Install gnome on linux mint

How To Install Gnome Desktop on Linux Mint 21

Most people using Linux systems mostly interact with the terminal to carry out various operations. In fact some Linux systems do not come with a graphical user interface at all. Users may need to use a graphical interface for some installations and there are various desktop environments that a user can install. Gnome desktop provides a straightforward interface. It is the most friendly interface for any Linux system. In this guide, we are going to see how to install and use Gnome desktop on Linux mint 21.

Linux Mint Supported Desktop Environments.

  • Cinnamon: It is the most modern, innovative and full-featured desktop.
  • MATE: A more stable and faster desktop
  • Xfce: It is the most stable and most lightweight desktop.

Cinnamon is Linux Mint most popular desktop environment, primarily developed for and by Linux Mint. It has a lot of new features, is slick and beautiful. Linux Mint are also developing MATE, is a continuation of Gnome 2 which had been the default desktop for Linux Mint between 2006 and 2011. Even though Mate development is slower compared to Cinnamon, MATE is more stable, faster and utilizes less resources. Xfce on the other hand is does not support many features but is lightweight and very stable.

Install Gnome Desktop Environment on Linux Mint 21

What is Gnome? Gnome, short for GNU Network Model Environment, is a user friendly desktop environment developed to suit both developers and non developers using Linux operating system, intended to make Linux systems easy to use for everyone. It corresponds to Windows operating system and can be made to look like windows and Mac desktop environments.

Installing Gnome on Linux Mint 21

The installation of Gnome desktop environment is quite straightforward. First ensure that your all your system packages are updated. Run the below commands to ensure the same:

sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y

Install Gnome Vanilla on Linux Mint 21

To install desktop vanilla version, run the command below:

sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3

Launch Gnome Desktop on Linux Mint 21

Once Gnome desktop installation is complete, reboot your Linux Mint to launch Gnome desktop.

During login, select Gnome desktop as shown.

When you click on Gnome and login, you should that notice your desktop environment has changed and taken up Gnome desktop environment.

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Install Gnome Utilities and Packages

One of the most common Gnome utilities is the disk utility that enables one to manage disks on the Linux system by providing an easy to use graphical tool for disk partitioning. Run the below command to install Gnome disk utility.

sudo apt install -y gnome-disk-utility

Go back to your desktop, click on activities and on the search bar, type disks. You should see disk icon which upon clicking, a page appears as shown:


Как установить GNOME на Linux Mint 20

Установка дополнительной среды рабочего стола позволяет получить больше пользовательского опыта без установки другого дистрибутива Linux.

Gnome — это среда рабочего стола по умолчанию для многих дистрибутивов Linux. Gnome основан на GTK+ и обновляется каждые 6 месяцев.

Linux Mint по умолчанию имеет среду рабочего стола Cinnamon, MATE или Xfce. Cinnamon и Mate — это тоже что и GNOME с кодовой базой GNOME 3 и GNOME 2 соответственно.

В этой статье я расскажу, как установить рабочий стол GNOME 3 (gnome-shell) в вашем Linux Mint 20.

Что мы имеем:

1) Установите GNOME на Linux MINT с помощью команды apt

Во-первых, вам нужно обновить все пакеты в системе Linux Mint. Для этого откройте терминал и выполните следующую команду:

Теперь установите все пакеты, которые имеют новые версии:

Для установки среды Gnome необходимо установить gnome-session и gdm3. Используйте команду apt для их установки.

$ sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3-y

Когда появится окно информации просто примите его. Нажмите кнопку ОК.

Для установки GNOME нажмите OK

Далее появится новая подсказка. Выберите либо gdm3, либо lightdm.

Gdm3 — это GNOME display manager, который обеспечивает графический вход в систему и обрабатывает аутентификацию пользователя. Он использует минимальную версию gnome-shell, благодаря которой вы установите сеанс GNOME3.

lightdm — это кросс-настольный дисплейный менеджер, который очень легкий. А так же поддерживает различные технологии отображения.

Выберите gdm3 или lightdm

Установка всех зависимостей и пакетов может занять некоторое время. Когда все закончится, перезагрузите систему.

Когда появится экран входа в систему, выберите Gnome и введите свой пароль.

Требуется выбрать GNOME

Ваш рабочий стол должен быть изменен, как показано на рисунке ниже.

Изменить среду окружения Linux Mint

Чтобы проверить версию Gnome требуется:

Из репозитория была установлена версия Gnome 3.36.8.

Проверка версии GNOME

Чтобы проверить версию с терминала, введите:

2. Установите Gnome Desktop с помощью tasksel

Альтернативный способ установки Gnome — это использование tasksel. Если tasksel не установлен в вашей системе, сначала установите его с помощью:

Теперь, чтобы установить Ubuntu desktop (gnome 3), введите команду:

$ sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop

Удалить среду GNOME с Linux Mint

Если вы хотите удалить GNOME из Mint 20, тогда сделайте следующее.

  1. Войдите в другую среду рабочего стола. Если не изменить среду рабочего стола, то удалить GNOME не получится.
  2. Для удаления GNOME выполните следующую команду.

$ sudo apt purge gnome-сессия gdm3-y

$ sudo apt autoremove-y


Многие дистрибутивы Linux, такие как Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, POP OS, по умолчанию используют GNOME. Вы можете легко установить Gnome, если он не поставляется вместе с дистрибутивом.

В этой статье вы узнали, как установить Gnome на Mint Linux 20.

Пожалуйста, если вы найдете ошибки или неточности в тексте, сообщите пожалуйста мне. Используя форму комментария ниже.


