Java keystore linux location

Which is the default location for keystore/truststore of Java applications?

I am writing an application that uses SSL. Hence, I have a dummy keystore and a dummy truststore I want to supply to my customer. Is there any default folder to put them inside my distribution? e.g. docs, lib, bin. etc. Where is usually the keystore put on the server and where is usually truststore put on the client? Thanks

2 Answers 2

In Java, according to the JSSE Reference Guide, there is no default for the keystore , the default for the truststore is «jssecacerts, if it exists. Otherwise, cacerts«.

A few applications use ~/.keystore as a default keystore, but this is not without problems (mainly because you might not want all the application run by the user to use that trust store).

I’d suggest using application-specific values that you bundle with your application instead, it would tend to be more applicable in general.

@user93353, it varies depending on the implementation. PKI talks about trust in various ways, but that can be «trust store», «trust anchors» or simply «trusted certificates». On Windows/schannel, you also get the «Trusted Root Certification Authorities store» and so on. AFAIK, there’s no uniform terminology.

More specifically, the default locations are /lib/security/jssecacerts and /lib/security/cacerts and you override it with the system property.

One example, if one uses command «keytool» without provide -keystore , keytool will writes to ~/.keystore as default


Locating an App’s Keystore on Ubuntu: A Guide

Solution 2: For Windows User: (Replace USERNAME with your actual PC user name) For Linux or Mac OS User: After you will get by below Code using Command Prompt: Solution 3: In Android Studio you can find all your app signing information without any console command: Open your project Click on Gradle from right side panel In Gradle projects panel open folders: Your Project -> Tasks-> Android Run signingReport task (double click) and you will see the result in Gradle console (keystore paths,SHA1,MD5 and so on). For more information about Keytool, see the documentation at: and for more information on signing Android apps go here: Solution 2: Signing Your App in Android Studio To sign your app in release mode in Android Studio, follow these steps: referance Solution 3: I was crazy looking how to generate a .keystore using in the shell a single line command , so I could run it from another application.

Where is the Oracle java jdk keystore located?

The location of the keystore is jre/lib/security/cacerts. To display its contents, use the following command:

keytool -list -keystore java.home/jre/lib/security/cacerts -v 

Execute the following command to locate the JAVA_HOME.

sudo apt-get install galternatives 

And then run that program.

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It appears that modifying the keystore is not necessary. Instead, you can make changes to the .policy file, which can be easily located at:


Naturally, if locating it remains a challenge, you can effortlessly obtain it using this directive.

Java Keytool Essentials: Working with Java Keystores, A Java Keystore is a container for authorization certificates or public key certificates, and is often used by Java-based applications for

Spring Java app not finding the keystore file

To load the file from the classpath, Spring enables the prefixing of the path with classpath: , for instance.

server.ssl.key-store : classpath:keystore.p12 

Alternatively, employing the symbol = as a delimiter for key/value pairs can also be utilized.

server.ssl.key-store = classpath:keystore.p12 

It’s important to note that only the left side of the value is trimmed, meaning that any trailing whitespace after the value is not allowed.

I faced the same problems and managed to resolve them. While I saved the keystore file in the directory of «src/main/resources/keystore.p12», it was located directly under «classes/» in the jar file. To tackle this issue, I came up with the following solution:


Based on the given information, it appears that your application is merely searching for the keystore.p12 file in the present directory.

Caused by: /root/software/gimmememe/target/keystore.p12 (No such file or directory)

It’s probable that you have to inform Spring Boot about the file’s location within the jar.

Gradle and Maven will place the file located at src/main/resources at the root of the classpath. To inform the Spring Boot app about the file’s location on the classpath, you must specify it.

To ensure that the keystore is loaded from the archive’s classpath, it is necessary to assign classpath:keystore.p12 to server.ssl.key-store in order to inform Spring.

This fix is exemplified by another individual who faced a comparable issue.

Github Issue of Similar Problem

What is production keystore in android and how can I get the path-to, you have to create keystore file by generating signed apk. · build->generate signed apk asks for key store path.

How can I create a keystore?

To address the inquiry in the title, you can generate a keystore employing the Java Keytool utility that is included in a typical JDK package and can be found at %JAVA_HOME%in . On Windows machines, this is ordinarily situated at \ \ \ \ \ C:\Program\ Files\Java\jre7\bin\ \ \ \ .

To execute, navigate to the directory using a command window on Windows or a terminal on Linux.

keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 

When creating a keystore with Keytool, you will be asked to provide passwords for both the keystore and key, as well as the Distinguished Name fields. Once you have entered this information, Keytool will generate the keystore as a file in your current directory, with a name specified by my-release-key.keystore . Both the keystore and key will be safeguarded by the passwords you chose. The keystore will contain only one key, which will remain valid for 10000 days. You can use the name alias_name in the future to refer to this keystore when you sign your application.

