Install telegram kali linux

Telegram Kali Installation – Step-by-step

GNU/Linux Kali Installing Telegram – Quick-Start Guide

You are Welcome! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install the Twitter Telegram Messaging App on Kali GNU+Linux Desktop.

First, the Telegram for Kali is a Messaging App with a Focus on Speed and Security, it’s superfast, simple and free.

Moreover, you can use Telegram on all your Devices at the same time — your Messages Sync Seamlessly across any of your Phones, Tablets or Computers.

Then with Telegram, you can Send Messages, Photos, Videos and Files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create Groups for up to 200 people.

Again the Telegram’s goal is to allow Everyone to Get Back their Right to Privacy. It is a Global Non-Commercial Project with Contributors from All over the World.

Finally, unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is Cloud-based and Heavily Encrypted. As a Result, you can Access your Messages from Several Devices at once, including Tablets and Computers, and share an unlimited number of Photos, Videos and Files of up to 1,5 GB.

Telegram Kali Linux Installation – Step-by-step

What can you do with Telegram?.

  • Connect: from most remote locations.
  • Coordinate: groups of up to 200 members.
  • Synchronize your chats across all your devices.
  • Send: documents of any type.
  • Encrypt: personal and business secrets.
  • Destruct: your messages with a timer.
  • Store: your media in the cloud.
  • Build: your own tools on our API.
  • Enjoy: feedback from your customers


How to install Telegram on Kali Linux

Telegram messenger, a popular cloud-based alternative to WhatsApp is a cross-platform application that we can install on Kali Linux as well as other operating systems to Chat and access groups & Channels.

Kali Linux which is mainly used by security experts and other users who are learning hacking and penetration testing can also benefit from the Telegram Linux Desktop app; which also claims to be one of the safest ways to chat because of strong message encryption.

Telegram Desktop app installation on Kali Linux

There are two ways to install it on Kali Linux, one is using the SNAP packages (the quickest one) and the other is by manually downloading its Tar.xz file. Here we will show both.

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Using SNAP packages

Those who don’t want much hassle can simply use the SNAP command for installing Telegram. Here are the steps to follow:

Install SNAPD on Kali Linux

Start the Snap daemon service

sudo systemctl start snapd.service

Enable service to get started automatically with boot

sudo systemctl enable snapd.service

Also, Enable AppArmor

sudo systemctl start snapd.apparmor
sudo systemctl enable snapd.apparmor

Install Telegram on Kali using the SNAP command

sudo snap install telegram-desktop

You will have Telegram on your system…

Run Telegram on Kali Linux

Those who don’t want to use the Command Terminal every time to start this messaging app can create a Desktop shortcut.

On terminal type:


Right, Click on the Kali Desktop and select the Create Launcher option.

Create Telegram Desktop shortcut on Kali Linux

In the Command section type- snap run telegram-desktop

Next, click on the No Icon and then the Application icons drop-down box. Select image files. The file explorer gets opened to choose, go to Downloads, and select the telegram icon.

Select Icon for desktio shortcut on Linux Set icon Create Desktop Launcher on Kali Linux

Update the Application

In the future, if you want to update the application using snap, then the command is:

sudo snap refresh telegram-desktop

Uninstall via Snap Telegram on Kali

sudo snap remove telegram-desktop

2nd Method using Tar.xz file of Telegram

Download the compressed file of this messenger app. For that simply open the Terminal and run any of the following commands as per your system’s OS version.

Note: Most of the latest versions of Kali are 64-bit, thus this one is recommended.

Extract file

Move the extracted folder of Telegram to /opt directory so that you wouldn’t delete it accidentally.

Run the Telegram app on Kali Linux

After running initially, it will create a shortcut icon to Telegram Desktop in the All Applications area. In the future, the user can simply go there and search for it to use.

telegram on kali using tar.xz file

When we extract the package of this messenger, then we also get another file called Updater which is a script to download the latest updates.

Uninstall Telegram manually install the package from Kali Linux

To remove this one, we have to simply delete the folder we have placed in the /opt directory. For that, the command will be:

After removing the folder, log out and log in again to remove the shortcut icon as well.


Установка Telegram в Debian, Kali Linux, MX Linux, Parrot OS, Astra Linux

Мессенджер Telegram плотно вошел в жизнь многих пользователей, в этом мессенджере не только можно общаться, но так же и работать с ботами, что собственно только расширяет его возможности. В этой короткой статье как вы поняли, мы рассмотрим установку Telegram в операционных системах Debian, Kali Linux, MX Linux, Parrot OS, Astra Linux. Для тех кто работает с Ubuntu и ее ответвлениями, такими как Linux Mint, имеется возможность подключить PPA репозиторий и установить Telegram из него. Оговорюсь сразу, для установки Telegram в Astra Linux потребуются иные действия, нежели в остальных Deb ориентированных дистрибутивах Linux, об этом ниже. Та что если вы пользователь данной системы, пропускайте установку командой и переходите к скачиванию Telegram с офф-сайта.

