Inter process communication linux

How to Properly Manage Inter-Process Communication in Linux

How to Properly Manage Inter-Process Communication in Linux

Inter-process communication (IPC) is a crucial part of any Linux system, allowing different processes to communicate and share data with each other. As a Linux user, it is essential to understand how IPC facilities work and how to interact with them using the IPCS command.

Introduction to IPC and IPCS

IPC is a method that allows processes to communicate and exchange data. There are different types of IPC facilities, including semaphores, message queues, shared memory, and pipes.

  • Semaphores: These are used to synchronize and coordinate processes’ access to shared resources.
  • Message Queues: These are memory segments used by processes to store and retrieve data.
  • Shared Memory: This allows processes to exchange values.
  • Pipes: These enable various processes to communicate and exchange messages.

IPCS is a command-line tool that allows you to view information about the IPC facilities that the calling process has read access to. It provides details about all three primary IPC resources: shared memory segments, message queues, and semaphore arrays. By default, IPCS shows information in a short format for these resources that are currently active in the system.

Key IPCS Command Options

The IPCS command offers various options to control the information displayed. Here are some of the key options you can use with IPCS:

  • -q : Write information about active message queues.
  • -m : Write information about active shared memory segments.
  • -s : Write information about active semaphore sets.
  • -a : Use all print options. (This is a shorthand notation for -b , -c , -o , -p , and -t .)
  • -b : Write information on maximum allowable size.
  • -c : Write creator’s user name and group name.
  • -o : Write information on outstanding usage.
  • -p : Write process number information.
  • -t : Write time information.

Utilizing IPCS Command: Practical Examples

Now that you’re familiar with the key options, let’s look at some practical examples of using IPCS command in Linux:

  1. Listing All IPC Facilities: You can list all IPC facilities that the current process has read access to using the -a option. This includes shared memory, message queues, and semaphores.
  2. Listing All Semaphores: To list all the currently accessible semaphore arrays, use the -s flag. You can also view the resource limit of the semaphore using the -ls flag.
  3. Listing All Message Queues: To list all the message queues that the current process has read access to, use the -q option.
  4. Listing Shared Memory: You can view the shared memory on your system using the -m flag. To display more information about a specific shared memory segment, use the -i flag along with its identifier.
  5. Viewing IPC Facility Limit: Each IPC facility has a limit. You can check this using the -l option combined with the flag for the desired facility. If no facility is specified, it will display the limits for all IPC facilities.
  6. Viewing Owner Details and Usage Status: Using the -c and -u options respectively, you can view the owner details and current usage status of any IPC facility. You can specify a specific facility by adding its flag. To check the process IDs of processes that recently accessed the facility, use the -p option.
  7. Displaying Time Information: To view the last accessed time for a specific facility, add its flag to the -t option. This command will show the time of the last control operation that changed the access permissions for all facilities, among other details.
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Wrapping Up

The IPCS command is a powerful tool for interacting with IPC facilities on your Linux system. With it, you can view a wealth of information about active message queues, shared memory segments, semaphore sets, and more. By understanding and effectively using IPCS, you can gain a deeper understanding of how processes on your system communicate and share data. Hopefully, this guide has made you more comfortable using the IPCS Linux command and will serve as a useful reference for your future work in Linux.

George Whittaker is the editor of Linux Journal, and also a regular contributor. George has been writing about technology for two decades, and has been a Linux user for over 15 years. In his free time he enjoys programming, reading, and gaming.


Introducing the guide to inter-process communication in Linux

This free eBook gives seasoned and occasional coders insight into the core concepts and mechanisms of inter-process communication (IPC) in Linux.

Inter-process Communication in Linux

Getting one software process to talk to another software process is a delicate balancing act. It can be a vital function for an application, though, so it’s a problem any programmer embarking on a complex project has to solve. Whether your application needs to kick off a job being handled by someone else’s software; to monitor an action being performed by a peripheral or over a network; or to detect a signal from some other source, when your software relies on something outside of its own code to know what to do next or when to do it, you need to think about inter-process communication (IPC).

