Install usb bluetooth on android

Connecting to the Android Bluetooth via USB

If you purchase cheap new or used Android devices, you will significantly save money. However, you can later find some difficulties, which were hidden or not obvious at first glance. For example, the budget Chinese tablets often do not have the Bluetooth module, and it becomes critical at certain times. In this article, we will tell you how to overcome this situation by connecting the Bluetooth USB for Android.

What you will need to consider

In order to make everything simple, first it is necessary to clarify the following aspects:

  1. As we have already mentioned, we will deal with the USB device, so you will need to find out, whether your gadget supports the OTG connection. This can be found on the manufacturer’s website or by the presence of the special OTG cable in the package of the device. If it was not included, but you have it, try to connect any other USB device to the tablet. Usually it can be checked using a simple flash drive, since they do not need special drivers and they are present in almost every home. After making sure that the device supports the connection of external devices, proceed to the next step.
  2. You will need the special device – USB Bluetooth adapter. It can be found in any online store with electronics. Such a device looks as a flash drive or as a nano-receiver (it is used to connect the wireless mouse). You can choose any model – there is no need to find a special device for Android. They are inexpensive.


In order to install the Bluetooth dongle on the Android tablet, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the OTG cable to the smartphone or tablet.
  2. Insert the external adapter to the other side of the cable.
  3. On your mobile gadget, open the menu.
  4. Choose «Settings».
  5. You will see the «Bluetooth» menu with all the possibilities, as if it was built-in. Note that the Bluetooth USB dongle driver for Android does not exist. You will not find any sites with drivers for this OS in the Internet. Initially, Android has everything necessary to work with some devices. That is why you will not be able to download the Bluetooth dongle driver for Android tablet, if such an adapter will not work after connecting.
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The fact is that in the official firmwares, if the device does not have some module initially, developers cut out the unused software features of the system (for example, the Bluetooth connection in our case). This is done to save space and resources of the device, to make sure that the unused functionality does not overload the system.

There is another way out of this situation. If you are the owner of custom firmware (for example, from CyanogenMod), you can rest easy about this, because custom firmwares use pure Android with all built-in services. If you cannot connect the wireless module on the stock firmware, we recommend paying your attention at the amateur builds.

There are also MicroSD cards with built-in Bluetooth. Most often, people order them from China. They have exactly the same principle of operation, but they are inserted directly into the slot for SD cards. They take up less space and do not require the OTG connection. bluetooth sd card

Connecting to the Android Bluetooth via USB: Video

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Bluetooth USB on Android

For example it works well on Samsung device (Android 7), but not working on other devices. My question is why I call disconnect() and close() but it does not work ? build.gradle: minSdkVersion 21, targetSdkVersion 28 Otherwise, this problem only occurs with some kind of Android devices not all devices.

Bluetooth USB on Android

Is there any way to add Bluetooth USB dongle support to Android OS? My version that I use for an embedded device doesn’t contain any BT dongle support I think. What has to be done to add this feature?

Note: My device is ATMEL SAM9x5 EV Board. So Atmel, provide an Android BSP for this. But i think it’s so simple adaptation for board. I’m not able to use «hciconfig» or «hcitool» commands even. 2 months ago, i contacted them but i can’t reach correct man. Also i bought a bluetooth uart module from CC&C ( rtl8723 ) and i ported it to my Android BSP and Kernel but same result. Nothing worked. USB or UART not important for my project. So i’m not kernel specialist or system. My application is almost okay. EXcept bluetooth side. I have already done, I2C, GPIO and UART side. All are working. Also i’m able to change some kernel and framework specific things but not more. Just LCD customization and UART, GPIO stuff.And i decided to ask some **** question to understand somethings.

Its possible by changing kernel to another one with support of features, needed to you.

You most probably need to recompile your own kernel. Since the Bluetooth card is connected to the USB subsystem, you will need to enable USB support in your kernel. This is what probably needs to be enabled:

device drivers → USB support → Support for Host-side USB (CONFIG_USB)
Device Drivers → USB support → [*]USB device file system (CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS)
Choose an appropriate USB host driver, one of:
Device Drivers → USB support → EHCI HCD (USB 2.0) support (CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD)
Device Drivers → USB support → UHCI HCD support (CONFIG_USB_UHCI)
Device Drivers → USB support → OHCI HCD support (CONFIG_USB_OHCI)
Enable Bluetooth subsystem and drivers:
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support (CONFIG_BT)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → L2CAP protocol support (CONFIG_BT_L2CAP)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → SCO links support (CONFIG_BT_SCO)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → RFCOMM protocol support (CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → [*]RFCOMM TTY support (CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM_TTY)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → BNEP protocol support (CONFIG_BT_BNEP)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → HID protocol support (CONFIG_BT_HID)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → Bluetooth device drivers → HCI USB driver (CONFIG_BT_HCIUSB)
Networking → Bluetooth subsystem support → Bluetooth device drivers → [*]SCO (voice) support (CONFIG_BT_HCIUSB_SCO)

