Is mac os built on linux

Is macOS built on Linux?

You may have heard that Macintosh OSX is just Linux with a prettier interface. That’s not actually true. But OSX is built in part on an open source Unix derivative called FreeBSD. It was built atop UNIX, the operating system originally created over 30 years ago by researchers at AT’s Bell Labs.

Is macOS same as OSX?

macOS (originally named “Mac OS X” until 2012 and then “OS X” until 2016) is the current Mac operating system that officially succeeded the classic Mac OS in 2001. macOS is the basis for some of Apple’s other operating systems, including iPhone OS/iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

Is Mac made by Microsoft?

Prior to 1994, Microsoft had an extensive range of actively developed Macintosh software. In 1994, Microsoft stopped development of most of its Mac applications until a new version of Office in 1998, after the creation of the new Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit the year prior.

Who is the present CEO of Mac operating system?

Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple and serves on its board of directors.

Is macOS based on FreeBSD?

This is as much a myth about macOS as about FreeBSD; that macOS is just FreeBSD with a pretty GUI. The two operating systems do share a lot of code, for example most userland utilities and the C library on macOS are derived from FreeBSD versions.

Who invented macOS?

Apple Inc.
Mac OS, operating system (OS) developed by the American computer company Apple Inc. The OS was introduced in 1984 to run the company’s Macintosh line of personal computers (PCs).

Who invented Mac operating system?

Mac OS, operating system (OS) developed by the American computer company Apple Inc. The OS was introduced in 1984 to run the company’s Macintosh line of personal computers (PCs).

Do Microsoft employees use Macs?

Yes there is a group of MS employees who use Apple computers. They’re the dev team who make MS Office for the Mac among other OS X related apps.

How to change the owner of a file in Mac OS X?

When did the consumer version of Mac OS come out?

What was the original name of the Mac OS?

Which is the current operating system for the Mac?


Действительно ли macOS построена на основе Linux?

На самом деле «ОС Linux» — это GNU/Linux, что означает, что GNU предоставляет все программные инструменты для пользователя (то есть команды, которые вы вводите в командной строке), и что «Linux» — это ядро, на котором находятся все инструменты.

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Linux был создан Линусом Торвальдсом (Linus Torvalds), чтобы избежать проблем с лицензиями в Minix или проблем со стоимостью в UNIX или Windows. Он создал его как клон Minix, Minix, в свою очередь, является альтернативой UNIX, изначально разработанной для академического использования.

Ядро Linux — это старомодное монолитное ядро, поэтому его преимуществом является немного большая скорость при определенных обстоятельствах, но компромисс заключается в том, что ядро легко может упасть ( так что вся операционная система выйдет из строя ), если что-нибудь в ядре даст сбой. Классический пример — подключение неизвестного USB-устройства, которое, как известно, полностью разрушает ядро ​​Linux.

Это лучше для серверных операционных систем, которые урезаны, чтобы в основном выполнять одну функцию, для которой он оптимизирован, потому что нет взаимодействия с пользователем (к нему не подключаются неизвестные USB-устройства, нет среды рабочего стола, чтобы вывести его из строя)

Дистрибутивы Linux имеют много различных окружений рабочего стола (графический пользовательский интерфейс) и окружения рабочего стола, как известно, аварийно завершаются и зависают, поэтому пользователю приходится перезагружать ПК.

MacOS основана на ядре операционной системы NeXT с классическим интерфейсом Macintosh (конечно же, модернизированным).

macOS является сертифицированным UNIX (проверяется Open Group).

macOS полностью основана на операционной системе Apple Darwin.

Дарвин свободен и с открытым исходным кодом, как и Linux.

NeXT была UNIX-подобной операционной системой, основанной на BSD, но использующей микроядро Mach

Компания NeXT была основана Стивом Джобсом, когда он ушел из Apple на несколько лет.

Apple приобрела NeXT за более чем 300 миллионов долларов, чтобы заменить стареющую классическую операционную систему Macintosh (от System 1 до System 9), которая была усовершенствована в своё время, но нуждалась в серьёзном обновлении, чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами современных чипов.

Apple обновила и настроила NeXT

Заменен пользовательский интерфейс (окружение рабочего стола) на обновленную версию интерфейса Classic Mac ( с некоторыми усовершенствованными элементами NeXT ). Графический пользовательский интерфейс в macOS надежен и стабилен, у подавляющего большинства пользователей пользовательский интерфейс никогда не зависал или не давал сбоев.

Начав с микроядра Mach и создав новое гибридное ядро, названное XNU, обладающее лучшими характеристиками как микроядра, так и монолитного ядра.

XNU почти так же быстро, как монолитное ядро, и имеет то преимущество, что очень сложно вывести ядро ​​из строя. Например, вы не можете разрушить ядро ​​XNU, подключив какое-либо неизвестное USB (или любое другое) устройство, чтобы XNU был более стабильным. Это лучше для настольных операционных систем.

Общими компонентами операционной системы в настоящее время являются в основном FreeBSD (стабильность и гибкость) и OpenBSD (высокая безопасность), что даёт MacOS большую надёжность и безопасность, чем другие десктопные операционные системы.

Apple заменяет компоненты BSD своими собственными компонентами, поскольку видит, что безопасность может быть еще лучше. Пример: Apple заменила OpenSSL на coreCrypto.

MacOS обладает огромной интеграцией аппаратной и программной безопасности, как это видно на примере моделей с чипом Apple T2 (iMac и MacBook Pro), что является квантовым скачком над безопасностью во всех Linux-системах.

macOS и GNU/Linux не имеют ничего общего, кроме того, что macOS является сертифицированным UNIX, а Linux — подделкой UNIX, так что macOS действительно работает под UNIX, а Linux иногда работает под UNIX (иногда один дистрибутив Linux не может работать под другим, если только вы не приложите огромных усилий для его модификации).

