Ibm notes linux client

Ibm notes linux client

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These are some screenshots outlining my install of the Lotus Notes 7.0.1 Linux Client. For the most part you just need to read the readme.pdf file that comes with the installation files and follow the instructions, but I know that screenshots are nice sometimes too (click on any of the screenshots below to get 800×600 images).

One general caveat: the current client install (at the time of this writing, August 2006) is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v4 update 3 (RHEL4), so there may be other things you have to do if you are on another distro (or if you have a non-standard RHEL setup). I used CentOS-4, which is built from the RHEL sources and aims to be 100% binary compatible with Red Hat, and I had no problems.

If you want to install on another distro, you might want to take a look at this wiki page that talks about installing the client on Debian for some pointers.

Also, the Linux client install files are currently only available to Passport customers, so you won’t be able to find a trial version for download on the public Lotus site. If you want to use an older version of the Notes client on Linux, you can always try running it with Wine.

If you have problems, a good place to start looking for answers is the IBM Knowledge Collection Technote: IBM Lotus Notes client for Linux. There’s also a Technote with known limitations of the Linux client. And read the readme.pdf file that gets extracted when you unzip the install files — there are a lot of known issues (and a few workarounds) in there.

Step 0
This is probably obvious, but the first thing you have to do is download the Notes client install package and set up your Linux workstation.

For my testing, I installed CentOS-4 on a VMWare virtual machine with 384 MB of RAM. It worked, but a larger RAM allotment would have been much more comfortable. You’ll also need about 2 GB of free space to handle the install files, the temp files, and all the new program files.

My CentOS install was the default workstation install, with no customizations. I ran up2date before starting the Notes client install process.

/ linux.feature_7.0.1.0000-0900

One nice thing about Linux Terminal windows is that they normally have auto-complete, so you can start typing the name of the file or directory you want and it will fill in the rest for you.

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For example, I wanted to navigate from my home directory to /Desktop/NotesInstall. So I typed «cd De» and pressed the TAB key, which changed the line to «cd Desktop/». Then I pressed ENTER and typed «cd No» and pressed TAB, and the line became «cd NotesInstall».

However you do it, once you’re in the proper directory, type: «./setup_wct_platform.bin» (or «./set[TAB]» to auto-complete) to run the setup_wct_platform.bin file.

/opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client

/home/centos/IBM/Workplace Managed Client

But don’t worry, it’s not a full reboot like you’re used to on Windows machines, just a simple log out and log in.

You will also see a nifty new «IBM Lotus Notes» icon on your Desktop.

Overall, the whole install process took about 20 minutes, so not too bad. And a lot of what you’re doing is waiting on files to unzip or copy or configure themselves. Not a lot of options at all, but there are a few tricks.

It’s not as easy as an RPM or DEB packaged app, but it’s a lot better than building from source. Just remember to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.


Installing and upgrading Notes ® on Linux ™

Notes ® installation on Linux ™ supports multi-user install.

About this task

If you are upgrading to the current Notes ® release using an rpm or deb install kit, and installed the earlier release with an ISMP installer, uninstall the earlier release before installing the current release.

Note: See the related topic on considerations for installing before proceeding. For additional and related information about Notes ® deployment on the Linux ™ platform, see the IBM ® Support site and the Notes ® and Domino ® wiki.

deb kit install instructions

About this task

Notes ® is available as a Debian (.deb) install kit for installing on the Ubuntu platform.


Make sure that all processes are terminated, including eclipse/javaw , eclipse/notes2w , sametime , notes , taskldr , and nsdexec . To be sure there are no Notes ® processes running, change to the Notes ® data directory and type the following command:

For example, obtain the deb install kit CD or open a browser and navigate to the Web site at which the deb install kit resides.

Notes ® deb packages provide one required component ( Notes ® ) and other optional components (Connections, Composite Application Editor, IBM ® OpenSocial, IBM ® Feed Reader and IBM ® Sametime ® ). Optional components are dependent on the required component. The required component must be installed before installing optional components. Likewise, optional components must be uninstalled before the required component can be uninstalled. The deb file names are Notes ® version-specific.

deb install file names

About this task

The Notes ® options and deb file names are as follows; deb file names reflect the Notes ® version:

  • Notes ® — Select to install Notes ® ( ibm-notes- version .i586.deb ).
  • Feed Reader — Select to install the Notes ® Feed Reader (ibm-feedreader- version .i586.deb ).
  • Activities/Connections — Select to install Connections. A Connections server is required to use this feature ( ibm-activities- version .i586.deb ).
  • Sametime ® (integrated) — Select to install basic Sametime ® capabilities such as chat and live names. A Sametime ® server is required to use this feature ( ibm-sametime- version i586.deb ).
  • Composite Application Editor — Select to install the Composite Applications Editor for use with composite applications (ibm-cae- version .i586.deb ).
  • IBM ® OpenSocial — Select to install the IBM ® OpenSocial component, which extends the Widgets framework to support OpenSocial Gagets and Embedded Experiences (ibm-opensocial- version .i586deb ).
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You can use the following command to check if you have already installed one or more of the deb packages:

Command line install instructions for deb

Sample instructions for command line deb install are as follows. Deb package names should reflect the Notes ® version, as supplied.

