Install usb creator linux

Create Live bootable USB using Ubuntu 20.04’s Startup disk creator

Ubuntu’s official Startup Disk creator is a very lightweight tool available since Ubuntu 8.04, even on the latest 20.04/18.04 LTS versions. It has a very simple interface with just three buttons and a two-step process for creating a bootable USB drive using the ISO file of any Linux or Windows OS.

So, how to use Startup Disk Creator of Ubuntu, in this tutorial we will see that…

How to use Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator

Install on Ubuntu 20.4 or earlier (optional)

If you have installed the full version of Ubuntu Desktop with GUI then the Startup Disk creator will already be there. However, in case not or you are using some other Ubuntu-based Linux distro such as Linux Mint, Elementary, Pop OS, MX Linux, Zorin, or others then you can use the below command.

Thus, open a command terminal and run:

sudo apt install usb-creator-gtk

Run Startup Disk Creator

Go to Applications and search for USB and the disk creator’s icon will appear. Click that to run.

Install and run Ubuntu Startup disk creator

Select USB and ISO image

Although the Startup Disk creator will automatically show all the connected USB drives and even available ISO images on the system. However, in case it not then to select the ISO file click on the “Other” button and select the bootable ISO file of the OS that you want to write on your flash drive.

If you have multiple USB drives, then select the one which you want to use.

Flash ISO file with Startup USB disk creator

Make Startup Disk

Once everything is set and you are confirmed that there is nothing important in the Pen drive you are going to use it because the software will format it. Then click on the “Make Startup Disk” button following with Yes button for confirmation.

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Format USb drive

Make Startup Disk

That’s it, once the process gets completed, eject the drive and insert it in the PC or laptop where you want to install an operating system or use it in a Live environment.

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Rufus for Linux? Here are the Best Live USB Creating Tools

Looking for some of the best Live USB creator tools? We’ve got a few Rufus alternatives available for Linux and other platforms.

Rufus is an open-source utility to create bootable USB drives. It is straightforward to use, with available options to tweak as per your requirements. Not just the ease of use, it is also incredibly fast to make bootable USB drives. Unfortunately, Rufus is not available for Linux; it is only exclusive to Windows. So, most of us who have used it on Windows, look for Rufus alternatives on Linux. If you are in the same boat, fret not, we have some excellent alternatives for various use cases. Let us explore some Rufus alternatives for Linux:

Best Live USB Creation Tools for Linux

All the options listed are entirely open-source and work perfectly fine with Linux distributions. Note: The list is in no particular order of ranking.

1. BalenaEtcher

balena etcher 2022

BalenaEtcher or Etcher is a good option for multiple platforms (Windows, macOS), including Linux users. You do not get any advanced options here. Hence, it is pleasantly easy to use. Simply select the ISO (image file) and proceed to flash it on the target USB drive. It is completely open-source and validates your drive after the process. Furthermore, it auto-selects connected USB drives to avoid choosing any hard disk if you accidentally wipe it. You can refer to our handy guide to install it on Linux.

2. Fedora Media Writer

fedora media writer

Fedora Media Writer is particularly known to help you create live USB for Fedora Linux distribution. It can download the ISO file for you if you do not have it already. It is also an excellent utility to fix your USB drive if you cannot format it for an issue caused by other bootable USB creation tools. Fret not, you can also select a custom image (apart from Fedora Linux) to create a bootable USB. You can find the Flatpak package on Flathub for the latest version on any Linux distribution. Refer to our Flatpak guide if you’re new to this.

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3. Startup Disk Creator

startup disk creator

If you are using Ubuntu on your system, you already have a bootable USB creator pre-installed, i.e., Startup Disk Creator. You can use it to select the desired ISO file (preferably any Ubuntu version) and choose the target USB device to proceed. Once you confirm the action, it will proceed with writing the data to complete the bootable drive.

4. SUSE Studio Imagewriter

imagewriter suse

SUSE Studio Imagewriter is a simple live USB creator. I did not find it in the software center for Ubuntu, but it was available in the community repositories (Manjaro) and AUR. So, you can take a look at it if it is available for your Linux distribution.

5. UNetbootin


UNetbootin is a live USB creator that supports Linux, Windows, and macOS. You get a few options to tweak, in case you want to explore all the available drives, and can also select a distribution to download the ISO file automatically. It is not specific for any Linux distribution, unlike some options above. So, it supports a wide variety of distributions and system utilities.

6. Ventoy

ventoy screenshot 2022

Ventoy is an interesting bootable USB solution that lets you simply copy-paste the image to create a live USB drive. You only have to install Ventoy to the USB drive, which makes two separate partitions. One of the partitions is used to store ISO images that you can simply paste into the USB drive to make it bootable. Interestingly, you can also use it to create multiboot USB. It is available for Windows and Linux.

Wrapping Up

Ventoy seems like an exciting choice among the options above if you need multiple Linux distributions on your USB drive without needing to repeatedly flash it. For simplicity, distro-specific tools can be a good pick, like Startup Disk Creator for Ubuntu, and Fedora Image Writer for Fedora Linux. SUSE Image Studio is an interesting option, but may not be the most convenient one. If you do not have any specific preferences, BalenaEtcher should be a straightforward option, with UNetbootin as a suitable alternative to it. What do you prefer to create a bootable USB drive? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Как установить usb-Creator в Ubuntu Linux

В этой статье будет описана процедура установки USB-Creator в Ubuntu Linux. USB-Creator позволяет создать загрузочный USB-ключ с компакт-диска Ubuntu или образа ISO. Во-первых, нам нужно установить все предварительные условия для создания пакета USB-Creator. После успешной сборки пакетов USB-Creator мы используем dpkg команда для установки всего USB-Creator в системе.

Начнем с установки предварительных требований:

# apt-get update. # apt-get install bzr pbuilder debhelper dh-translations python3-distutils-extra pkg-kde-tools.

Теперь загрузите текущий код разработки из системы контроля версий «brz»:

# bzr branch lp: usb-creator usb-creator.trunk.

Перейдите в каталог исходного кода USB-Creator:

На следующем шаге мы собираемся собрать установочные пакеты USB-Creator:

Установите пакет USB-Creator, используя dpkg :

Если вы получили ошибку зависимости:

При обработке возникли ошибки: usb-creator-common usb-creator-gtk usb-creator-kde.

используйте следующее команда linux чтобы исправить проблему:

Для запуска USB-Creator запустите:

$ sudo usb-creator-gtk. ИЛИ. $ sudo usb-creator-kde.

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