Install reason on linux

Install reason on linux

Reason toolchain packaged for npm.

Supported: Installing via NPM / Yarn , on Mac OS or Linux.

The package’s size over network is around 140mb. It takes a while to download, especially on slower internet. If npm is stuck and doesn’t produce any errors then it’s probably just downloading it. This will be fixed in the following releases. Sorry. (If you are having trouble, you can download the tarball to your machine separately, and run npm install path/to/tarball , to install from the local file).

type platform install command Notes
binary macOS npm install -g Installs Binaries
binary Linux npm install -g Installs Binaries
Windows Please see reasonml/

(Or yarn global add , etc.)

type platform install command Notes
binary macOS npm install -g Installs Binaries
binary Linux npm install -g Installs Binaries
Windows Please see reasonml/

(Or yarn global add , etc.)

The installation requires glibc >=3.4.21. If you’re on macOS, you should be good to go. If you’re on Ubuntu, reason-cli requires Ubuntu 16.04. Otherwise the postinstall might fail.

2. Install your editor plugins

Pick your favorite editor plugin here

Just reinstall over the previously installed package. It’s usually a good idea to uninstall the old reason-cli first.

npm uninstall -g reason-cli npm install -g git:// 

Optional: Install as local developer tool:

reason-cli now supports being installed as a dev-time dependency in an npm project. Simply omit the -g flag. The binaries will show up in your node_modules/.bin directory.

When installed with npm install -g , reason-cli places the following tools in your path:

  • ocamlmerlin
  • ocamlmerlin-reason
  • refmt
  • ocamlrun
  • ocamlc / ocamlopt
  • ocamlfind

Optional dev / pack releases:

There are also two other types of releases, dev and pack .

  • dev : Live on the bleeding edge and help us find bugs earlier. When installed, it downloads sources, packs them into a bundle, and then builds them from source — all on the client.
  • pack : (Not yet released) (experimental) Builds a prepacked bundle of sources on the client. Suitable for offline installations, CI, isolated networks, and environments that require building on host.

You need esy@0.0.62 installed globally: (First remove any existing global esy you have)

npm remove -g esy npm install -g esy@0.0.62

Now you can use make release TYPE=. command.

For binary releases (an installation process will just copy prebuilt binaries to the installation location):

rm -rf ./_release # Start fresh make release TYPE=bin cd _release/bin-darwin #or bin-linux if you're on linux

Edit the package.json version to include the «prerelease» hyphen the scope/name you wish to publish reason-cli under. Typically this will be appending -darwin or -linux to the version number like:

< "name": "reason-cli", "version": "3.1.0-darwin", . 
npm install -g whateverReasonCliReleaseYouTried --ignore-scripts cd whereverYourGlobalNpmPackagesAreStored/reason-cli/ ./ 
  • Does it give any better information about what is failing?
  • Is there a specific log file that it claims the actual error is written into?
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Each published binary includes the built-in ability to troubleshoot where each binary is resolved to. If something is going wrong with your refmt command, you can see which released binary refmt actually invokes in the release. We use the —-where flag with four — characters because it’s unlikely to conflict with any meaningful parameters of binaries like refmt .

refmt ----where > /path/to/npm-packages/lib/reason-cli/actualInstall/builds/reason/bin/refmt 


Globally installable Reason toolchain.



Important: If you are looking for ReScript (formerly BuckleScript) installation instructions, please refer to the ReScript website.

Reason comes with its own «npm like» package manager called esy:

To create your first Reason native CLI program, run the following commands:

git clone cd hello-reason # Install all dependencies (might take a while in the first run) esy # Compile and run Hello.exe esy x Hello 

Reason native development is essentially OCaml development. From here on, you want to read up following websites to get to understand the ecosystem:

  • esy: The esy package manager is designed to manage your npm and opam dependencies and efficiently caches & sandboxes your project compiler and dependencies. Check out the esy website to find out how to install dependencies, setting up package resolutions, and executing compiled programs.
  • opam: The opam package index lists all available packages available in the OCaml ecosystem
  • dune: dune is the official build system in the OCaml ecosystem. Check out the manual for more details on how to set up your project.

All your packages are managed in your package.json file. Usually you will find a dune file in each source code directory (such as bin/ and lib/ ) for all the build system settings as well.

Adding dependencies:

To add Reason / OCaml packages that happen to be hosted on npm, run esy add npm-package-name .

Opam integration:

esy treats the npm scope @opam specially. esy will install any package name with the @opam scope directly from opam. This is the only scope with special meaning. All other package names are assumed to be hosted on npm.

Advanced esy configuration:

See the configuration section from the complete esy docs.

Reason + OCaml both leverage the js_of_ocaml (JSOO) compiler to compile from bytecode to JavaScript.

