Java runtime error linux

Fatal error by Java runtime environment

You’ll need to take this up with Sun — looks like a JVM bug to me. If it’s reproducible, you should be able to run java in such a way as to generate more details (e.g. -verbose, etc). If you can reduce it to a minimal case that triggers the bug (source code always helps!), that also goes a very long way.

In the meantime, you might want to try it with a different JVM implementation (maybe even an older patch level of the Sun JRE).

Go to Run As -> Run Configurations. and select the configuration you are using.
Select the Class Path tab and select BootStrap Entries.
Click on Advance, then Add Library and select JRE System Library.
Bring it up and make it the first entry in the BootstrapEntries List.

Another possible explanation: hardware failure. Ruled out if you can reproduce the error on different machines.

  • Quit eclipse
  • Delete the bin and gen directories in your project
  • Start eclipse
  • Rebuild your project

I just recently found solution for this issue that was posted by devdanke:

«As of 11-July-2010 and Android 2.1, the work around I use is to segregate tests into different classes. Any test(s) that don’t call any Android APIs go into their own classes. For each of these classes, I remove the reference to Android in their Run Configurations, Classpath tab.»

The problem with having it configured class by class is then is not possible to run all tests in project. Better approach is creating 2 test projects with different sets of libraries.

Standard Android JUnit Test project can be created following link, and sample test class looks like:

import android.test.AndroidTestCase; public class ConverterTest extends AndroidTestCase < public void testConvert() < assertEquals("one", "one"); >> 

Then JUnit Test project can be converted from Android JUnit Test project by removing Android Library from project build path, and adding JRE System Library, and JUnit 3 library, and sample test class looks like:

import junit.framework.TestCase; public class ConverterTest extends TestCase < public void testConvert() < assertEquals("one", "one"); >> 


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Ubuntu A fatal error has been detected by the JRE

I have written a java program that plays videos using vlcj on a frame. I use NativeDiscovery().discover() to get the libvlc libraries, the program works on windows but on ubuntu NativeDiscovery().doscover() returns false and I get a fatal error with the log file: This is just the beginning of the log file

 A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb7674f98, pid=21800, tid=2195979072 JRE version: 7.0_25-b30 Java VM: OpenJDK Server VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode linux-x86 ) Problematic frame: C [] _IO_file_underflow+0x68 Filed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again If you would like to submit a bug report, please include instructions on how to reproduce the bug and visit: 

5 Answers 5

I had to face a bunch of similar errors as i worked with VLCJ last year. I dont know, if you have exactly the same error, as i had, but i can give you some hints:

  • in my case i had to use oracles java 7, not the openJDK
  • i had to set some symbolic links («ln -s . «) to the vlc-executables, because the versionnumber was not the one, vlcj expected.

I dont know, if this is useful to you, but as i was in your situation, i was grateful for every hint.

The reason could be the usage of the OpenJDK. Try the OracleJDK.


How to Fix «Java Runtime Environment not found» error

In this post, we will solve the «Java Runtime Environment not found error». This java error is one of the common errors faced by developers or end-users. Whenever you try to install any software which requires java like eclipse or Minecraft. Also, if you are new to java development, JDK or Java Development Kit is necessary for you.

Following this tutorial will help you to resolve all Java runtime errors. Additionally, you will learn to install, remove and set java variables in Windows10 and Ubuntu.

These are the very common errors you will find related to Java.

  • java runtime environment not found
  • java runtime environment not found windows 10
  • eclipse java runtime environment not found
  • eclipse java runtime environment not found path
  • java SE runtime environment not found
  • java runtime environment not found at bin javaw.exe
  • unable to load java runtime environment
  • cannot determine a valid java home
  • java runtime environment not found mac

Let’s understand some basic concepts of Java runtime first. Check out this post, if you are getting a java command not found error.

What is a runtime environment?

  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
  • CLR (Common Language Runtime) for .net framework

The target would be JRE or CLR for your program, need to decide by you. As soon as you execute any program, it’s in run time.


How to install Java runtime environment step by step

Let’s solve 1 st reason for «Java runtime environment not found», Because java is not installed.

First, check for any pre-installed java version —

Open the command prompt with «Run as administrator» and run java command.

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How to install java runtime environment in Windows 10

Once Download completes. Browse to the «jdk-15.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe» file and double-click on it, to run the installer. Click Next.

I recommend keeping «C:\Program files\java\jdk-15.0.1 (64-bit)» as the default installation folder. Select Next.

You may select different installation folders also. For example, if you are installing a second instance of java software. Click on change and browse for the target folder.

Let installation complete, it may take a few minutes.

Click close. Now you are done with java installation on windows 10.

