Installing software on linux server

How to install software on a linux server [closed]

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i have a linux server from bluehost on which i would like to install some linux software. The software i am installing can be run from the command line. (It is Calibre). How would i go about doing this?

2 Answers 2

If you have (and you certainly do) a SSH access to your BlueHost remote server, you can connect to your server with ssh and gain a remote command line access.

Then, you will be able to install Calibre (with apt-get install calibre if you’re on a debian-based distribution), or with the classical way but you’ll have to deal manually with the dependencies.

After this, you should be able to launch your Calibre server from command line.

How to do this depends on several things:

  • the distribution you’re using: is it RHEL based (and thus uses yum) or debian based (and thus uses apt as Cedric suggested) or something else?
  • What version of the software you need. Each distribution has it’s own policies for packaging and testing software. RHEL and it’s derivates have a long testing cycle and thus the available versions are in some cases not very up to date. (Though security fixes are backported.) If you need the latest available version you may need to build from source.
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How to install software packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

Learn how to install software with RHEL’s package manager using the dnf command or the GNOME Software app.

How to capture terminal sessions using the script commandPhoto by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

There’s a lot of flexibility in how you install an application on Linux. It’s partly up to the software’s developer to decide how to deliver it to you. In many cases, there’s more than one «right» way to install something.

Training & certification

However, when an application is mission-critical, it’s important that you get timely and reliable updates. The best way for that to happen is to install software from a central hub. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), that central hub for application installation and maintenance is the dnf (formerly known as yum ) package manager.

Using a package manager ensures that every file installed on your system is dutifully recorded in a database, and each package can be updated when a new release is available. RHEL provides two ways to interact with its package manager: the dnf command and the GNOME Software app.

Search software repositories

Applications available on Red Hat’s servers are divided into several software repositories. These include the BaseOS, AppStream, Red Hat Linux Builder (previously called CodeReady Linux Builder), and Supplementary repositories.

To see the repositories enabled on your system, use the dnf repolist command along with the —all option. It’s a long list, so pipe it through the more pager to scroll through it:

$ sudo dnf repolist --all | more amq-interconnect-textonly-1-for-middleware-rpms Red Hat A disabled amq-textonly-1-for-middleware-rpms Red Hat J disabled ansible-automation-platform-2.2-for-rhel-9-. Red Hat A disabled ansible-automation-platform-2.2-for-rhel-9-. Red Hat A disabled ansible-automation-platform-2.2-for-rhel-9-. Red Hat A disabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-debug-rpms Red Hat C disabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-eus-debug-rpms Red Hat C disabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-eus-rpms Red Hat C disabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-eus-source. Red Hat C disabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms Red Hat C enabled codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-source-rpms Red Hat C disabled [. ]

To enable a repository, use the dnf config-manager subcommand with the —enable option and the name of the repository as listed. For instance, to enable the rhel-9-for-x86_64-supplementary-rpms repository:

$ sudo dnf config-manager --enable rhel-9-for-x86_64-supplementary-rpms Updating Subscription Management repositories.

Find software to install

If you know what application you want to install, you can verify that it’s in the repository by searching for its name or even just part of its name:

$ sudo dnf search toolbox Updating Subscription Management repositories. ==== Name Exactly Matched: toolbox =========== toolbox.x86_64 : Tool for containerized command line environments on Linux

Install software from a remote repository

To install an application, use the install subcommand:

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How to install offline packages on a linux server [duplicate]

I need to install offline packages for a linux server. it is a repellent task because all the time it outputs that the package I want to install needs several other packages. How can I resolve this problem, please ? Regards

There are other options too. Wait a minute. why do you need to install software offline on a server? a server is meant to be always online, isn’t it?

@RegisteredUser, There are several cases where a server is on a separate network that is completely inside a corporate firewall. It’s always on the isolated network and never on the public internet.

1 Answer 1

dpkg-offline obtains a package’s dependencies, starting from a known set of packages (as for a base installation), fetches those .debs and packages them up in a tarball. Ideal for offline installation of the «seed» package.

First branch the project on launchpad:

dpkg_offline tutorial

Let’s say you want to create a tarball with all the dependencies necessary to install git on an Ubuntu 12.04 server system.

Once you have dpkg_offline , ensure you have the needed dependencies installed:

sudo apt-get install genisoimage mtools squashfs-tools apt-utils curl 

Once they’re installed, get your seed .iso image::


Now you’re all set to do the installation. Run this:

./dpkg_offline ubuntu-12.04.4-server-amd64.iso "git" 

The first argument is the seed iso, while the second is a list of packages to install. Using quotes is necessary so that the second «thing» is taken as the whole list. Of course, it’s not necessary if you have only one seed package.

If the process completes successfully, a tarball will be left in the current directory. The name will encode the seed ISO, creation date, and the base packages that were installed:


If something fails, dpkg_offline will tell you what failed and point you to a log file that may contain more details about the failure. This file will be in a temporary directory; dpkg_offline normally cleans this directory up, but in the case of a failure it will leave it as-is for analysis.

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