Intel drivers installer linux

Intel Graphics Installer Updated To Version 2.0.4, Install Intel drivers in Ubuntu/Linux Mint

Intel Graphics Installer let you get driver updates directly from Intel for best performance, Intel is known for developing quality drivers for Linux operating system. It is an open source application that provides Linux users with a straightforward way to install the latest video drivers for their Intel graphics cards in any Linux-based operating system, source code with gpg of installer is available to configure-compile-install in any Linux distribution.

Intel leads the silicon industry in providing quality code optimized for the latest in Intel Architecture. The program has been created because of the lack of graphical installers for the official Intel graphics and video drivers on the Linux platform. With it, you can rest assure that you’ll have all the latest optimizations, fixes and enhancements for your Intel graphics hardware.
The Intel® Graphics Update Tool for Linux* OS (formerly known as the Intel® Graphics Installer for Linux*) was renamed starting from version 2.0.2, in order to more accurately reflect the purpose of the tool. This tool aims to make the latest Intel® Graphics Stack available before it gets officially released by Linux* OS vendors. Specifically, it benefits those Linux* users of both Ubuntu* and Fedora* distributions who want to update their graphics subsystems for Intel® platforms.

Linux Intel graphics

Linux intel graphics

Linux intel graphics

  • Kernel driver is the core of the Intel Linux Graphics project, responsible for: all interactions with the hardware, driving different video outputs, mode setting, and converting bits into on-screen visible pixels
  • Mesa is the library responsible for 3D rendering, OpenGL compatibility, GLES, and all the 3d-related components of Graphics on Linux and Unix systems
  • XF86-Video-Intel, also known as DDX, is the driver responsible for the 2D rendering within the X window system
  • LibDRM is the middleware responsible for conversations between user applications and kernel driver, itself
  • Cairo Graphics is the 2D rendering and acceleration library
  • VA API is the part of the stack responsible for hardware-accelerated video rendering, pre- and post-processing and output
  • Wayland is the ongoing research project on next generation of window systems and composers
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How to install in Ubuntu/Linux Mint?

To install Intel Graphics Installer (Version 2.0.4) in Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty/16.10 Yakkety/16.04 Xenial/Linux Mint 18 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

wget —no-check-certificate;sudo apt-key add RPM-GPG-GROUP-KEY-ilg

wget -O intel32.deb

wget -O intel64.deb

Once installed run it from Menu or run from terminal using command intel-linux-graphics-update-tool

The latest version of mplayer-vaapi has a known issue when playing back VA-API video streams. To fix this problem you can run mplayer using this command mplayer -vo vaapi:dm=0 -va vaapi


How do I install the Intel Graphics driver in my system?

Can someone help me out and explain or point me in the right direction on how to check video drivers and see if my video card running okay? I had 10.04 installed on my Thinkpad r61 with Compiz Manager and life was great, until the machine took water damage. I bought an ASUS (X54H) since and am trying out 12.04, but the desktop just doesn’t look right. I always struggled with video driver installation. There are no proprietary drivers available in the hardware manager. When I run lspci | grep VGA :

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) 

I will greatly appreciate your help. I want to use Linux more, but like I said video drivers appear to be my biggest concern. I have also tried 12.04 on my desktop PC, but again failed to configure video card, so switched back to Windows 7.

5 Answers 5

The Intel graphics driver is part of the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver package, which is installed on all Ubuntu systems by default. And since it isn’t a proprietary driver package, it doesn’t show up in jockey (aka the Hardware Drivers application).

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Just to ensure it didn’t get removed by mistake (very slim possibility), just run this command:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel 

If the driver is installed, and you’re still having issues with graphics on your desktop, then please file a bug report against the xorg package, using this terminal command:


Установка драйвера Intel в Ubuntu

В отличие от драйверов видеокарт от других производителей, таких как Nvidia и AMD, часть драйвера Intel для интегрированных видеокарт встроена в ядро, а другая часть в пакет mesa-utils. Таким образом если вы используете последнюю версию ядра и свежую версию mesa-utils то, скорее всего, вы используете самую свежую версию драйвера Intel.

В этой статье мы рассмотрим как выполняется установка драйвера Intel в Ubuntu если он не установлен по умолчанию, а также как получить самую последнюю версию.

Официальный установщик драйверов Intel

Раньше существовал установщик драйверов от Intel, позволяющий установить последнюю версию драйвера в Ubuntu или Fedora, но потом компания прекратила поддержку этой утилиты. Скачать её можно здесь. Но последняя версия пакета вышла в 2018 году, и с тех пор уже вышло много новых ядер и новых версий дистрибутива Ubuntu. Сейчас в репозиториях Ubuntu версия драйвера более новая чем там.

Установка драйвера Intel в Ubuntu

Вы можете посмотреть какой сейчас драйвер видеокарты используется с помощью команды lspci:

Как видите, в данном примере используется i915, это драйвер видеокарты от Intel. Он работает и ничего больше устанавливать не нужно. Если же в этой строчке находится что-то другое, можно попытаться установить драйвер.

Для установки части драйвера для Xorg и Mesa достаточно установить в систему такие пакеты:

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-intel

sudo apt install mesa-utils

Если вы хотите получить самую последнюю версию драйвера можно воспользоваться специальным PPA. Для добавления репозитория в систему выполните:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers

Затем просто обновите систему и перезагрузите компьютер:


Вот и все. Теперь вы знаете как выполняется установка драйвера Intel Ubuntu. В отличие от драйверов для Nvidia, в большинстве случаев здесь всё уже установлено. И вам не надо думать как поддерживать актуальную версию этого драйвера в своей системе. Если у вас остались вопросы, спрашивайте в комментариях!

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Steps to Install Intel Graphic Drivers on Ubuntu 20.04LTS

How To Install Intel Graphic Drivers On Ubuntu 20.04LTS

Hello folks, in this article, We will be discussing how to install Intel graphic drivers on Ubuntu 20.04LTS.

Intel’s graphic drivers come preinstalled in the kernel. But if they are not installed on your system, and you want to install them or check for currently used drivers or graphic cards. Follow this article till the end.

How to check graphic drivers on Ubuntu?

Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Execute the following command to see the currently used graphic drivers:

install intel graphics ubuntu 20.04 LTS

sudo lspci -nn | grep -e VGA

Another way of checking the currently used graphic drivers is using the mesa utility. First, install the mesa utility by executing the following command:

sudo apt install mesa-utils

Now, enter the following command to get the driver details. It will also give you other GPU details along with driver details.

How to install Intel graphic drivers on Ubuntu?

Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Now, to install the latest drivers, add the graphics package repository by executing the following commands, it will install gpg-agent and get and will install the public key required to verify the integrity of the package.

sudo apt install -y gpg-agent wget wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-add-repository \ 'deb [arch=amd64] focal main'

Now, Add the graphics software packages by executing the following command:

sudo apt update sudo apt install \ intel-opencl-icd \ intel-level-zero-gpu level-zero \ intel-media-va-driver-non-free libmfx1

That’s it! Intel graphic drivers are installed successfully.

If you also want to install development packages, execute the following command:

sudo apt install \ libigc-dev \ intel-igc-cm \ libigdfcl-dev \ libigfxcmrt-dev \ level-zero-dev


So, We discussed how to check for currently used drivers and install Intel graphic drivers on Ubuntu 20.04LTS. I hope it works for you. Thank you for reading!


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