Jedi fallen order linux

Jedi fallen order linux

A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).

Here is a short tutorial on how to install and run Jedi Fallen Order on linux. Kudos to /u/ GloriousEggroll for providing this solution.

  1. Download the newest lutris version directly from github . Click on the green clone or download button and download as zip. Extract somewhere of your choice. I assume ~/lutris-master here.
  2. Follow the instructions to install the lutris dependencies. If you are on a ubuntu (like) system just do:
  3. sudo apt install python3-yaml python3-requests python3-pil python3-gi \ gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-gnomedesktop-3.0 gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 \ gir1.2-notify-0.7 psmisc cabextract unzip p7zip curl fluid-soundfont-gs \ x11-xserver-utils python3-evdev libc6-i386 lib32gcc1 libgirepository1.0-dev
  4. Download the fallen order install script from here . Just click right click on «download» and choose «save link as» and then save it somewhere.
  5. Open a terminal and cd into the lutris directory. Then cd into /bin. Full cd command with the assumption above would be: cd ~/lutris-master/bin
  6. Start lutris with ./lutris -i ~/path/to/your/install/scipt/install_script Obviously change the path to the actual path to the install script
  7. The rest is easy. You should be able to start the game in lutris, which opens an origin client. If you have not purchased the game via origin you must do so now. Then start the game and it should work
  8. I don’t know whether this problem occurs on every machine or just on mine. If your game doesn’t start select the game in lutris and click on the configure button on the center right. Go into the tab «runner options» and activate «windowed mode»

On my machine the game often crashes, which I guess is related to my rx 5700 xt graphics card, whose drivers are still somewhat buggy. If you have solutions for this problem feel free to post that 🙂


How to Play Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on Linux

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order On Linux

I got this game couple of days ago. At the time the comments on ProtonDB were really mixed… So I thought, what the heck! lets give it a try! I am a Star Wars fan anyway! Only I din’t know the hell I was getting myself into… LOL

Battling for hours with multiple versions of WINE + Steam, Linux native Steam + Proton versions, Codeweavers CrossOver, testing all possible scenarios (DXVK, launch options etc) I finally got it working delivering great performance.

In most of my tests the problem was not to start the game, but to find a combination that will make the game playable without FPS drops and steady performance.

Bellow are the steps to follow in order to make it work and get the game-play experience shown in my video above

I have only tested this game with AMD graphics cards on my main Linux computer running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS, fully updated and using the packages from the excellent repo by Paulo Dias.

Install Latest Mesa/LLVM with RADV Support

Install by issuing the following commands

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/pkppa sudo apt dist-upgrade sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386

Install Linux Steam Client + Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

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Now the next step is to connect your Steam account with your Origin account. Unfortunately this step cannot be done via any website or any command line. You have 2 options

  • Install the game and start it on a Windows machine.
  • Install staging version of WINE + Steam.

Option number one obviously is straight-forward, for the second option you will need a small trick to overcome the “Error Code 3:0”. After some investigation it seems the installer changes the permissions of the “Origin” directory under your WINE Origin installation folder, removing any write access. The most easiest way to overcome this issue is to do the following

  • Before starting the game (which triggers the Origin installer), create a directory under your WINE bottle to use as the Origin install folder. I used C:\Origin which lets say it links to /home/unixmaniac/.wine/drive_c/Origin .
  • Open a terminal and run the following by replacing my path with yours. Leave the terminal window open.
while true; do chmod uog+w /home/unixmaniac/.wine/drive_c/Origin;done
  • Now start the game, change the destination folder for Origin and the installer will complete. You will get the option to login or create an account and then link your game automatically.
  • You can now close the terminal window.

Configure Linux Steam Client

The latest Proton version that ships with latest Steam for Linux it just does not work as it’s missing tons of stuff needed. Fetch the latest custom Proton from GloriousEggRoll on Github and extract under ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/ then restart Steam.

Next, right click on your game on Steam, select “Properties”, then under the “General” tab click on the “LAUNCH OPTIONS” button and enter the following


On the same window now click on the “Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool” and select from the drop-down list your latest Proton version that you downloaded and extracted previously.

Change the default Origin client

Open regedit.exe using Proton wine64 binary

WINEPREFIX="/steamapps/compatdata/1172380/pfx" ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-4.21-GE-1/dist/bin/wine64 regedit

then find the following key

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> link2ea -> shell -> open -> command

and replace EALink.exe with Origin.exe

Workaround for videos

The game uses a few videos that will not play by default. These are not the cut-scenes, they are some tutorial videos shown when you check your abilities and the default startup ones.

I tried to fix this by using the excellent mf-install by z0z0z but I had no luck with this game.

After a successful install of mf-install the game will start and get stuck after a few seconds.

As a workaround I moved the mp4 files from /steamapps/common/Jedi Fallen Order/SwGame/Content/Movies/ to a different directory. This fixed the issue, but leaves you with a black screen and you just waiting until the program continues (check my video).

May the Force be with YOU

At this point you should have a working installation.

