Introduction to networking in linux

Introduction to networking

Networks consist of two or more devices, such as computer systems, printers, and related equipment, which are connected by either physical cabling or wireless links for the purpose of sharing and distributing information among the connected devices.

In this overview, we’ll take a look at some of the key principles involved in networks, and at some of the most popular tools available to help you manage your networks.

Networking key concepts

If you’re new to networking, our explanatory “Networking key concepts” section provides an overview of some important concepts. It includes detailed discussion of the popular network protocols: TCP/IP; IP routing; TCP and UDP; and ICMP.

Configuring networks

Ubuntu ships with a number of graphical utilities to configure your network devices. Our explanatory guide on “configuring networks” is geared toward server administrators focuses on managing your network on the command line.

Network tools and services


The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) enables host computers to be automatically assigned settings from a server. To learn more about DHCP and how configuration works, we have an explanatory guide.

There are two DHCP servers available on Ubuntu. We have instructions on how to install and configure isc-dhcp-server , and how to install its replacement, isc-kea (available from 23.04 onwards).

Time synchronisation

Synchronising time over a network is handled by the Network Time Protocol (NTP). It is a networking protocol that syncronises time between all computers on a network to within a few milliseconds of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This explanation guide will tell you more about time synchronisation.

In Ubuntu, time synchronisation is primarily handled by timedatectl and timesyncd , which are installed by default as part of systemd . To find out how to configure this service, read our how-to guide.

If you want to set up a server to provide NTP information, then we have a guide on how to serve NTP using chrony .

The DPDK library

The Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK) provides a set of libraries that accelerate packet processing workloads. If you would like to find out more about DPDK and its use in Ubuntu, refer to our explanation page.

One popular piece of software that makes use of DPDK is Open vSwitch (OVS), which can be run inside a VM and provides access to all virtual machines in the server hypervisor layer. Check out our guide to find out how to use DPDK with Open vSwitch.

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Other networking functionality

  • Samba
    If you need to network together both Ubuntu and Microsoft machines, you will want to make use of Samba. To get started, check out our introduction to Samba.


Introduction to Linux Networking

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In this article we discuss five commonly used linux networking commands.

Table of contents.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Ping.
  3. netstat.
  4. nslookup.
  5. tcpdump
  6. traceroute.
  7. Summary.
  8. References.


A network refers to interconnected computers which share data and resources. We discuss networking both within a small internal network and across the whole internet. Networking involves troubleshooting and configuration therefore we shall learn about linux networking commands and how to troubleshoot issues within a network.


Ping is the most widely used troubleshooting networking tool, it verifies network connectivity between two computers by sending ICMP echo requests and receiving echo reply messages.

To execute a ping command write,

The above command checks if google servers are reachable.
You can cancel a ping by Ctrl+C and some information will be displayed.
min: is the minimum time it takes to get a response from the host.
max: is the maximum time it takes to get a response from the host.
avg: is the average time for the same.
ttl: stands for time to live, also known as a hop limit.

In linux, we can use the -c option to send out n number of pings.
To send out 6 pings we write,

To send out 6 ping and only print out the statistics we write,

Here we have used the -q option for only printing out the statistics.

We can opt to run a ping with a specified interface if there exists more than one by writing,

Where wlan0 is a wireless interface.

We can also specify ip versions(4 or 6) by using either -4 or -6 options.


With this tool one can print out network connections, routing tables, interface statistics and more.

You can run netstat without any options and study the output.

From the output we can see four columns;

Proto represents the name of the protocol being used, these can either be TCP or UDP.
Local Address column represents the Ip address of the local computer and port being used separated by a colon.
Foreign address represents the Ip address and port number of the remote computer, a port number or protocol running on that port number can be shown, this is separated by a colon too.
State represents the state of the TCP connection, there are about 10 states, ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT, CLOSED, SYN_SEND, SYN_RECEIVED, FIN_WAIT_1, FIN_WAIT_2, LAST_ACK, LISTENING.
You can research their descriptions to get the full meaning of each state.

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We can list all ports and connection by writing,

For all TCP ports we write

For listening TCP ports we write,

For all UDP ports we write,

For all listening UDP ports we write,

Assuming we want to identify and kill a process, we need its PID, to list all processes with their PID we can write,


This is another very useful linux networking command
It stands for name server lookup.
It is mainly used to perform DNS queries and receive specific DNS records such as domain names, ip addresses.

nslookup [-option] [name | -] [server] 

To verify if an ip address is related to a domain we write,

An A-record maps a host name to an ip address. To find out how many records there are and see their mappings to ip addresses we write,

A NS-record identifies the name servers which are responsible for a DNS zone. For a valid DNS configuration, NS-records configured in the DNS zone must match those configured as name servers at a domain name provider.

We can use nslookup to see the authoritative server for a specific domain by writing the following,

nslookup -type=ns 

Following the above after getting the authoritative server for we can check the use of a specific server by writing,


We can also find out the maximum records responsible for the email exchange by writing,

nslookup -query=mx 


This is a command line utility used for capturing and analysis of network traffic . It is used as a troubleshooting tool as well as a network security tool.
We begin by listing available interfaces,

Capturing packets.

To capture any and all packets going through the interfaces we write,

sudo tcpdump --interface any 

This command will capture all packets from all interfaces, we can limit the output by using the -c option as follows.

Here we get only the first 10 packets that go through the interfaces.

When troubleshooting networking issues it is easier to use ip addresses and port numbers therefore we can disable name resolution by using the -n and port resolution by using the -nn option.

From the command we get five packets now without name or port resolution, only ip addresses and port numbers.

Filtering captured packets.

We can also filter packets by various parameters such as source an destination ip addresses, protocols, ports and much more.

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To filter out imcp packets we can write,

sudo tcmdump -i any c10 icmp 

You can generate icmp packets by opening another terminal and pinging another computer.

An example
To filter out packets related to a specific host we can write,

sudo tcpdump -i any -c10 -nn host 

Now we only capture packets that are received by and sent by it.

We can also filter out packets based on a port by writing.

sudo tcpdump -i any -c10 -nn port 80 

Port 80 is used for HTTP web traffic, the command will now only log packets going through this port.

An example
To filter packets based on a source or destination ip address, we write,

sudo tcpdump -i any -c10 -nn src 
sudo tcpdump -i any -c10 -nn dst 

for a destination address.

We can also combine filters to achieve a more specific output, for example, all source http packets on a certain port, or all ftp traffic from certain source ip address.


traceroute is a commonly used linux networking monitoring tool that serves three functions, getting the complete path used by packets from source to destination, discover identities of devices on this path and estimate time taken for a packet to reach a destination from source.

An example
To trace the root from your machine to google servers, type,

From the output, each line represents a hop, the last number on the left is the number of hops taken from source to the destination.


In this article at OpenGenus, we have discussed five commonly used linux networking commands, that serve the following functions checking connectivity, checking network statistics, looking up dns information, capturing packets for analysis and tracing a path from source to destination. This serves as an introduction to linux networking commands, we have not exhausted all commands, only the common ones used day to day by linux network admins.


Erick Lumunge

Erick is a passionate programmer with a computer science background who loves to learn about and use code to impact lives positively.

OpenGenus Tech Review Team


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