Install intel fortran compiler linux

Setup of Intel’s Fortran compiler on Linux

This short step-by-step tutorial should help you setup Code::Blocks IDE for use Intel’s Fortran compiler on Linux. The Intel’s oneAPI 2021 is used here. The setup process can be a bit different for other versions. It is not about how to install Intel’s oneAPI on your PC. Search for Intel instructions about it.

    To start Code::Blocks, open a terminal in the folder with Code::Blocks. According to the Intel’s documentation, the environment variables should be set using provided script file «”:

source /opt/intel/oneapi/





  1. If you want to debug your code, compile your project with “ifort” compiler with option “-debug full”.


  1. You can omit Step 1 by including «source /opt/intel/oneapi/» line directly into «» file:



Into The Wave

High Performance Computing | Parallel Programming | Computer Science

Install Intel Fortran Compiler on Linux

During the last years, I have been using the GNU Fortran 95 compiler, gFortran , and its MPI parallel version mpif90 , to debug and compile my programs on Intel machines under Mac OS X operating systems. The gFortran compiler provides a free and open-source GNU compiler environment for Mac OS X systems.

However, when debugging and compiling my programs using gFortran on Mc OS X Leopard and then Snow Leopard, the built executables are found to be poorly debugged.

For this reason, I have been aiming at trying a non-commercial distribution of the well-known Intel Fortran compiler, iFort . Unfortunately, Intel does not provide such distribution for the Mac OS X systems, but only for Linux.

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That is why I’m trying the non commercial distribution of the iFort compiler for Linux. It can be found here, under Compilers and Libraries: Intel® Fortran Composer XE 2013 for Linux.

Step 1 : Downloading the Package

In order to download the installation package, you are asked to provide an Email adress, in which a downloading link as well as a serial number will be provided.

After downloading the file, unpack it:

tar -zxvf l_fcompxe_2013.3.163.tgz
cd l_fcompxe_2013.3.163

If you are using a IA-32 architecture, or higher should be already installed in your system. This libraries package is installed by default under EM64T Linux systems. If not done by default, please consider installing it before continuing.

Step 2 : Installing the iFort Compiler for Linux

Install the iFort Compiler package by running the script, using root previlegies:

sudo ./

After choosing the suitable installation options, related to your system architecture, IA-32 or EM64T , you are asked to enter your Intel Fortran compiler for Linux serial number.

After provinding it, the installation process will continue. You are asked to accept further agreements… Afte registration, the installation script exits.

Step 3 : Setting Up the Compiler Environment

In order to set up the compilation environment, the installation script already created compiler environment script files , that you have to run.


To use the iFort compiler, you need to set up its environment:

source [install-dir]/bin/

The compiler configuration files [install-dir]/bin/ifort.cfg are also created. You can edit them to add additional default options.

This procedure was successfully tested on a Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system.

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Credit : Detailed procedure from Illinois NCSA‘s website.


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