Ios 6 no wifi no bluetooth

iOS 6.0.1 WiFi Still Greyed Out

My iPhone’s WiFi was working great on iOS 6 when it first came out, no problems whatsoever, until last week it failed over night without me knowing. The WiFi option was still available but unable to connect to my home network and when I rebooted the phone, the WiFI was greyed out. It has not been working since.

I waited for iOS 6.0.1 to come out as I understood that this was supposed to fix the problem many users with iOS 6 have been facing with WiFi connections, but this has not worked. I do not understand why it has failed. I bought this 4S in February and have never dropped it and it has always been in a case. The WiFi was working great before I went to bed and the next morning it was no longer working.

I have reseted the network settings, restored the phone and even tried using the phone as new and this has still not fixed the problem.

Posted on Nov 1, 2012 12:38 PM

The WiFi radia in your phone has physically failed. Updating won’t fix that. Make an appointment at the genius bar. The phone will most likely have to be replaced.

then its going to be hardware issue if you have restored the phone as NEW.

Dear I have same problem my wifi was ok when i bought IPhone 4s Factory Unloked, at that time the software was ios5 as soon as i update its software to IOS 6 the wifi grayed out and bluetooth is also not working. I buy this phone from Pakistan and here their is no company outlet of Apple, dont know what to do. even ios 6.0.1 did’nt resolve the issue. I have done network reset, factory reset and have refresh the software many time. 😢

Since the iPhone is not available from any legitimate source in Pakistan, there is a strong likelyhood that the phone was jailbroken or hacked at some point and the hack permanently damaged it.

If it was not, you’ll have to return it to the country of origin for service.

I had the same problem when I updated my iPhone 4S to IOS6 my wifi greyed out and bluetootht didn’t work anymore.

I turned my iPhone in and 4 weeks later I got a new one with IOS5 and I didn’t updated it, still waiting for IOS6.1.

I just got an answer from someone by Apple who said that IOS6.1 is availlable since yesterday but when I look for updates on my iPhone he only finds IOS6 so I still won’t update my iPhone.

You have to return your iPhone to Apple because this one won’t do anything anymore and they will return you a new one. Suc6

I have somewhat got the same issue too.
My iPhone 4S has a wifi grey out issue. Full resetting or iTunes Restore method didn’t work.

I tried searching about the issue. Many other apple users have been having the same issue, for quite a while.

Some of them suggested putting the iPhone in freezer.

I tried putting my iPhone in freezer for about 15 minutes. That solved the wifi grey out issue.
But not completely.

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Now, my wifi is detecting the network but gives the error ‘Unable to connect to the network»

I wonder if the wifi module needs to be replaced?

I have been having this same issue shortly after upgrading to iOS 6 a few weeks ago. Since my update, my wifi doesn’t seem to detect any SSIDs, and if I do connect I usually only stay connected for a few minutes before I notice the 3G logo again.

I can confirm that sticking it in the freezer for 15 minutes seems to work. This makes me think that this is a heat issue. Perhaps iOS 6 is causing some type of error in terms of temperature monitoring and the wifi is disabling itself to save it from a heat failure.

Upgrading to iOS 6.0.1 did not do anything to the problem.

Same story : wifi worked well on my 4S, prior to IOS 6 update.

Then, after some days, it greyed out.

I doubt in this case it is an hardware issue.

6.0.1 did not solve this problem.


Using 3G instead of wifi costs a lot of money to a lot of people.

Recently had this problem too! The guy in the apple store informed me that this would be solved with the next iOS which is due out in about 6 months. But offered me a new phone as I said waiting 6 months was unacceptable, as i use the phone as a personal hotspot for my home internet at the moment.

More than happy to replace it though!

Wi-Fi on my iPhone 4s has not worked since iOS 6, and no change with 6.0.1. Usually the WiFi control is greyed out and when it is visible it can either not find any networks or it stays connected for only a brief moment before failing again. Never had a problem with iOS 5. I also have an iPod and an iPad, as well as several computers on my W-LAN and no problems with any of those, so please don’t tell me to reboot or update my router .

I’ve waited patiently for an update but it’s now getting to be a major problem, I really need Wi-Fi for some apps, data on my iPhone is getting old since I can’t sync over Wi-Fi.

I’ve gone through all the suggested tips and trix, resets and restores, and had a long phone conversation with my phone operator’s support. I’m a bit worried now as my warranty is about to expire, and who knows what happens with that if/when Apple comes back in a month or two and says I need new hardware. So, I’m off to the store to see if I can get a new phone, or at least some kind of commitment to honour the warranty even if it has expired if Apple later on says they can’t solve this with just another software update.


iOS 6.1.4 WiFi / Bluetooth issues?

Since upgrading to iOS 6.1.4 I can’t join WiFi network or pair with bluetooth. 6.1.3 worked fine. Insights?

Posted on May 6, 2013 10:07 PM

One more symptom to add to this issue. I was unable to backup the phone using iTunes.

Made a Genius Bar appt. They re-imaged the phone with a clean version of 4.1.6 and all is now well.

