Install steam client on linux

How to Install Steam on Linux

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College.

This article has been viewed 133,013 times.

This wikiHow teaches you how to install the Steam app on various Linux distributions. If you’re running Ubuntu or Debian, you can install Steam from the Ubuntu Software app or use the Ubuntu repositories. For the latest updates not available in the Ubuntu repositories, you can install Steam from its official DEB package. If you are using Fedora or an RPM-based Linux distribution, you can install Steam using RPM Fusion. For all other Linux distributions, you can use Flatpak to install Steam.

  • Access the multiverse repository from the Terminal to download Steam on Ubuntu.
  • You can install the official Steam DEB package in the Terminal to get the latest updates.
  • If you’re using Flatpak, install the Flatpak manager if you don’t already have it.

Using the Multiverse Repository

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 1

Android 7 Apps

. It’s the icon with 9 squares in a grid. It’s in the lower-left corner by default. This opens the Dash. The Dash displays all apps you have installed.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 2

  • Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Alt +T to open the Terminal using the keyboard shortcut.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 7

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 8

Type and run sudo apt update and press ↵ Enter . This will update the repository with the latest version.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 9

  • If you are asked if you want to continue with the installation, press «Y» and then press «Enter«.

Using the Ubuntu Software App

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 1

Android 7 Apps

. It’s the icon with 9 squares in a grid. It’s in the lower-left corner by default. This opens the Dash. The Dash displays all apps you have installed on your Ubuntu system.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 2

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 3

Android 7 Search

at the top. This displays a search bar that allows you to search for apps available for Ubuntu in Software Center.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 4

Type Steam in the search bar and press ↵ Enter on your keyboard. The official Steam app will show up at the top of the results.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 10

Click Steam . It has a blue icon with an image that resembles a white rotary piston. Click the app icon to display the information page.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 5

Click the Install below the Steam icon. This will install the latest release of the official Steam app on your Ubuntu Linux computer.

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Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 12

Enter your user password and click Authenticate . In order to install new software in Ubuntu, you must enter your user password. Enter the password for your Ubuntu log in and click Authenticate. This will install the Steam for Ubuntu. When you launch Steam, it may need to update. Once the update is completed, you can sign in to your Steam account.

Installing a DEB Package

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 1

Android 7 Apps

. It’s the icon with 9 squares in a grid. It’s in the lower-left corner by default. This opens the Dash. The Dash displays all apps you have installed.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 14

  • Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Alt +T to open the Terminal using the keyboard shortcut.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 11

  • If there is no response in the Terminal, you might already have multi-arch support enabled. To find out, type «dpkg —print-foreign-architectures» in the Terminal and press Enter. It should return «i386«.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 13

Type sudo apt update and press ↵ Enter . This will complete all your latest updates for the installation.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 14

  • sudo apt install wget gdebi-core libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386
  • If you are asked if you want to continue with the installation, press Y on the keyboard and press Enter to continue.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 15

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 16

  • If you are asked if you want to continue, press Y on your keyboard and then press Enter to continue.

Using the RPM Fusion Repository

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 20

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. On most Linux distros, you can open the Terminal by press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. Alternatively, you can press the Super (Windows or Command) key (or click the Dash icon) to open the Dash and type Terminal in the search bar. This method works on RPM-based Linux distros like Fedora.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 21

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 22

Type sudo dnf upgrade and press ↵ Enter . This ensures your system is up to date. It may take a while depending on how often you update your system.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 23

Restart your computer. To restart your computer, either click the power icon on your computer and click Restart or open the Terminal and type «sudo reboot» and press Enter.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 24

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. Once your computer restarts, open the Terminal once again.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 25

  • sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
  • Alternatively, if you are using Fedora, you can Launch Fedora Software and click the icon with three horizontal lines () in the upper-right corner. Click Software Repositories and click Enable next to «Fedora 31 -Nonfree – Steam.» [1] X Research source

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 26

Type sudo dnf install steam and press ↵ Enter . This installs steam on your RPM-based system. Once Steam is finished installing, it will most likely need to update. Then you can log in to your Steam account. [2] X Research source

