Intellij idea linux manjaro

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  • Updated at 2023-07-14 14:57
  • &copy Vitor Lopes and Manjaro.

    IDEA Ultimate

    Description IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is a fully-fledged commercial IDE for the JVM platform. IntelliJ IDEA provides all the tools you need for productive enterprise, web, and mobile development. IntelliJ IDEA supports Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, Android, JavaScript, SQL and lots of other languages and frameworks. It offers instant and clever code completion, on-the-fly code analysis and reliable refactoring tools. Mission-critical tools such as integrated version controls systems and a wide variety of supported languages and frameworks are at hand — no plugin hustle included. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is available for a free 30-day evaluation. Monthly and yearly subscription options are available for companies and individual users. Find out more on

    add Licenses: Proprietary
    Repository: Snap
    Version: 2023.1.4
    Download Size: 1.1 GB

    snap install intellij-idea-ultimate

    snap remove intellij-idea-ultimate


    Software Center

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  • FAQShelpInstalling is not working?
  • helpWhat are package formats?
  • helpHow do I install locally?
  • Updated at 2023-07-14 14:57
  • &copy Vitor Lopes and Manjaro.

    package imageIDEA Community

    Description IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is a free and open-source edition of IntelliJ IDEA, the commercial Java IDE by JetBrains. IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition provides all the tools you need for Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, and Android. It offers instant and clever code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, and reliable refactoring tools. Mission-critical tools such as integrated version controls systems and a wide variety of supported languages and frameworks are at hand — no plugin hustle included.

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    add Licenses: Apache-2.0
    Repository: Snap
    Version: 2023.1.4
    Download Size: 981.0 MB

    snap install intellij-idea-community

    snap remove intellij-idea-community


    IDEA Ultimate

    IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is a fully-fledged commercial IDE for the JVM platform. IntelliJ IDEA provides all the tools you need for productive enterprise, web, and mobile development. IntelliJ IDEA supports Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, Android, JavaScript, SQL and lots of other languages and frameworks. It offers instant and clever code completion, on-the-fly code analysis and reliable refactoring tools. Mission-critical tools such as integrated version controls systems and a wide variety of supported languages and frameworks are at hand — no plugin hustle included.

    IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is available for a free 30-day evaluation.

    Monthly and yearly subscription options are available for companies and individual users. Find out more on

    Details for IDEA Ultimate

    Last updated

    Enable snaps on Manjaro Linux and install IDEA Ultimate

    Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. They update automatically and roll back gracefully.

    Snaps are discoverable and installable from the Snap Store, an app store with an audience of millions.

    Enable snapd

    Snapd can be installed from Manjaro’s Add/Remove Software application (Pamac), found in the launch menu. From the application, search for snapd, select the result, and click Apply.

    Alternatively, snapd can be installed from the command line:

    Once installed, the systemd unit that manages the main snap communication socket needs to be enabled:

    sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket 

    To enable classic snap support, enter the following to create a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap :

    sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap 

    Either log out and back in again, or restart your system, to ensure snap’s paths are updated correctly.

    Install IDEA Ultimate

    To install IDEA Ultimate, simply use the following command:

    sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate --classic



    intellij-idea-ultimate-edition Install, Update and Uninstall Tutorial on Arch-Based Linux (Manjaro, Parabola)

    Referring to intellij-idea-ultimate-edition ‘s own outline, it’s «An intelligent IDE for Java, Groovy and other programming languages with advanced refactoring features intensely focused on developer productivity.». To install and update intellij-idea-ultimate-edition from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Parabola, Garuda, Anarchy) is fairly uncomplicated. This tutorial will taught you how to install, update and remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay ).

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    Table of Contents

    Two typical approaches are used to install intellij-idea-ultimate-edition from AUR. pacman is the way to go if you’re an experienced Linux user and understand the concept of how packages are built. Otherwise, yay is a common alternative to install packages without the need to review PKGBUILD and build packages with makepkg afterwards.

    sudo pacman -S --needed git && git clone && cd intellij-idea-ultimate-edition && makepkg -si
    1. Install git if it is not installed before.
    2. clone the package’s git repository from source.
    3. cd into the folder of the repository.
    4. Use makepkg to build the package. Also, it will automatically be installed with pacman afterwards.
    yay -S intellij-idea-ultimate-edition

    Just like installing AUR packages, updating them is pretty much the same. Simply pull it from AUR then re-build it. Nevertheless, it is still recommended to upgrade your whole system first with sudo pacman -Syu before updating any packages to avoid dependency issues, since Arch is a rolling-release Linux distribution.

    git pull && makepkg -si
    1. pull from the package’s git repository.
    2. Build the package with makepkg . Also, it will automatically be updated with pacman afterwards.

    Uninstall intellij-idea-ultimate-edition link

    Uninstalling packages is the easiest of these three,all you need to do is choose whether to remove the unused dependencies and the configuration files generated by the package.

    sudo pacman -R intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
    sudo pacman -Rs intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
    sudo pacman -Rns intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
    yay -R intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
    yay -Rs intellij-idea-ultimate-edition
    yay -Rns intellij-idea-ultimate-edition

    Learn more details about installing/updating AUR packages or how to install yay , please refer to this tutorial.

    budgie-user-indicator-redux Install, Update and Uninstall Guide on Arch Linux (Manjaro/Garuda)

    budgie-user-indicator-redux is «Manage your user session from the Budgie panel» based on its outline. To install and update this package (budgie-user-indicator-redux) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Anarchy) is quite simple. This guide will be covering how to install, update and remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

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    Step-by-Step Guide on Installing gnome-shell-extension-notification-timeout-git on Arch Linux (Manjaro/ArcoLinux)

    gnome-shell-extension-notification-timeout-git is «Gnome Shell extension for configuring notification timeout.» referring to its own definition. To install gnome-shell-extension-notification-timeout-git from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based Linux distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Garuda, Parabola) is pretty uncomplicated. This guide will cover how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

    vim-theme-codeschool Install (Update/Remove) Tutorial on Arch Linux/Manjaro/ArcoLinux

    vim-theme-codeschool is «CodeSchool like theme for vim» according to its outline. To install and update this package (vim-theme-codeschool) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, ArcoLinux, Garuda) is rather simple. This guide will taught you how to install, update and remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

    Guide on Install (Update/Remove) wallpaperflix on Arch Linux, Manjaro and Garuda

    Based on wallpaperflix’s own description, it’s «Automatic wallpaper downloader of posters of your favorite movies and TV shows via TMDb.». To install and update this package (wallpaperflix) from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Garuda is rather simple. This guide will taught you how to install, update and uninstall the package with either the built-in package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

    Guide on Install (Update, Remove) apidb-mariadb on Arch Linux (Manjaro, ArcoLinux)

    Quoting from apidb-mariadb’s own outline, it is «API Generator for Database acces.». To get apidb-mariadb from AUR (Arch User Repository) on Arch Linux and Arch-based distributions (e.g. Manjaro, EndeavourOS, Artix, Garuda) is quite easy. This guide will taught you how to install/update/remove the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper (e.g. yay).

    Installing python-opt_einsum (Full Instructions) on Arch Linux/Manjaro/Garuda

    extra/python-opt_einsum is «Optimizing einsum functions in NumPy, Tensorflow, Dask, and more with contraction order optimization» referring to its own definition. To get this package (extra/python-opt_einsum) from Arch official repository (Extra) on Arch Linux, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Garuda is fairly uncomplicated. This tutorial will cover how to install/update/uninstall the package with either the default package manager pacman or an AUR helper like yay.

    More guides… copyright 2023 ArchPKGs. All Rights Reserved.


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