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Устанавливаем Telegram в Deb ориентированных дистрибутивах Linux

Для дистрибутивов Debian, Kali Linux, MX Linux, Parrot OS, Astra Linux нет специального репозитория, как в случае с репозиторием PPA для Ubuntu подобных, то установку Telegram мы будем производить из родных репозиториев. В этом случае конечно, возможно будет установлена устаревшая версия Telegram, имейте это ввиду. И так, ближе к делу, сначала рассмотрим установку в Debian, Kali Linux, MX Linux, Parrot OS, так как в этих дистрибутивах Linux Telegram имеется в официальных репозиториях. Открываем терминал и вводим команду установки:

sudo apt install telegram-desktop

Telegram Debian Kali Linux MX Linux Parrot OS Astra Linux 1

В Astra Linux необходимо скачивать Telegram с официального сайта. После того как скачаете архив и распаковываете его, перенесите папку с Telegram в какое-нибудь место, где вы по случайности не удалите ее:

Telegram Debian Kali Linux MX Linux Parrot OS Astra Linux 2

Запускается Telegram обычным двойным нажатием мышки из распакованной папки:

Telegram Debian Kali Linux MX Linux Parrot OS Astra Linux 3

Значок запуска автоматически появится в меню установленных приложений. Можно конечно сделать иначе, переместить запускаемый файл Telegram в директорию “/opt” и сделать ссылку на него. Делается это командами:

cd ~/Загрузки/ sudo mv Telegram /opt/ sudo ln -sf /opt/Telegram/Telegram /usr/bin/telegram

Telegram Debian Kali Linux MX Linux Parrot OS Astra Linux 7

Таким образом можно запускать Telegram прямо из терминала выполнив команду “telegram”. Можно конечно создать и значок запуска .desktop и перенести его в директорию “.local/share/applications/”.


Будем надеяться что Telegram в будущем будет добавлен в репозитории Astra Linux и устанавливаться он будет точно так же как и в остальных дистрибутивах Linux – одной командой. Что же касается самого Telegram, хотелось бы что бы разработчики создали репозиторий для Debian и остальных дистрибутивов Linux, которые основываются на нем. Как это было сделано для Ubuntu с ее PPA репозиторием. Если же вы хотите подключить репозиторий PPA к Debian, то ознакомьтесь с этой статьей.

А на этом сегодня все. Надеюсь данная статья будет вам полезна.
Журнал Cyber-X


How To Install telegram-desktop on Kali Linux

In this guide, we’ll discuss How To Install telegram-desktop on Kali Linux. Also, we will demonstrate how to uninstall and update telegram-desktop .

One-liner install command

For those in a hurry, here’s a one-line installation command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt -y install telegram-desktop

But if you are interested in the detailed steps with descriptions, the following information is for you.

What is telegram-desktop and what are the ways to install it?

Short description: official telegram messaging app

Before beginning this tutorial, you will need access to a server or computer running Kali Linux. This guide was written specifically with a server running Kali Linux in mind, although it should also work on older, supported versions of the operating system.

Also, make sure you are running a regular, non-root user with sudo privileges configured on your server. When you have an account available, log in as your non-root user to begin.

There are several ways to install telegram-desktop on Kali Linux. You can use (links are clickable):

In the following sections, we will describe each method in detail. You can choose one of them or refer to the recommended one.

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Install telegram-desktop using apt-get

First, update apt database with apt-get using the following command.

After updating apt-get database, You can install telegram-desktop using apt by running the following command:

sudo apt -y install telegram-desktop

Install telegram-desktop using apt

Because telegram-desktop is available in Kali Linux’s default repositories, it is possible to install it from these repositories using the apt packaging system.

To begin, update apt database with apt using the following command.

After updating apt database, You can install telegram-desktop using apt by running the following command:

sudo apt -y install telegram-desktop

Install telegram-desktop using aptitude

If you want to follow this method, you might need to install aptitude first since aptitude is usually not installed by default on Kali Linux. Update apt database with aptitude using the following command.

After updating aptitude database, You can install telegram-desktop by running the following command:

sudo aptitude -y install telegram-desktop

How to upgrade (update) a single package telegram-desktop using apt-get?

First, you will need to update packages index. Run update command as usual:

Next, to upgrade only the telegram-desktop, e.g. single package, you should use the following format with the apt-get command/apt command:

sudo apt-get --only-upgrade install telegram-desktop

Note that this command will not install any new packages! If you wish to install the package if it doesn’t exist you may leave out —only-upgrade part.

It’s Good to Know:

sudo apt-get install telegram-desktop

This will upgrade the package even if is already installed.

How To Uninstall telegram-desktop from Kali Linux

To uninstall only the telegram-desktop package you can execute the following command:

sudo apt-get remove telegram-desktop

Uninstall telegram-desktop and all its dependencies

To uninstall telegram-desktop and its dependencies that are no longer needed by Kali Linux, you can use the command below:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove telegram-desktop

Remove telegram-desktop with all configurations and data

To remove telegram-desktop configuration and data from your system you can run the following purge command:

sudo apt-get -y purge telegram-desktop

Remove telegram-desktop completely (configurations, data and all of its dependencies)

And lastly, you can run the next command to remove absolutely everything related to telegram-desktop package, e.g.: configurations, data and all of its dependencies. Just use this command:

sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge telegram-desktop

Extra info and code examples

Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it is super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.

  • Maintainer: Nicholas Guriev
  • Sources url:
  • Section/Category:net


You now have a full guide on how to install telegram-desktop using apt, apt-get and aptitude tools. Also, we showed how to update as a single package and different ways to uninstall the telegram-desktop from Kali Linux.


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