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Installing from Flatpak

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 27

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. On most Linux distros, you can open the Terminal by press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. This method allows you to install Steam using Flatpak. Flatpak works on any Linux distro as long as the Flatpak manager.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 28

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 29

Type sudo dnf upgrade and press ↵ Enter . This ensures your system is up to date. It may take a while depending on how often you update your system.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 30

Restart your computer. To restart your computer, either click the power icon on your computer and click Restart or open the Terminal and type «sudo reboot» and press Enter.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 31

Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open the Terminal. Once your computer restarts, open the Terminal once again.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 32

Type sudo dnf install flatpak and press ↵ Enter . This installs the Flatpak manager. Some Linux distros already have Flatpak manager installed. If it is already installed, you don’t need to install it again.

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 33

Image titled Install Steam on Linux Step 34

Type sudo flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam and press ↵ Enter . This command installs Steam. Once Steam is finished installing, it will need to update. Then you can log in to your Steam account.

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Install steam client on linux

Тема закрыта

20 ноя. 2015 в 8:26

Для установки Steam, установленной в репозитарии Ubuntu изначально: откройте терминал, и введите команду ниже.

На 64-битных системах установятся также 32-битные библиотеки.

sudo apt-get install steam

Для того что бы установить менее свежее, но более стабильное обновление — PPA X-Updates: откройте терминал и введите следующие команды.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Для Ubuntu 14.04 из этого PPA есть пакеты только для Nvidia

Для того что бы установить более свежие, но менее стабильное обновление — PPA Xorg Edgers: введите следующие команды.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

PPA Xorg Edgers содержит тестовые версии драйверов, которые теоретически могут сделать вашу систему неработоспособной.

Существует неофициальный пакет, позволяющий запускать Steam в режиме Big Picture в качестве окружения рабочего стола.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:thor27-gmail/steam-desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install steam-login

После этого в окне входа в систему появится возможность выбрать Steam.

Если по каким то причинам вы решили полностью удалить Steam со всеми установленными играми, вам нужно будет сделать следующие:
удалите пакет Steam.

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sudo apt-get purge steam:i386

Удалите вручную папку с установленными Steam и играми.

В случае если вам выдаст ошибку, что данная папка не найдена (в последних версиях, папка Steam находится в папке ~/.local/share), выполните:

Удалите папку .steam, расположенную в домашнем каталоге:

To install Steam, set in the Ubuntu repositories initially: open a terminal and type the command below.

64-bit system, install a 32-bit libraries.

sudo apt-get install steam

In order to establish less fresh but more stable update — PPA X-Updates: open a terminal and enter the following commands.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa: ubuntu-x-swat / x-updates
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

For Ubuntu 14.04 this PPA has a package just for Nvidia

In order to establish a more recent, but less stable update — PPA Xorg Edgers: Enter the following commands.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa: xorg-edger /ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

PPA Xorg Edgers contains test drivers, which in theory can make your system unusable.

There is an unofficial package that allows you start Steam Big Picture mode as a desktop environment.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa: thor27-gmail / steam-desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install steam-login

After that, the login window will be able to choose Steam.

If for some reason you have decided to completely remove Steam with all installed games, you will need to do the following:
remove the bag Steam.

sudo apt-get purge steam: i386

Manually delete the folder containing the Steam and games.

If you throw an error that this folder is not found (in recent versions, the Steam folder located in the folder ~ / .local / share), run:

rm -r ~ / .local / share / Steam

Delete the folder .steam, located in your home directory:

20 ноя. 2015 в 8:50

20 ноя. 2015 в 9:00

— Был добавлен английский язык

20 ноя. 2015 в 11:22

This guide seems to be only for Ubuntu based distros not «Linux OS».

This is not really a ‘how to install Steam’ like titled (which doesn’t require a guide) but how to install Steam, proprietary graphics for Nvidia using a 3rd party PPA, and how to install an unofficial Steam BPM.

You do not need the 3rd party xswat or xorg edgers PPAs to get proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers in Ubuntu anymore. Ubuntu has Nvidia proprietary drivers in their repos already and they made an official PPA called «Graphics Drivers PPA»:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update

And I highly doubt an unofficial Steam BPM DE login will «improve the performance of games» I would like to see benchmarks to that effect if it does.


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