Install cisco anyconnect linux

How to install Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS | vetechno

install Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Ubuntu 22.04

Cisco AnyConnect VPN is software that allows remote users and employees to securely connect to a Cisco VPN gateway running in an enterprise environment.

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client connects to a Cisco SSL VPN server and if authentication is approved, the connected users and employees are granted access to internal resources.

AnyConnect client for Linux, Windows, and macOS is available on the Official Downloads page

In this tutorial, we will help you to install Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with network-manager-openconnect-gnome command.

What is Network Manager ?

Network Manager is a system network service that manages your connections and network devices , trying to maintain active network connectivity when available. It manages WiFi, Ethernet, Mobile Broadband (WWAN) and PPPOE devices, and provides VPN integration with a variety of different VPN services like …

  • Cisco AnyConnect openconnect
  • Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect
  • Fortinet SSL VPN
  • Array SSLPN
  • Juniper Network Connect
  • Plus Connect Secure

This package provides gnome bits of the NetworkManager OpenConnect plugin.


How to Install network-manager-openconnect-gnome in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish

To install network-manager-openconnect-gnome in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, you can follow these steps:

Step 1. Update the apt repository

Step 2. Install Network Manager Open connect for Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

sudo apt-get install -y network-manager-openconnect-gnome

Step 3. Configure Cisco Anyconnect VPN setup on Ubuntu 22.04.

Step a) Open System Setting , then click on Network.

Step b) On VPN section click on plus ( + ) button and select Multi-portal VPN Client (openconnect)

Step 4. Select VPN Protocal Type and Enter Gatway Address / VPN Address

Step 5. Add and close the dialog windows box.

Step 6. Now connect the Cisco Anyconnect VPN on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Note: The above steps assume that you have administrative privileges on your Ubuntu system. If you don’t have the necessary permissions, you can contact your system administrator for assistance.


Congratulations you have successfully installed and configured the Cisco Anyconnect on Ubuntu 22.04 Lts Jammy Jellyfish.

Let me know in the comment box if you are facing any issue

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I install AnyConnect on Linux / Ubuntu ?

Follow the above steps to install Cisco Anyconnect on Ubuntu.

How do I add a VPN to Cisco AnyConnect ?

Follow Step 3. for configuring and adding Cisco Anyconnect on Ubuntu.

3. How do I install and configure Cisco AnyConnect?

If you follow this tutorial step by step, then you will be able to install and configure the cisco anyconnect vpn on your Ubuntu system.

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Install cisco anyconnect linux

Installing and using AnyConnect on the Ubuntu desktop


Cisco AnyConnect VPN software allows remote users and employees to securely connect to a Cisco VPN gateway running in an enterprise environment.
It shows you how to download and install AnyConnect using Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 or 16.04 desktop computers.
Download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client on your machine.

NOTE: SaturnVPN Paid customers will receive it on their email after purchasing an account

Some packages will need to be installed prior to installing AnyConnect… Do that, run the commands below:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5

Open the Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard. To navigate to the folder where you have downloaded the AnyConnect Client Package, use the command, ‘cd directory name’.

cd [Directory Name]

In this example, the file is placed on the Desktop.

The directory may be different based on the location of the AnyConnect file download. For long filenames or paths, start typing some characters and press the tab key on your keyboard. The filename will auto-populate. If it doesn’t even after you press the tab twice, it indicates that you need to type more unique characters. Alternately, you can use the ‘ls’ command to list the files in your current directory.


The initial download is a tarball archive (several files packed into one), which must be extracted. The command

‘tar xvf filename’ will extract the contents to the same directory in which the initial file is located.

tar xvf [Filename]


Once the folder is extracted, use the ‘cd directory name’ command again to navigate into the folder.

cd [Directory Name]


After navigating into the main folder, ‘cd’ into the VPN sub-folder.


To run the AnyConnect install script, type ‘sudo ./’. This will begin the installation process using superuser permissions.

sudo ./

Installing DART

To install Dart, follow the steps below:
First, open the dart. folder inside the newly-extract anyconnect folder.
Right-click the file.
Then select Run.
Use the GUI App to install the Cisco AnyConnect Diagnostic and Reporting Tool.
If the GUI installation doesn’t work, run the commands below to install it.

sudo .⁄

Accept the terms in the license agreement to complete the installation by typing ‘y’.