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Is macOS Based on Linux?

macOS and Linux are the leading operating systems based on Unix and do share some similarities. The macOS is based on the Mach Kernel, which was introduced in 2001 by Apple Inc. While Linux is based on the Linux Kernel and was introduced in the 1990s.

This blog will give a brief description of macOS and Linux operating systems.

What is macOS?

macOS is a Unix-like operating system particularly designed for Apple devices that cover services such as iCloud, Apple Music, and App Store. The macOS also facilitates the user with a variety of built-in tools like Siri, text editors, iWork (Office suite), etc.

The interface of the macOS operating system is shown in the following image:

What are the Key Features of macOS?

The key features of the macOS are described below:

  • User Interface: macOS has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate for users that’s it is the popular choice for most users.
  • Spotlight Search: macOS has the feature of instantly searching for apps or files the user is looking for.
  • Accessibility: macOS also provides the feature of speech recognition so that every user can access it even if he has disabilities.
  • Quick Look: macOS provides the feature of quick look by popping up the window that shows the preview of the particular file/folder.
  • Screenshot: macOS provides the built-in screenshot tool feature that lets the user capture the whole or selected area of the screen.
  • Security: The macOS has strong security features that prevent users from installing unauthorized applications.

What is Linux?

Linux is an open-source operating system that is famous for its security, stability, and flexibility. it is used on devices such as servers, supercomputers, smartphones, computers, etc. Many Linux distributions are introduced now, such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora, Arch, etc. Furthermore,

the Linux operating system is managed by the open-source community of developers for support services and development.

The following is the interface of Linux Ubuntu-based operating system:

What are the Key Features of Linux?

Linux operating system has the following key features:

  • Open Source: Linux is open-source and easily accessible to every user and can be modified.
  • Multi-User: The user can create multiple users in one operating system and enable them to use the same resources.
  • Multitasking: Another key feature of Linux is to give a multitasking facility; the user can perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Portability: Linux supports a variety of system architectures and has high portability because.
  • GUI Support: Linux offers various environments like Mate Xfce, KDE, GNOME, etc.
  • Lightweight structure: it utilizes less space storage for installation between 4GB and 8GB.
  • Security: One more strong feature of Linux is its security; Linux gives powerful security to the user, like file permission, firewall, and packages/software.

Comparison of macOS and Linux

The comparison between macOS and Linux is demonstrated in the below table:

Features/Points macOS Linux
User Interface It provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate for the users. Linux provides multiple user interfaces, such as GNOME, KDE, and XFCE.
Kernel macOS works on the Kernel named Mach. Linux based on the Linux Kernel.
Open Source macOS is not open source as it is only developed for apple devices. Linux is open-source and easily accessible to users.
Security It provides the security that stops the user from installing unauthorized applications. Linux also provides strong security features such as firewalls, file permissions, and software/packages.
Compatibility macOS is compatible only with Apple devices. Linux is compatible with multiple hardware. such as Windows Chromebook and Android.
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From the above discussion, it is concluded that macOS is based on BSD, which is alike to Linux (not exactly Linux). However, BSD and Linux are both Unix-inspired operating systems. There is quite a difference between macOS and Linux features such as open-source, compatibility, and Kernel. This write-up has answered the query ”is macOS Based on Linux?” with a demonstration of Unix and Linux operating systems.


Is Mac OS X a UNIX-based OS? [duplicate]

Is OS X Mountain Lion a pure UNIX-based OS? Some tutorials say that it is a Unix-like OS, but after version 10.5, all Mac operating systems are based on pure UNIX. Is this true?

2 Answers 2

There’s a lot of discussion on this topic, but as far as Apple’s concerned, yes it’s UNIX:

  • POSIX-compliant, Open Brand UNIX 03 Registered Product
  • Open source kernel based on FreeBSD and Mach 3.0
  • 64-bit OS using LP64 data model
  • Support for multiple CPU and GPU cores via Grand Central Dispatch and OpenCL
  • Hand-tuned, standards-compliant scalar and vector math libraries
  • Complete IP-based architecture supporting IPv4, IPv6, and L2TP/IPSec VPN
  • Rich zero-configuration discovery and naming via Bonjour and Dynamic DNS
  • Interoperable file serving via NFS, AFP, SMB/CIFS, and FTP
  • Powerful Apache web services
  • Open Directory services built on LDAP and Kerberos for single sign-on
  • Standards-based graphics built on PDF (Quartz), OpenGL, and H.264 (QuickTime)
  • Full-screen terminal with xterm-256color support
  • Familiar UNIX/Linux utilities (such as emacs, vim, and bash)
  • Free Xcode developer tools based on Clang/LLVM

The UNIX trademark is owned by The Open Group, which basically uses it as a certification mark for SUS-compliance. OS X has been registered as a UNIX 03-compliant product since 10.5, so it qualifies as UNIX (not just UNX or Unix-like) in that sense. Most GNU/Linux distributions are not registered as SUS-compliant, so they should be called something like UNIX-like or UNX in that sense, even though neither of those terms is used by The Open Group.

OS X could also be considered to be genetic Unix in the sense that Darwin was based on FreeBSD (or it has used FreeBSD as a reference platform), and BSDs are usually considered to be genetic Unix, since the original BSD was based on AT&T code. Both GNU and Linux were rewritten from scratch though, so GNU/Linux platforms are not generally considered to be genetic Unix.

In a functional or spiritual sense, OS X is maybe less Unix (whatever that means) than platforms that are merely «Unix-like» in the first or second senses, but OS X could still considered to «be Unix» in all three senses.


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