Install eve online linux

Consolidated Linux Information

This page is an effort to consolidate various tools for EVE Online within the specific scope of Linux distributions. While there are many third party programs available that are useful, or sometimes even considered essential, to playing EVE Online — very few of them are written with multiplatform support in mind.

All information on this page assumes Debian stable as the running OS, with GNOME as the default desktop environment. However, considering Debian’s nature and the fact that most common desktop distributions are derived from Debian, all information here should apply to derivatives like Ubuntu or Linux Mint as well.

Commands that should be ran as root or with sudo are prefixed with a pound (#). Commands that should be ran without superuser privileges are prefixed with a dollar sign ($).


Installing EVE Online

Unfortunately, no native client for Linux exists for EVE Online. However, it works near flawlessly under Wine. The only known issue is that Captain’s Quarters, which allows your character to walk around in stations, will not work under any version of Wine. This is not considered a major issue, as it is not an integral gameplay aspect of EVE.

Since you will likely install numerous third party utilities alongside EVE, it is recommended you run EVE in its own Wine virtual drive. The easiest way to do this is using PlayOnLinux, especially since this also allows you to easily install dependencies for which you would otherwise need winetricks.

First, make sure you have the contrib repository loaded.

Find the line that has your distribution mirror, e.g.:

deb jessie main

And append ‘contrib’, so it looks like:

deb jessie main contrib

Next, update your apt cache:

# apt-get install playonlinux

Next, launch PlayOnLinux using your graphical environment, and open Tools -> Manage Wine Versions.

Click on the latest available Wine version without any suffix. E.g. 1.7.42 but not 1.7.42-staging. Click on the right-facing arrow to install this Wine version. This may take a while.

Next, we will install EVE Online. Download the official Windows client and click on the Install button. It is **not recommended** to use the provided EVE install script, as it has known audio issues especially when using PulseAudio. Instead, use «Install a non-listed program».

Install a program in a new virtual drive, and name it «EVE». Check all three «Use another version of Wine», «Configure Wine» and «Install some libraries».

When prompted, you should opt to use the version of Wine you installed earlier, rather than «System». Choose a 32-bits windows installation as well.

Next, you will be asked to configure Wine. Set the Windows version to «Windows 7». Under the «Graphics» tab, check «Emulate a virtual desktop». While EVE will likely run without this, it is recommended nonetheless as it is a massive performance boost and will not have your graphical environment interfere with the EVE client. You will still be able to alt-tab out.

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Choose a desktop size equal to your current resolution (or the resolution of the screen you want to use, if you use multiple) if you want to run fullscreen. Otherwise, pick any resolution you want.

Opt to install the following libraries:

* POL_Install_d3dx11 * POL_Install_d3dx9 * POL_Install_vcrun2010

Next, browse to your downloaded EVE installer and patiently wait for EVE to be successfully installed.

When finished, you will be prompted to create a shortcut. Create two. One to ‘launcher.exe’, named EVE Launcher, and one to ‘eve.exe’, named EVE Online. Do not create additional shortcuts after these two.

Once done, you can use the Launcher to patch your EVE client when required, and use ‘EVE Online’ to bypass the launcher once done patching.

Run «EVE Launcher» now, and begin patching. Once done, close the launcher again and open «EVE Online». Congratulations, you can now begin playing the game!

For performance reasons it’s recommended you run in «Fullscreen» mode. The Wine virtual desktop offers you native X11 windowing anyway.

Running a copy of EVE Online

You may want to also have a copy of EVE Online aside from the one you just installed above, for instance to change instantly between screen layouts, or connecting to the test server. For this page, we will assume the test server is your goal. Browse to the installed directory:

$ cd ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/EVE/drive_c/Program Files/CCP

Next, make a copy of the entire directory:

We will make a shortcut within PlayOnLinux in a bit, but first, make sure to rename the «normal» EVE executable so you can find which to make shortcut for.

$ cd EVE/launcher $ mv launcher.exe launcher-temp.exe

Next, go back to PlayOnLinux. Click «Configure», and «Make a new shortcut in this virtual drive». Find launcher.exe again, and name it «EVE Launcher (Singularity)». Go back to your terminal and rename your main executable back.

$ mv launcher-temp.exe launcher.exe

To connect to the test server, go to PlayOnLinux configuration again and find the Singularity shortcut you just created. Under «Arguments», use /server:Singularity. Running the Singularity shortcut will now connect you to the test server.

Adding EVE to your programs under GNOME

It is possible to run EVE directly without using PlayOnLinux by adding a shortcut. Open «alacarte» (may be named «Main Menu» or the likes) and go to the «Games» tab. Click «New Item» and name it «EVE Online». The command should be playonlinux —run «EVE Online». There is no need to run in terminal. Add an icon of your choosing, and if desired, repeat for the Launcher or any copies you may have, like the test server.

Installing Mumble

Mumble can be installed natively, by using:

You can continue to configure Mumble as normal.

Using the Mumble overlay

To use the Mumble overlay in EVE, always launch Mumble first. Next, launch EVE using mumble-overlay playonlinux —run EVE Online. You may want to amend your alacarte shortcut to this, and do this for your copies as well.

Note: this only works if you use an i386 architecture, i.e., 32-bit. If you’re using any other architecture, like amd64 (64-bit), you are entirely out of luck until mumble-overlay is patched.

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Installing Teamspeak

Some corps or communities still use Teamspeak, and in due time you may find yourselves installing Teamspeak alongside Mumble.