You may need to click on the Origin client several times to start the game, make sure to open the top command on a terminal and check if the process is dying. If so you will just need to start it again via the client, do it multiple times and eventually it will work LOL. You can see in my video I have tried 2 times to start the game… No workaround for that… Not yet!

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Hopefully the game will work for you as well and you will be able to enjoy it by playing it under Linux!


Jedi fallen order linux

Wine (originally an acronym for «Wine Is Not an Emulator») is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD. This subreddit is for the discussion of using WINE to play video games.

As part of my ongoing series covering installing and running Windows developed games on Linux.

This time I am covering Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, and as usual I have produced a quick video aimed at new users of Linux.

But for people who prefer written guides, see below.

Lutris Method

Install Wine through your distribution’s Software Store or using a Terminal commands, for example on Ubuntu based distributions, the command is:

Install Lutris using the recommend installation method for your distribution, for example, for Ubuntu based distributions, using the following three Terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris sudo apt update sudo apt install lutris

Next, search for the game within the Lutris source option, choose the Origin script and click on the Install button.

To reduce stuttering due to shader compliation on nVidia hardware you can add the following to the Environment variables.

This removes the default 128mb limit.

Steam Method

Install Steam through your package manager, either using a Software Store or through the Terminal, for example on an Ubuntu based distribution, the Terminal command is:

So once Steam is installed, open Steam, and sign into your account.

By default, Steam will not allow you to install the game, and run it with Proton but this can be easily resolved by navigating to Steam / Settings / Steam Play / Advance, and ticking the Enable Steam Play for all other titles option.

Restart Steam once done, and you will now be able to install, launch the game and sign into your Origin account.

Although the game is playable at this stage, you will notice that some of the game’s instructional videos when you choose a Force power.

To resolve this, install Glorious Eggroll’s Proton-GE Proton build. you will need to use a custom version of Proton, called Proton-GE.

First, click on the releases tab on the right-hand side of the page, scroll down to the assets section of the latest release, download the tar.gz archive and extract the Proton-GE folder inside.

Next, open your Home directory, enable Hidden Files, navigate to. steam / root / and in this folder create a new folder called compatibilitytools.d, and paste the Proton-GE folder inside.

Restart Steam if already open.

Now right click on the game’s properties, and under the General tab, tick the Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool, and select the Proton-GE build.

Once again, for some extra performance / reduced stuttering if you have an nVidia GPU, you can add the following to the game’s custom launcher:

Finally, for some reason Origin likes to write to the Origin folder periodically which can cause stuttering, but it is possible to disable this by making the Origin folder read only.

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Right clicking on the game’s Properties, navigate to the LOCAL FILES tab, and click BROWSE LOCAL FILES.

Navigate to steamapps / compatdata / 1172380 / pfx / drive_c / users / steamuser / Application Data and open a Terminal window in this folder.

Type the following command: chmod -R -w Origin

This tweak can also be applied to the Lutris method.

As always if you found this helpful, please consider checking out my channel for more tutorials likes these.


Jedi fallen order linux

A subreddit for discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck).

So I’ve recently uploaded my latest tutorial on getting Windows games to work on Linux.

This time it is Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.

This video covers installing the game using either Lutris or Steam Proton, and includes a fix for poor performance on nVidia GPUs in addition to a fix for the missing force skills videos not playing.

But for people who prefer written instructions, see below:


Step 1 – Install The Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Lutris Script

The script installation process is automatic, although you might be asked to install Wine mono, so if do get that prompt, install it, and once the process is complete, sign into your Origin account and download the game.

Step 2 – Change the Wine Operation System Version to Windows 10

By default the Lutris script will set the Wine configuration to use Windows version Windows 7 which dramatically drops performance on nVidia GPUs, so we need to change it to Windows 10.

So, open up a Terminal, and type in the following command that corresponds to where the game is installed on your system adding winecfg at the end.

For example: WINEPREFIX=»/home/ryanj/Games/star-wars-jedi-fallen-order/» winecfg

From there, change the Windows Version to Windows 10

Alternatively you can right click on the game in Lutris and click on the Wine configuration.

Either way, close and reopen Lutris once done.

Step 3 – Fix The Missing Skill Demonstrations And Opening Logos

By default the game will be missing the demonstration videos of force skills when you select them, as well as developer logos when you open the game.

This can be fixed by using the Media Foundation Wine workaround script.

So download, extract the archive, and open up a Terminal window in the extracted folder, and type a command that corresponds to where the game is installed, only this time adding ./ to the end.

For example: WINEPREFIX=»/home/ryanj/Games/star-wars-jedi-fallen-order/» ./


Step 1 – Sign Into Origin And Install The Game

Install the game as normal, and when prompted sign into your EA account to proceed, and once the game is installed, run the game once and exit to create the compatdata folder.

Step 2– Fix The Missing Skill Demonstrations And Opening Logos

You will need to install the Media Foundation Wine workaround script for this.

So download, extract the archive from the Github page and open up a Terminal in the extracted folder, and type something similar to the following:

As always, if you found this helpful, please consider subscribing to my channel to support me.


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