Iphone and bluetooth headset

How to Pair a Bluetooth Headset to an iPhone

Liane Cassavoy is a former freelance contributor to Lifewire who has been reviewing and writing articles about smartphones since 1999.

Ryan Perian is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has 12+ years’ experience working in the IT industry support and management positions.

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What to Know

  • On iPhone, go to Settings >Bluetooth > toggle on Bluetooth. Your headset should go into pairing mode.
  • Next, on iPhone, go to Bluetooth settings and tap the name of your headset.

This article explains how to pair a Bluetooth headset to an iPhone with iOS 7 or later.

How to Pair a Bluetooth Headset to an iPhone

Before you begin, make sure both your smartphone and Bluetooth headset have plenty of battery left.

Turning on Bluetooth in the Settings on an iPhone

  1. On your iPhone, open Settings, then tap Bluetooth and turn on the Bluetooth toggle switch.

Turning on Bluetooth in the Control Center on an iPhone

Alternatively, turn on Bluetooth using the Control Center. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, then tap the Bluetooth icon. The button turns blue when the feature is active.

On this screen, My Devices is a list of things you connected to in the past. Other Devices includes ones that are in range, but you haven’t used these before.

Some headsets may ask you to enter a PIN to verify paring. The headset manufacturer should supply the number you need.

The Bluetooth settings screen on an iPhone

Make Calls Using Your Bluetooth Headset

To make a call using your Bluetooth headset, dial the number as you normally would. If you use a headset that accepts voice commands, you may be able to dial by voice.

After you enter the number to call, your iPhone presents you with a list of options. You can choose to use your Bluetooth headset, your iPhone, or the iPhone’s speakerphone to make the call. Tap the Bluetooth headset icon, and the call goes there. Now you should be connected.

You can end the call by using the button on your headset, or by tapping the End Call button on the iPhone screen.

Accept Calls Using Your Bluetooth Headset

When a call comes into your iPhone, you can answer it directly from your Bluetooth headset by pressing the appropriate button. Most Bluetooth headsets have a primary button for this purpose. If you’re not sure what you should press, consult the product manual.

You can end the call by using the button on your headset, or by tapping the End Call icon on the iPhone’s screen.


Создание пары между аксессуаром Bluetooth стороннего производителя и iPhone или iPad

В этой статье описано, как создать пару между iPhone или iPad и аксессуарами Bluetooth для прослушивания музыки и просмотра видео онлайн, телефонных звонков и много другого.

Включение Bluetooth на устройстве

  1. Перейдите в меню «Настройки» > «Конфиденциальность и безопасность» и нажмите Bluetooth.
  2. Затем включите Bluetooth для приложений, которые хотите использовать.

Включение Bluetooth для создания пары с устройством

Создание пары между устройством и аксессуаром Bluetooth

  1. На устройстве перейдите в меню «Настройки» > Bluetooth и включите Bluetooth. Оставайтесь на этом экране, пока не выполните все шаги по созданию пары с аксессуаром.
  2. Переведите аксессуар в режим обнаружения и подождите, пока он отобразится на экране устройства. Если аксессуар не отображается или вы не знаете, как перевести его в режим обнаружения, просмотрите инструкции из комплекта поставки или свяжитесь с производителем.
  3. Чтобы создать пару, нажмите имя аксессуара, когда оно появится на экране. Может потребоваться ввести PIN-код или код-пароль. Если вы не знаете эти данные, изучите документацию из комплекта поставки аксессуара.

После создания пары аксессуар можно использовать вместе с устройством. Чтобы создать пары с несколькими аксессуарами Bluetooth, повторите эти действия. Если в пару с iPhone или iPad объединено несколько устройств Bluetooth, вы можете выбрать, какое из них использовать в качестве источника звука.

Разрыв пары с аксессуаром Bluetooth

Чтобы разорвать пару с аксессуаром Bluetooth, перейдите в меню «Настройки» > Bluetooth. Выберите нужный аксессуар, коснитесь кнопки «Подробная информация» , а затем нажмите «Забыть это устройство». Аксессуар будет удален из списка доступных устройств Bluetooth.