Next, install dependencies:

# apt-get install esound-common qt5-default lesstif2 libaudiofile1 libesd0 libgd2-xpm libgphoto2-2 libgphoto2-port0 liblcms1 libquazip1 libquazip-qt5-1 libstdc++5 libsvga1 libsysfs2 libts-0.0-0 libx86-1 libxp6 xaw3dg xcb

# chmod a+x TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-*.run # ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-*.run

Follow the installation instructions (which is basically accepting an agreement).

You should find a TeamSpeak directory in where you just extracted it. Move this to /opt.

# mv TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64 /opt/teamspeak3

You can run TeamSpeak by using /opt/teamspeak3/

Add to alacarte as desired (see above).

Installing Pyfa

Pyfa is a tool used to plan your ship fittings. At some point in time you’ll likely start needing it. It is comparable to EFT, but open source and with native Linux support.

Download the latest Pyfa release (not pre-release), and extract. Launch with python /path/to/, and again, add to alacarte as desired (see above).

Installing gtkEveMon

EveMon is a well known Windows tool to plan skill training. A Linux equivalent is «gtkEveMon», obviously aimed at GTK users.

Download and extract, and install dependencies:

# apt-get install build-essential libgtkmm libssl libxml++

gtkEveMon is now installed in /usr/local/bin, add to alacarte as desired (see above).


Installing EVE on Linux

Much of this guide is adapted from the official forum post by CCP Snorlax, which can be found here. Questions about the information found in this article are best asked on the official EVE forums.

While Linux is not officially supported by CCP, a side project by CCP Snorlax has yielded a native Linux application that downloads a prebundled version of Wine (also built by CCP Snorlax) which allows Linux to run the EVE launcher more easily. The launcher requires a 64-bit installation of Linux, but should work with most distributions.

Alternatively, for a more visual installation and cleaner management of multiple WINEPATHs, you can use Lutris.


Basic Setup

Tux, the mascot

(Terminal commands are displayed in code blocks)

Custom Launcher Shortcut

(The following additional steps are not strictly necessary, but can make running the launcher more convenient through the use of a custom launcher shortcut. See the Troubleshooting section below if you encounter any issues.)

Using a Custom Wine Version

The copy of wine bundled with the launcher is quite outdated, but thankfully you can use your distribution’s own wine runtime instead which gives access to things like DirectX11 support.

  1. Open the launcher settings with the small «E» symbol in the top right, tick «Use custom Wine», and in the box below it enter the path of your wine executable, eg.
  2. Remove EVE’s existing wine and wineenv folder
    rm -Rd ~/.eve/wineenv ~/.eve/wine
  3. Reopen the launcher and start the game as normal.
  4. EVE’s wine prefix should rebuild itself with the custom version.


Lutris is a gaming platform for Linux. It offers Wine builds that are pre-configured for specific games, and allows for a graphical installation of various games and applications. Those that are unable to use the methods above, or are weary on the process, may find this solution more viable.

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Install Lutris via your package manager, and then head to the EVE Online page on the Lutris website to pick an install script. As of May 2020, there are four main install scripts: a DXVK variant, a non-DXVK (OpenGL-based) one, one with Steam, and a Chinese distribution. The DXVK version offers generally better performance.

After picking your script from the Lutris website and following the installation procedure, an EVE Online icon will show up in your Lutris client UI. From this point, you can click on «EVE Online» to start the EVE Launcher. You may configure options for the game, runner or system. For troubleshooting, make sure Run Client with Logging is enabled in the EVE Launcher options.


Incompatible OpenSSL library

The EVE launcher requires the 1.0.x version of the openssl library in order to function, however, some newer versions of Linux distributions and those that use rolling releases include the 1.1.x version by default (this will be evident by the launcher simply not appearing at all when the script is run), so some extra steps to install the older compatibility library may be necesssary.

This should correct the issue temporarily, but the symlinks will be removed when the launcher is updated. A solution to this is to make your own script which checks for the existence of the symlinks, remakes them if they are missing and then triggers the launcher’s script.

Qt dependencies

In some rare instances on Ubuntu, you may be lacking the required Qt dependences for the launcher, This will manifest as some QT files not be located and the launcher window opening but not displaying anything.
Instructions for this install are taken from here:

Libxcb dependencies

Evelauncher comes with its own libxcb. In some instances it fails to find xcb in its launch directory as well as to find libxcb installed in the system. This is indicated by message in console:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin «xcb» in «»

To solve this problem just delete all files located in the directory of eve launcher, that have «libxcb» as part of their names.

Launcher Shortcut Issues

Your EVE launcher shortcut may fail with the following message:

/bin/sh: warning : shell level (1000) too high, resetting to 1

This, and other errors, are likely due to the fact that the ‘dirname’ and ‘pwd’ commands will return the location of the soft link, not of the shell script itself. Hence, we need to use readlink to follow every symlink in the path. Make the following changes to /path/to/evelauncher/

X Server

If Eve Online fails to launch, try running it from the terminal. Check for the following error message:

[email protected] > ./

As explained here, an X program needs (1) the address of the display (typically «:0») and (2) the password for the display. The second requirement is known as the «Magic Cookie». One workaround to sidestep this access problem is to use xhost, which is an X server access control program. Make the following changes to /path/to/evelauncher/

dirname=$(dirname «$(readlink -f «$BASH_SOURCE»)»)


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