Jailbreak iphone on wifi

Some of the best jailbreak tweaks for Wi-Fi on iOS 14

There are so many different jailbreak tweaks out there that it can be a substantial challenge for those just now joining our community to decide where they should start with respect to customizing their pwned iPhone or iPad.

At iDownloadBlog, we take this fact very seriously. That’s why we curate specialized weekly jailbreak tweak roundups just like this one, as we think that jailbreak tweak discovery should be a pleasure for our readers rather than a chore.

In today’s roundup, we’ll show you what we believe are some of the best jailbreak tweaks for upgrading the Wi-Fi experience on your liberated iOS or iPadOS 14 device. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

The best Wi-Fi jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14

WiFiNameBugFix – FREE

There’s a very real problem affecting handset’s using earlier versions of iOS or iPadOS 14 in which being in proximity of a Wi-Fi network with a malformed name can permanently disable the Wi-Fi setting on that device.

Since most jailbreakers today are using an affected version of iOS or iPadOS 14, it’s a good idea to patch that bug. WiFiNameBugFix does this.

You can read all about WiFiNameBugFix and the types of things it protects against in our full review post.

IntelligentPass 4 – $2.99

Your device’s passcode is an important barrier against malicious intent, especially when someone who shouldn’t have your iPhone or iPad ends up with it. But there are some places where you may not need this level of security, such as in your personal home.

IntelligentPass 4 is a tweak that can disable your passcode when connected to certain Wi-Fi networks, such as the one broadcasted in your home. It provides a lot of other ways to carry out its functionality, but with this being a Wi-Fi-related post, we’ll focus on the Wi-Fi-oriented aspect of the tweak.

You can learn about all the other ways IntelligentPass 4 works in our full review post.

IPCarrier – FREE

It can be useful to know your iPhone or iPad’s local network IP address, especially when jailbroken, since it can be used for SSH connections.

IPCarrier makes finding your local network IP address easier than ever by displaying it in the Status Bar in place of the carrier text.

You can find out more about IPCarrier in our full review post.

Conditional – FREE

iOS lets users choose which apps can use cellular data, but it’s not quite as controlling when it comes to Wi-Fi networks, which can be just as limited by data caps as cellular networks can be under certain circumstances.

Conditional is a free jailbreak tweak that gives users more control over per-app Wi-Fi access since the option isn’t there out of the box.

You can learn all about Conditional and how it works in our full review post.

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SmartNetwork 2 – $1.99

Power users who demand more from their iPhone or iPad’s Wi-Fi user experience are sure to love SmartNetwork 2.

This tweak offers all kinds of useful options related to Wi-Fi including authentication-locking the Wi-Fi preference pane, removing signal limitations, toggling Wi-Fi shortcuts, saving battery by disabling cellular when connected to Wi-Fi, making the Control Center toggles truer to their purpose, and more.

You can learn all about SmartNetwork 2 and what it brings to the table in our full review post.

NetworkList – FREE

If you often find yourself wondering what the password to a previously-joined Wi-Fi network was so that you could share it with another machine, a friend, or a family member, then NetworkList could prove valuable.

This tweak can display all Wi-Fi networks you’ve ever connected to and even display the password saved for protected networks you’ve joined.

You can learn all about NetworkList and how it works in our full review post.

NanoFi – FREE

Taptic Time Settings on Apple Watch

It’s no secret that Bluetooth can be convenient, but it’s particularly slow when compared to Wi-Fi. When updating or syncing Apple Watch data, it shows.

NanoFi is a free jailbreak tweak that prioritizes a Wi-Fi based connection between your iPhone and Apple Watch over a Bluetooth connection when possible. The obvious benefit is that software updates and large data transfers shouldn’t take as long to complete.

You can find out more about NanoFi in our full review post.


Given the importance of Wi-Fi, whether you’re using an iPhone or an iPad, we can’t write off the apparent benefits of jailbreak tweaks that can augment the Wi-Fi user experience on these devices. These were some of the best ones we recall covering during the iOS & iPadOS 14 jailbreak season.

Looking for even more jailbreak tweaks? Try these:

  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Animations
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Control Center
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Dark Mode
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Home Screen
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Keyboard
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Lock Screen
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Messages app
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Now Playing interface
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Notification system
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Photography user experience
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Security
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Status Bar
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Wallpapers
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s Widgets
  • The best jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14’s YouTube app

Did we miss one of your favorite Wi-Fi-oriented jailbreak tweaks? If we did, then leave a comment below so that fellow readers can more easily discover your recommendation.


Лучшие джейлбрейк-твики для Wi-Fi в iOS 14

Существует огромное множество разных джейлбрейк-твиков для вашего iPhone или iPad. Мы каждую неделю публикуем подборки новых джейлбрейк-твиков, а иногда ещё и подборки по темам. Сегодняшняя тема – твики для Wi-Fi. Ниже рассказываем о лучших джейлбрейк-твиках для Wi-Fi на устройствах с iOS 14.




Пользователям с iOS 14 и iPadOS 14 угрожает очень серьёзный баг, который может навсегда отключить Wi-Fi на устройстве. К счастью, вы можете защитить себя с помощью твика WiFiNameBugFix.

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Подробнее о том, как работает твик WiFiNameBugFix, читайте здесь.

IntelligentPass 4


Пароль на устройстве защищает ваши личные данные от посторонних людей. Однако иногда он не нужен, и вы только устаёте от его постоянного ввода. Твик IntelligentPass 4 отключает пароль при подключении к вашей домашней сети Wi-Fi. Таким образом, пока вы дома в безопасности, вам не придётся постоянно вводить пароль.

