Installing lotus notes on linux
NOTE: If you’re going to print this out, it would be wise to print Landscape instead of Portrait.
These are some screenshots outlining my install of the Lotus Notes 7.0.1 Linux Client. For the most part you just need to read the readme.pdf file that comes with the installation files and follow the instructions, but I know that screenshots are nice sometimes too (click on any of the screenshots below to get 800×600 images).
One general caveat: the current client install (at the time of this writing, August 2006) is only supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v4 update 3 (RHEL4), so there may be other things you have to do if you are on another distro (or if you have a non-standard RHEL setup). I used CentOS-4, which is built from the RHEL sources and aims to be 100% binary compatible with Red Hat, and I had no problems.
If you want to install on another distro, you might want to take a look at this wiki page that talks about installing the client on Debian for some pointers.
Also, the Linux client install files are currently only available to Passport customers, so you won’t be able to find a trial version for download on the public Lotus site. If you want to use an older version of the Notes client on Linux, you can always try running it with Wine.
If you have problems, a good place to start looking for answers is the IBM Knowledge Collection Technote: IBM Lotus Notes client for Linux. There’s also a Technote with known limitations of the Linux client. And read the readme.pdf file that gets extracted when you unzip the install files — there are a lot of known issues (and a few workarounds) in there.
Step 0
This is probably obvious, but the first thing you have to do is download the Notes client install package and set up your Linux workstation.
For my testing, I installed CentOS-4 on a VMWare virtual machine with 384 MB of RAM. It worked, but a larger RAM allotment would have been much more comfortable. You’ll also need about 2 GB of free space to handle the install files, the temp files, and all the new program files.
My CentOS install was the default workstation install, with no customizations. I ran up2date before starting the Notes client install process.
/ linux.feature_7.0.1.0000-0900
One nice thing about Linux Terminal windows is that they normally have auto-complete, so you can start typing the name of the file or directory you want and it will fill in the rest for you.
For example, I wanted to navigate from my home directory to /Desktop/NotesInstall. So I typed «cd De» and pressed the TAB key, which changed the line to «cd Desktop/». Then I pressed ENTER and typed «cd No» and pressed TAB, and the line became «cd NotesInstall».
However you do it, once you’re in the proper directory, type: «./setup_wct_platform.bin» (or «./set[TAB]» to auto-complete) to run the setup_wct_platform.bin file.
/opt/IBM/Workplace Managed Client
/home/centos/IBM/Workplace Managed Client
But don’t worry, it’s not a full reboot like you’re used to on Windows machines, just a simple log out and log in.
You will also see a nifty new «IBM Lotus Notes» icon on your Desktop.
Overall, the whole install process took about 20 minutes, so not too bad. And a lot of what you’re doing is waiting on files to unzip or copy or configure themselves. Not a lot of options at all, but there are a few tricks.
It’s not as easy as an RPM or DEB packaged app, but it’s a lot better than building from source. Just remember to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.
Installing the Lotus Notes client on Linux
Once CrossOver Office is configured, you can then install the Domino Administration Client. By default, the CrossOver Office setup has line items for Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes and Other. Select Lotus Notes, then click the ADD button. The application installation dialog is presented (Figure 5-6 on page 261).
Figure 5-6 CrossOver Office — Add Application
Choose your method of installation either CDROM, or an executable file. Since we downloaded our Notes client code from Notes.Net, we chose the executable. At the time of this writing, the CrossOver Office product only supported version 5 of Notes, however we chose to install Domino 6. Click the ‘Browse’ button to navigate to your install program, see Figure 5-7 on page 262.
Figure 5-7 Crossover Office — Application Installation
Select the appropriate file and click OPEN to begin the installation of the Notes client.
Figure 5-8 CrossOver Office — Select *.exe fiie
At this point you are presented with the Lotus Notes Installation screens.
At this point you are presented with the Lotus Notes Installation screens.
Figure 5-9 Lotus Notes Installation — Welcome
Click NEXT to review the software license agreement. After reviewing the agreement, click YES to continue or NO to exit the installation.
Figure 5-10 Lotus Notes Installation — License Agreement Figure 5-11 Lotus Notes Installation i Single/Multiple User Install
Enter the user name and the name of your company. See the Release notes of Lotus Notes/Domino for further discussion about what to use as a user name.
Figure 5-12 Lotus Notes Installation — Destination Folder
Choose your destination folders for the Lotus Notes program and data files. Click NEXT to continue.
