Install cpanel on linux

How to install cPanel on Ubuntu 20.04

There are several reasons for this: an impressive feature set, user-friendly interface, and good hosting reseller features. Even a newcomer to the industry can easily figure it out. The panel itself consists of two modules.

One does not work without the other, but you can manage your site in either one. With its GUI (graphical user interface) cPanel covers several audiences from beginners who find it easier to click on the interface to advanced administrators who are used to working through a console.

In fact, the panel consists of two modules-interfaces: the graphical site management panel (cPanel) and the Web Host Manager (WHM) administration console. These environments work together and you can manage your site in either of them — so cPanel is ideal for beginners and for developers who prefer the console rather than a nice design.

Of course, you have to pay for so much functionality, which may be a disadvantage for some users. But as with any product from a reputable company, you can take a 15 day trial period to see if it suits your needs. If not, you can always look at VestaCP, Virtualmin, and other free web panels.

The list of supported operating systems for cPanel is CentOS, RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), CloudLinux. It has recently been possible to install cPanel on Ubuntu, so let’s dive in to see how we can do it.

Step-by-step installation of cPanel on Ubuntu 20.04

Connect to your server with Ubuntu installed via SSH using the credentials provided by BlueVPS. You can connect to it by using the PuTTY utility.

Create a configuration file to install a specific cPanel version that supports Ubuntu 20.04:

$ sudo nano /etc/cpupdate.conf

Save the file. This will allow the installer to install the version we want.

Then set the hostname with the name of your domain. In our case this is

$ sudo hostname

To finally start the installation, enter this command:

$ sudo cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

how to install cpanel on ubuntu 20.04

Depending on the speed of your system, the installation can take from 15 to 30 minutes, because in addition to cPanel and WHM will also be installed Perl and many other components of the program.

Once the installation is complete, be sure to set a password for WHM login using the command:


That’s all! We would like to mention that installing cPanel on Ubuntu is not the best choice due to various pitfalls in the installation process. If you still need cPanel, then we advise you to look at a VPS with pre-installed CentOS. If you have any problems during the installation, feel free to contact BlueVPS Technical Support using the ticket system. We will help you in the shortest time possible!

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Установка и настройка cPanel на виртуальном Linux-сервере

Приложение cPanel позволяет управлять виртуальным сервером с помощью графического интерфейса, заменив им стандартную командную строку. Сама процедура установки не вызовет больших сложностей, однако для запуска и выполнения скрипта может потребоваться не один час. Он работает исключительно с дистрибутивами Linux.

Что нужно знать перед установкой?

Тем, кто заинтересовался использованием на своем VPS cPanel, следует учитывать две вещи:
1. По завершении установки его невозможно удалить с сервера простыми способами. Потребуется восстановить полностью сервер, поскольку встроенный деинсталлятор отсутствует.
2. Для использования приложения потребуется получить лицензию от разработчиков. Стоимость – примерно $200 за год, но также cPanel бесплатно предоставляется для ознакомления на 15 дней. Больше информации о ценах и условиях получения лицензии доступно на сайте создателей.

Простой способ

На «пустом» сервере cPanel можно установить с помощью простой команды, которую достаточно ввести в консоли:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

Процедура может занять достаточно долго времени, поэтому стоит запастись терпением. После установки перейдем к настройке cPanel на виртуальном сервере.

Стоит знать, что это решение срабатывает в 95% случаев. Если установить панель управления таким способом не удалось, следует перейти к ручной установке.

Как установить cPanel на CentOS в ручную?

Сегодня дистрибутив CentOS является одним из наиболее популярных для работы с виртуальным сервером. Чтобы установка cPanel прошла успешно, предварительно потребуется выполнить несколько действий.
Ниже представлен процесс установки на примере cPanel в CentOs 7:

1. В первую очередь потребуется установить Perl. Для этого в терминале нужно ввести команду:

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

2. Далее потребуется ввести полное имя домена (FQDN) – это является требованием приложения. Его указывают другой командой:

3. Поскольку процесс установки может занять много времени, не лишним будет защититься от внезапных прерываний. Это поможет сделать утилита screen – в случае возникновения проблем она предотвращает остановку:

yum install wget screen -y

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

4. Запускаем утилиту командой:

5. Возвращаемся в корневой каталог с помощью команды:

6. Остается приступить к загрузке пакета, скачав cPanel на свой сервер:

wget -N

7. Когда пакет будет загружен, достаточно запустить установочный скрипт:

После запуска последней команды скрипт начнет работу, что занимает больше всего времени.

Настройка cPanel на виртуальном сервере

1. Когда графический интерфейс будет установлен, можно начинать прописывать его настройки. Чтобы войти в панель, нужно воспользоваться логином и паролем через IP-адрес сервера, а также порт 2087. То есть, ввести в адресной строке http://SERVER_IP:2087.

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

2. Соглашаемся с лицензионным соглашением и нажать «Agree to All».

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

3. Далее заполняем поля Email и Nameserver, а затем нажимаем «Finish».

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

4. После этого откроется стартовая страница cPanel.

