Install windows driver in linux

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How To Install Windows wireless drivers in Linux

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How To Install Windows wireless drivers in Linux

Post by travlemon » Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:12 am

I’m sure it’s an outdated type of tutorial to make, for ndiswrapper and the «Windows Network Drivers» utility, but I’ve been wanting to make one for a while, and noticed a significant difference in the workflow on Ubuntu 11.10 based systems.

This tutorial shows 2 methods on installing a Windows wireless driver in Linux/Ubuntu. The first method shows how to do it on Mint 12, using the «Windows Network Drivers» utility, the GUI for ndiswrapper.

The second method shows how to do it from the command line with ndiswrapper. I also gave a couple of tips on how to obtain ndiswrapper, if it’s not installed on your system by default.

The difference between the old workflow and new is that ndiswrapper writes its configuration to a different file in 11.10. Previously, it was written to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf, but in 11.10 it writes it to /etc/modules.conf. This prevents the system from initializing the wireless card at boot. I simply explain how to symlink modules.conf to the /etc/modprobe.d folder and rename it to ndiswrapper.conf. The system will then see the ndiswrapper.conf file that it wants, and follow it to modules.conf, and initialize the card at boot.

Last edited by Oscar799 on Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Title edited to make clear that it is a How To guide


Как установить Виндовские драйвера на мой любимый Линукс?

Как установить Виндовские драйвера на мой любимый Линукс? (Lubuntu) Драйвера звуковухи моей есть только на Шиндовс, Альтернативные драева тоже только на Шиндовс, что делать?

Экстрасенсы в отпуске, поэтому модель звуковой карты тебе придётся назвать, если хочешь получить хоть какой-то полезный ответ.

Назвать модель звуковой карты, показать вывод

В последнем случае, если драйверы под Linux не будут найдены, то ставьте VirtualBox, в него Windows, пробрасывайте туда USB звуковую карту и слушайте звук там.

Звуковуха встроена в мою материнку (Albatron PX915PC Pro-G) Самый стабильный драйвер Realtek High Definition Driver

PCI тоже можно пробрасывать, если железо не совсем старое.

Реалтек должен работать из коробки сразу. Не слишком старый какой нибудь дистрибутив ставишь?

Ага, из коробки ставится не рабочая хрень, последний раз драйвер выходил в далеком 2004

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На сайтах производителей не выкладываются драйверы для Linux, все они есть в составе ядра, за исключением некоторых редких звуковых карт.

Для твоей карты, скорее всего есть драйвер и он уже работает.

А у тебя, просто в alsamixer выкручены вниз уровни громкости или стоит mute на канале вывода звука, ну либо в pulseaudio всё выкручено вниз.

Для помещения на форум выводов команд используй тег [code][/code]

Будет выглядеть как в моём сообщении.

Предварительно используй кнопку «Предпросмотр» перед помещением сообщения.

Значит он есть в ядре. Проверяй, у тебя, скорее всего, просто уровни громкости в самом низу, либо просто отключен канал вывода звука, либо, если есть видео карта с HDMI, либо ещё одна звуковая карта, то выбрана не эта карта для вывода звука.

потому их (драйверов) для линукса и нет, так как они уже давным давно в ядре CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_REALTEK добавлены и поддерживаются самим вендором, включил и пользуйся, единственный затык — кривоголовые мейтейнеры не включившие его в ядре, для этого можно просто пересобрать его с нужными опциями.


Щас тебе расскажут, как у линукса все хорошо, но звук мне в дебиане со стандартным чипом 2006 года так никто и не запилил. И про алсамиксер с нулевым уровнем расскажут, и про отключить мют, и про обновить пш, но в итоге ты просрешь время, а звука не будет. Если звука нет из коробки, то его не будет.

Еще драйвер может быть в блэклисте modprobe, я c ac97 так долго без звука сидел

Давайте гадать, сейчас только гущу разведу.

Пока ТС не приведёт данных об звуковой карте всё это лишено смысла. 🙂

Материнку же привёл, Realtek ALC880 там.


Не знаю, в этом ли проблема или нет, но вот в этой теме ( описывается вот такое решение:

Both of these threads are well worth studying if you have a similar problem. In my case, as soon as I entered:

rmmod snd_hda_intel modprobe snd_hda_intel model=3stack 

the speaker would pop as the pcm devices in /dev/snd/ were created and the sound card was initialized.

The long term solution was to add:

# to allow hda-intel to intialize properly with newer kernel options snd_hda_intel model=3stack 

I post this in the hope that others might find the solution helpful.

Возможно, ТС не поможет, но если звукового устройства действительно нет, то может попробовать такой вариант.


Ubuntu: Windows driver install — is that possible?

