Intel rst drivers linux

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[SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver

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[SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver

Post by baj » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:53 pm

I recently upgraded to an HP 8770w laptop with SSD. It’s very fast, I like it! I have it set up for dual-boot with both Windows 7 Pro and Mint 13 Mate on the SSD. I just received my parts to add a RAID0 partition for my home folder (2x750gb drives + caddy for media bay). I am using the BIOS RAID0 so both Win7 and Mint will see it. Win7 sees it fine, I even made a partition and put files on it. Mint does not see the RAID0 volume, it still sees it as two 750gb drives. I presume Mint doesn’t recognize the BIOS RAID0 volume because it requires a different driver? I know this works as I had similar setup on my previous HP laptop but had the OS’s installed on the RAID0 (no SSD). I can’t recall if I had to do anything special to get Mint to install.

I went to HP’s website and downloaded the only linux driver they had listed for my laptop (Intel Rapid Storage Technology), which they claim is supported for RHEL v3 and SLES v8 & v9, an rpm package. I read you can convert these to deb, but wasn’t sure if that’s the right way to do this.

Intel’s website just pointed me to mdadm, but the description for that indicates it’s only for software RAID.

Last edited by LockBot on Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by catweazel » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:03 pm

baj wrote: Intel’s website just pointed me to mdadm, but the description for that indicates it’s only for software RAID.

BIOS RAID is only a firmware version of software RAID, and it’s only in your machine’s BIOS so that RAID works in Windwoes. It isn’t necessary in Linux.

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by baj » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:13 pm

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But I believe using the BIOS RAID is necessary in my case since I want Windohs to be able to see the RAID volume. Or am I not understanding mdadm?

catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by catweazel » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:17 pm

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mdadm

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by baj » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:35 pm

Thanks. I Installed mdadm, but that must not be all I need. The first step though I suppose. Is there a simple way to get it to recognize the RAID0 volume I set up in Windoze or is it RTFM time?

catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by catweazel » Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:34 pm

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver Min

Post by baj » Fri Mar 29, 2013 6:41 pm

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by baj » Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:24 pm

One more stupid question. It appears this needs to be run on each boot. Where would you recommend I put this such that my /home folder (what will be on the RAID) is mounted before linux starts looking for it?

catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by catweazel » Sat Mar 30, 2013 10:29 pm

You need to create mdadm.conf.

It’s all there. Just toss out what you don’t need.

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by baj » Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:26 am

Thanks for all your help. However I must still be missing something because the RAID partition is still not available at boot-up. I did my best to try to determine what to use from the very thorough link you directed me to, but this was all I came up with:

$ sudo sh -c "mdadm -Ds >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" 

I ran this (after backing up my existing mdadm.conf) and found slight difference in the raid details:

# definitions of existing MD arrays ARRAY metadata=imsm UUID=6735668a:91e33514:30bb68cb:b562605d ARRAY /dev/md/BAJRAID0 container=6735668a:91e33514:30bb68cb:b562605d member=0 UUID=9cfdf9a8:2ab9499a:0db83e85:cec92aae 
ARRAY /dev/md/imsm0 metadata=imsm UUID=6735668a:91e33514:30bb68cb:b562605d ARRAY /dev/md/BAJRAID0 container=/dev/md/imsm0 member=0 UUID=9cfdf9a8:2ab9499a:0db83e85:cec92aae 
$ sudo blkid /dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="04CA538DCA537A3E" TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda2: UUID="16D6FA56D6FA3599" TYPE="ntfs" /dev/sda3: LABEL="HP_TOOLS" UUID="A2DD-7CED" TYPE="vfat" /dev/sda5: UUID="baf0d421-ce2a-4b3d-b028-4752b07ebceb" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sdc: TYPE="isw_raid_member" /dev/sdb: TYPE="isw_raid_member" /dev/md126p1: LABEL="HOMEDATA" UUID="19ffcd5a-7dda-4eba-8d6b-41a7a539375b" TYPE="ext4" 
UUID=19ffcd5a-7dda-4eba-8d6b-41a7a539375b /home ext4 nodev,nosuid 0 2 

However, when I boot, the system stops with a message saying it can’t mount (or find?) /home. I can get the exact text of the message if needed. It gives me the option to wait or skip. If I skip, it will boot to the Mint GUI login screen, but if I try to login it says my home folder is not available. I can then jump to a terminal session, login, and do the following:

no output, which isn’t surprising I guess. Then I do your previous suggestion with mdadm and manually mount the raid partition to /home:

$ sudo mdadm --assemble --scan $ sudo mount /dev/md126p1 /home 

Then I can login from the Mint GUI and everything works great.

