Install dnf oracle linux

Install dnf oracle linux

The following tables show examples of some of the common tasks that you can perform by using the dnf command to manage packages and package groups.

Lists all of the enabled repositories.

Lists all of the packages that are available in all enabled repositories and all packages that are installed on your system.

Lists all of the packages that are installed on your system.

Lists all of the packages that are available to be installed in all enabled repositories.

Searches the package descriptions for the specified string.

Finds the name of the package to which the specified file or feature belongs, for example:

dnf provides /etc/dnf/automatic.conf

Displays detailed information about a package, for example:

List the files that are contained in a package and are installed when the package is installed, for example:

dnf repoquery -l dnf-automatic

Installs the specified package, including packages on which it depends, for example:

Checks whether updates exist for packages that are already installed on your system.

Updates the specified package, including packages on which it depends, for example:

DNF also interprets the dnf update package command as synonymous with the upgrade syntax; however, this syntax is considered deprecated.

Updates all packages, including packages on which they depend.

DNF also interprets the dnf update package command as synonymous with the upgrade syntax; however, this syntax is considered deprecated.

Removes the specified package. For example:

Removes all cached package downloads and cached headers that contain information about remote packages. Running this command can help to clear problems that are a result of unfinished transactions or out-of-date headers.

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Displays help about dnf usage.

Displays help about the specified dnf command, for example:

Runs the dnf interactive shell.

Table 7-2 DNF Group Commands

Lists Environment Groups, that contain many subgroups; and base groups of packages that are available for installation.

To include hidden groups in the list as well as all the groups’ IDs, add the —hidden -v options.

Displays detailed information about a group. If the group is a parent group, this command lists all subgroups that it contains, alternately the command lists all packages that are in the group.

To include the groups’ IDs, use the -v option.

dnf group install groupname

Installs all of the packages in a group.

dnf group update groupname

Updates all of the packages in a group.

dnf group remove groupname

Removes all of the packages in a group.

Table 7-3 DNF Module Commands

Installs the specified package.

If a package is provided by a module stream, the dnf command resolves the required module stream and enables it automatically during package installation. In addition, the process is recursive for any package dependencies. Note that if more module streams satisfy the requirement, the default streams are used.

If the package is provided by a module stream that is not marked as default or is not enabled, that package is not recognized until you manually enable the applicable module stream.

dnf module enable module-name : stream

Enables a module or stream.

Use this command when you want to enable a module so that the packages are available to the system, but you do not necessarily want to install the module immediately.

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Note that some modules might not define default streams. In this case, you must explicitly specify the stream. If you explicitly specify a stream and an alternate stream is set as the default, the enabled stream overrides the default stream for subsequent install requests.

As an alternative, you can use dnf module switch-to . See the entry in the current table.

Alternatively, you can use:

dnf module install module-name

Installs a module. The @ character is shorthand to indicate that you intend to install a module.

If the module defines a default stream, or you have enabled a particular stream, you do not need to include stream and colon in the command syntax.

Be aware that some modules do not define default streams.

As an alternative, you can use dnf module switch-to . See the entry in the current table.

dnf install @module-name : stream

Alternatively, you can use:

dnf module install module-name : stream

Installs a module by using a specific stream and default profiles.

As an alternative, you can use dnf module switch-to . See the entry in the current table.

dnf install @module-name : stream / profile

Alternatively, you can use:

dnf module install module-name : stream / profile

Installs a module by using a specific stream and profile.

As an alternative, you can use dnf module switch-to . See the entry in the current table.

dnf module info module-name

Displays information about a module.

dnf module info —profile module-name

Displays information about the packages that are installed by the profiles of a module using the default stream.

dnf module info —profile module-name : stream

Displays information about the packages that are installed by the profiles of a module using a specified stream.

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Lists all of the available modules and displays the module name, stream, profiles, and a summary. Each module and stream is listed on a separate line. Profiles are indicated using comma separated values for each module and stream.

Default values are indicated with the characters [d] . Modules that are enabled are indicated with the characters [e] , while those that are disabled are indicated with the characters [x] . Installed modules, streams and profiles are indicated with the characters [i] .

dnf module list module-name

Lists the current status of a module.

dnf module provides package

Displays information about which modules provide a specified package.

If the package is only available outside of any modules, the command output is empty.

dnf module switch-to @module-name : stream / profile

Switch to a module stream. This command also changes the versions of installed packages to those versions provided by the new stream and removes packages from the old stream that are no longer available. The command also updates installed profiles if these are available in the new stream.

This command is more encompassing than dnf module enable command because it both enables modules and runs distrosync on all modular packages in the enabled modules.

The command is also more encompassing than dnf module install because it both installs profiles and runs distrosync on all modular packages in the installed module. However, you must specify a profile with this command because it does not use default profiles.


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