To install Windows drivers in Ubuntu is actually not possible. In one case, but it can. With the Tool «NdisWrapper», you can use the Windows drivers for your WLAN card in order to make Ubuntu run on it. In addition, we will show you another Trick, such as a device with Windows drivers on a Linux System can use.

Windows WLAN-drivers under Ubuntu install

If you can absolutely not find a Linux driver for your wireless card, to help you «NdisWrapper» to be able to the Free Tool, you must install it with the package Manager. In addition, you need the Windows driver files for your wireless adapter and access to the Internet via LAN cable.

  1. First, open the Terminal. You should first install two packages with «apt-» get: type «sudo apt-get install wireless-tools» and confirm with your Root password. Do the same with «wpasupplicant» at the end.
  2. You can test whether your wireless card is working after a reboot maybe. If not, continue with step 3.
  3. You are now ready to install in the Terminal «ndiswrapper» and all required packages: «sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndiswrapper-common ndisgtk dkms ndiswrapper-dkms». Confirm the Demands for storage space, and the unverified source.
  4. Download the required Windows-driver from the manufacturer’s website to download. You should only get a. exe file to install, you must unpack it first. This often goes with a package program, on each case, but with the two Tools «cabextract» and «unshield». Install, if necessary, also with «sudo apt-get install [package name]». At the end, you should have at least one .inf-file.
  5. Now you can install the Windows driver with «NdisWrapper»: make Sure that you are working in the directory in which your .inf-file is located. The folder name should contain no spaces! Then type in the Terminal the command «sudo ndiswrapper -i /Pfad_zum_Windowstreiber/file name.inf» a.
  6. Check the Status of the driver with «ndiswrapper -l». You see something like «name of driver driver present, hardware present» everything went well.
  7. Now load the module ndiswrapper with «sudo modprobe ndiswrapper «, and then provide them with «sudo ndiswrapper -ma» to ensure that it is loaded at every system startup.
  8. Your WLAN Adapter should now work. The above procedure does not work, try first a system update with «sudo apt-get update». You can also use «iwconfig» to see if your System detects an Adapter. A Wi-Fi Adapter should look something like this: «eth1 IEEE 802.11 bg». You can then run the steps again.
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Devices with Windows drivers in the Virtual Machine, use

If you want to operate a device, to find for the no Linux driver, you can cheat and still. Just install Windows on a Virtual Machine in Ubuntu — a valid license required. The Virtual Machine under Oracle’s free Virtual Box set up or the Windows Image with the VMware Player to play.

  1. Install a VM Software and follow the and install Windows in the virtual machine.
  2. Set up your new guest system is Windows, and install the required drivers. Under Virtual Box, it is worthwhile to install the «Guest Additions».
  3. Now you can connected USB devices on the Virtual machine for its guest operating system, freely give. Windows should detect your Ubuntu the devices.

Under Ubuntu you need to also not classic Windows programs refrain: In the following practical tip we show you how to Skype on Ubuntu install.


NDISwrapper: Install Windows Drivers on Linux

Network card and Tux

There are more and more drivers or hardware controllers for GNU / Linux distributions, but there may still be some components that lack specific drivers and do not work on our computer. There is a tool that is not current, but has taken a long time but perhaps it is not known so much, which is called ndiswrapper and is used to install Windows drivers in Linux.

Although it seems strange to you if you did not know her, it is possible to do this. Basically ndiswrapper transforms the drivers built to be installed in Windows into a driver ready to be functional in Linux, although this is not recommended and it can give problems, for certain extreme cases it can be very practical and avoid more than one problem with the compatibility of our components.

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Specifically, what ndiswrapper allows is to use network card drivers that have been created for Windows and under its API, to encapsulate them in such a way that it can work with the Linux kernel. You can install it on your distro from the repositories, downloading it from the web or with tools like aptitude, from the sources, etc. Once installed we can take network card drivers for Microsoft Windows and look for the .inf file that is included in these.

Then with the .inf file In our distro, we execute the following command, which will create by default a file /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper with the alias that will relate to the drivers. This could cause problems if we already have another card with the same name, so it would have to be modified. Once done the following should work:

ndiswrapper -i nombre_driver.inf ndiswrapper -m modprobe ndiswrapper

We can see the drivers installed with:

Or delete the controller if it does not work or is not correct:

ndiswrapper -r nombre_driver

Just as there is ndiswrapper for network card drivers, there are also other tools for other types of hardware that perform the same function, using closed Windows drivers to be installed in our Linux distro. Another example would be Envyng, in this case for NVIDIA and ATI / AMD GPUs, although this is currently stupid considering that there are both free and private drivers for Linux for these cards .

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tigreci said

and there is no generic one? That is to say that it works for any type of driver regardless of whether it is a gpu, an ethernet, a wifi or whatever?


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