- How to Install Alfresco CMS on Ubuntu Linux
- How to install Alfresco CMS on Ubuntu Linux
- Install Required Libraries
- Download Alfresco Community Edition
- How To: Installing Alfresco 6 on Ubuntu Server
- 1. Install the requirements
- Installing Java JDK
- Installing PostgreSQL
- Installing ImageMagick
- Installing LibreOffice
- Installing FFmpeg
- 2. Download and extract Tomcat
- 3. Download and extract the alfresco system
- 4. Configure Alfresco
- 5. Test alfresco
- 6. Put an apache server in front of alfresco
- 7. Install SSL Certificate and reconfigure apache to use https
- Links
How to Install Alfresco CMS on Ubuntu Linux
This article describes the steps to install Alfresco CMS on Ubuntu Linux.
Alfresco CMS has enterprise-class features, is scalable, and performs highly. In addition, it is built on an open-source core with support for open standards, which might be very useful in helping you run your digital content.
This CMS platform is designed for ease of use to allow enterprises and business owners to collaborate and automate engaging experiences with users across multiple devices, including mobile.
For more about Alfresco, please check their Homepage
How to install Alfresco CMS on Ubuntu Linux
As described above, Alfresco CMS has enterprise-class features, scalable, and performs at a high level. In addition, it is built on an open-source core with support for open standards, which might be very useful in helping you run your digital content.
Below is how to install it on Ubuntu Linux.
Install Required Libraries
To install Alfresco Community Edition, you must have some required libraries installed. These libraries are included in a third-party PPA. Run the commands below to add the PPA and install the libraries.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:opencpn/opencpn
Next, run the commands below to install the required packages.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libfontconfig1 libsm6 libice6 libxrender1 libxt6 libcups2 opencpn libcairo2 ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Download Alfresco Community Edition
Now that the required packages are installed download the Linux version to the Alfresco site.
You can right-click and copy the link. Then, run the commands below to download via the Linux terminal.
cd /tmp && wget https://download.alfresco.com/release/community/201707-build-00028/alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux-x64.bin
Next, create a directory for Alfresco.
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/html/alfresco
Next, run the commands below to make the downloaded file executable.
sudo chmod u+x alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux-x64.bin
Then run the commands below to begin the installation
sudo ./alfresco-community-installer-201707-linux-x64.bin
You’ll get some prompts during the installation. First, you will be prompted to select the installation language.
If you’re using an Ubuntu desktop, you will get a GUI installer. as shown below. In addition, you’ll get command line terminal prompts on Ubuntu servers but with the same wizard.
Next, select the Easy install using default configurations.
Next, select the installation directory you created above and continue.
Finally, create an Alfresco admin account password and finish the installation.
Ultimately, you will be asked where to start the service and select Yes.
When done, open your browser and browse to the server hostname or IP.
You should see the Alfresco default page. To access the backend admin page, use the URL below:
- Username: Admin
- Password: the one you created during the installation.
Richard W
I love computers; maybe way too much. What I learned I try to share at geekrewind.com.
How To: Installing Alfresco 6 on Ubuntu Server
This posting will descibe the installation process of Alfresco 6 on an Ubuntu Server.
The following prequeries are required:
- Working Ubuntu server (18.04.3 LTS) with access to the internet
- SSH or Terminal access to Ubuntu
On another version of Ubuntu the installation process will be similiar.
We will use the following locations:
- Installation path Alfresco 6: /usr/local/alfresco
- Data path where alfresco should store the repository content: /mnt/data/alfresco-data/
1. Install the requirements
Alfresco requires the following software on the destination system:
- Java JDK (we use OpenJDK)
- PostgreSQL Server & Client (for managing the database)
- ImageMagick
- LibreOffice
- FFmpeg
Installing Java JDK
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
Installing PostgreSQL
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
Set admin password for Postgresql:
Display the data-directory:
sudo -u postgres createuser -P -d alfresco
sudo -u postgres createdb -O alfresco alfresco
Installing ImageMagick
sudo apt-get install imagemagick imagemagick-doc
Installing LibreOffice
sudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-l10n-de libreoffice-help-de
Installing FFmpeg
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
2. Download and extract Tomcat
- Create an folder where Alfresco and tomcat should be installed, e.g.: /usr/local/alfresco/ (This is also the ‘root’ or ‘base’ folder of the alfresco instance)
- Create an folder where the content of alfresco should be stored, e.g.: /data/alfresco/
- Download an extract tomcat: https://docs.alfresco.com/community/tasks/alf-tomcat-install.html
3. Download and extract the alfresco system
- Download and extract Alfresco system: https://docs.alfresco.com/community/tasks/alf-tomcat-install.html
- Copy the extracted tomcat and alfresco folders to the folder where the application should resist.