Note: As you can see in Figure 5-12 on page 265, the target installation directory is c:\lotus\domino as opposed to c:\lotus\notes. This is the default setting within the Crossover Office product although we are installing the Notes client. You might want to choose a different directory.
Figure 5-13 Lotus Notes Installation — Client Selection
Select which choice of client you would like to install and click Customize to modify the default installation settings for your client selection. By default, the Notes Client is chosen. For our purposes, we chose All Clients. Click NEXT to continue.
Figure 5-14 Lotus Notes Installation — Program Folders
This is your last installation dialog. Choose the program folder for your application shortcuts, then click NEXT to begin the file copying process.
Figure 5-15 Lotus Notes Installation — Complete
Following the successful installation of the Notes client software, Crossover Office presents you with an installation report as shown in Figure 5-16 on page 269.
Figure 5-16 Crossover Office Installation Report
At this point we ran the normal Notes client setup to connect to our Domino 6 server and copy the administrators id to our Notes/Data directory. Before using the client for the first time, we chose to reboot the Linux workstation we were using for Domino administration. This is based on the fact that we had installed several software applications and wanted to start with a fresh system.
Once Linux restarted, we ensured the Domino 6 server was running, then started the Domino Administration client. During the installation process of the Notes client, Crossover Office adds a Program->Lotus Applications group to the KDE start menu emulating the placement in a Windows environment. See Figure 5-17 on page 270. Just as in Windows, this shortcut may be copied to the KDE desktop for quicker access.
Figure 5-17 KDE Start Menu — Program Lotus Applications
Now you are ready to register users or perform any other administrative tasks, in a non-Windows environment, using the Domino Administration client.
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Lotus Notes
IBM Lotus Notes — программный продукт, платформа для автоматизации совместной деятельности рабочих групп (Groupware). Производится компанией IBM Lotus Software, входящей в компанию IBM Software Group.
Программное обеспечение можно скачать с сайта IBM. Внимание! На сайте IBM последняя версия Lotus Notes (8.5.2) недоступна для русского языка, программное обеспечение было взято из иного источника.
Протестированное программное обеспечение
- IBM Lotus Notes Client 8.5.2 for Linux (RPM Install) Russian.tar (592 MB) (не совместимо с современными версиями ос Альт)
- IBM Lotus Notes Client 8.5.3 for Linux (RPM Install). Проверялось на Альт 8СП (ядро 4.19, ИК 2019)
- IBM Lotus Notes Client 9.0 for Linux (RPM Install). Проверялось на Альт 8СП (ядро 4.19, ИК 2019)
- IBM Lotus Notes Client 9.0.1 for Linux (RPM Install). Проверялось на Альт 8СП (ядро 4.19, ИК 2019)
Примечание: Lotus Domino недоступен для свободной загрузки. Результаты его тестирования будут предоставлены позднее.
Установка производилась на Альт Линукс СПТ 6.0 i586 с установленной графической средой GNOME.
Перед установкой убедитесь, что доступен из Интернета или зеркала репозиторий cert6 (i586 и noarch).
Скачайте архив с кодом и распакуйте командой:
tar xf 'IBM Lotus Notes Client 8.5.2 for Linux (RPM Install) Russian.tar'
Установите базовые и зависимые приложения:
apt-get update apt-get install ibm_lotus_notes-8.5.2.i586.rpm
При этом будут также установлены пакеты из онлайнового репозитория: libXp libgnomecups libgnomeprint libgnomeprintui tcsh
Примечание: При обновлении и установке пакетов может быть показана надпись:
Нажмите клавишу y и Enter или просто Enter.
Во время установки (когда будет установлен последний пакет ibm_lotus_notes и показано 100%, откройте в другом окне файл /tmp/rcp_install и ждите, когда там будет последняя строка вида:
2011-06-02 03:38:05 -- Execute post-install scripts for Notes
Переключитесь на консоль установки и нажмите Ctrl+c.
apt-get install ibm_lotus_notes-nl2-8.5.2.i586.rpm ibm_lotus_notes-core-ru-8.5.2.i586.rpm
Запустить клиент Lotus Notes можно из меню Офис → Lotus Notes 8.5.
1. Для того, чтобы Lotus Notes запустился, нужно скопировать /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/data/notes.ini в одном из каталогов, которые указывает вывод
(например, в $HOME/bin) и дать права писать в этот файл пользователю, от которого будет запускаться программа.
2. Возникают проблемы со шрифтами (очень маленький шрифт). Должно решаться установкой шрифта Tahoma из Windows и указанием его, в качестве шрифта по умолчанию в настройках DE, либо установкой пакета fonts-ttf-ms (но это не срабатывает).