Чтобы снова добавить аксессуар Bluetooth на свое устройство, переведите его в режим обнаружения и повторите действия по созданию пары.

Если не удается создать пару для аксессуара Bluetooth

Узнайте, что делать, если все равно не удается создать пару между аксессуаром Bluetooth и устройством.

Информация о продуктах, произведенных не компанией Apple, или о независимых веб-сайтах, неподконтрольных и не тестируемых компанией Apple, не носит рекомендательного или одобрительного характера. Компания Apple не несет никакой ответственности за выбор, функциональность и использование веб-сайтов или продукции сторонних производителей. Компания Apple также не несет ответственности за точность или достоверность данных, размещенных на веб-сайтах сторонних производителей. Обратитесь к поставщику за дополнительной информацией.


How to Pair Bluetooth Headphones With iPhone

If you have just bought a pair of Bluetooth Headphones, you need to Pair them with iPhone, before you can use them. You will find below the steps to Pair Bluetooth Headset with iPhone.

Pair Bluetooth Headphones With iPhone

Pair Bluetooth Headphones With iPhone

Just like any other Bluetooth device, you are required to Pair Bluetooth Headphones with your iPhone or iPad, before being able use them.

Once the Headphones are paired with iPhone, you will be able to listen to music and answer incoming Calls on your iPhone, without disturbing anyone around you.

In fact, most Bluetooth devices are capable of transmitting signals up to 30 feet, which should allow you to move around your office, while still being connected to your iPhone via Bluetooth Headphones.

1. Steps to Pair Bluetooth Headphones With iPhone

Follow the steps below to Pair Bluetooth Headphones with iPhone.

1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth > toggle on Bluetooth .

Enable Bluetooth on iPhone

2. Keep Bluetooth Headphones near iPhone and Power them ON by pressing and Holding the Power button for about 5 seconds.

You should now see the LED light on your Bluetooth Headset flashing, which means that it is trying to connect to your iPhone.

Note: On most Bluetooth Headphones, switching on the Power or turning them ON is good enough to make them discoverable by nearby Bluetooth enabled devices.

If your Headphones are different, you need to refer to instructions manual and follow the steps to put your Headphones in Discovery Mode.

3. On iPhone, tap on your Headphones as they appear under “Other Devices” section.

Bluetooth Headset Pairing with iPhone

Note:On some Bluetooth Headsets, you may be prompted to enter the Passkey for your device.

Passkey is a series of numbers that you can find printed on a sticker at the back of the headphones. If not, you should be able to find the passkey in the instruction booklet.

4. Once Bluetooth Headphones get paired with iPhone, you will see them listed under “My Devices” section.

Bluetooth Headset Paired With iPhone

Note: It is also possible to Pair multiple Bluetooth Headphones with iPhone. However, only one Bluetooth Headphone can be active at a time.

2. Disconnect Bluetooth Headphone From iPhone.

Once you are done using Bluetooth Headphones, you can disconnect them from iPhone and they will still remain paired with your iPhone.

1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth > tap on the “i” icon next to the Bluetooth Headset.

Bluetooth Headset Details Icon

2. On the next screen, tap on Disconnect .

Disconnect Bluetooth Headset From iPhone

The disconnected Bluetooth Headphones will appears as Not Connected under “My Devices” section.

Bluetooth Headset Disconnected From iPhone

3. Connect Bluetooth Headphones to iPhone

Whenever required, you can easily connect your Bluetooth Headphones to iPhone.

1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth > tap on your Bluetooth Headphones .

Bluetooth Headset Disconnected From iPhone

Your Bluetooth Headphones will get connected with your iPhone and you will be able to listen to Music or Route Calls from iPhone to Bluetooth Headset.

4. Unpair Bluetooth Headset With iPhone

In order to totally remove Bluetooth Headphones from iPhone, you will have to Unpair them.

1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth > tap on the “i” icon next to the Bluetooth Headphones.

Information Icon Next to Bluetooth Headset on iPhone

2. On the next screen, tap on Forget This Device option.

Forget Bluetooth Headset Connected to iPhone

3. On the confirmation pop-up, tap on Forget Device to confirm.


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