Install office arch linux


Installing ms-office-online (Full Guide) on Arch Linux (Manjaro, Garuda)

ms-office-online is «Microsoft Office Suite Online as a native application» based on its gist. To install and update ms-office-online from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Garuda) is rather easy. This tutorial will cover how to install, update and remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay .

Table of Contents

There are two well known ways to install ms-office-online from AUR. pacman is the choice for you if you are an expert of command-line interface and understand the concept of how packages are built. Otherwise, yay is a common alternative to install packages without the hassle of reviewing PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg yourself.

sudo pacman -S --needed git && git clone && cd ms-office-online && makepkg -si
  1. Install git if needed (not installed before).
  2. clone the package’s git repository from source.
  3. cd into the folder of the repository.
  4. Use makepkg to build the package. Also, it will automatically be installed with pacman if built successfully.
yay -S ms-office-online

Just like installing AUR packages, updating them is practically the same. Simply pull it from upstream then re-build it. Even so, it is still a good practice to upgrade your whole system first with sudo pacman -Syu before updating any packages to avoid dependency issues, since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distro.

Before running the command, make sure you are in the directory of the repository you previously cloned:

git pull && makepkg -si
  1. pull from the package’s git repository.
  2. Use makepkg to build the package. Also, it will automatically be updated with pacman afterwards.

Uninstalling packages is the easiest of these three,just choose whether to keep the dependencies that no longer required by other packages and the configuration files used by the package.

sudo pacman -R ms-office-online
sudo pacman -Rs ms-office-online
sudo pacman -Rns ms-office-online
yay -R ms-office-online
yay -Rs ms-office-online
yay -Rns ms-office-online

Learn more details about installing/updating AUR packages on Arch Linux, please refer to this tutorial from NoCache.

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Beginner’s Guide on Installing nextcloud-app-end_to_end_encryption on Arch Linux/Manjaro/Artix

«Nextcloud End-to-End-Encryption App» is their definition of nextcloud-app-end_to_end_encryption. To install or uninstall this package (nextcloud-app-end_to_end_encryption) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Artix, BlackArch, Garuda, Anarchy) is fairly uncomplicated. This tutorial will be covering how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

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«Asynchronous cluster syncronisation tool based on librsync and inspired by Unison» is the developer’s gist of csync2. To install or remove this package (csync2) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Parabola, RebornOS and Garuda is rather uncomplicated. This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to install, update and remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

How to Install rolt-desktop-git with CLI on Arch Linux (Manjaro, Garuda)

Quoting from rolt-desktop-git’s own description, it’s «Fork of Revolt Desktop that points to If in doubt use revolt-desktop-git instead.». To install or uninstall rolt-desktop-git from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Anarchy is relatively easy. This tutorial will be covering how to install, update and remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

Beginner’s Guide on python-err Installation on Arch Linux/Manjaro/BlackArch

python-err is «A plugin based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable.» based on its own definition. To install or remove this package (python-err) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Garuda, BlackArch) is pretty simple. This tutorial will taught you how to install/update/remove the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

tinyalsa-git Install (Update, Uninstall) Guide on Arch Linux (Manjaro/Garuda)

Quoting from tinyalsa-git’s own outline, it is «A small library to interface with ALSA in the Linux kernel.». To install and update tinyalsa-git from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Anarchy is quite uncomplicated. This tutorial will cover how to install, update and remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

Installing qogir-icon-theme in Single Line of Command on Arch Linux, Manjaro and RebornOS

Based on qogir-icon-theme’s own outline, it’s «A colorful design icon theme for linux desktops». To install and update this package (qogir-icon-theme) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, BlackArch, Garuda, ArcoLinux) is pretty simple. This guide will be covering how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

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LibreOffice (Русский)

Состояние перевода: На этой странице представлен перевод статьи LibreOffice. Дата последней синхронизации: 16 сентября 2021. Вы можете помочь синхронизировать перевод, если в английской версии произошли изменения.

LibreOffice — мощный офисный пакет, полностью совместимый с 32/64-битными системами. Переведён более чем на 30 языков мира. Поддерживает большинство популярных операционных систем, включая GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows и Mac OS X.


Установите один из следующих пакетов:

  • libreoffice-still — стабильная ветвь обновлений
  • libreoffice-fresh — новые функции появляются сначала здесь, часто обновляется
  • В прошлом требовалась установка хотя бы одного языкового пакета. Сейчас LibreOffice автоматически определяет системные умолчания и выставляет настройки локали; ручная установка языкового пакета теперь необязательна и нужна только для локализации интерфейса. Подробнее смотрите
  • Для SDK установите libreoffice-fresh-sdk .

Для русского интерфейса установите libreoffice-still-ru или libreoffice-fresh-ru соответственно установленной вами версии LibreOffice.