4. Configure Alfresco
- Follow this guide to install Alfresco (Step 7 of installing tomcat application server can be skipped beacuse we do not use mutual TLS): https://docs.alfresco.com/community/tasks/alf-tomcat-install.html
- Install Alfrsco search services without mutual TLS: https://docs.alfresco.com/search-community/tasks/solr-install-withoutSSL.html
- Define the location for storing solr content in alfresco-search-services/solrhome/conf/shared.properties:
#solr content store location
solr.content.dir=/mnt/data/alfresco-data/alf_data/solr/contentstore - Start solr:
./solr/bin/solr start -a «-Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive “ - To execute the apply_amps.sh script it is necessary to set the $JAVA_HOME variable:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64 - Configure alfresco-global.properties, use this file as template and modify it. Finally copy it to: usr/local/alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/
- Install/Deploy the amp files using the following command:
sh ./bin/apply_amps.sh - Check if you have the appropriate folder structure in the root folder of alfresco:
|– alf_data
|– alfresco-pdf-renderer
|– alfresco-search-services
|– amps
|– amps_share
|– bin
|– licenses
|– modules
|– platform
|– share
|– tomcat
5. Test alfresco
- Test if solr is running: http://localhost:8983
- Start Tomcat by executing the following command from the tomcate directory: ./bin/startup.sh
- Open http://localhost:8080 and login (Default: admin/admin)
- Tail with tail -f ./logs/catalina.out the log files of tomcat
- With ps -ef | grep tomcat you can see if an instance of tomcat is running
- With kill PID you can kill tomcat
- Share and alfresco are creating its own log files, called alfresco.log and share.log
- Configure the storage path of the log files of alfresco: https://blyx.com/2014/02/18/alfresco-tip-logs/
6. Put an apache server in front of alfresco
- Install apache:
sudo apt-get install apache2 - After installing Apache2, the commands below can be used to stop, start and enable Apache2 service to automatically start up everytime the server starts:
sudo systemctl stop apache2.service
sudo systemctl start apache2.service
sudo systemctl enable apache2.service - Enable Apache2 Proxy Modules:
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http - Restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service - Create a new site configuration in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ with the name alfresco.conf
- Put the following configuration into the file:
ServerName alfresco.mydomain.com
ServerAlias alfresco
ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
ErrorLog $/error.log
CustomLog $/access.log combinedProxyRequests Off
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
7. Install SSL Certificate and reconfigure apache to use https
- Install modul ssl:
sudo a2enmod ssl - Restart apache service:
sudo service apache2 restart - Create a csr request and get the crt and the key from your SSL Provider (You can use the csr generator from your SSL provider)
- Put/Copy the crt and key file to (this is the default storage location for certifcates):
/etc/ssl/certs/ - Configure the virtual host to support ssl. Change the content of /etc/apache2/sites-available/alfresco.conf to:
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/alfresco_nettania_net.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/certs/alfresco.nettania.net.keyServerName alfresco.nettania.net
ServerAlias alfresco
ServerAdmin Administrator@mydomain.com
ErrorLog $/error.log
CustomLog $/access.log combinedProxyRequests Off ProxyPass /
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPassReverse /
Order allow,deny
Allow from all - Change the connector in tomcat´s server.xml to the following configuration:
With this configuration you can prevent the following problems:- Possible CSRF attack noted when asserting referer header
- The browser informs that some content might be not secure
- Restart Apache and tomcat and test the configuration
- PostgreSQL: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/PostgreSQL/
- Setup apache2 Proxy server for Tomcat on Ubuntu: https://websiteforstudents.com/setup-apache2-proxy-server-for-tomcat-9-on-ubuntu-16-04-17-10-18-04/
- Instralling mod_SSL: https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Apache/mod_ssl/