Ipad 4 характеристики bluetooth

iPad (4-го поколения) — Спецификации

Внешние кнопки и разьёмы

Apple придерживается целостного подхода к управлению материальными ресурсами и сокращению объёмов производственных отходов. Узнайте, как сдать на переработку отслуживший свой срок iPad.

* Чтобы определить номер модели своего iPad, зайдите на сайт http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5452.
** За подробной информацией о поддержке LTE обратитесь к своему оператору связи или на сайт http://www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

  1. Действительный размер и вес зависят от конфигурации и особенностей производственного процесса.
  2. 1 ГБ = 1 миллиард байт; действительная ёмкость после форматирования меньше.
  3. Тарифный план сотовой связи приобретается отдельно. Приобретаемая вами модель настроена для работы с определённой технологией сотовых сетей. За информацией о доступности тарифного плана сотовой связи и его совместимости обратитесь к своему оператору.
  4. Для видеосвязи FaceTime у вызывающего и адресата должны быть устройства с поддержкой FaceTime и подключение к сети Wi-Fi. Доступность FaceTime по сотовой сети зависит от условий оператора связи; может взиматься плата за передачу данных.
  5. Тестирование проводилось компанией Apple в октябре 2012 г. на контрольных образцах iPad (4 поколения) и программного обеспечения. Тестирование включало в себя полную разрядку аккумулятора при выполнении следующих задач: воспроизведение видео, воспроизведение аудио и просмотр сайтов в Интернете через сеть Wi-Fi или сотовую сеть передачи данных. Видео представляло собой повторяющийся фильм длительностью 2 ч. 23 мин., приобретённый в iTunes Store. Список воспроизведения аудио содержал 358 уникальных звуковых дорожек, часть содержимого была импортирована с компакт-дисков при помощи iTunes (формат AAC 128 кбит/с), часть была приобретена в iTunes Store (формат AAC 256 кбит/с). Тестирование работы в Интернете через Wi-Fi и мобильную сеть проводилось с использованием выделенных веб-сервера и почтового сервера, с имитацией просмотра 20 популярных веб-страниц и ежечасной проверки почты. Использовались настройки по умолчанию, кроме следующих: соединение Wi-Fi с сетью (включено, кроме работы в Интернете через сотовую сеть передачи данных); запрос на подключение к сетям Wi-Fi (отключён); автоматическая настройка яркости (отключена). Время работы аккумулятора зависит от настроек устройства, условий использования и многих других факторов. Тестирование аккумуляторов проводилось на конкретных образцах iPad; действительные результаты могут отличаться.
  6. Рекомендуется широкополосное беспроводное подключение; может взиматься плата.


iPad (4th generation) — Technical Specifications

Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPad.

*To identify your iPad model number, see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5452. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

  1. Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
  2. 1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
  3. Cellular data plan is sold separately. The model you purchase is configured to work with a particular cellular network technology. Check with your carrier for compatibility and cellular data plan availability.
  4. FaceTime video calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
  5. Testing conducted by Apple in October 2012 using preproduction iPad (4th generation) units and software. Testing consisted of full battery discharge while performing each of the following tasks: video playback, audio playback, and Internet browsing using Wi-Fi or cellular data network. Video content was a repeated 2-hour 23-minute movie purchased from the iTunes Store. Audio content was a playlist of 358 unique songs, consisting of a combination of songs imported from CDs using iTunes (128-Kbps AAC encoding) and songs purchased from the iTunes Store (256-Kbps AAC encoding). Internet over Wi-Fi and cellular data network tests were conducted using dedicated web and mail servers, browsing snapshot versions of 20 popular web pages, and receiving mail once an hour. All settings were default except: Wi-Fi was associated with a network (except for Internet browsing over cellular data network); the Wi-Fi feature Ask to Join Networks and Auto-Brightness were turned off. Battery life depends on device settings, usage, and many other factors. Battery tests are conducted using specific iPad units; actual results may vary.
  6. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.
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iPad (4th generation) — Technical Specifications

Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPad.