Проверьте опциональные зависимости, которые выводит pacman . Java Runtime Environment не требуется, пока вы не захотите использовать Libreoffice Base: см. Java (Русский). Вам может понадобиться hsqldb2-java AUR , чтобы использовать некоторые модули в LibreOffice Base.

Темы оформления

Наборы библиотек проверяются в следующем порядке:

Чтобы принудительно использовать определенный интерфейс VCL UI, используйте одну из SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen , SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kde4 , SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk или SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3 переменных среды (environment variables (Русский)). Можно снять комментирование с этих переменных в /etc/profile.d/ или /etc/profile.d/ .

Однако, если в программе всё похоже на использование значков Windows 95/98, перейдите в меню Tools > Options. , (в котором представлено диалоговое окно Options), затем выберите LibreOffice > Accessibility и снимите флажок Automatically detect high-contrast mode of operating system.

Если это не сработает сразу, вам может потребоваться изменить набор значков, который используется; это также находится в диалоговом окне Options в разделе LibreOffice > View с двумя всплывающими окнами для Icon size and style (последнее всплывающее окно должно быть изменено на нечто иное, чем «High-contrast»).

Отключение логотипа запуска

Если вы предпочитаете отключать логотип запуска, откройте /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc , найдите строку содержащую Logo= и замените на Logo=0 .

Управление расширениями

В официальных репозиториях Arch доступны следующие расширения:

Также вы можете поискать расширения в AUR, во встроенном в LibreOffice менеджере расширений или на libreplanet.


The Document Foundation wiki упоминает различные шрифты, идущие в комплекте с LibreOffice в Windows и macOS. В Arch вам может понадобиться установить следующие пакеты:


How To Install LibreOffice On Arch Linux

How To Install LibreOffice On Arch Linux

This tutorial will help you install LibreOffice on Arch Linux. LibreOffice is a free and powerful office suite and is often considered Linux’s equivalent of Microsoft Office. It is one of the essential apps to have on your Arch Distro, especially if you are planning to use it as your daily driver. In this article, we are going to learn how we can install Libre Office on Arch Linux !


First we need to install some packages which we will need for smooth running of LibreOffice. First things first, update and upgrade your system with the pacman command:

Next up, we need to install some fonts with :

$ sudo pacman -S --needed ttf-caladea ttf-carlito ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation ttf-linux-libertine-g noto-fonts adobe-source-code-pro-fonts adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts adobe-source-serif-pro-fonts

You may need hsqldb2-java to enable some modules in LibreOffice Base. You can install it with the paru command:

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The above package also needs a Java Runtime Environment. You can install the latest version with the following in case you don’t already have it :

$ sudo pacman -S --needed jre-openjdk

With that, we should be good to go for the next step.

Choosing The Correct Version of LibreOffice

You can install anyone of the two following packages :

  • libreoffice-still : It is the stable maintenance branch, for conservative users.
  • libreoffice-fresh : It is the feature branch, with new program enhancements for early adopters or power users.

You can choose the one which suits you the best but it is recommended to use the first one if you will be needing it regularly for work as it is more stable and less prone to crashes.

Previously, you would also need to install a language pack, but now, LibreOffice detects your system defaults and sets as locale setting; manual installation of a language pack is no longer mandatory, required only for localized user interface.

Install LibreOffice On Arch Linux

Once you have chosen the version you want to go with, you can install it with the pacman command along with sudo:

For example, to install the stable release, we would go with:

$ sudo pacman -S libreoffice-still

This should install LibreOffice on your system !


Installing Additional LibreOffice Packages

There are some additional functionalities you can add to LibreOffice as well, for which we would require some additional packages.

To enable working with Latex, you need to install the following :

$ sudo pacman -S libreoffice-extension-texmaths libreoffice-extension-writer2latex

Next up, we can install a package for enabling spell check with :

You may also want to install language specific dictionaries for hunspell. For example, if you want to enable the US English dictionaries for hunspell, you can install it with :

$ sudo pacman -S hunspell-en_us

For enabling Grammar checks you can install the following tool :

$ paru libreoffice-extension-languagetool

Different LibreOffice Applications

LibreOffice Applications

LibreOffice Suite comes with the following applications:

  • LibreOffice Math: This allows us to create and edit scientific formulas and equations
  • LibreOffice Draw: This allows us to create and edit drawings, flow charts, etc.
  • LibreOffice Calc: Let’s you organize data into spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel
  • LibreOffice Base: You can manage databases , create queries and more using Base
  • LibreOffice Writer: Create/Edit text files much like Microsoft Word
  • LibreOffice Impress: Create and edit slides for presentations and is the equivalent of Microsoft Powerpoint


Thus we saw how to install LibreOffice on Arch. It is one of the best Open Source alternative tools for MS Office Suite Applications. LibreOffice is cross platform which means it can be installed and used even on MacOS and Windows as well! Overall it’s a versatile Office application which is very well geared towards your document handling needs.


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