The latest update is 2013/10/18 as checked on 2020/4/23. “ibus-googlepinyin” is not found using the apt-get command.
It is suggested to use the variation. [10] Both are based on libgooglepinyin.
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-rime
After installation, change the input method: [13]
To customize displayed candidates, look for “page_size: 5” in “~/.config/fcitx/rime/build/default.yaml”. Only 1 to 9 is allowed. MUST have a space between the colon and the number.
If the “~/.config/fcitx/rime/build/luna_pinyin.schema.yaml ” exists, the “page_size” setting would overwrite the defaul in luna pinyin(朙月拼音). Edit the “luna_pinyin.schema.yaml” instead.
To change the background color of the candidate area, open the “Input Method Configuration” dialog in step 6. In the “Appearance” tab, enable the “Show Advanced Options” and manually set the “Skin Name” to ‘dark’. Selecting “skin/dark/fcitx_skin.conf” in the “Skin” list doesn’t work.
On 2020/6/23, Fcitx has no problems with GoogleDoc but sometimes a double entry in OneNote or crash.
The latest update is 2020/3/23 as checked on 2020/4/23. To use it, I also need to switch from iBus to Fcitx [12] input method framework.
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin
After installation, change the input method: [13]
To switch between the default Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, use [Ctrl] + [Shift] +[F] . It can be configured in the “Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese” in the “Addon” tab in Fcitx: [14]
$sudo apt-get remove fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin $sudo apt-get autoremove $sudo apt-get install ibus ibus-rime
After installation, restore Rime for iBus:
If the GNOME Control Center is lost, reinstall by: [15]
$sudo apt-get update $sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center
To switch among different input method framework, use im-config.
While using Rime with Fcitx, I notice it was in English mode with unknown accelerator. I cannot use [Shift] to switch back to Chinese mode.
The only solution is to hit the [F4] for [方案選單]. Use [2. 西/半/漢/。]→[2. 西文→中文] to switch to Chinese mode.
Pinyin is the transcription of the spoken Chinese language in Latin characters. Each character has a tone which can be entered via the keyboard’s various layers. E.g. on a German keyboard, buttons for ‘ and ` are available which allows to write the second (e.g. má) and fourth tone (e.g. mà). The first tone can be composed by holding + + then the character (e.g. mā), the third by + + then the character (e.g. mǎ).
ibus is a DBus-based daemon which supports different input method modules (IMmodules) and integrates well with e.g. KDE 4, GNOME. The documentation can be found at I18n/ibus
su cd /etc/init.d ./gdm restart
Start uim-pref-gtk (type this in a terminal window)
change the setting for selection of chinese input from -Space to -Shift (-Shift did not work)
Change over to chinese input with -Shift Select an alternate chinese character with -N
To edit and enter Pinyin, add all vowels into the character palette: áéíóúàèìòùāēĩōūăĕĭŏŭǚ
The file README.Debian in /usr/share/doc/scim contains the necessary documentation.
To convert pinyin into Chinese, also add scim-pinyin. Gnome-Users should also add scim-gtk2-immodule to make use of the the GTK IM (GTK input method).
If you are not using an US-English keyboard, your keyboard has to be defined in file ~/.scim/global. If that file does not exist, start scim in a terminal and terminate with Ctrl-C. Check you locale LANG with the terminal command locale, for German it is e.g. de_DE.utf8. Add the line /SupportedUnicodeLocales = to that file.
If there are many users on a system and use the same locale, you may want to consider changing the system configuration file /etc/scim/global to set the supported locale.
Just start a GTK+/GNOME program, right-click somewhere on an input field and choose "Input Methods -> SCIM Input Method" in the pop-up menu, and SCIM should automatically start if it's not started yet. Now pressing Ctrl-space should also activate SCIM and show a toolbar. You can start typing and suggestions are being made. There are alternative ways described in the documentation mentioned above.
You can do this with dpkg-reconfigure:
su # dpkg-reconfigure locales
su # apt-get install fcitx fcitx-sunpinyin fcitx-libpinyin
To make fcitx work inside GNOME environment you will need to remove all the input sources from gnome-control-center, clear all the hotkeys for input methods and issue the following command to disable iBus integration:
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.keyboard active falseAdblock