How to set the environment variable for java in windows10

Set the Environment variable for java in windows 10 by these steps —

Type «environment» in the search window. Click «open» on «Edit the system environment variables«

Click on Environment variables.

Select «Path» > Then click Edit.

Select New > Give path of java installation directory > For example, «C:\Program files\java\jdk-15.0.1\bin» in my case. If you have selected a different folder for java installation in step4. You can enter your path to the bin folder.

Click OK.

Set «classpath» for java. Click «New» in the environment variable window. It allows to set up the new environment variables.

In «Variable name», enter «classpath«. Also in «variable value» provide path to your java installation till «lib» folder. In my case it is «C:\program files\java\jdk-15.0\lib > Select OK

Close all open environment variables windows by selecting OK.

How to check what version of java I have?

Installation and java variables have been set up. Now, Let’s validate the java installation and version.

Open the command prompt with «run as administrator» rights in windows 10.

Run the «java» command to check your Java and JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version.

Check java SDK version with javac command

javac version

Video tutorial-JRE error solved for Windows

«Java Runtime Environment not found» error fixed for windows 10

Select the java program and click Uninstall.

Java software will go from the window. You can clean up java variables also, set up in step10 and 11 earlier.

How to install java runtime environment in Ubuntu 20.04

There are two ways to download and install java or JDK in Ubuntu 20.04

A.) Using the apt command

B.) Download the Oracle JDK package and install it manually

Let’s see both options one by one-

A.) How to install java or JRE in Ubuntu 20.04 using the apt command

To install Java in Ubuntu using the repository, Follow these commands

Update package index using apt command

Check if you have any old java versions installed in the system. In my case, java is not installed.

Command ‘java’ not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless # version, or
sudo apt install default-jre # version 2:1.11-72

Run the «apt» command to install java or JRE. I will install default-jre version 2:1.11-72 in my Ubuntu system from the list.

$ sudo apt install default-jre

Select « and press Enter. Let installation complete. it will take a few minutes.

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Check the java version


How to Remove java from Ubuntu 20.04

Run apt command to remove JRE package installed. Press Y and then enter.

$ sudo apt autoremove "JRE package name"

B.) How to install the latest java or JDK in Ubuntu 20.04 from oracle (manually)

Java JRE download steps —

Visit and download JDK 15 or the latest available .deb and transfer to your system. I am downloading Debian package jdk-15.0.1_linux-x64_bin.deb.

Alternatively, you can download java using wget command.

$ sudo wget "download link"

Reference output

Rename the .deb file using mv command, if required. Then install the Debian package using the dpkg command.

$ sudo dpkg -i ".deb-file-path"


Default installation directory path of java would be «/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-15.0.1/«. So, make a note of it, as it will be required to set up a Java_HOME variable.

How to set the «JAVA_HOME» variable in Ubuntu 20.04

Set the JAVA_HOME variable for all users in Ubuntu by editing the environment file.

Edit /system/environment file

Add path «/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-15.0.1/bin» to the last of the environment file. Then, save and exit.

Run source command to execute changes made in the environment file.

$ sudo source /etc/environment

Check your java version

Remove java runtime environment package using dpkg command

Run the dpkg command with the —purge option to completely clean java from Ubuntu 20.04

$ sudo dpkg --purge "package-name"

Video TutorialJRE error solved for Ubuntu

Video on «How to fix java runtime environment error in Ubuntu 20.04»

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where is the java runtime environment on Windows 10?

The default installation folder for java runtime is «C:\Program files\java\jdk-15.0.1\bin» in the case of windows 10.

What does Java Runtime Environment do?

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) helps to run java programs like the eclipse.

What is the java runtime environment used for?

Java runtime environment helps to run java programs like Tomcat, eclipse and Jenkins.

What is the java runtime environment?

Java runtime environment JRE is a software that runs on the operating system. Which provides class libraries and resources to run java programs.

How to set the java runtime environment in windows 10?

Type «environment» in the search window. Click «open» on «Edit the system environment variables«
Click on Environment variables.
Select «Path» > Then click Edit.
Select New > Give path of java installation directory > For example, «C:\Program files\java\jdk-15.0.1\bin«
Click OK

Ending notes

I hope after reading this article, you will be able to solve the «Java Runtime Environment not found error». Because majorly reasons for java related errors are, either Java is not installed or the java variable is not set.

if you still have issues, please comment and let me know, I will try to help you.

About The Author


Hi, My Name is Dev and as an Information Technology professional, My Life revolves around Gadgets, Servers, Storage, Software, Operating system, Internet and Cloud computing. My philosophy is “being healthy” and follow your “passion or hobbies” to make your life interesting. Please feel free to contact me for any questions, feedback and suggestions.


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