Iphone to printer bluetooth

Is it possible to connect iphone to printer via bluetooth?

I want to connect iphone to a printer via bluetooth, but I don’t find any class about bluetooth in iPhone 3.0 SDK. Do I need to join «Made for iPod and Works with iPhone Licensing Program» to get the SDK? Or is it possible to do this without joining the program?

3 Answers 3

Even if you join the MFi/WWi developer program, it’s impossible to connect your iPhone to an arbitrary printer. The printer would need to built specifically for iPhone compatibility and incorporate an Apple-specific chip. The program is intended for device manufacturers to build iPod/iPhone specific devices, not for independent developers or device manufacturers with existing bluetooth products.

«and incorporate an Apple-specific chip»

Rubbish! Bluetooth is Bluetooth is Bluetooth. What is needed is for proper Bluetooth support on the iPhone.

Apple (for whatever reason) has decided not to allow this. Since the SDK sandboxes applications from interacting with the hardware at this level, getting direct access to standard Bluetooth services is not possible without a jailbreak. Also, not all Bluetooth devices are created equal; there are many different versions, speeds, and protocols that devices may implement

You might want to check into the GameKit. I just used it to connect two iPod’s via bluetooth. Apple has done all the hard work and with just a few lines of code, you can have the iPod searching for bluetooth devices. If you do your own Wifi networking, you can even make the iPod/ iPhone search for the printer using either bluetooth or wifi relatively easy.

GameKit cannot be used for this. Bluetooth is available to developers via the ExternalAccessory framework, but all accessories require an Apple-specific chip. You can’t just talk to any bluetooth device.

Actually, it’s my understanding that Bonjour has been enabled over Bluetooth in 3.0 in the same way that it is supported over WiFi. While GameKit is restricted to peer-to-peer communications between devices, it might be possible to discover the printer using lower-level Bonjour, if the printer has support for that.

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Печать с iPhone или iPad при помощи AirPrint

  1. Откройте приложение, из которого будет выполняться печать.
  2. Чтобы найти функцию печати, нажмите в приложении кнопку «Поделиться» или либо кнопку «Действия» .
  3. Прокрутите вниз и нажмите кнопку «Печать» или «Напечатать». Если найти функцию печати не удалось, изучите руководство пользователя приложения или раздел справки. Технологию AirPrint поддерживают не все приложения.
  4. Нажмите «Принтер не выбран» и выберите принтер с поддержкой AirPrint.
  5. Выберите количество копий и настройте другие параметры (например, укажите номера нужных страниц).
  6. Нажмите «Напечатать» в правом верхнем углу.

Просмотр или отмена заданий печати

С помощью переключателя программ можно просматривать задания печати или отменять их прямо во время печати.

Просмотр задания печати

Просмотр заданий печати в Центре печати

Чтобы просмотреть задание печати, откройте переключатель программ и нажмите «Центр печати».

Отмена задания печати

Отмена задания печати в Сводке печати

Чтобы отменить задание печати, откройте переключатель программ, нажмите «Центр печати», а затем — «Отмена печати».

Для работы AirPrint требуется подключение к сети Wi-Fi или проводной сети. При подключении устройства с поддержкой AirPrint к порту USB базовой станции Apple AirPort или устройства AirPort Time Capsule либо к компьютеру через Bluetooth применение технологии AirPrint невозможно.

Информация о продуктах, произведенных не компанией Apple, или о независимых веб-сайтах, неподконтрольных и не тестируемых компанией Apple, не носит рекомендательного или одобрительного характера. Компания Apple не несет никакой ответственности за выбор, функциональность и использование веб-сайтов или продукции сторонних производителей. Компания Apple также не несет ответственности за точность или достоверность данных, размещенных на веб-сайтах сторонних производителей. Обратитесь к поставщику за дополнительной информацией.


Can an iPhone be linked to a printer using Bluetooth?

To print from the DPP-350 printer, you need to ensure that the app you are using is designed to work with this printer’s unique language. Unlike regular printers, the DPP-350 does not utilize typical printer languages such as AirPrint, PCL, or PostScript.

Is it possible to connect iphone to printer via bluetooth?

I’m looking to connect my connect iphone to a printer using Bluetooth, but I can’t seem to locate any Bluetooth classes in the iPhone 3.0 SDK. Is it necessary for me to enroll in the «Made for iPod and Works with iPhone Licensing Program» to obtain the SDK, or is there an alternative approach?

