Install linux without internet

Install 18.04 server without network connection

The latest version of Ubuntu server (18.04) seems to demand network configuration and refuse to boot without it. I have no desire to connect the server in question to the internet for anything, and have installed previous versions of Ubuntu server without network no questions asked. Is a network connection an absolute requirement for the latest version of Ubuntu server? Or is there something I’m missing? The installation cannot proceed past the network configuration page unless an ethernet connection is active, by my current estimates. I have no ethernet network within range of the machine so can’t test it on an internet-less network. I only have WiFi within immediate range (which does have internet access) but it won’t recognise the device and it should be simpler to get the installation to happen without any updates than to go to the effort of finding the drivers to support the WiFi adapter. Note that this is NOT a duplicate of How to install Ubuntu Server without network connection? since the new installer seems to be the real problem here.

Can you update your question with details of where you get stuck , what you have tried to fix the problem, and why the second answer in the link you gave or the mini .iso does not solve your problem ? Otherwise your question is unclear at best and seems to me to be a duplicate. If you feel the installer has a bug, file a bug report.

The installation falls over at network configuration which there seems to be no way to bypass. The first answer details skipping the network configuration by pressing Esc, which simply goes to the previous installation page in the latest version. The second answer seems to be addressing the installation of packages (which is presumably not the reason that I can’t bypass network configuration).

And the mini iso ? . You will almost certainly need to file a bug report against the server installer

I’m not entirely convinced that an ISO which actually installs packages from the internet at install time would help me to install without an internet connection? Am I really confused or have I mislead you by linking the other question?

Yes the installer seems to require a network connection. The mini.iso require internet. A fast workaround will be to plug some cable and switch/hub to pass the network step of install process


Offline installation

This article provides instructions on installing Arch Linux on a system without an Internet connection. To do this, another system with a working Internet connection is required.

Warning: Extracting the root file system image ( airootfs.sfs ) from the ISO or copying the live environment’s root file system is not a supported installation method.

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Prepare local repository

Follow Pacman/Tips and tricks#Installing packages from a CD/DVD or USB stick for instructions on preparing a local repository with the necessary files on a separate host installation.

At the very least, for a functioning system, the following packages are recommended:

# pacman -Syw --cachedir . --dbpath /tmp/blankdb base base-devel linux linux-firmware mkinitcpio vim

Create your custom offline repository

# repo-add ./custom.db.tar.gz ./*[^sig]

Mount and configure

This article or section needs expansion.

Reason: Add optional instructions on placing the custom repo in the ISO. (Discuss in Talk:Offline installation)

Once the repository is prepared, connect the external media to the new installation, and mount it on the newly created root filesystem:

# mount --mkdir /dev/sdxy /mnt/repo

Edit your archiso /etc/pacman.conf and add a new section:

[custom] SigLevel = Optional Server = file:///mnt/repo/

Comment out [core] and [extra] so that pacman does not fail on the default repositories.


You can now continue to pacstrap your locally-available packages to the new installation:

# pacstrap -K /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware mkinitcpio vim

Offline installation of packages

Install from file

In case the offline installation process was only temporary, but requires manual installation of some packages before being able to access a network, see pacman#Additional commands to learn how to install local packages.

Shell globbing can be used to install many packages at once:

# pacman -U /package/folder/*.tar.zst

Offline cache

You can put the required files into /var/lib/pacman/sync and /var/cache/pacman/pkg , so as to make pacman think it has everything it needs to do searches, updates, and installs. The following method is based on two forum threads: [1][2].

  1. downloading the up to date package databases on a computer with internet access,
  2. transferring them to the offline computer,
  3. generating the list of packages required from the offline computer to update it,
  4. downloading them with their signature on a computer with internet access,
  5. transferring them to the pacman cache of the offline computer,
  6. installing the updates.

Tip: If you changed your default repositories from the defaults (core, extra and multilib), you should review your /etc/pacman.conf file.

The following script will download the updated package databases. If needed, change MIRROR to any mirror from the mirror status list.

#!/bin/sh ARCH="x86_64" MIRROR nofollow" href="">" wget "$/core/os/$/core.db" wget "$/extra/os/$/extra.db" wget "$/multilib/os/$/multilib.db" # and possibly -uncomment- (if customized in /etc/pacman.conf or pacman.conf.d): #wget "$/core-testing/os/$/core-testing.db" #wget "$/extra-testing/os/$/extra-testing.db" #wget "$/multilib-testing/os/$/multilib-testing.db" # and -additionaly- debug and staging packages.

Make the script executable and run it. You will obtain multiple .db files.

The following steps will be transferring the .db files to the offline PC, making it so you are working with up-to-date package lists (as if you ran pacman -Sy ), then generating a list of package required for the update:

# cp *.db /var/lib/pacman/sync/ # pacman -Sup --noconfirm > pkglist

Note: Make sure that you have enabled at least one of the servers defined in the /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file. Otherwise, all what you get is a misleading error message: error: no database for package: package-name .