*To identify your iPad model number, see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5452. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

  1. Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
  2. 1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
  3. Cellular data plan is sold separately. The model you purchase is configured to work with a particular cellular network technology. Check with your carrier for compatibility and cellular data plan availability.
  4. FaceTime video calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
  5. Testing conducted by Apple in October 2012 using preproduction iPad (4th generation) units and software. Testing consisted of full battery discharge while performing each of the following tasks: video playback, audio playback, and Internet browsing using Wi-Fi or cellular data network. Video content was a repeated 2-hour 23-minute movie purchased from the iTunes Store. Audio content was a playlist of 358 unique songs, consisting of a combination of songs imported from CDs using iTunes (128-Kbps AAC encoding) and songs purchased from the iTunes Store (256-Kbps AAC encoding). Internet over Wi-Fi and cellular data network tests were conducted using dedicated web and mail servers, browsing snapshot versions of 20 popular web pages, and receiving mail once an hour. All settings were default except: Wi-Fi was associated with a network (except for Internet browsing over cellular data network); the Wi-Fi feature Ask to Join Networks and Auto-Brightness were turned off. Battery life depends on device settings, usage, and many other factors. Battery tests are conducted using specific iPad units; actual results may vary.
  6. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.
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iPad (4th generation) — Technical Specifications

Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPad.

*To identify your iPad model number, see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5452. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

  1. Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
  2. 1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
  3. Cellular data plan is sold separately. The model you purchase is configured to work with a particular cellular network technology. Check with your carrier for compatibility and cellular data plan availability.
  4. FaceTime video calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
  5. Testing conducted by Apple in October 2012 using preproduction iPad (4th generation) units and software. Testing consisted of full battery discharge while performing each of the following tasks: video playback, audio playback, and Internet browsing using Wi-Fi or cellular data network. Video content was a repeated 2-hour 23-minute movie purchased from the iTunes Store. Audio content was a playlist of 358 unique songs, consisting of a combination of songs imported from CDs using iTunes (128-Kbps AAC encoding) and songs purchased from the iTunes Store (256-Kbps AAC encoding). Internet over Wi-Fi and cellular data network tests were conducted using dedicated web and mail servers, browsing snapshot versions of 20 popular web pages, and receiving mail once an hour. All settings were default except: Wi-Fi was associated with a network (except for Internet browsing over cellular data network); the Wi-Fi feature Ask to Join Networks and Auto-Brightness were turned off. Battery life depends on device settings, usage, and many other factors. Battery tests are conducted using specific iPad units; actual results may vary.
  6. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.
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iPad (4th generation) — Technical Specifications

Apple takes a holistic view of materials management and waste minimization. Learn more about how to recycle your iPad.

*To identify your iPad model number, see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5452. For details on LTE support, contact your carrier and see www.apple.com/ipad/LTE.

  1. Actual size and weight vary by configuration and manufacturing process.
  2. 1GB = 1 billion bytes; actual formatted capacity less.
  3. Cellular data plan is sold separately. The model you purchase is configured to work with a particular cellular network technology. Check with your carrier for compatibility and cellular data plan availability.
  4. FaceTime video calling requires a FaceTime-enabled device for the caller and recipient and a Wi-Fi connection. Availability over a cellular network depends on carrier policies; data charges may apply.
  5. Testing conducted by Apple in October 2012 using preproduction iPad (4th generation) units and software. Testing consisted of full battery discharge while performing each of the following tasks: video playback, audio playback, and Internet browsing using Wi-Fi or cellular data network. Video content was a repeated 2-hour 23-minute movie purchased from the iTunes Store. Audio content was a playlist of 358 unique songs, consisting of a combination of songs imported from CDs using iTunes (128-Kbps AAC encoding) and songs purchased from the iTunes Store (256-Kbps AAC encoding). Internet over Wi-Fi and cellular data network tests were conducted using dedicated web and mail servers, browsing snapshot versions of 20 popular web pages, and receiving mail once an hour. All settings were default except: Wi-Fi was associated with a network (except for Internet browsing over cellular data network); the Wi-Fi feature Ask to Join Networks and Auto-Brightness were turned off. Battery life depends on device settings, usage, and many other factors. Battery tests are conducted using specific iPad units; actual results may vary.
  6. Wireless broadband recommended; fees may apply.


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