Note: Refer to the preceding section, deb install file names for the list of version-specific deb file names.

$sudo dpkg -i ibm-notes-version.i586.deb
$sudo dpkg -i ibm-feedreader-version.i586.deb
$sudo dpkg -i ibm-activities-version.i586.deb
$sudo dpkg -i ibm-cae-version.i586.deb
$sudo dpkg -i ibm-sametime-version.i586.deb
$sudo dpkg -i ibm-opensocial-version.i586.deb

GUI install instructions for deb

Sample instructions to install the deb packages through the operating system GUI installer for Notes ® are as follows.

Note: Refer to the section, deb install file names earlier in this topic for version-specific deb file names.

The GUI package installer can include a directory in which the required packages reside. In this example, the following packages reside in the /root/notesdebs directory.


  • ibm-activities- version .i586.deb
  • ibm-cae- version .i586.deb
  • ibm-notes- version .i586.deb
  • ibm-feedreader- version .i586.deb
  • ibm-sametime- version .i586.deb
  • ibm-opensocial- version .i586.deb

Be sure to Install ibm-notes- version .i586.deb first and then repeat for each package you want to install.

Note: If installation is unsuccessful, review the log file at install_dir /framework/rcp/installer_logs/framework_install.log .

Note: After install, application icons are visible by clicking Computer > More Applications > Office > Notes and are resident in /usr/share/applications .

Note: On initial startup, the license agreement appears. Read and accept the license agreement terms and continue with Notes ® setup.

rpm kit install instructions

About this task

Notes ® is available as an rpm install kit for installing on the Red Hat platform.


Make sure that all processes are terminated, including eclipse/javaw, eclipse/notes2w, sametime, notes, taskldr, and nsdexec. To be sure there are no Notes ® processes running, change to the Notes ® data directory and type the following command:

For example, obtain the rpm install kit CD or open a browser and navigate to the Web site at which the rpm install kit resides.

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rpm install file names

About this task

The Notes ® rpm options and file names are as follows; rpm file names reflect the Notes ® version:

  • Notes ® — Select to install Notes ® ( ibm_notes- version .i586.rpm ).
  • Activities/Connections — Select to install Connections. A Connections server is required to use this feature ( ibm_activities- version .i586.rpm ).
  • Feed Reader — Select ( ibm_feedreader- version .i586.rpm ) to install the Notes ® Feed Reader.
  • Sametime ® (integrated) — Select to install basic Sametime ® capabilities such as chat and live names. A Sametime ® server is required to use this feature ( ibm_sametime- version .i586.rpm ).
  • Composite Application Editor — Select to install the Composite Applications Editor for use with composite applications ( ibm_cae- version .i586.rpm ).
  • IBM ® OpenSocial — Select to install the IBM ® OpenSocial component, which extends the Widgets framework to support OpenSocial Gagets and Embedded Experiences (ibm_opensocial- version .i586rpm ).

You can use the following command to check if you have already installed one or more of the rpm packages.

Command line instructions

Sample instructions for command line rpm install for Notes ® are as follows.

#rpm -i ibm_notes-version.i586.rpm
#rpm -i ibm_feedreader-version.i586.rpm
#rpm -i ibm_activities-version.i586.rpm
#rpm -i ibm_cae-version.i586.rpm
#rpm -i ibm_sametime-version.i586.rpm
#rpm -i ibm_opensocial-version.i586.rpm

GUI install instructions for rpm

Sample instructions to install the rpm packages through the operating system GUI installer for Notes ® are as follows.

Refer to the section rpm install file names earlier in this topic for version-specific rpm file names.

The GUI package installer can include a directory in which the required packages reside. In this example, the following packages reside in the /root/notesrpms directory.


  • ibm_activities- version .i586.rpm
  • ibm_cae- version .i586.rpm
  • ibm_feedreader- version .i586.rpm
  • ibm_notes- version .i586.rpm
  • ibm_sametime- version .i586.rpm
  • ibm_opensocial- version .i586.rpm

Be sure to Install ibm_notes- version .i586.rpm first and then repeat for each package you want to install.

Note: If installation is unsuccessful, you can open the install log file at install_dir /framework/rcp/installer_logs/framework_install.log .

Note: After install, application icons are visible by clicking Computer > More Applications > Office > Notes and reside in /usr/share/applications.

Note: On initial startup, the license agreement appears. Read and accept the license agreement terms and continue with Notes ® setup.

Running the Notes ® client on Linux ™ as a user after root user install

About this task

After you install the Notes ® client, users can log in and run Notes ® .


  1. Log in as a non-root user.
  2. Start Notes ® by clicking Computer > More Applications > Office > Notes .
  3. Respond to Notes ® setup prompts as they appear.

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