You will also need to download the corresponding package signatures, so prepare the list of signatures to download:

# sed -e 's/\.zst$/.zst.sig/' ../pkglist > ../siglist

Next, bring the two lists with you to a place where you have internet and download the listed packages in an empty directory:

# wget -nv -i ../pkglist # wget -nv -i ../siglist

Tip: When using cygwin or some other kind of Windows environment to download the packages, the filenames will get mangled since default Windows file naming requires to escape e.g. colons. To avoid this (under cygwin, since it does not follow such restrictions), use wget —restrict-file-names=unix .

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Take all the *.pkg.tar.zst and *.pkg.tar.zst.sig files back home, put them in /var/cache/pacman/pkg and finally run

Local repository

In case the new system is expected to remain offline or airgapped, it should be configured to expect only local repositories.

Complete repository

After chrooting into your new installation, edit the new /etc/pacman.conf in the same way as previously (but without the /mnt prefix):

[custom] SigLevel = Optional Server = file:///repo/

Comment out all other repositories and save. Continue configuring the new system as usual.

From now on any updates to the offline system can be made by bringing an up to date copy of the local repository, mounting it to /repo and running pacman commands as usual.

See also


How can I install Ubuntu without an internet connection?

I do not have a very fast internet connection, so ideally I want to download Ubuntu with all of the packages I require so I can install them all from CD/DVD/USB without the need to use my internet connection for downloading additional packages. Specifically, I need to ensure that I have all of the plugins required for video and audio playback, amongst others. What is the best suitable version to achieve this?

5 Answers 5

I doubt there are any differences between Ubuntu versions, that make one more suitable than another for slow Internet connections.

I think Debian has some versions on several disks that include more packages.

Ubuntu comes on a ~700 MB ISO, which can only hold so many packages. Even like that, it is not trivial to install from the Ubuntu CD.

There used to be quite a few distros which included «everything» you needed to have Ubuntu running out of the box. It appears they’ve all been deprecated now.

There are ways to download needed packages to flash drives or CDs and to use those devices to install the software. If you’re coming from the scenario that you’re downloading a CD and taking it home to your computer, I am truly sorry but you’re going to have to put a little more work into it.

I guess what «This Guy» here is looking for is Ubuntu based Distro with pre installed packages for audio and video playback. Not talking much, IMHO, I would suggest Best Match for You is «Linux Mint». It has in-built VLC installed with the Distro Installation. So you don’t need to worry about audio video playback as well, plus its Ubuntu backend, Hope that helps. If you find this good enough, be kind to accept my answer. Enjoy.

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Well Ubuntu installation can be performed from DVD or USB whatever you prefer, made by the downloaded .iso from official website itself and it contains most of the required things like —

  1. After installation you don’t need to worry about anti-viruses as you need them in windows, Virus’s can’t affect Linux easily.
  2. You don’t need to download any graphics drivers or any hardware drivers (in most of the cases excluding NVIDIA graphic card drivers etc).
  3. You don’t need to download any Office like stuffs as in windows there is a 1 GB’s installation setup for Microsoft Office , because Ubuntu comes with Libre-Office that really works nicely .
  4. I have seen your profile ,you have mentioned that you are a C,C++ lang. developer so in Ubuntu you don’t need to install any C compiler , just use gcc, and gcc+.

So completing your requirement there is only one package that you need to install that is Ubuntu-restricted-extras , that actually adds support for MP3 playback and decoding, support for various other audio formats (GStreamer plugins), Microsoft fonts, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, LAME (to create compressed audio files), and DVD playback.

So basically, once you have installed Ubuntu you would need to get approximately 30MBs of data from the internet, which is probably small enough that you can download it with your mobile phone internet.

If you have fluctuating network then use terminal instead of Ubuntu-Software-Center because even after restart you can start downloading again with the same command:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras 

That should be it. Hope I have explained what you want. Enjoy Ubuntu!


How to install Linux without Internet, and Upgrade it?

For example, I have an .iso file for Ubuntu. Normal after an installation it’s good to do an «apt-get update» and «apt-get upgrade» to actualize the apps and system. I did for example, a copy of the sofwarelist of an upgraded-actual system, in a file e.g. Then executed it to download the packets from the list to a removable drive. And shift it to a new installed operating system without internet, to install the packets of the list. Maybe it’s possible to pack the new packets into an iso file or to access e.g. an usb-storage with the respective packets during installation. How it’s possible to do an update/upgrade without internet during installation or after installation of an operating system (linux) ?

1 Answer 1

i beleived you would need to

  1. Download the packages (or iso)
  2. Copy them to a location on your linux system (or mount iso)
  3. make a custom repository
  4. apt-get update

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