -showProgress -accessRights nonAdmin

    Specify installation directory

    By default, Installation Manager will be installed in the /opt/IBM/InstallationManager directory. The -installationDirectory option can be used to define some other directory. In this example, Installation Manager will be installed in the /opt/InstallationManager directory.


    The -installationDirectory must immediately follow the install command. If the -installationDirectory does not immediately follow the install command, the -installationDirectory option will be ignored, and Installation Manager will be installed to the default location of /opt/IBM/InstallationManager.

    If installing Installation Manager as root, there is no need to ensure the target directory exists and has certain permissions. You can simply just issue the install command with the -installationDirectory option, and the target directory will be created if it does not already exist.

    /opt/IM/tools/imcl install -repositories /opt/IM -acceptLicense -showProgress -installationDirectory /opt/InstallationManager

    If installing Installation Manager as a non-root user, you will need to ensure the directory exists and that has the write permission for members of the other group (e.g. drwxrwxrwx). The mkdir and chmod commands can be used to create the directory and update the permissions.

    mkdir /opt/InstallationManager chmod o+w /opt/InstallationManager

    Now, you can install Installation Manager with the -installationDirectory and -accessRight options.

    /opt/IM/tools/imcl install -repositories /opt/IM -installationDirectory /opt/InstallationManager -accesRights nonAdmin -acceptLicense -showProgress

    The following command can be used to verify that Installation Manager was installed.

    /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl listInstalledPackages . . .

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