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The question is what do I need to do to get the raid partition to mount automatically during boot? Do I need to do a portion of the grub section from the link you sent? Since I’m not moving root I had originally thought that didn’t apply for me.

Thanks again for all your help.

catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by catweazel » Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:06 am

There shouldn’t be two entries in your mdadm.conf unless you have multiple partitions on the RAID set. You will have to comment one out with a # symbol and try it, then try the other if the first doesn’t work.

Make sure you stop the array first:

mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
ARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 name=catweazel:0 UUID=16afdce8:ca8bebcb:2df57ff4:5a26c6cd

The UUID is for the RAID set. The UUID in fstab is a different UUID and you seem to have that part right. The error is being caused because the RAID set hasn’t been built so the device with the UUID in the fstab isn’t being found.

Other than that, you might try this, again, after making sure the array is stopped:

mdadm --assemble --run --force /dev/md0 /dev/sdAX /dev/sdBY

Again, adjust sdAX and sdBY.

I can’t be of more help. I’ve never tried to get it working with a Windwoes fakeraid and your issue has taxed my knowledge on the subject. Though just for sh*ts and giggles I might set up a virtual machine and try it myself sometime.

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by baj » Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:54 am

Thank you very much catweazel, you’ve been more then generous with your time and assistance. I’ll do some digging and checking around and see what I can learn.

catweazel Level 19
Posts: 9763 Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:44 pm Location: Australian Antarctic Territory

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by catweazel » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:03 am

«There is, ultimately, only one truth — cogito, ergo sum — everything else is an assumption.» — Me, my swansong.

Re: [SOLVED]How to install Intel Rapid Storage Technology dr

Post by baj » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:58 am

Probably not the right way, but I got around the booting problem by adding the following to /etc/rc.local

mdadm --assemble --scan mount /dev/md126p1 /home 
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Intel RST и установка linux

Всем привет! Сразу прошу прощения, что создаю очередную тему с вопросом, который уже обсуждался, но решения, подходящего мне, я не нашел. У меня 2 nvme ssd диска собраны в raid1 на контроллере intel RST, в биосе соответственно стоит режим RST, ACHI поставить нет возможности. И я пробовал поставить разные дистры и не один linux дистр диски и разделы на них не видит, а вот freeBSD увидела и диски и раздел и без проблем встала, но я хочу именно linux систему. И ситуация с BSD вселяет надежду, что можно сделать это и с linux ядром, может кто-то подскажет или направит где почитать?

Linux ставлю рядом с виндой, пока только изучаю систему и полностью отказываться от виндоус не готов, поэтому пересобрать рейд в mdadm не вариант.

Это тебе знак свыше. Не юзай Linux, FeeeBSD — все что тебе нужно 😀

Разбери этот «массив», жизнь сразу станет проще. Если не хочешь, то читай документацию mdadm, там есть поддержка этого говна.

ситуация с BSD вселяет надежду, что можно сделать это и с linux

Странное творится в твоей голове.

Расскажи, как ты пришёл к такому неестественному выводу?

Вывод вполне естественный, если вспомнить, откуда приходит во FreeBSD поддержка многих устройств.

В основном видеокарт, всяких вайфаев и прочего ненужного десктопного. А raid это как раз серверное, линуксу не нужно.


Workaround to Install Ubuntu 20.04 with Intel RST systems

I tried to install Ubuntu 20.04 in my Dell G5 which has 2 drives. One with Windows 10 on it (256 GB) and another one with 1 TB capacity. I shrunk the volume of 1 TB by 150 GB and tried to install there. But Ubuntu installer didn’t allow me as I got a dialog after the Keyboard setting said «Turn Off RST» with the message

This computer uses Intel RST (Rapid Storage Technology). You need to turn off RST before installing Ubuntu. For instructions, open this page:

If I make any changes in the BIOS setting, like changing the Intel controller from RAID to AHCI, Windows won’t boot and goes into System Recovery. I didn’t have this issue when installing 18.04. While creating the partitions, you need to create a EFI partition with 200 — 500 MB with the usual steps and the installation will be completed succesfully. On restarting, you will not be getting the GRUB but instead Ubuntu will boot by default. If you need to boot Windows, you will have to go to the BIOS and choose from the UEFI boot option each time. Once 18.04 installation is complete, you can upgrade it to 20.04. After upgrading I installed the KDE desktop and at the login screen I chose the «Ubuntu on Wayland» option. After doing these 2 things, I lost the new features of 20.04 like the Ubuntu boot screen with Dell logo and the power off/log out blur effect screen. Not sure how to get that back.


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