BluetoothAdapter | Android Developers, AlarmClock; BlockedNumberContract; BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers; Browser; CalendarContract; CalendarContract.Attendees; …

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Bluetooth dongle for Q+ Android TV box

This is the bluetooth dongle that I used to get bluetooth working. I think I bought it about 7 years ago from, but almost any dongle should w

Connecting to the Android Bluetooth via USB

Learn more on our website bluetooth /connecting-via-usb.htmlSubscribe to our channel …

Mxq Pro 4k | Bluetooth Dongle Configuration

#mxqpro4k # bluetooth # dongle # android #wireless #bluetoothspeakers #tws #howtoconnectHello guys as requested eto na ang video kung saan pwede nyo …

Upgrading Android tablet with Bluetooth dongle Android

I have a question regarding Bluetooth-coding on an Android tablet . This tablet is running Android 4.2 and does not have native Bluetooth support. So logically on the following code-snippet, it will go to in the if clause:

BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (btAdapter == null) < // No Bluetooth >else < // Bluetooth available >

Now is it somehow possible to «upgrade» the tablet, that it will go on the else-clause? The idea is, to buy an Android compatible USB-Dongle (e.g. This one), and than use the Androids native API for bluetooth development.

Root is available, so if I need to make changes to some system-configs, that should not be a problem. So how can I use the Androids built-in Bluetooth API with a USB Dongle?

I got in contact with the manufacturer of the device. The Research and Development Team there told me, that there is absolutely no way, to get Bluetooth running on this device.

So for me the answer is: No, it’s impossible to upgrade Bluetooth for this device.

Find Bluetooth devices, Find Bluetooth devices. Using the BluetoothAdapter , you can find remote Bluetooth devices either through device discovery or by querying the list …

Bluetooth connection is hanged on first Bluetooth dongle (Android App)

I have a problem while working with multiple devices connected via BT LE (Bluetooth low energy).

Work flow is as below:

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Step of processing: 1. Scan all bluetooth devices to get address.

BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = ((BluetoothManager) getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE)).getAdapter(); BluetoothLeScanner bluetoothLeScanner = mBtAdapter.getBluetoothLeScanner(); ScanSettings settings = new ScanSettings.Builder() .setScanMode(ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY) .build(); if (btAdapter .isEnabled())

2.Loop all devices get by step 1. For each device:

BluetoothDevice btDevice = bluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(deviceAddress); BluetoothGatt bluetoothGatt = mBluetoothDevice.connectGatt(context, false, btCallback); 

on onConnectionStateChange() of btCallBack I call bluetoothGatt .discoverServices(); when connection state is STATE_CONNECTED.

After doing data exchange with device. I call

bluetoothGatt.disconnect(); Thread.sleep(500); bluetoothGatt.close(); 

The problem is when I called bluetoothGatt.disconnect() and bluetoothGatt.close() but the first Bluetooth Dongle connection always hangs and the blue led of bluetooth dongle never blink even I **** the app.

Only the last Bluetooth dongle can release connection when work is done.

My question is why I call disconnect() and close() but it does not work ?

build.gradle: minSdkVersion 21, targetSdkVersion 28

Otherwise, this problem only occurs with some kind of Android devices not all devices. For example it works well on Samsung device (Android 7), but not working on other devices.

Any help would be appreciated.

After trying a lot. I fixed this problem by adding idle time between ICUs connection.

Step as below. 1. Connect to device 1 2. Transfer data 3. Disconnect device 1 4. Thread.sleep for some seconds 5. Connect to device 2 .

Hope this helps someone has problem as me.

Connecting to the Android Bluetooth via USB, Learn more on our website bluetooth /connecting-via-usb.htmlSubscribe to our channel …

Failed to connect from android devcie to bluetooth dongle IOGEAR GBS301 200f(****)

Failed to connect IOGEAR GBS301 200f exception: service discovery failed

  • dongle in **** and connected to VSM device i can discover and pair dongle successfully
  • but can not able to connect
  • am using android api 10
  • kindly help me thanks in advance
 @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public void onClick(View v) < BluetoothSocket socket = null; try < socket = mBluetoothDevice.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(Custom.MY_UUID); Method m = mBluetoothDevice.getClass().getMethod("createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord", new Class[] ); socket = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(mBluetoothDevice, Custom.MY_UUID); mBluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery(); socket.connect(); Custom.showToast(context, "Conneted."); > catch (NoSuchMethodException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >catch (IllegalAccessException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >catch (IllegalArgumentException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >catch (InvocationTargetException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >catch (IOException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >finally < try < socket.close(); >catch (IOException e) < // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); >> > >); 

I have a similar problem using node.js noble/ bleno . My service can be discovered if I use a Plugable dongle, but discovery fail on Android and bleno if I use the IOGear dongle. I reproduced the issue on 2 different machines with different Linux version. If I use an iPhone for discovery it works.

Something seems broken between the IOGear dongle BT stack and Android/noble implementation. It is weird because they use the same Broadcom BCM20702 chipset.

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