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Posted on May 8, 2013 10:08 AM

Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settongs

Thanks modular747. Several times. no success.

One more symptom to add to this issue. I was unable to backup the phone using iTunes.

Made a Genius Bar appt. They re-imaged the phone with a clean version of 4.1.6 and all is now well.

Tried resets all the way up to restoring the phone and stopped there. It is this version of iOS — Found the trouble when trying to pair the Bose Soundlink Mini (having worked just the day before) with no succes. Now finding none of the BT devices which previously worked without issue will pair/connect with the iphone 5 with the 6.1.4 update — ALSO Wi-Fi rejecting the network password. AWESOME.

So, I have been able to pair and use the assorted BT devices with the following:

iPad (2 of them), Macbook, my work phone (iphone4s running some 5th gen iOs) and the cherry on top — an iphone5 with 6.1.3 — all worked without issue.

Called Apple: [paraphrasing] I understand your frustration, however Apple is unaware of any issues such as those which you are describing.

What a load of Horse Pucky. Nothing left to do except torch the phone with a restore — which seems not have worked for anyone who’s tried it here. Or wait for Apple to fess up and fix the bug!

Oh yeah — the music is wonky too. On many of the albums (which played flawlessly only days ago) now run through each and every track in less than a second and ending. So I can add that to the list of odd happenings that are slowly turning my iphone into a very expensive paperweight.

Apple folks may be well to remember the old saying: Pride goeth before the fall.


Iphone ios 6.1.3 wifi bluetooth problem since update

It seems that Apple has a problem with the Iphone 4s IOS update 6.1.3.

Since i updated my Wifi and Bluetooth on my phone have fallen over / failed.

wifi is unable to be switched from off to on (greyed out)

Bluetooth will not turnon either just icon circling around.

After looking at some of the meesages on he it would seem that the update has damage the phone.

I have backed up, removed all settings, restored the phone but no joy.

I will try putting the phone in the freezer, yes this has been suggested as a fix.

Failing that i will have to return the Phone the Vodafone /Apple for them to sort.

Apple please sort this issue, and quick.

iPhone 4S, iOS 6.1.3, IOS software issue — problem

Posted on Mar 28, 2013 2:30 PM

Please check that is really annoing issue I have same problem started from Yesterday..Apple need to FIX this issue and release new 6.1.4 or others update .

I have the same problem. Everything was fine in my 4s until 6.1.3 update. Then the wifi and bluetooth stopped working. I am an iphone holder for many years (since 3g) and this is the last time i buy an apple product. It’s unacceptable to update your device with the latest ios in order to fix(. ) some problems and instead of that, more problems occur.

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I’m having a similar issue. My buttons are not greyed out, but my iPhone 5 refuses to pair with several of my devices.

Ever since I updated to 6.1.3 my phone no longer recogzines my Wahoo Blue HR heartrate monitor, iHome IDM12 or my Withings scale.

I do get an option to send audio to my iHome, but even though it says its connected no audio can be heard from the device.

The only device that still pairs with my phone is my Motorola Bluetooth speaker in my car.

My iPhone was fine until this morning when the wifi greyed out thing happened and then I checked my Bluetooth option and it didn’t work either.

I don’t know what is going on but Apple better get on it quickly

If anybody knows anything please post.

I have the same issue. Just bought an iPhone 5 to replace a 4, and the phone won’t retain a pair to my Toyota RAV4 bluetooth connection. I still have the 4 and now that’s it’s been updated to 6.1.3, it can’t pair either. Never had an issue prior to 6.1.3.

Apple, get your act together and fix this problem! This is completely unacceptable.

Another disgruntled customer here. Apple really are a laughing stock now. Every iOS fix breaks something else but not being able to handle basic bluetooth connectivity (my issue, but it appears wfi is also affected) is real amateur hour. I’m almost afraid to demand a solution because it will DEFINITELY break something else. This does need sorting though and should never have happened in the first place.

Bluetooth Fix: Reset Network Settings.

1. Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings

2. Wait for phone to restart.

4. Pair devices if you’ve removed them.

I have an iPhone 4 with 6.1.3 and this worked for me.

That was the first thing we tryed and it is a temperory fix. problem keeps coming back. Its my first iPhone. Not impressed at all!

Peti789, Have you tried calling Apple Care? That’s how I got my fixed. Even though it didn’t work for you, the rep was ready to offer more troubleshooting steps.

Same problem. I’ve tried the apple support site recommendations. reset network settings etc. No result. The problem is that there is no place to enter the needed pin code any more. The dialog box needed for that is completely absent. And on top of that if you actually want to communicate with a tech support person (for a problem caused by Apple programming to begin with) you will actually have to pay for said support first. I have to say that Apple is feeling more like Microsoft all the time. A company I avoid like the plague because of experiences like this that I have had to suffer over and over again. To bad. Apple was a really great company. A really great movement in the tech world at one time. No more though. Time to quit beating a dead horse with a stick and switch to Samsung I guess. That means getting rid of all my apple laptops and desktops too I guess. What a bummer!


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