To get started with Reason + esy + JSOO, check out this hello-jsoo-esy template:

git clone cd hello-jsoo-esy esy npm install npm run webpack 

After you have successfully compiled your first example, it’s time to set up your editor to get access to all the nice features such as auto-completion. Later on you can check out the language basics to get a basic understanding of all the Reason language constructs.

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Supported: Installing via NPM / Yarn , on Mac OS or Linux.


platform install command
macOS yarn global add [email protected]
Linux yarn global add [email protected]
Windows Please see

For npm users, use npm install -g [email protected] or @latest-linux instead.

The package’s size is rather big. It takes a while to download, especially on slower internet. If npm is stuck and doesn’t produce any errors then it’s probably just downloading it. This will be fixed in the following releases. Sorry.

The installation requires glibc >=3.4.21. If you’re on macOS, you should be good to go. If you’re on Ubuntu, reason-cli requires Ubuntu 16.04. Otherwise the postinstall might fail.

If you are having trouble, you can download the tarball to your machine separately, and run npm install path/to/tarball , to install from the local file.

Install your editor plugins

Pick your favorite editor plugin here


Just reinstall over the previously installed package. It’s usually a good idea to uninstall the old reason-cli first.

Included Binaries

When installed with npm install -g , reason-cli places the following tools in your path:

Releasing (For Maintainers):

Repeat the following for both most recent reason-cli linux and macos circle CI builds that succeed.

  1. Bump the versions/config in package.json to your liking, and make sure to locally run esy install to regenerate any lockfiles. Send a commit with those lockfiles and config changes.
  2. When that diff builds on master , grab the results from the Artifacts tab on the CircleCI build results for the build of the platform you want to release.
  3. Verify the release can be installed: npm remove -g reason-cli && npm install reason-cli.tar.gz
  4. Make sure rtop works.
  5. Uninstall the release you just installed: npm remove -g reason-cli (otherwise npm freaks out).
  6. Extract the release locally: tar -xvf reason-cli.tar.gz .
  7. cd package
  8. Edit the version number in package.json to be 3.3.2-linux or 3.3.2-macos (adjust for the version and platform you downloaded for accordingly).
  9. npm publish

Repeat steps 1-8 for both linux and macos builds.

npm dist-tags add [email protected] latest-linux npm dist-tags add [email protected] latest-macos 

Releasing (without CI):

You can just recreate what the circle CI steps do locally and then perform the steps above.

More Info


npm install -g whateverReasonCliReleaseYouTried --ignore-scripts cd whereverYourGlobalNpmPackagesAreStored/reason-cli/ ./ 
  • Does it give any better information about what is failing?
  • Is there a specific log file that it claims the actual error is written into?
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Each published binary includes the built-in ability to troubleshoot where each binary is resolved to. If something is going wrong with your refmt command, you can see which released binary refmt actually invokes in the release. We use the —-where flag with four — characters because it’s unlikely to conflict with any meaningful parameters of binaries like refmt .

refmt ----where > /path/to/npm-packages/lib/reason-cli/actualInstall/builds/reason/bin/refmt 



Important: If you are looking for ReScript (formerly BuckleScript) installation instructions, please refer to the ReScript website.

Reason comes with its own «npm like» package manager called esy:

To create your first Reason native CLI program, run the following commands:

git clone cd hello-reason # Install all dependencies (might take a while in the first run) esy # Compile and run Hello.exe esy x Hello 

Reason native development is essentially OCaml development. From here on, you want to read up following websites to get to understand the ecosystem:

  • esy: The esy package manager is designed to manage your npm and opam dependencies and efficiently caches & sandboxes your project compiler and dependencies. Check out the esy website to find out how to install dependencies, setting up package resolutions, and executing compiled programs.
  • opam: The opam package index lists all available packages available in the OCaml ecosystem
  • dune: dune is the official build system in the OCaml ecosystem. Check out the manual for more details on how to set up your project.

All your packages are managed in your package.json file. Usually you will find a dune file in each source code directory (such as bin/ and lib/ ) for all the build system settings as well.

Adding dependencies:

To add Reason / OCaml packages that happen to be hosted on npm, run esy add npm-package-name .

Opam integration:

esy treats the npm scope @opam specially. esy will install any package name with the @opam scope directly from opam. This is the only scope with special meaning. All other package names are assumed to be hosted on npm.

Advanced esy configuration:

See the configuration section from the complete esy docs.

Reason + OCaml both leverage the js_of_ocaml (JSOO) compiler to compile from bytecode to JavaScript.

To get started with Reason + esy + JSOO, check out this hello-jsoo-esy template:

git clone cd hello-jsoo-esy esy npm install npm run webpack 

After you have successfully compiled your first example, it’s time to set up your editor to get access to all the nice features such as auto-completion. Later on you can check out the language basics to get a basic understanding of all the Reason language constructs.


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