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The Unix operating system accounted for this long ago, possibly because of an early expectation that software would originate from diverse sources. In the same tradition, Linux provides many of the same interfaces for IPC and some new ones. The Linux kernel features several IPC methods, and the util-linux package contains the ipcmk, ipcrm, ipcs, and lsipc commands for monitoring and managing IPC messages.

Show IPC information

Before experimenting with IPC, you should know what IPC facilities are already on your system. The lsipc command provides that information.

RESOURCE DESCRIPTION LIMIT USED USE% MSGMNI Number of message queues 32000 0 0.00% MSGMAX Max size of message (byt.. 8192 - - MSGMNB Default max size of queue 16384 - - SHMMNI Shared memory segments 4096 79 1.93% SHMALL Shared memory pages 184[. ] 25452 0.00% SHMMAX Max size of shared memory 18446744073692774399 SHMMIN Min size of shared memory 1 - - SEMMNI Number of semaphore ident 32000 0 0.00% SEMMNS Total number of semaphore 1024000.. 0 0.00% SEMMSL Max semaphores per semap 32000 - - SEMOPM Max number of operations p 500 - - SEMVMX Semaphore max value 32767 - -

You may notice that this sample listing includes three different types of IPC mechanisms, each available in the Linux kernel: messages (MSG), shared memory (SHM), and semaphores (SEM). You can view current activity in each of those subsystems with the ipcs command:

$ ipcs ------ Message Queues Creators/Owners --- msqid perms cuid cgid [. ] ------ Shared Memory Segment Creators/Owners shmid perms cuid cgid [. ] 557056 700 seth users [. ] 3571713 700 seth users [. ] 2654210 600 seth users [. ] 2457603 700 seth users [. ] ------ Semaphore Arrays Creators/Owners --- semid perms cuid cgid [. ]

This shows that there currently are no messages or semaphore arrays, but a number of shared memory segments are in use.

There’s a simple example you can perform on your system so you can see one of these systems at work. It involves some C code, so you must have build tools on your system. The names of the packages you must install to be able to build from source code vary depending on your distro, so refer to your documentation for specifics. For example, on Debian-based distributions, you can learn about build requirements on the BuildingTutorial section of the wiki, and on Fedora-based distributions, refer to the Installing software from source section of the docs.

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Create a message queue

Your system has a default message queue already, but you can create your own using the ipcmk command:

$ ipcmk --queue Message queue id: 32764

Write a simple IPC message sender, hard-coding in the queue ID for simplicity:

#include #include #include #include struct msgbuffer < char text[24]; >message; int main()

Compile the application and run it:

$ gcc msgsend.c -o msg.bin $ ./msg.bin Message: Queue: 32769

You just sent a message to your message queue. You can verify that with the ipcs command, using the —queue option to limit output to the message queue:

$ ipcs -q ------ Message Queues -------- key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages 0x7b341ab9 0 seth 666 0 0 0x72bd8410 32764 seth 644 24 1 

You can also retrieve those messages with:

#include #include #include struct msgbuffer < char text[24]; >message; int main() < int msqid = 32764; msgrcv(msqid, &message, sizeof(message),0,0); printf("\nQueue: %d\n",msqid); printf("Got this message: %s\n", message.text); msgctl(msqid,IPC_RMID,NULL); return 0;
$ gcc get.c -o get.bin $ ./get.bin Queue: 32764 Got this message:

Download the eBook

This is just one example of the lessons available in Marty Kalin's A guide to inter-process communication in Linux, the latest free (and Creative Commons) downloadable eBook from In just a few short lessons, you will learn about POSIX methods of IPC from message queues, shared memory and semaphores, sockets, signals, and much more. Sit down with Marty's book, and you'll emerge a better-informed programmer. But it isn't just for seasoned coders—if all you ever write are shell scripts, there's plenty of practical knowledge about pipes (named and unnamed) and shared files, as well as important concepts you need to know when you use a shared file or an external message queue.

If you're interested in making great software that's written to be dynamic and system-aware, you need to know about IPC. Let this book be your guide.


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