The AnyConnect installation should be complete, and the Terminal window can be closed.

Using AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client

Step 1

To access the Anyconnect app, open the Terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard. Use the command, ‘/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnui’.


If you encounter any errors through the Terminal, you can access the app from the applications menu as shown below

To access the applications menu using the User Interface (UI), click on the start icon (appears as nine dots on the lower-left corner). Choose the Anyconnect app.

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Alternatively, press Super+A (Super key is the windows icon key) on your keyboard to bring up the search bar. Start typing ‘Anyconnect’ and the app will appear.

Step 2

Click on the Anyconnect app.

Step 3

Enter the Hostname of your desired server.
You can find the Cisco VPN server addresses HERE. (NOTE: Check this page frequently to get the latest added servers)

Step 4

Some connections may not be secure using a trusted SSL certificate. By default, AnyConnect Client will block connection attempts to these servers.

Uncheck Block connections to untrusted servers to connect to these servers.

Uninstalling AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client

Step 1

Using Terminal, navigate to the folder that contains the uninstall shell script using the ‘cd’ command.

In a default installation, these files will be located in /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/.

Step 2

To run the Anyconnect uninstall script, enter ‘sudo ./’

This will begin the uninstall process using superuser permissions.

Step 3

At the prompt, enter the sudo password and the client software will complete uninstallation.


There you have it! You have now successfully learned the steps to install, use, and uninstall the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client on Ubuntu Desktop.

We want the best for our customers, so if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this topic, please send us an email to the SaturnVPN Team.


🤼 Установка Cisco AnyConnect в Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora


Cisco AnyConnect Client – это клиент SSL VPN, который предоставляет функциональные возможности VPN с другими функциями, которые позволяют использовать конечные точки предприятия.

В идеальном случае вы можете использовать любой клиент Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client для подключения к серверу Cisco SSL VPN.

Существует инструмент с открытым исходным кодом под названием OpenConnect.

У меня зачастую возникает много проблем с OpenConnect, и я решил попробовать AnyConnect.

VPN-клиент AnyConnect в системе Linux – Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora / CentOS / RHEL и т.д.

Шаг 1: Скачайте клиент AnyConnect

Клиент AnyConnect для Linux, Windows и macOS доступен на странице скачивания.

Войдите в систему, используя свои учетные данные Cisco, и загрузите последний пакет anyconnect-linux64 *.

Как только файл архива будет загружен, приступайте к его распаковке.

$ tar xvf anyconnect-linux64-4.7.01076-predeploy-k9.tar.gz

Шаг 2. Установите Cisco AnyConnect в Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora

Теперь этот файл был загружен и извлечен, перейдите в созданную папку.

Вы должны увидеть следующие папки.

Перейдите в каталог vpn и выполните скрипт с помощью sudo.

Примите лицензию при появлении запроса.

Description of Other Rights and Obligations Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement. Do you accept the terms in the license agreement? [y/n] y

Скрипт установщика должен создать файл системного модуля systemd и включить его при загрузке.

You have accepted the license agreement. Please wait while Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client is being installed. install systemd Installing ./vpnagentd.service Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/vpnagentd.service. Starting Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Agent. Done!

Шаг 3. Запустите Cisco AnyConnect

Запустите Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client со своего рабочего стола.

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Введите IP-адрес VPN-сервера и нажмите кнопку подключения (connect).

Затем нажмите на change settings, чтобы доверять серверу.

Снимите флажок «Block Connections to untrusted servers».

После изменения ваши настройки должны выглядеть примерно так:

Затем нажмите «Connect Anyway», чтобы принять предупреждение о недоверенном сертификате.

Когда будет предложено ввести учетные данные, введите имя пользователя и пароль для подключения.

Ваше VPN-соединение должно быть активным.

Подтвердите соединение, проверив детали IP-адресов и маршруты.

Наслаждайтесь использованием AnyConnect для доступа к частным сетям через общедоступный интернет.

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