Although becoming a member of the MFi/WWi developer program is feasible, you cannot link your iPhone to any printer. The printer must be designed to be compatible with the iPhone and feature an Apple-specific chip. The objective of the program is for manufacturers to build iPod/iPhone-compatible devices, not to cater to individuals or manufacturers who already have Bluetooth products.

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integrate a chip designed specifically for Apple devices

The statement «Bluetooth is Bluetooth is Bluetooth» is invalid. However, what is required is the provision of adequate Bluetooth compatibility for the iPhone.

The GameKit is worth looking into if you’re interested in connecting two iPods. With bluetooth. Apple doing the heavy lifting, it’s easy to have the iPods searching for Bluetooth devices in just a few lines of code. Additionally, if you create your own Wifi networking , you can make the iPod/ iPhone search for the printer using either bluetooth or wifi with relative ease.

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This Bluetooth Thermal Printer Will Work With Your

We take a look at the Beeprt by426 bt Thermal Printer, which is essentially the same as the Rollo plus the added function of bluetooth. It works with USB on Mac …

IOS Iphone Bluetooth Connect Print Label App Waybill

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright …

Setup Bluetooth Thermal Printer For IOS [EasyParcel

About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright …

Bluetooth printer connectivity with iPhone Application [duplicate]

Is it feasible to establish a Bluetooth connection between an iPhone and a printer? This question may have already been asked before.

Does anyone have a solution for integrating our iPhone application with the connect bluetooth printer?

I need the ability to print out the text I have entered.

Currently, Bluetooth printing is not supported by iOS.

Iphone — iOS Bluetooth printer?, I’m 90% sure iphone’s bluetooth is none of use, it can be used only for gaming and bluetooth headphone. Nothing else except it. – HarshIT. We …

Why isn’t my Bluetooth printer appearing on iPhone but is appearing on Android and PC?

I am facing difficulty connecting my iPhone to the Bluetooth thermal printer DPP-350 from Datecs using thermal printer . Although the printer is visible on my PC and Android smartphone, it is not showing up in the list of bluetooth devices of my iPhone. I am not sure if the advertising is only compatible with certain devices as I have tried using both iPhone 5s and iPhone 7, but neither of them can detect the Bluetooth device.

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The thermal printer cannot function as a universal printer across the iOS system since it is not compatible with AirPrint, unlike regular desktop inkjet or laser printers.

Instead of directly connecting to the DPP-350 printer, it can be accessed through Bluetooth and provides a simulated serial port for developers to utilize. Therefore, the app intended for printing must be specifically designed to support this particular kind of printer language .

In order to print from an iPhone using this printer, it is necessary to locate an application that is compatible with it.

This printer is different from typical printers as it does not employ AirPrint or any other comparable printer language. Rather, it makes use of the outdated Epson ESC/P printing language which was commonly used in ordinary printers back in the 80s. Nowadays, this language is mainly used for smaller receipt printers and has comparatively limited functionalities.

Is it possible to connect iphone to printer via bluetooth?, Apple has done all the hard work and with just a few lines of code, you can have the iPod searching for bluetooth devices. If you do your own Wifi …

Connect to a bluetooth printer, and print something

I am utilizing a library named Plugin.BLE, but unfortunately, its documentation is lacking, leaving me to rely on guesswork.

Initially, I search for devices that are linked and then establish a connection with bluetooth printer that goes by the name «MTP-2». After that, I obtain its service and retrieve the characteristics. Subsequently, I write data onto it, but it doesn’t exhibit any action.

 private async void Print(object sender, EventArgs e) < var adapter = CrossBluetoothLE.Current.Adapter; var devices = adapter.GetSystemConnectedOrPairedDevices(); foreach (var device in devices) < var name = device.Name; if (name == "MTP-2") < var cts = new CancellationToken(); var guid = device.Id; await adapter.ConnectToDeviceAsync(device, new ConnectParameters(true, true), cts); var services = await device.GetServicesAsync(); foreach (var _service in services) < var characteristics = await _service.GetCharacteristicsAsync(); foreach (var characteristic in characteristics) < var read = characteristic.CanRead; var write = characteristic.CanWrite; var update = characteristic.CanUpdate; if (read && write && update) < await characteristic.StartUpdatesAsync(); var content = "Hi there."; var data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); await characteristic.WriteAsync(data); await characteristic.StopUpdatesAsync(); return; >> > > > > 

I think you have such options:

  1. To start printing, it is necessary to send a unique character. Documentation on this process should be provided by the printer.
  2. Invoke a unique API method.

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