Как установить и настроить cPanel на VPS/VDS сервере

Как установить cPanel на Ubuntu

Хотя cPanel поддерживается на нескольких дистрибутивах Linux, для Ubuntu Server ее версия не разработана. Это также касается и других серверных дистрибутивов, разработанных на базе Debian. Возможно, в будущем разработчики предоставят такую возможность, однако на данный момент ее нет. Аналогично дела обстоят и с операционной системой Fedora, несмотря на то, что похожие на него Redhat и CentOS вполне свободно поддерживают cPanel. Впрочем, неофициально разработчики не исключают появление cPanel Ubuntu.


Для ознакомления с платформой предоставляется версия cPanel Free, позволяющая убедиться в ее мощности и больших возможностях. Что касается ее установки, проблем с этим, как правило, не возникает. Единственное – она проходит достаточно долго.

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How to Install cPanel on Ubuntu? A Step by Step Guide

cpanel installation guide ubuntu

As a result of its excellent services and by the virtue of being WordPress’ default control panel, cPanel is the world’s most popular web host control panel. Ubuntu is also a global favorite in its own right. It serves as the most popular Linux distro in the world. With Linux itself being the sweet favorite of web managers and developers, Ubuntu and cPanel are a natural match made in heaven, Ubuntu recently provided the users with its 20.04 LTS version that brought many positive changes to the popular distro. It’s safe to say that if managing servers and web hosts is your primary activity to do behind the screen then you can’t go wrong with having cPanel on your Ubuntu version. So today in this article we want to go over how to install cPanel on Ubuntu,

But before we do all that technical explanation, let’s take a quick detour to get our facts and basic definitions right. This will help us understand why Ubuntu is the distro of choice in this guide. It will also give us a better understanding of what cPanel is and what its primary usages are. Establishing these basic definitions will in turn help us understand why we’re going through the trouble in the first place.

The Basics: What is cPanel?

cPanel first and foremost is a control panel that is used by web managers and developers to manage server hosts. It allows users to bypass the excruciating coding procedures that in the past were necessary to make even the smallest changes. cPanel is predominantly used on Linux. This has worked to its advantage since a large portion of server management is also done on Linux and its many distros. Throughout the years, cPanel has remained the premier choice among server host control panels. This is despite the fact that it is a paid service unlike many of its competitors.

This should serve as testament to its capability and quality as a server host manager. Even after all these years and countless free rivals emerging, it has managed to stay on top. cPanel serves as the default control panel for WordPress. This fact again shows its reliability, but also has acted as a major factor behind the continued success of cPanel. Still cPanel’s eminence should not cast a shadow on the free alternatives and if you want what cPanel does for free, you can check out my list of Top 5 Best Free cPanel Alternatives .

Your Toolbox: Main Uses of cPanel

Well, now we know that cPanel is a server host control panel. But what does that mean exactly? What are cPanel’s actual, tangible use cases? cPanel works as a front-end tool that comes with many of the most common use and need cases for everyday users pre-configured. This means that everyone can use it to make meaningful changes to their website, domain, file hosts, server, etc. The following five cases are primary aspects and uses of cPanel in the world of server management in 2023.

Managing Domains

While in the past even the smallest and most marginal change in a domain required you to know your way around coding and coming up with lengthy strings of codes to perform, cPanel enables its users to liberally manage their domains to their heart’s content with a few simple clicks. You can activate, shut down, park, forward and move around your domain using cPanel at a movement’s notice. You can delve deeper and create subdomains and even manage your DNS and integrate third party tools into your domain using cPanel while managing the overall layout of your domain.

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Managing Emails

Email marketing, spam management, and creating new boxes are all the conjoined aspects of the modern web that any web manager needs to be aware of in order to either use them to their benefit or to protect themselves from. With cPanel you can easily create new mailboxes, make pre-determined email rows to be sent and enable autoresponders to automate your web presence as much as possible. Email forwarding can also be used to further automate things. Last but not least you can enable advanced spam filters to protect yourself from online junk,

Managing Log Files

Another major part of web management has to do with knowing your way around log files. This process in the past was among the hardest to do even for seasoned managers and developers as the coding could be particularly hard and complex. cPanel’s in-built WHM compatibility brings you two new features that make life easy here. You can easily use tools like AWStats and Webalizer to quickly go through and analyze your log files. This in turn allows you to check the accesses and permissions related to your website or server, all without the fuss of checking each permission or access with its own coding.

Managing Databases

Any web manager already knows that managing your data around different platforms is one of the most important aspects of the job. cPanell is well integrated with other data management tools and comes with its own features for making life easier in this field. You can easily save your data that is on the web space into cPanel’s slots and have them backed up as well. cPanel also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL protocols which allow you to perform the aforementioned tasks with larger batches of data just as easily. Allowing larger file sets to be managed so easily is another reason for cPanel’s popularity with larger firms.

Managing Security

A primary reason behind cPanel’s success has been its attention to security. This both translates to the program’s inherently tight security that has made it next to impossible to breach, as well as the security options that it provides for you on your server. cPanel allows you to utilize advanced techniques such as IP blocking, directory protection, and enabling SSL certificates to ward off any potential intruder against your control panel as well as the server itself. Although cPanel did have some security debacles in the past, those cases are long gone and the updates in the last few years seem to have eradicated any room for such mishaps.


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