Iptables in red hat linux

5.13. Setting and Controlling IP sets using iptables

The iptables service stores configuration in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables , while firewalld stores it in various XML files in /usr/lib/firewalld/ and /etc/firewalld/ . Note that the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file does not exist as firewalld is installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

With the iptables service , every single change means flushing all the old rules and reading all the new rules from /etc/sysconfig/iptables , while with firewalld there is no recreating of all the rules. Only the differences are applied. Consequently, firewalld can change the settings during runtime without existing connections being lost.

To use the iptables and ip6tables services instead of firewalld , first disable firewalld by running the following command as root :

~]# systemctl disable firewalld ~]# systemctl stop firewalld
~]# yum install iptables-services
~]# systemctl start iptables ~]# systemctl start ip6tables
~]# systemctl enable iptables ~]# systemctl enable ip6tables

The ipset utility is used to administer IP sets in the Linux kernel. An IP set is a framework for storing IP addresses, port numbers, IP and MAC address pairs, or IP address and port number pairs. The sets are indexed in such a way that very fast matching can be made against a set even when the sets are very large. IP sets enable simpler and more manageable configurations as well as providing performance advantages when using iptables . The iptables matches and targets referring to sets create references which protect the given sets in the kernel. A set cannot be destroyed while there is a single reference pointing to it.

The use of ipset enables iptables commands, such as those below, to be replaced by a set:

~]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP ~]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP ~]# iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
~]# ipset create my-block-set hash:net ~]# ipset add my-block-set ~]# ipset add my-block-set ~]# ipset add my-block-set
~]# iptables -A INPUT -m set --set my-block-set src -j DROP

If the set is used more than once a saving in configuration time is made. If the set contains many entries a saving in processing time is made.


Sysadmin tools: How to use iptables

The iptables command is a powerful interface for your local Linux firewall. It provides thousands of network traffic management options through a simple syntax.

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How to use iptables

Great Linux resources

If you want to fully manage network traffic to and from your Linux system, the iptables command is what you need to learn. In this article, I provide general advice on creating iptables entries and several generic examples to get you started. The unfortunate fact about iptables is that there are options don’t make intuitive sense. For those, you’ll just have to commit them to memory or use this article as an iptables cheat sheet.

I need to mention that iptables rules go into effect immediately after entering them. There’s no daemon to restart or configuration to reload. For this reason, you have to be extremely careful or you will lock yourself out of the system you’re using. Always issue rules that allow you into the system before you enter those that don’t.

Don’t run both firewalld and iptables at the same time. Disable firewalld to run iptables.

Show, don’t tell

There are many ways to look at your iptables rules list, but I generally only use one, which covers the two things I want to see: the rules and the line numbers. For example:

$ sudo iptables -L --line-numbers Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination 1 ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:ssh 2 DROP all -- anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination 

The line numbers are important when you attempt to delete a rule. If you don’t care about the line numbers, then a simple iptables -L will work for you:

$ sudo iptables -L Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:ssh DROP all -- anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination 

As you can see from the above listing, there are three sections to the iptables command’s output: INPUT, FORWARD, and OUTPUT. FORWARD rules are between interfaces on the system.

Rules of order

If you decide that the order of your rules is awkward, not organized, or just plain wrong, then you change their order by exporting the rules with:

$ sudo iptables-save > ~/iptables.txt

Make your edits in your favorite editor—which is, of course, vi —and then import the new version back into iptables :

Because iptables rules are read from top to bottom, this factor can become an issue if conflicting rules are read in the wrong order.

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When you create a new rule, it will typically be in the form of adding an INPUT or an OUTPUT. INPUT rules govern traffic coming into the protected system, and OUTPUT rules govern traffic leaving the system. I’m not sure why INPUT and OUTPUT were used rather than the more descriptive INCOMING and OUTGOING or INBOUND and OUTBOUND, but like so many other things in life, no one asked my opinion prior to implementation.

So, the general form of an INPUT rule is:

Adding entries

There are two ways that I add iptables rules. One is with append ( -A ), but I only use that one time per system. The second is insert ( -I ), which is the way I add all other rules to a system. My explanation is that append puts the rule at the bottom of the list, and there’s only one rule I want at the very bottom: the classic DENY ALL. It’s simple to add.

$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -j DROP

This entry appends the DENY ALL rule to the bottom of whatever list of rules already exists. On a new system, there won’t be any, but it’s a good practice to start with. Remember, iptables rules are read from the top down, so you always want the DENY ALL rule to be the last one on the list. If this rule falls anywhere else in the list, nothing below it will process. All other rules should be inserted with the ( -I ) option, like this:

$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -s -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

The insert option adds the rule to the top of the list, and so the new rule will not be affected by DENY ALL. The particular rule above allows every system on the network to connect to the protected system via SSH. Don’t forget to add this rule, because the DROP rule locks you completely out of your system by denying all TCP traffic to it. I’m not going to tell you who, but I know someone who recently locked himself out of the system he was using for an article covering iptables by forgetting the SSH rule. Fortunately, the system in question is a virtual machine and the console is easy to access. Imagine what would happen if someone submitted the DENY ALL rule without the SSH rule on a remotely hosted system and the console wasn’t so easy to access.

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Note: You should add the SSH rule first and then add the DENY ALL rule.

Deleting entries

Deleting iptables entries is where the —line-numbers option becomes essential. From a previous listing, you can see that my so-called DENY ALL rule is the second rule in the list (as it should be). To delete that rule, find the line number of the rule you wish to delete. For example:

$ sudo iptables -L --line-numbers Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination 1 ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:ssh 2 DROP all -- anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) num target prot opt source destination 

Issue the following command to remove the second rule:

You must specify the list (INPUT, OUTPUT, or FORWARD) and the line number of the rule in that list. There is no response from the delete command.

Saving entries

You’ll probably want your configured iptables to survive reboots, so be sure to issue the following command to save your valuable entries, otherwise, you’ll have to import your rules after every reboot or script the import.

$ sudo iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Standard entries

For a truly locked-down system, you need a rule that allows you to SSH from a specific host or network, and a DENY ALL rule for both INPUT and OUTPUT. All other rules would be inserted as needed to allow specific traffic into and out of the system.

Other than those minimal rules, there are no other «standard» rules that apply to every system. If you have a web server, you’d have to write an INPUT rule to allow ports 80 and 443. If it’s internet-facing, you’d have to open it up to all hosts. If the web server is internal, then you could only allow web access from your internal corporate networks.

Wrapping up

This article is a short introduction to one of the most necessary and useful sysadmin tools: iptables . Iptables is easy to use and requires almost no maintenance. It requires no daemon restarts and it is available for all Linux systems. One of the first things you should do when bringing a new Linux system online is to set up these standard rules. You don’t need any security issues springing up in the earliest days of deployment (or ever, really) and iptables is a quick security fix if there ever was one.

Want more on networking topics? Check out the Linux networking cheat sheet.


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