Скачать джейлбрейк-твик IntelligentPass 4 можно из репозитория Geometric Software.



Иногда важно знать IP-адрес сети, к которой вы подключены, особенно при наличии джейлбрейка. Твик IPCarrier отображает ваш локальный IP-адрес прямо в статус-баре вместо названия оператора.

Подробнее о твике IPCarrier можете почитать в полном обзоре.



В iOS можно выбирать, какие приложения могут использовать сотовые данные. Однако доступ к Wi-Fi так же настроить нельзя. Conditional – бесплатный твик, который позволяет выбирать, какие приложения могут использовать Wi-Fi.

Больше о твике Conditional вы узнаете в этой статье.

SmartNetwork 2


Если вы хотели бы получить больше контроля над Wi-Fi на своём устройстве, вам нужен твик SmartNetwork 2. Он добавляет много полезных функций, связанных с Wi-Fi, а также снимает ограничения.

Обо всех функциях твика SmartNetwork 2 вы можете почитать в обзоре.



Если у вас сохранено много сетей Wi-Fi, но паролей от них вы не помните, вам нужен твик NetworkList. С его помощью вы сможете узнать пароль от любой сохранённой на устройстве сети Wi-Fi и поделиться им с другими.

Читайте о твике NetworkList больше в этой статье.



Не секрет, что Bluetooth намного медленнее Wi-Fi. Это особенно заметно при обновлении или синхронизации Apple Watch. NanoFi – бесплатный твик, который ставит в приоритет Wi-Fi при подключении iPhone к Apple Watch, когда это возможно. С этим твиком системные обновления и передача данных будут проходить намного быстрее.

Подробнее о твике NanoFi читайте здесь.


Turn an iPhone into a WiFi Hotspot with MyWi & a Jailbreak

iphone wifi hotspot

If you have an iPhone you can turn it into a WiFi hotspot very easily through the help of a jailbreak app called MyWi. This lets you wirelessly connect any other computer or hardware to the iPhone and use its cellular connection as your primary internet access. Outside of the official “Personal Hotspot” features offered by nearly all cellular carriers now, this is without a doubt the easiest way to tether your iPhone wirelessly, and use an iPhone as a wireless router. Do note this is an unofficial method, and some cellular carriers will detect the usage of tethering and may add a fee onto the data plan once they detect you doing so. This also requires the usage of a jailbreak, which is a separate process, but it allows you to install the MyWi app onto your iPhone.

Do note that most users will be better off using the official Personal Hotspot offered officially through their cellular carrier. It’s typically a small fee that gets added onto the iPhone data plan bill, and it can be prorated per month if you decide to use it for a week or so and then turn it off and disconnect that service for the remaining period of the month. Each carrier is different in what they charge, but all modern iPhones and cellular equipped iOS devices beyond iOS 4.3 will support the feature natively on the device itself. Nonetheless, the MyWi method does work as an alternate way to create a hotspot and tether the internet connection to another device or computer, and it’s actually the only way to get tethering working on devices that are not able to upgrade beyond iOS 4.3 for some reason or another.

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How to Turn an iPhone into a WiFi Hotspot with MyWi

This is easier to do than you might think. You’ll need to jailbreak your iPhone and then install a popular third party application, here are the steps:

  • Jailbreak the iPhone – You can do this several different ways depending on what iOS version and iPhone you have. Here’s the latest on how to jailbreak iOS devices, you’ll find the jailbreak tools to download if necessary if you need it, but do note that some iPhones will require a tethered jailbreak for now.
  • Get MyWi – MyWi is available through the Cydia Store, after you have jailbroken your iPhone, launch Cydia and then search for “MyWi” where you can purchase and download the app. It costs $19.99 which is a steal considering you’re about to get a full cellular modem for just $20.
  • Launch MyWi and Configure – Launch MyWi by tapping on the icon. Tap “On” next to ‘WiFi Tethering’ to enable the iPhone WiFi hotspot. You can also further configure things here, like a WEP key, network name, etc.
  • Connect your Mac, PC, iPad, etc to your new iPhone WiFi Router – Now all you need to do is connect your hardware to the iPhone, you do this the same as you would connect to any wireless network, just find the newly started iPhone WiFi hotspot SSID and connect to it. Enjoy!

Remember that this is going to use your iPhone’s data plan, so unless you have a grandfathered unlimited plan you will want to keep a close eye on data usage and consumption. The MyWi app keeps track of data use for both upload and download, but you’ll want to watch it through your carrier as well. Checking iPhone data usage is easy on AT&T and I’m sure it’s similar on other cell providers too.

Note that MyWi will drain your iPhone battery faster than usual, but you can also use the app to tether your iPhone via USB so that you can keep the iPhone powered or charging while still using its cell connection.

A few additional notes on using MyWi and jailbreaking: You can download MyWi and use it in demo mode to get a free 3 day trial before buying the app, this lets you ensure that everything works before buying. Using an app like MyWi may violate your agreement with your wireless carrier, and although jailbreaking is not illegal, it may violate your warranty with Apple if you don’t undo the jailbreak before attempting to have the device serviced.

Finally, remember that many cell providers can detect the ‘unofficial’ internet tethering offered through these tools, and they may opt to charge you a separate fee for doing so. Nobody is responsible for that but yourself, so if you do decide to use MyWi and this approach, don’t be shocked if you wind up paying for tethering anyway. For that reason, many users are better off just paying for the official hotspot services through their carrier, assuming they’re on a new enough version of iOS to support the feature natively of course.


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