How to install Gnome Desktop on Linux Mint 20.2

Linux mint is available with the Desktop environments Cinnamon, Xfce, and Mate. However, it is not limited to them only; the users can install other popular LDE such as Gnome Desktop Linux Mint using few commands. And here we will see the steps to get it.

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Gnome is a popular desktop environment that comes as default in many Linux systems such as Debian, Fedora, Rocky Linux, Ubuntu, and more. However, in a few Linux OS, you will find it without any customization whereas some developers published their OS with a high level of customization such as in Ubuntu. Well, don’t worry if you install it on Linux Mint you will get the default original version of Gnome as it has been released.

Gnome Desktop installation on Linux Mint 20

1. Run system update

Open the command terminal on your Linux Mint OS and then run the system update command given below. It will make sure all the installed packages on the system are up to date and also rebuild the system’s repo cache.

2. Command to install Gnome on Linux Mint

As Linux Mint uses the Ubuntu repository that already has the packages to install Gnome Desktop by default, hence we don’t need to add any third-party repository. Just run the below-given command and you are done.

Command to install gnome on Linux mint 20 min

3. Configure display manager

While the installation the process will ask you to configure the Display manager. Hit the Enter key to press the soft OK button and then select “Lightdm” as display manager using arrow keys. After that press the “Tab” key to select the OK, once that is done hit the “Enter” key. This will configure the Lightdm to use as a Display manager for Gnome on Linux Mint.

Configure Display Manager Linux Mint min Lightdm as display manager for Gnome on Linux Mint min

4. Log out and select Gnome as Desktop

Once the installation is completed, simply log out of your current session, and on the login screen click on the Cinnamon icon. You will see the list of all available Desktops to use on your Linux Mint OS. Select Gnome, enter your user password, and log in. Now you can use the Gnome.

Login Mint with new desktop min Switch to Gnome Desktop in Linux Mint min

Gnome Desktop installation screenshot Linux Mint

4. Get back Cinnamon or default Linux Desktop back

In case you want to use your default Linux Mint Desktop environments such as Cinnamon, Mate, or Xfce. Then again log out of your current session, select the Cinnamon icon but this time instead of selecting Gnome, select Cinnamon or any other you want to use.

5. Uninstall Gnome

Well, maybe after some time you want to completely remove the Gnome from your Linux Mint. If such is the case, always, login as your default or any other Desktop environment apart from Gnome. After that open the command terminal and run the below-given command to remove Gnome completely.

sudo apt remove gnome sudo apt autoremove


How to Install GNOME Desktop Environment in Linux Mint

Linux Mint is an excellent Linux distribution, especially for beginners.

I like that it stays on the familiar Ubuntu/Debian front and yet it does several things better than Ubuntu. One of them is that it doesn’t push Snaps down my throat.

However, I am not a fan of the Cinnamon desktop as I never really liked the Windows XP or 7’s default setup either.

As I was looking for the stability that Linux Mint offered with the ability to use GNOME and here’s what I got in the end:

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install gnome in linux mint

Nothing too fancy but this is my Linux Mint 21 running GNOME 42.5.

And if you want to install GNOME on Linux Mint, this guide is for you.

Things to know before installing GNOME on Linux Mint

You really should have good enough reasons to install GNOME on Mint. If you are just feeling experimental, try it in a virtual machine. I performed this tutorial with Linux Mint installed in VirtualBox.

The thing about installing a desktop environment other than the one provided by the distribution is that the removal part complicates the matter.

Cinnamon uses some GNOME elements. If you decide to remove GNOME later, it may impact some parts of Cinnamon.

This could be a cause of panic for inexperienced users. Of course, reinstalling the Cinnamon desktop from the TTY screen could be a possible solution here.

The gist of all this is that if you easily get spooked and don’t like troubleshooting, you should not do these ‘experiments’ on your main computer.

With that aside, let’s see the simple procedure of getting GNOME on Linux Mint.

Install GNOME Desktop Environment in Linux Mint

Here you have two options. Either you can go with a complete GNOME desktop which includes all the GNOME utilities, or you can go with the stripped-down version having the least amount of GNOME packages.

And I will be covering both.

To install GNOME with the least amount of GNOME utilities, you’d have to install a package named vanilla-GNOME using the given command:

sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop

And if you want to have a complete GNOME experience, you can simply install the gnome package:

Once you execute any of the two shown commands, you will be asked to choose the preferred display manager in the next step.

choose display manager

gdm3 is a display manager for the GNOME desktop while Linux Mint uses lightdm by default and both should work just fine, but I will suggest you go with gdm3 to have the complete GNOME experience.

Switching to GNOME

Once done, log out and hit enter once, and there you’d see a small gear icon. From here, choose GNOME:

choose gnome while logging in

And now, you have GNOME with Linux Mint as a base!

Bonus Tip: How to Apply Themes with consistency

You can use that Cinnamon themes, but most of them don’t work as expected, so I will recommend using GNOME themes such as Adwaita to have consistency around the desktop.

For me, the default fonts do not work at all, and I prefer something close to what Fedora offers. So open GNOME tweaks from the system menu and make changes as shown:

change fonts in ubuntu to have vanilla gnome experience

  • Cantarell Regular (11) for both interface and document text.
  • Noto Sans Mono Regular (13) for monospace text.
  • Cantarell Bold (11) for window titles.

And it turned out to be far better than the default Ubuntu font scheme.

Since you have GNOME, you can use our detailed guide on installing and changing GNOME themes on Linux to make it as your heart desires.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, installing GNOME on Linux Mint is quite simple. And as I mentioned earlier, the removal part could complicate things as it has the possibility of removing some GNOME packages required by Cinnamon.

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