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To find out further details on Keytool, refer to the documentation available at

Visit for additional details on signing Android applications.

Signing Your App in Android Studio

To successfully sign your application in Android Studio’s release mode, adhere to the given instructions.

Click on Build and then select ‘Generate Signed APK’ from the dropdown menu located on the menu bar.

To create a new keystore, click on «Create new» option located on the Generate Signed APK Wizard window. However, if you possess a keystore already, proceed to step 4.

In the New Key Store window, enter the necessary details as depicted in the figure. It is important to ensure that your key remains valid for a minimum of 25 years, enabling you to utilize the same key to sign app updates throughout the app’s existence.

On the window for Generate Signed APK Wizard, choose a keystore and a private key and provide their respective passwords. Proceed by clicking the Next button. Image:

Proceed by selecting a destination for the signed APK on the subsequent window and then click on the Finish button.


Visit the official Android developer website to learn about app signing procedures at

In my search for a way to create a .keystore using a single line command in the shell, I was determined to find a solution that would allow me to run it from any application. And fortunately, I found one!

echo y | keytool -genkeypair -dname "cn=Mark Jones, ou=JavaSoft, o=Sun, c=US" -alias business -keypass kpi135 -keystore /working/android.keystore -storepass ab987c -validity 20000 
  • The dname serves as an exclusive identifier for the application within the .keystore. The person or organization that creates the .keystore can be referred to as «cn». The Organizational Unit responsible for the project can be a subdivision of the Organization that creates it. For example, «» can be an Organizational Unit referred to as «ou». The Organization that owns the entire project can be referred to as «o», which is of a higher scope than the Organizational Unit («ou»). For example, «» can be the Organization. The short code for the country can be referred to as «c». For instance, for the United States of America, the short code is «US».
  • Alias refers to the identifier of an app as a single entity within the .keystore, even if multiple entities exist.
  • Keypass» refers to the password used to secure a particular alias.
  • The location for creating the file with the standard extension .ks is known as the keystore path.
  • The password is used to secure the entire content of the .keystore and is known as the storepass.
  • Duration of App’s validity will be determined by the number of days associated with the .keystore.
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The file creation process was successful without requiring any additional console input. To learn more, refer to keytool — key and certificate management tool.

Java KeyStore API, By default, Java has a keystore file located at JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts. We can access this keystore using the default keystore

Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio

To set up your project’s signing, follow these steps: 1. Click on File and select Project Structure. 2. Choose your project and navigate to the «signing» tab. 3. Select your default keystore or any other keystore that you prefer. 4. Fill in all the necessary details. If you encounter any issues, click on the green ‘+’ button. 5. Refer to the highlighted section in the screenshot for guidance.

For the second step, it is crucial to navigate to Build Types and choose your preferred build type along with the appropriate «Signing Config». In the highlighted area, I have selected «config» as my option.

  • If\ you\ are\ a\ Windows\ user,\ utilize\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ C:\Users\USERNAME\\\.android\debug\\.keystore\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ by\ inserting\ your\ current\ PC\ username\ in\ place\ of\ «USERNAME»\.
  • In case you are using Linux or Mac OS, employ the following ~/.android/debug.keystore code.

Using Command Prompt, the code SHA1 will be provided to you.

 keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android 

You can easily access your app signing information in Android Studio without the need for any console commands.

  1. Open your project

  2. Select Gradle located in the panel on the right-hand side.
  3. Navigate to the Android tasks folder in the Gradle projects panel under «Your Project».
  4. Execute the signingReport task by double-clicking and observe the output in the Gradle console, which will display details such as keystore paths, SHA1, MD5, etc.

signingReport task and its result

I lost my .keystore file?, After updating to Android Studio 3.3 my old keystore is no longer accepted during signing the app. «Cannot recover key» error message is shown. – Yar


Java Keystore Location

Java Keystore Location

This tutorial demonstrates where the Keystores are located in Java.

Java Keystore Location

The Keystore in Java manages the certifications; the Keystore is a secured collection of aliased entries of certifications and keys. By default, the Keystores are located in a file at the following location.


Or, in Windows, it can be in this location.

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_321\lib\security\cacerts 

The picture below shows the directory above.

Keystore Location

Similarly, the Keystore location can be found in the JRE directory of the Java home path.

Sheeraz is a Doctorate fellow in Computer Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, China. He has 7 years of Software Development experience in AI, Web, Database, and Desktop technologies. He writes tutorials in Java, PHP, Python, GoLang, R, etc., to help beginners learn the field of Computer Science.

Related Article — Java Keystore


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